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A grey wizard uses shadow knives and stabs someone the wound heals later scarring, permanent physical change that isn't healing.
A bright wizard burns someone, to a crisp, permanent physical change.
A jade wizard summons thorns inside of someone's body, permanent physical change.

You've just weirdly decided this thing is different from the million other things the college do, for an incredibly arbitrary reason.

The change isn't permanent either, the spell wears off, and any changes in form in any incredibly unlikely survivors are no different than a normal scar healed from another spell.
The discussion was closed by Boney answering the question, your little foray into purposefully ignoring what I was saying to fight a strawman is moot and pointless.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Thinking about Grete's tithe, as a political leader a lot of the income from the area can be directed by her as 'administrator' rather than being paid to her directly and thus subject to being tithed.

That skull throne room? Her crown and nice clothing and the extra delicious food she needs to get taller? They're all necessary government expenses for her job role and are bought by the government[1], the money for that stuff never reaches Gretel's accounts - not even just for a wee rest - and as such she isn't tithed on it.

[1] Do not pay attention to the tall Amethyst Wizard with a crown behind the curtain, they are merely a minor government functionary.
If there's any race on Mallus which would not take kindly to someone skipping out on her obligations, it's almost certainly the dwarves.
While I do agree with this, I think that if Gretel were having any issue at all here, Barak Var would just quietly cover whatever would be the costs.
Haven't caught up yet, so this might have already been pointed out, but that conversation with Sophia was amusingly reminiscent of Mathilde's first real interaction with the Bursar-
Gretel, somehow: "Pan's new apprentice Sophia is embezzling. I don't know how she is, but that is something you should look into."
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I shall add my two bits to the pile of praise for the throneroom of doom.
While it probably will not be in the scope of the quest, i would love if that was to become a tradition where eventually border princess end up with a one stable city that acts as a necropolis for the region with a non hereditary monarch who is always an amethyst wizard to act as a safekeeper.
Personally I think Gretel will keep to a somewhat accurate range on her tithe because she still wants to interact favourably with the empire and its allies. Your only able to store your cattle in averland if no one in the empire wants a piece of you for withholding tithe.
Also as much as k8p is a dwarf hold, it's probably the hold closest to the empire of all of them. (Closest not in the distance sense) so "cheating" the empire out of it's gold is a bad look for Gretel with belegar.
Just recieve (or pay yourself) a Salary for Gretel the Amethyst wizard and have a separate budget for your fief.
Pay your tithe based on your salary, and don't pay any tax on the fief.

Pretty much exactly what Mathilde did.
She does have some leeway in that, as a warlady of the Border Princes with no real intention to ever go back to Altdorf, she can at this point fairly easily cut ties with the Empire and suffer little blowback so long as she doesn't actively make herself a problem.

Nah, she's dependent on Averland for the cattle and I bet the Colleges wouldn't want anyone in the Empire to even consider that they could cut a deal with wizards who are on the outs with the main institution. They'd probably kick her ASAP and publicly enough that nobody else thinks to cheat them.

While I do agree with this, I think that if Gretel were having any issue at all here, Barak Var would just quietly cover whatever would be the costs.

Unless she's been pulling at least K8P expedition Mathilde level stuff (if not actually post big K8P battle stuff) I'd doubt it.

One thing Mathilde appreciates in regards to the Dawi - and the Dawi appreciate in regards to Mathilde - is that they take their obligations very seriously.
[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social sciences
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)

I quite like that translation option. In addition to the +1 it's a neat little way to put the perspective of another culture in the Collegiate eye. Even if its kind of the basics of another culture the fact that it is +1 sounds like it will be as worthwhile to the colleges as it will be to Mathilde.

I shall add my two bits to the pile of praise for the throneroom of doom.
While it probably will not be in the scope of the quest, i would love if that was to become a tradition where eventually border princess end up with a one stable city that acts as a necropolis for the region with a non hereditary monarch who is always an amethyst wizard to act as a safekeeper.
I feel like there's two jokes here.

The first being that proximity to The Chaos Wastes Nehekara not being a strict delineation but a sliding scale. :V

The second having a punchline that you can drawn a direct line from Numas in Nehekara to Sylvania that covers the Howling River.
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Unless she's been pulling at least K8P expedition Mathilde level stuff (if not actually post big K8P battle stuff) I'd doubt it.

One thing Mathilde appreciates in regards to the Dawi - and the Dawi appreciate in regards to Mathilde - is that they take their obligations very seriously.
I'm talking about the slim possibility of Gretel running into money problems while doing this project that benefits and is supported by Barak Var.

Barak Var would help with those problems, if it can do so quietly. I'm not talking about favours or obligations or principals, but Barak Var's interests in the region.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
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and one is a Border Princess.
Wait, she actually is that? I didn't remember it being confirmed that she was the head honcho in that endeavor, as opposed to the captain of the mercenaries she joined, or someone from Ulrikadrin.
Doyenne Gretel Maurer of the Cessationary Princessipality
And there she is. TIL the word Doyenne. Nice title for an ad hoc dictatorship legally ruled by a peasant-born by lieu of her skill, with the full backing of multiple feudal monarchies, but without a noble title. "Princessipality", however, hurts my soul.

and Barak Varr's silent partner in securing the road between them and Mad Dog Pass,
Isn't it the other way around, with Barak Varr being the silent partner? That said, I don't actually know what the appropriate one word description for a partner is that denotes that it's the other one who is partner.

even before you add in the extra couple inches provided by her amethyst-topped crown.
Ooh. What style of crown is it?
and probably a range of other emotions as well.
Mathilde's attraction type is shining through and she seems to be typical minding. Most Human visitors Border Princes or otherwise, would likely only feel intimidated.

Pretty much every Vampire and Witch Hunter
At first read I thought that she was being visited by all the local Vampires. That sure gave me a holup moment.

And the Amethyst Order got a fair bit quieter about my flaunting when they realized I could act as a point of contact to would-be allies in this corner of the world.
Huh. I didn't know they cared. Wasn't their ascetism mostly a virtue thing as opposed to the control method of the Greys?

She smiles and casts an eye over the racks of skulls. "Besides that, there's a surprising amount of people out here that have the foresight to be concerned about the fate of their soul, and there's not a lot of other Border Princes that can compete with me in that regard. To the eyes of the average citizen of the Empire this would be horrific, but there's very few Gardens of Morr in the Border Princes, fewer still actually maintained. The people here have learned to value security, rather than aesthetics, in their final abode, and an ossuary overseen by an Amethyst Wizard is a big improvement over a few inches of unsanctified dirt."
Oh. Oh wow. A rack of skulls in the throne room, not taken from her enemies, but willingly yielded by her subjects and allies. That's a whole new level of badass.

and when you multiply it by almost a million acres
Isn't that... a massive amount of land? Just how much of the Border Prince region does she control? Or at least have de facto grazing rights to?

I'll have enough breathing space to turn my attention south and work with Ulrikadrin to finally do something permanent about Iron Rock.
What's Iron Rock again?

Also, did Ulrikadrin not end up getting involved in Mad Dog Pass in a major way?
Another word I didn't know. Nice!

"If it wasn't all being weighed down by Dwarven steel and silver and stone
I assume that her Princessipality (sic) has more fortifications than the wooden palisades and towers described at he capital then?

Oh, and speaking of luxuries," she says, leaning forward, "when are those spiders of yours actually going to produce something wearable?"

You groan, and return fire with a barrage of your own complaints on the matter.
Mmm yes, seeing our complaints validated in story sure feels nice and fuzzy.

The interesting part is that the same applies to the projectiles, if that is the correct word, that the cannon fires, or unleashes, or whatever the correct terminology might be.
So many years of study and they haven't yet unilaterally decided on a "correct" terminology? What weird breed of scholars are these?

"The brass orb, which we've found mention of in the Skaven writings under the imaginative name of 'Brass Orb', is basically a Pit of Shades except, uh, worse in every conceivable way.
Wait wait wait, what? The Gold Order knows how the Pit of Shades works? I thought its connection to Liminal Realms and the general nature of Ulgu as a membrane of separation was a Grey Order secret.

"The masks are a field of study that were almost written off, until it was observed that there have been no sightings of Clan Pestilens or their many thralls in recent years, and they may have been driven off or even entirely exterminated during the recent civil war. That means that instead of a thousand ever-changing strains of disease, we need only concern ourselves with the strictly chemical avenues that Clan Skryre favours for their globadier payloads. While several of the components are made of entirely unknown materials that we haven't been able to replicate, the basic mechanism seems to consist of no more than forcing air through layers of finely-ground charcoal. We've built a variety of prototypes based on this design, but actually testing how effective they may be will have to wait until our next series of skirmishes in the War Below.
I'm a bit confused by this section. On the one hand, why would an anti-Skryre protection not be worth studying in a world where Pestilens is still well and active? They aren't all everywhere, are they? And on the other hand, why can't the Gold Order test their masks on various noxious gases they themselves can produce?

More generally I had a hard time remembering what the various Skaven items were that these studies are based on. Specifically the whip, the sword, and any not yet sufficiently studied items I am forgetting. An item I remember was the one that produces self-reproducing foodstuff that makes goats jittery.

A Treatise on the Vanquishment of Dharic Lightning, by M. Gold (Gold), M.P. Gold (Gold), L.M. Grey (Grey)
What even is the point of censoring the name of an M.P. when there's definitely only one of those at a time who could be going under the alias "Gold"?

Firearm Breech Design with an Eye to Safety and Reliability, by M. Daegal (Gold), M.P. Manning Feldmann (Gold), L.M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Christa Feldmann (Gold)
Huh. Who is Christa Feldmann and what did she do to get last rung credit? Prototype weapons testing in the field during her Journey?

Also, I think this chapter is the first time we got a first name for M.P. Feldmann. In all other chapters he was just plain Feldmann.

so we can drove them up
At first read I thought that she was being visited by all the local Vampires. That sure gave me a holup moment.
I still thought that up until your comment. I was like, "Oh wow, those are vampire skulls?"

What's Iron Rock again?
Old Dwarf fort that's close to Barak Varr.

Ruled by the Iron Claw Orcs, named for Gorbad Ironclaw, who started off in Iron Rock.

Gorbad Ironclaw being the Orc Warboss that all Orcs aspire to be, who devastated Solland to the point that it was annexed by Wissenland.
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Me too, I just thought maybe the Border Princes had some vampires the same way that one guy with all the books in Altdorf is still around - a lesser evil not making a nuisance of themselves.
I literally thought it was like,

Vampires- Huh, this death wizard seems very Dark Lady like, I should feel her out about cooperating against the foolish living and joining us in glorious unlife.
Gretel- Kills them.

And this like, repeatedly happening.
Ooh. What style of crown is it?

The kind the wearer doesn't let you look too closely at, because if it was actually made of what it looked made of it'd be worth more than the territory.

Huh. I didn't know they cared. Wasn't their ascetism mostly a virtue thing as opposed to the control method of the Greys?

They believe that attachment to material pleasures makes one less suited to wielding the Wind of Death.

Isn't that... a massive amount of land? Just how much of the Border Prince region does she control? Or at least have de facto grazing rights to?

It's the approximate measure of the territory between the Howling and Skull River according to the canon map. The Border Princes is big.

What's Iron Rock again?

The main stronghold of the Ironclaw Orcs.

I assume that her Princessipality (sic) has more fortifications than the wooden palisades and towers described at he capital then?

No, she's saying that the Dwarven fortifications and Karaks that border her land is what's making it all possible.

Wait wait wait, what? The Gold Order knows how the Pit of Shades works? I thought its connection to Liminal Realms and the general nature of Ulgu as a membrane of separation was a Grey Order secret.

No, they don't realize how correct they are. Their understanding is that a Pit of Shades is a hole that opens and things drop into it and then they're never seen again.

I'm a bit confused by this section. On the one hand, why would an anti-Skryre protection not be worth studying in a world where Pestilens is still well and active? They aren't all everywhere, are they? And on the other hand, why can't the Gold Order test their masks on various noxious gases they themselves can produce?

If Pestilens are out of the picture, then Skryre can't easily source replacement payloads. And something working on one thing is no guarantee it will work on other things, different chemical weapons have different mechanisms and are stopped or not by different physical barriers.

Trap sprung. One meaning of 'drove' is to move cattle from place to place. It's archaic in most places, but still in active use in Australia.
Re: Gretel
I'm really glad she's done so well for herself! It's awesome what she's built.

Her nation state name is a little unwieldily, I wonder how many of her peasants just call it Maurertania.

welcome to my Maurertania locked ultimate wizard-man
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I literally thought it was like,

Vampires- Huh, this death wizard seems very Dark Lady like, I should feel her out about cooperating against the foolish living and joining us in glorious unlife.
Gretel- Kills them.

And this like, repeatedly happening.
From this point forward, while I know in my head it was largely Vampire Hunters visiting her, I'm going to imagine in my heart that Gretel managed to get at least one ex-Von Carstein or other vampire fleeing Sylvania for greener pastures. Or sandier pastures, as the case may be.
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