Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Oh, it being vampire hunters makes a lot more sense then actually having a ton of vampire visiting her abode.
So we take the lightning rod idea to the dwarfs immediately right?
It's not actually a lightning rod, it's creating magical energies right in front of the cannons to act like a lightning rod. Given that lightning cannon shots usually travel long distances without going into the ground, having a lightning rod nearby isn't enough, it must need to actively block the shot.

You could maybe build a big wire mesh and string it up, but that's not practical for the battlefield.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Romance

It's been too long since Mathilde expanded her romance novel collection.

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social sciences
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Correction, I'm 24. I'm already getting to the point where I'm unconciously shaving one year off my age. Damn.
If it's only one year you subtract, you're still young.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Eh... why not? it is good to spend a bit of CF after all this saving and we have a lot of friendly acquiescence in the Bright College who could use this.

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Gretel eating in an attempt to fight the Arcane Mark that makes her a slender woman and said Arcane Mark retaliating by turning her into a slenderwoman is, uh, certainly a thing. I'm glad she's happy, because god knows I wouldn't take that as well as she does. Shyish marks are pretty awful.

[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social sciences
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth

I'm fine with any of those. No strong feelings on the translation of the Aqshy books or buying books out of pocket.
[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social sciences
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.

[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara

just want to finnaly get some books on the druchi
[x] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] A loom

We are named Mathilde Weber, after all XD Seriously, I feel like we're getting to the point where if we want silk sheets we're going to have to take We silk and weave and/or melt it ourselves.
I have to imagine the silk hold up is in part because there is one old and stubborn influential weaver at the top that is utterly insistent on doing it one particular way, that just Does Not Work with We silk.
Honestly, I think that the spider silk might just be a dead end without the kind of ubiquidus magic use that nobody but the elves have. There is a reason no one has toppled the silk worm industry in the real world despite literal millennia of trying.
Panoramia is maybe being a bit overoptimistic in her assessment of Sofia, but I have to imagine that she's mostly correct - based on what we know about her life, it makes perfect sense for Sofia to seek refuge in one of the few places in her life where she has any control.

I'm mostly happy with how my vote went - even if she tries to read the worst into our words, the fundamental aspect of "Mathilde would like for you to succeed even if it's in an unconventional way" seems to have gotten across, and that's a lot already.

Even if she thinks it's just Mathilde trying to add Sofia to her list of accomplishments, that's a heck of an improvement over "she's just waiting eagerly for me to fuck up so she can kill me".
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.