We're a wizard, and we've got a library, so I'm thinking of ways to make it a magical library now that a surplus of CF can exist and we can spend it on stuff. Here's the ideas I've come up with.
--Magic alarms and locks. Simple security upgrade for our most dangerous and valuable books.
--MMAPP. A three-dimensional map of our three-dimensional library would make it easier for visitors to navigate. Won't be as good as MMAP due to the monocolour, but we have other things to do.
--Weapon enchantment. Except instead of weapons, books. Magical weapons can get damaged and destroyed, but they're immune to ordinary wear and tear. An item, bookshelf, or location that imbues books with that property would be valuable for preserving our oldest and most fragile books.
--Eye of the Beholder. "Worthless items appear rusted, rotten, broken, or the like, depending on their nature, while valuable items appear to be finely made, ornate, and crafted with great ingenuity." Theoretically you could use the former application to bamboozle thieves, but the real goodness is with the latter application. It would make our library prettier! This isn't a joke, a prettier library is good for prestige and attracting guests, and it's more pleasant for a Divided Loyalties reader to imagine a beautiful library as well. (To be clear, the idea's for the library itself, not the books.)
--Illusion. Similar to the above, we can use this to make our library smell nice. Make it smell like a bakery, or absolute moral truth.
--Teleportation. Our library's big, and going from place to place can take a while. Taking that teleport tower idea from before but drastically reducing the distance travelled would make getting around the place a breeze.
--Pit of Shades. For the lavatories.
--Law of Logic. A room that makes you quite a lot smarter while you're in it. Overuse is unhealthy, unusable by dwarves and wizards besides golds, and worthless for picking up skill, but used in moderation, it'd help our patrons solve mysteries and conundrums relating to the texts they study.
--Fire resistance/immunity. We must defend against Asuryani despoliation.
--Forewarning of danger. Make sure the Librarian-We's spider sense tingles when a thief has entered the building.
--The Ox Stands. Some kind of item near the entrance of our library that imbues you with its effects if you touch it. This way, people with arachnophobia who don't want to be scared of the spiders can enjoy the library no problem. It's gotta be a case-by-case magic item as otherwise it'd mess with wizards and dwarves.
--Transformation of Kadon. We considered hiring Cython as a librarian for a reason. Hire a human or halfling to be the reserve dragon militia.
--Healing. Fixes papercuts.
--Earth Gate. Even easier teleportation than Ulgu. The departure and arrival points need to be earth, but not the intervening space between, so there should be no problem.
--Flesh of Clay.
This post here says that our bookcases are short, built for halflings and dwarves, which means humans will be kneeling a lot. This would cause havoc on the knees of anyone with bone or muscle problems, like people with arthritis or anyone over the age of 30. Giving people a toughness bonus may be a big plus for them even despite the slowed movement. It'd have to be case-by-case to make sure dwarves and non-Jade wizards don't get hit.
--Healing. Like Ghyran, but better.
--Cleansing Glow. Keeps our library stainless.
--Illuminate the Edifice. Libraries typically make use of sunlight and candles to illuminate the place, but since our library's in a mountain, we only use fire. We've got safeguards against damage, especially with the Hoeth books, but perfection is impossible and there's other problems too. Uneven and inadequately intense light (dwarven/halfling night vision can put up with it but humans not so much), smoke, maintenance costs and labour requirements, sound in the case of fireplaces, fireplaces take up room space while candles take up table space, and so on. The base spell can affect our entire library, so it's perfectly suited for this job.
--Inspiration. Like Law of Logic, but better.
--The Power of Truth. This spell has infinite duration, so we can cast it on the Librarian-We and it'd become way more charming to people for all eternity.
--Eyes of Truth. Locate thieves.
--Birona's Timewarp. Slap it on a room so everyone within reads twice as fast.