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So what have we done that's likely to give us college favors?
We led the Journeymanlings on the K8P Expedition
Acquitted ourselves well on the K8P Expedition, providing good PR for the Colleges
Handed a bunch of eggs to the Ambers.
'Wrote' three solid papers, each on topics that the Colleges likely care deeply about.

Is there anything that I'm missing? I'm not counting the MMAP because we haven't actually written that up yet.
@BoneyM, why did the province of Lichtenburg fall?

Probably Gorbad Ironclaw, since he presumably didn't just teleport past them to destroy solland and kill emperor Sigismund the Conquerer. Which would mean the province lasted less than a generation.

Though i'm sure there are at least a dozen princes who call their hovel collection Lictenburg to try and gain a bit of support from imperials, and maybe one or 2 crazy ones who actually think they are descended from whatever poor shmuck was given the job of elector count of Lictenburg.
So what have we done that's likely to give us college favors?
We led the Journeymanlings on the K8P Expedition
Acquitted ourselves well on the K8P Expedition, providing good PR for the Colleges
Handed a bunch of eggs to the Ambers.
'Wrote' three solid papers, each on topics that the Colleges likely care deeply about.

Is there anything that I'm missing? I'm not counting the MMAP because we haven't actually written that up yet.
I don't think we'll get favours from the colleges for the journeymen up until they become important enough that their respect for us counts as favours itself. Well, except possibly from Panoramia. Might get favour from her indirectly through her higher ranked mother, to whom Panoramia spoke to of us favourably.
I don't think we'll get favours from the colleges for the journeymen up until they become important enough that their respect for us counts as favours itself. Well, except possibly from Panoramia. Might get favour from her indirectly through her higher ranked mother, to whom Panoramia spoke to of us favourably.
Managing a group of Journeymanlings is the sort of thing that shows leadership, and looks good when you're up for promotion.
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So what have we done that's likely to give us college favors?
We led the Journeymanlings on the K8P Expedition
Acquitted ourselves well on the K8P Expedition, providing good PR for the Colleges
Handed a bunch of eggs to the Ambers.
'Wrote' three solid papers, each on topics that the Colleges likely care deeply about.

Is there anything that I'm missing? I'm not counting the MMAP because we haven't actually written that up yet.
The big thing here would be to give intelligence reports to them from our exceptional position.
I don't think we'll get favours from the colleges for the journeymen up until they become important enough that their respect for us counts as favours itself. Well, except possibly from Panoramia. Might get favour from her indirectly through her higher ranked mother, to whom Panoramia spoke to of us favourably.
Anything that helps journeyman survive is a good thing for the colleges. We kept them alive in what was expected to be a pretty brutal campaign, and it was.
Also, @BoneyM, how exactly is College Rep scaled? What does 10 College Rep mean and what would getting more mean in how the Colleges look at us?

College Rep is different from Dwarf Rep. It's more a measure of achievements and academic visibility than how much they like you. Hitting double digits mean you're someone to watch, hitting about forty would be where most Wizards who pay attention to other Orders have heard of you. Most Patriarchs and Matriarchs would have triple digits.
I'm betting that just from access Mathilde's routine and not in-confidence Dwarf info would be worth a decent chunk to the colleges. The actually detailed reports on practical effects of Dwarf magic are also likely to be worth a bundle or three—it's unlikely that a paper on runemagic is going to be written in the foreseeable future without citing her work there, simply due to the rarity of having anyone from the correct academic background able to both pay attention to it and write about it.
Clearly people have been overlooking the best use of Wolf- Wolf genius. There's no way the Dwarfs would share their closest guarded secrets with an Umgi, no matter how respected, but do any such preconceptions govern their interaction with sapient canids? I think not. :V
I'm betting that just from access Mathilde's routine and not in-confidence Dwarf info would be worth a decent chunk to the colleges. The actually detailed reports on practical effects of Dwarf magic are also likely to be worth a bundle or three—it's unlikely that a paper on runemagic is going to be written in the foreseeable future without citing her work there, simply due to the rarity of having anyone from the correct academic background able to both pay attention to it and write about it.
Given the academic nature of the Colleges, I'd expect that we'd get favor from having our papers cited. So long as our papers remain relevant, we'd be getting a constant drip of favor.
Hitting double digits mean you're someone to watch
College Reputation: 10
Barely sneaking in on a boundary condition... very Ulgu. :ninja:

40-ish means 'semi-prominent named Wizard', so what about Magisters-jostling-to-be-next-in-line-for-Lord-Magister? Similar, or higher?
(Acknowledging that a good mix of Empire Rep and Elector Count Rep and Some Temple Rep and suchlike is also required.)
I mean if College Rep is ultimately how visible we are politically speaking, then I imagine we're going to get a fair few from the campaign and our choice to relocate to K8P anyways. We're very visibly placing ourselves as the primary impression the Dwarfs havee of Wizards, and that's pan-college issue. The fact the journeymanlings are going to be heading back means the Greys can't really hide Mathilde's position from the other Colleges if they were so inclined in the first place.

To some extent or another they're going to want to keep an eye on us precisely so they know whether they have to make efforts to dissociate themselves from us or capitalize on their association with us.
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I wouldn't want to purposefully risk him in battle unless it was to defend Mathilde's life.

His +1 Magic trait is just phenomenal, and I plain don't want to lose him.

If we want a battle pet, we should get a griffon.

Best use of a wolf is as another scout with us- he can cover the scents and sounds that we'd be less sensitive to. Plus he can carry messages back and forth while we are in infiltration missions, because he can find is on return sure to mind link.

Cool thing about our familiar is that we should be able to put a bound spell in him and then train him to be able to activate it... somehow. And we have a lot more options for bound spells than when we first figured out how to do it. Like Dread Presence.

That would be amazing for battlefield control, but notice-me-not might be more practical for when wolf is most useful- before fighting.

200 gold and one action is a reasonable investment for even a single College Favour.

Would be nice if we could pawn off the Fire Crown while we are at it. Don't think we have used it even once.

Totally agree about the favor. Would you be willing to consider the crown for a subordinate, or ally? I think we'll need to talk to him a bit more but Wulfhart might be good (and having that as the chaptermaster's identifier would be cool long term) or the leader of the silver pikes, where it could be used to hold the pass. Heck, put it in the watchtower to help that hold until reinforcements arrive, if we want to maximize use of it?

It seems to me that one task- if you wanted to support increased long distance trade volume- would be extending Undumgi control and patrols east of K8P, towards the other end of Death Pass. Find or set up a fortified outpost and watchtower at the other end.
Belegar (naturally) only spoke of the route west, back towards Barack Varr, because there aren't any actual trade partners out East.

I think the chain of custody goes Barak Var>ulricans>silver pikes>dwarves>either more dwaves to Karak Azul or uncontrolled east, so yes I definitely agree. Getting a few long distance scouts out far enough that they can catch caravans coming from the East and let them know of the safe pass would be good too- both for them and for us. That would kickstart interest going the other way too, for sure, esp if veterans from the trip reinvested.
the Dwarfs babe of Wizards
Everytime I see that:

The Penthouse is the uppermost room of Karag Nar, formerly inhabited by the Black Orc Warboss of the Broken Toof Tribe.

Accumulated trophies and mementos:
Bosspole of the Broken Toof Tribe
Four helldrake scales.
Five head-sized eggs, supposedly Lustrian.
Two Thanes a-Toasting

Also: Our new home has a entry and treasure list! Cool!
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Barely sneaking in on a boundary condition... very Ulgu. :ninja:

40-ish means 'semi-prominent named Wizard', so what about Magisters-jostling-to-be-next-in-line-for-Lord-Magister? Similar, or higher?
(Acknowledging that a good mix of Empire Rep and Elector Count Rep and Some Temple Rep and suchlike is also required.)

Lord Magister is rare enough that there's no norm. Some would be purely College rep, some might have religious backing, some would have deep ties to a specific Provinces and its ruler, some might be known for their ongoing assistance one of the Empire's allies.

Ugg I really need to go to sleep but I want to read the update....

Having to juggle other stuff in between bits of writing, so I can't guarantee it'll be soon.

@BoneyM, why did the province of Lichtenburg fall?

Why don't the other provinces fall? At least part of the answer is that the Empire is in an insanely defensible position.
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