Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
RL demands will see voting extend for five to six extra hours before writing begins.
Well its been 5 hours, so either voting is closed, or its the literal final hour. Accept the votes as are or launch a last second blitzkrieg of discussion. Your call.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nix's Warden on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:34 PM, finished with 1172 posts and 233 votes.
Is big profits from trade for K8P (in general, not as a stewardship advisor) really so likely if there's not likely to be an equal amount of flow from the east as well as the west? Even if those from the west die and don't return the same way they don't have to go through the Darklands to reach K8P, but those from the east do.
All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.

Just wanted to comment that though lots of people seem to see this as a purely sentimental choice, it's also a chance to tie up loose ends now that we're committing to Eight Peaks for the foreseeable future.

Who knows, perhaps one of our friends or contacts with Stirland will have found life unpleasant under the new Elector Count and will be interested in coming back with us to take advantage of the new opportunity!
Those heading East must be bringing valuables and coin to trade, too, to be able to bring back the bling on the return journey.
As a waystation and trade post we'd do better if we were at a point distant-but-reachable by caravans from both directions, but that's not happening.
Who knows, perhaps one of our friends or contacts with Stirland will have found life unpleasant under the new Elector Count and will be interested in coming back with us to take advantage of the new opportunity!
As long as it's not Wilheimina trying to pawn off her no-good sons on us, that'd be fine. :V
(Second generation wealth, IDK...)
Is big profits from trade for K8P (in general, not as a stewardship advisor) really so likely if there's not likely to be an equal amount of flow from the east as well as the west? Even if those from the west die and don't return the same way they don't have to go through the Darklands to reach K8P, but those from the east do.
I think the basic idea is that people already make the run sometimes, it's just ludicrously dangerous, and when they succeed they become fabulously rich. Ergo, what with us having eliminated one of the two(-ish?) big danger chokepoints, we've essentially multiplied the number of potential survivors of any attempts. They'd have to go through all the dangers both ways, there are just less of them now total.
Ergo, what with us having eliminated one of the two(-ish?) big danger chokepoints,
Two or three, and I think the implication was that the Death Pass route (with only two) was also the deadliest.

Now, of course, the K8P path only has one chokepoint, provided we can keep Death Pass clear of orcs and bandits - and it's Black Fortress, which all three routes needed to pass.
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I think the basic idea is that people already make the run sometimes, it's just ludicrously dangerous, and when they succeed they become fabulously rich. Ergo, what with us having eliminated one of the two(-ish?) big danger chokepoints, we've essentially multiplied the number of potential survivors of any attempts. They'd have to go through all the dangers both ways, there are just less of them now total.
There's also the fact that, with one major barrier removed, Death Pass will likely see some of the traders that otherwise might have tried another route.
Is big profits from trade for K8P (in general, not as a stewardship advisor) really so likely if there's not likely to be an equal amount of flow from the east as well as the west? Even if those from the west die and don't return the same way they don't have to go through the Darklands to reach K8P, but those from the east do.
Recall that even if the east-west trade isn't as lucrative as predicted, we are still the only outlet Karak Azul has to trade with the rest of the Karaz Ankor. Their entire output has to go through us, and we get to take a cut of all of it.
Now, of course, the K8P path only has one chokepoint, provided we can keep Death Pass clear of orcs and bandits - and it's Black Fortress, which all three routes needed to pass.
It seems to me that one task- if you wanted to support increased long distance trade volume- would be extending Undumgi control and patrols east of K8P, towards the other end of Death Pass. Find or set up a fortified outpost and watchtower at the other end.
Belegar (naturally) only spoke of the route west, back towards Barack Varr, because there aren't any actual trade partners out East.
It seems to me that one task- if you wanted to support increased long distance trade volume- would be extending Undumgi control and patrols east of K8P, towards the other end of Death Pass. Find or set up a fortified outpost and watchtower at the other end.
Belegar (naturally) only spoke of the route west, back towards Barack Varr, because there aren't any actual trade partners out East.
Yet. I imagine once the pass is know to be safer, though obviously not risk free, we might start seeing the occasional caravan from the East heading West. No reason that only Old World Merchants would want the riches that lie at the other end of the Silk Road.
Is big profits from trade for K8P (in general, not as a stewardship advisor) really so likely if there's not likely to be an equal amount of flow from the east as well as the west? Even if those from the west die and don't return the same way they don't have to go through the Darklands to reach K8P, but those from the east do.
There is also Karag Azul with all the fine metal crafting that can be sold now. There should be an explosion of trade with just dwarfs travelling there to get weapons.

There is also all of the people coming to try and strike it rich in Karag 8 Peaks. We essentially have become a gold mine on an already established trade route. I fully expect a boom town to happen and if we can keep it going than it will turn into a massive trade hub for the silk road.

The silk road was passable before. It was just very difficult. Not very many people were willing to risk it. Now that the difficulty has been reduced more people are willing to try it. At this point it becomes simple math.

More people are trying it so more people will get through. The more people that get through the more people think it's worth the risk. The more people who think it is worth the risk the more people will go. And so on and so on.

We could make this a huge stop on an invigorated overland trade route if the cards fall right.
Funnily, the Warhammer Silk Road works nothing like the historical one. With the historical Silk Road, people generally didn't actually take goods very far; they might buy silk in one town, travel to the next one and sell them there. This would go on in a chain until it got to Europe. (Or, you know, somebody earlier along the chain bought and kept it)

Given that, instead of human traders, the space in-between the East and West is instead an inhospitable wasteland populated by all sorts of gribblies and Dawi-Zharr, it works more like the popular conception of the Silk Road, which is one caravan going all the way east, then going all the way west.
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Funnily, the Warhammer Silk Road works nothing like the historical one. With the historical Silk Road, people generally didn't actually take goods very far; they might buy silk in one town, travel to the next one and sell them there. This would go on in a chain until it got to Europe. (Or, you know, somebody earlier along the chain bought and kept it)

Given that, instead of human traders, the space in-between the East and West is instead an inhospitable wasteland populated by all sorts of gribblies and Dawi-Zharr, it works more like the popular conception of the Silk Road, which is one caravan going all the way east, then going all the way west.

It could actually be closer to the trade between Rome and India/China. In that case you had large ships leave from the top of the red sea (sorta where the suez canal now is) and sail straight to India/China. There was also a large change of the boats sinking, so the danger was somewhat similar.
Funnily, the Warhammer Silk Road works nothing like the historical one. With the historical Silk Road, people generally didn't actually take goods very far; they might buy silk in one town, travel to the next one and sell them there. This would go on in a chain until it got to Europe. (Or, you know, somebody earlier along the chain bought and kept it)

Given that, instead of human traders, the space in-between the East and West is instead an inhospitable wasteland populated by all sorts of gribblies and Dawi-Zharr, it works more like the popular conception of the Silk Road, which is one caravan going all the way east, then going all the way west.
You don't know that. Maybe those gribblies all like to trade in their off time. Everybody likes a good silk blanket, right?
Voting is open