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It occurs to me that if we are grafting the Rider to our soul, how does that interact with Wolf?

Could our doggo exert influence on the Rider? Or, more concerningly, vice versa?
Golds have familiars too, right? Does gehenna's hounds affect those?
A bound Apparition (at least, via Gehenna's model, which could be different from how the Ambers and Jades do their things) is not really a familiar and it's kept in stasis when not in use. If the Apparition affects existing familiars at all, it shouldn't be in a concerning way, or Boney would have probably brought it up OOC or in the update.

...Also, it shouldn't affect anything, but the Golds can only have artificial familiars, not 'natural' ones. Chamon is too bound up in inanimate objects to inhabit a creature.
I mean giving the apparition guard bypass/our sword skill.
This would not only likely be the first five minutes of a 'science has gone too far' horror movie, but also, we can only do guard bypass because of Branulhune. To give that to the Apparition we would first need to make our hypothetical shadow sword spell and (somehow) integrate it into the summoning.

Even if it wasn't questionable in terms of risk, it'd be overkill in terms of AP investment.
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Apparition dismisses sword to it's spot in our soul and resummons it, or we do for it?

I count three reasons it's impossible and three reasons why you shouldn't even if you could.

1. The sword is connected to the Rider.
2. The sword would have to pass through the body of the Rider to reach the part of it that connects to Mathilde's soul.
3. The Rider does not have a level of intelligence that makes it capable of learning a sword style.

1. If the Apparition gets loose after being taught that technique it would be a horrific menace to the Wizards of the Old World.
2. If the Apparition gets loose and then gets caught by someone else, they could reverse-engineer the sword style from it.
3. The Apparition's less-skilful application of the sword style would mean much more people would be able to survive it and work on figuring out a counter to it.
Attempting to teach the Rider to stick its sword in our soul also sounds like it has the potential for all sorts of "This is attempting to do exactly what you told it to do. You should, perhaps, have considered what you told it to do more carefully." problems.
Maybe the process goes so smoothly that Mathilde decides to do an encore and bind another rider. Or this rider proves to be far easier to train then might be expected.

Or we even figure out a variation on the summon spell. Red Riders eat destructive magic. Imagine if we could manifest it just enough to eat spells targeting us without having to fully summon it.
The Rider does not have a level of intelligence that makes it capable of learning a sword style.
Why does this sound so adorable?
The Rider just wants to stick its sword in someone! But now a couple of strong scary wizards punched it out and wrapped it up :(
At least it'll still get to stick its sword in some creatures! Someday. When Mathilde feels like summoning it.
There's a lot I don't understand going on here, so I try to compensate with a firm grasp on the basics.

If at any time anyone needs me to help vote against a plan to have the weird scary ghost magic monster jam a sword into Mathilde's soul, please message me and tell me what to do.

Because that sounds like a very bad idea and we already had one SV quest that ended with the questers voting to have the protagonist stab himself in the heart and die for some stupid reason.
Wonder if we will get a chance to go shopping in Lothern?
We went shopping when we passed through Barak Varr, the primary trade city of the southern Old World. And again when we visited Uzkulak, aka evil slaver Barak Varr. Now we intend to pass through Lothern, aka elf Barak Varr.
Should be some shinies for the buying.
There's a lot I don't understand going on here, so I try to compensate with a firm grasp on the basics.

If at any time anyone needs me to help vote against a plan to have the weird scary ghost magic monster jam a sword into Mathilde's soul, please message me and tell me what to do.

Because that sounds like a very bad idea and we already had one SV quest that ended with the questers voting to have the protagonist stab himself in the heart and die for some stupid reason.
I.. wait what? Why would you even do that what quest was this and again *WHY*
Something to remember is that the purpose of the elfcation is to hang out with shadowwarriors and fight druchii for three months. I think people are trying to maximise value too much by adding things we could do, such as negotiations with the Tower of Hoeth, or expanding the EIC into Lothern, or whatever, and I'm not sure if we'll have the capacity for that.

It's an internship with the world's deadliest guerrilla fighters, in one of the world's bleakest swamps. They'll show us some neat tricks, we'll show them some neat tricks, we'll kill some bad people, and drink elfwine and sing elfsongs long into the misty night.

I'm going to pin my expectations a little lower—we'll hang out with some cool people (maybe even Alith Anar?), learn some new shadowmagic, maybe unlock "Grandmaster Swordswoman 1/5" with a focus on doublegreatswording (shadowsword spell when?), and get to add some druchii loot to our trophy room. And I'm very excited for that, I think it'll be very cool.
Put like this I wonder if Johann would want to join us for the actual fighting. On the one hand the invitation is specifically for us, but on the other hand I feel like showing up with a punch wizard eager to punch Druchii is something they'd appreciate.
I can't help but suspect Johann would quite enjoy three months in the foreigner's quarter furthering his shonen journey in underground fight clubs and learning from fighting styles from all over the world... probably while fighting off people after his shiny bits on occasion to boot.

Everyone else though? Not really?
Even if he doesn't join in the fighting he'd probably enjoy this.
My conscience won't let me leave Eike alone in Lothern without a capable adult to go to, OR leave her behind in the Empire while we go on a vacation to an elf island! with a famous port!! that she likely wouldn't otherwise get to visit until way into her Journey!
Eike is a capable adult by Empire standards, and by the standards of what she has accomplished. She went off into the middle of swamps and small towns and all sorts of stuff while arranging the charcoal. She's more than capable of fending for herself in a massive trading port.
Put like this I wonder if Johann would want to join us for the actual fighting. On the one hand the invitation is specifically for us, but on the other hand I feel like showing up with a punch wizard eager to punch Druchii is something they'd appreciate.

I do not think it is actually, remember this is intern work. How do you imagine most bosses would feel if the Intern took it upon themselves to hire another intern for the job because they 'know what the job entails'. If we are lucky in that situation they would laugh at our precocious human silliness and send Johann back, if we are unlucky they will be less cheerful.
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