Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On the one side, having a bunch of dwarf apprentices churn out runic capstones by the dozen.

On the other, traveling across the Dark Lands, dodging greenskins, chaos dwarves, and worse, to reach the Ogre Kingdoms, and trying to find a Chieftain willing to let us loot a citadel on top of an impossibly tall mountain in the hopes that there will be an untouched source of processed titanium located within, and then hauling as much of it as possible back to the Empire.
The second sounds pretty cool, tbh
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This should be Mineralogy.

- If there's a book topic that you think the Elementalists should have had - not that you wanted them to have had, something that it's so self-evident that they would have it that you think the lack of it is an oversight on my part - let me know.
-Arabyan books on elementals.
-Maybe books on Araby itself, because it's the land that's most relevant to their field of study.
-Going further from that, Arabyan books in general. Since it's the number one place for elementals, the elementalists may be more connected to Araby than any other foreign nation. They'd be more likely to learn Arabyan than Eltharin, Kislevarin, or Khazalid, so why not grab more useful books if they can read them?
-Mathlann. He's a major god, but his followers aren't as thoroughly scrupulous as Vaulites or Asuryani, so maybe they got books through below-board means.
-Books on whatever spirits naiads are, if Forest Spirits doesn't cover them.
-They have a fully completed set of books on Medicine but none on Shallya. That implies apathy towards gods unless relevant to their magic, so I think Ethics is a good fit for them, because philosophy is relevant to medicine, humorism, and magic. Medicine's got the Gaelenics vs Mechanicals, for example.
-Mathematics, because they're wizards.
-Books to help learn Classical, because they're academics and Classical is the language of academia.
-Warpstone. Gut Magic is labelled as Dark Magic, and they're allowed to attend lectures on Waaagh Magic, so they might have books on warpstone. I imagine every organised magical institution has books on warpstone if it's legal for them to have it, or if they're evil.
-Since Geology seems to have gotten broken down into more specific fields like Mineralogy, I guess Pedology might work as a suggestion. It's earth and water, and I'm guessing it's the root of their interest in Rhya. Soil science is known to the Empire, going by Panoramia's talk on the subject.
-If they've got potions, medicine, and humorism, then Herbalism is probably a good fit for them.

Hysh is the biggest thing I believe is missing given that it's the wind for stonebending, but, well, that falls under self-evident. Does Hysh not have its associations with stone in DL?

They're listed on the Organizations tab as 'Copying Rights secured for'.
I wonder if that's where the etymology of copyright came from.

Going to be honest, i forgot Humorism was a medicine thing and thought we just managed to secure a bunch of joke books to give +5 to pun rolls or something
In a way, we did.
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Oh wow, new Social action possibility:
[ ] Elementalism
Now that you're sitting on a massive stockpile of magical texts, explore what 'Elementalism' actually is from an inside perspective.
Presumably as a result of this question being asked:
What about the Elemental texts? Need to extract that sweet sweet metaphysics lore.

I don't imagine we can just spend an action reading the books and have metaphysics splurged at us, so to learn more I imagine we'll have to use them? First thought that comes to mind us could we substitute an air elemental for an apparition for binding (there are air elementals, right??)?

Might also want to try actual apparition binding first…
So we've gained six new social action possibilities this turn (two Laurelorn ones, Pan's apprentice, Nordland and Wissenland, and Elementalism study). They are all very cool, which on the one hand is awesome and on the other hand makes me despair of ever hitting some of the old ones that have been rattling around our social options for literal years.
I think it speaks well of the Colleges' institutional structure and incentives that there is much more street cred to be had for something that benefits the young learning wizards of every College than for something that will turn the tide of maybe one or two battles a year. The latter is splashy and dramatic, but the former makes the wheels of every student's education turn just a little more smoothly, and in the long run that's what really matters. As any player of strategy games knows, anything that enhances your growth curve is extremely strong and demands investment.
I've got a different perspective. Rite of Way is usable by a few of the best wizards from one of the colleges. MMAPP is usable by all of the wizards from all of the colleges. It's not because it's good for newbies, but because literally everyone above the rank of apprentice can make use of it.
[ ] Druchii Diplomats
If you want to try to negotiate with the Druchii, vote for this. Personally, I don't.
I would say that this is a unture statement, even if you don't what tot negotiate with the Druchii, they're not a faction you want to ignore and assume what you are doing will not effect you.

ignorance is not bliss in politics, it's how you get blindsided.
Oh, I am too much of a nerd for esoterica not to include looking into elementalism. Maybe we'll get an inspiration! Or just learn a cool thing about magic.
- If there's a book topic that you think the Elementalists should have had - not that you wanted them to have had, something that it's so self-evident that they would have it that you think the lack of it is an oversight on my part - let me know.
Misread this because of the late night. Deleted some of the suggestions for not being self-evident enough.
Oh wow, new Social action possibility:

Presumably as a result of this question being asked:
I'm surprised its a social action and not an AP action myself.

that ether means its interesting fluff but it will not be possible to get anything out of it.

or its all getting dumped on the Colleges desk for all the wizards to pick through it with a comb and comparing notes before it makes it down it K8Ps.
I would say that this is a unture statement, even if you don't what tot negotiate with the Druchii, they're not a faction you want to ignore and assume what you are doing will not effect you.

ignorance is not bliss in politics, it's how you get blindsided.
On the other hand Eonir has presumably have them on hand as they are their guests rather than ours. So there should not be any hurry.

I really want to check out the canal and skaven loot tough. WTF happened to them, they should be showing reults already. Hell skavenloot might have stuff that relates to Nuln foundries perhaps?
On the one side, having a bunch of dwarf apprentices churn out runic capstones by the dozen.

On the other, traveling across the Dark Lands, dodging greenskins, chaos dwarves, and worse, to reach the Ogre Kingdoms, and trying to find a Chieftain willing to let us loot a citadel on top of an impossibly tall mountain in the hopes that there will be an untouched source of processed titanium located within, and then hauling as much of it as possible back to the Empire.
If we are going to the mountains of Mourne we should just encompass it into an expedition to Cathy too. Maybe also talk tot he orge's and get a trade route established. A trade route would have a lot of support and if we can hit up a bunch of ruins on the way the better.
Oh wow, new Social action possibility:

Presumably as a result of this question being asked:

So we've gained six new social action possibilities this turn (two Laurelorn ones, Pan's apprentice, Nordland and Wissenland, and Elementalism study). They are all very cool, which on the one hand is awesome and on the other hand makes me despair of ever hitting some of the old ones that have been rattling around our social options for literal years.

Thanks for clarifying that was new lol, I saw someone quote that a second ago and was freaking out how I missed it haha

Well no doubt the difference in magical paradigm will mean a lot more work following up to properly make sense/use of this if it's even possible but I know what I'm voting.

Also the irony in Social Action: Read Books does amuse me.
Are your assuming the Eonir interests are the same as our interests.

something doesn't have to be malicious to be inconvenient or problematic for reasons that aren't apparent to the Eonir.
I am assuming that they are secluded enough that what they do either will be irrevelant to us or something that we can't do anything about anyway so I am not in hurry.

Haste makes waste does also play in to it. If we are to engage we should do it after we are good an ready.
Haste makes waste does also play in to it. If we are to engage we should do it after we are good an ready.
.... that doesn't make sense? we are making deals, we are just choosing to see whats up?

this isn't acting hastily, its patiently watching from eh begaining instead of looking later and having to go 'oh, well, didn't know that was up, but to late now to do anything about it.'
I don't imagine we can just spend an action reading the books and have metaphysics splurged at us, so to learn more I imagine we'll have to use them? First thought that comes to mind us could we substitute an air elemental for an apparition for binding (there are air elementals, right??)?

Elementals don't live naturally, they're created with magic and they don't last that long once the creator stops maintaining them, so the apparition approach won't work with them. I've added this action to the social turn:

[ ] Elementalism
Now that you're sitting on a massive stockpile of magical texts, explore what 'Elementalism' actually is from an inside perspective.

  • I imagine the Addaitoh books mention the fact that He escaped to the mortal world (or, well, was taken to the mortal world by Ladrielle). Do they explain what that means? Do the Asur or the Asrai believe that Addaitoh is hanging out in some specific physical place, and if so do they say where that is?

Instead of the place where Gods are, Addaioth went into the world. In some places this is describes as them being physically embodied, in others it's described as more of an animist presence in specific phenomena. One recurring legend says that volcanic eruptions happen because Addaioth is physically inside that volcano and tried to make a sword and it turned out shitty so he's throwing a tantrum.

  • As above, but for Hukon. Do the Asur believe they know where He is?

Some parts could be read as saying Tiranoc, though that could be a metaphor.

  • Does Addaioth have any symbols/sacred objects/motifs etc. aside from flames?
    • If so, do any of them overlap with Dazh's symbolism?
    • Also, do either Dazh or Addaioth have any sort of key in their symbolism?

There seems to be no links beyond that of fire and some similar symbols derived from fire. Dazh is fire that warms, Addaioth is fire that hurts. Dazh has a secondary sphere of hospitality, while Addaioth is trying and failing to embody weaponsmithing. Dazh is beautiful, Addaioth is horribly scarred.

  • Is there anything about how the the Ellinilli feel about one another? In particular, is there anything saying what Addaioth thinks about Mathlann?

The Asur have a saying derived from the Ellinilli that can be translated as something like 'the enemy of my enemy is not my friend', derived from how dramatically the paths diverged: Mathlann became huge, Drakira is a big deal, Hukon and Estreuth found niches, and Addaioth is sidelined and bitter. None of them seem to treat each other any better for being siblings.

  • Now that we have some books on Hashut, is there anything Mathilde can see that could indicate a connection between Him and Morghur and/or The Horned Rat?
    • Is there even the slightest hint in the dwarven books that Hashut has some history with the dwarves prior to the Chorfs?

The books seem to claim that Hashut was physically present within the mountains and the Dwarves dug to Him. In some places this was just from trying to dig their way to safety due to the Coming of Chaos making the outside world inhospitable, but in other parts the phrasing seem to imply that they were looking for Him. There's a oft-repeated title of 'Father of Darkness' that rings similarly to Morghur's once title of 'City-Father' and the Horned Rat's 'Under-Father'.

  • Do Taal/Rhya/Manann books agree which bodies of water belong to which God, or is it contested?

Ocean is Manann's, but water on earth is hugely contested. Mathilde can spot hints at the conceptual territory that she now knows to be staked out by the 'swamp gods' of the Council of Manhorak, and various lakes, rivers, and related spheres seem to be divided up almost at random amongst the three.

  • Is there anything in the books on Manann or in any other of those books that implies that He is, in fact, 'a watery, damp squib of a little God'?

There is a theological argument that can be found that says that when sufficiently far from the ocean, an ant has more power than Manann.

@Boney so what is an elemental, how are they made, and most importantly—can Mathilde attempt to make one, or is she too closely bound to Ulgu to make it work?

The short version is that Earthbound magic taken from a specific medium temporarily retains properties of and a link to that medium which can be used to manipulate it. These properties are lost in the presence of Winds as earthbound magics resonate more strongly with Winds than they do with elements like water or fire, which means that experiments performed by most Wizards and in most College laboratories would inevitably fail.

-Arabyan books on elementals.
-Maybe books on Araby itself, because it's the land that's most relevant to their field of study.
-Going further from that, Arabyan books in general. Since it's the number one place for elementals, the elementalists may be more connected to Araby than any other foreign nation. They'd be more likely to learn Arabyan than Eltharin, Kislevarin, or Khazalid, so why not grab more useful books if they can read them?

No hint of them. The reason why seems to be found insome of the books on Elementals, which describe the Djinn is superficially similar to Elementals, but completely different in practice.

-Books on whatever spirits naiads are, if Forest Spirits doesn't cover them.

They're included in Forest Spirits, under the assumption they seem to be part of the same 'spiritual ecology' as Dryads. Presumably rivers where there aren't nearby forests give rise to something else. Mathilde's categorization isn't meant to be perfect, and there's a lot of places where if she gets a book on something specific she's going to have to reshuffle a lot of shelves to make it work.

-Warpstone. Gut Magic is labelled as Dark Magic, and they're allowed to attend lectures on Waaagh Magic, so they might have books on warpstone. I imagine every organised magical institution has books on warpstone if it's legal for them to have it, or if they're evil.

If they have books on Warpstone, they didn't hand them over to the Grey Wizard.

-Since Geology seems to have gotten broken down into more specific fields like Mineralogy, I guess Pedology might work as a suggestion. It's earth and water, and I'm guessing it's the root of their interest in Rhya. Soil science is known to the Empire, going by Panoramia's talk on the subject.
Hysh is the biggest thing I believe is missing given that it's the wind for stonebending, but, well, that falls under self-evident. Does Hysh not have its associations with stone in DL?

Earth as the Elementalists understand it is closer to Ghyran's soil than Hysh's stone. Their interest in minerals seems to be more an attempt to make dowsing work than it being directly useful to earth elementals.

@Boney, what do elementalists do for a living?

The big money is in being mercenaries and bodyguards, but a lot of them make their living in prosaic applications like helping forges burn hotter or bringing springs up in parched fields. Another common one is in something half way between HVAC and feng shui consultants for larger, more prestigious buildings. Ensuring proper air circulation, a lack of drafts, fires that heat as they're supposed to and don't smoke up rooms, running water to where it's needed, foundations that will stand up to what's asked of them and won't form sinkholes, that sort of thing.

There's a very clear niche for 'knock-off Wizard' that is actually quite positive for society when it means 'something that is useful but there's not enough Wizards to go around', but much less so when it means 'something the actual Wizards swear oaths against'.
.... that doesn't make sense? we are making deals, we are just choosing to see whats up?

this isn't acting hastily, its patiently watching from eh begaining instead of looking later and having to go 'oh, well, didn't know that was up, but to late now to do anything about it.'
What are you expecting to happen that we must do it this turn? Arguing that social actions is time sensitive sounds incorrect to me. I don't think think anything bad will happen if we don't pict it this turn so let's not pretend otherwise.
Bunch of cool options, but I'm most interested in these two:

[ ] Sofia
Meet and learn a bit about Panoramia's new Apprentice, Sofia de Siernos.
[ ] Elementalism
Now that you're sitting on a massive stockpile of magical texts, explore what 'Elementalism' actually is from an inside perspective.

(Though it feels somewhat embarrassing that apparently the elementalists "only" have a +6 bonus on their core competency.)
The short version is that Earthbound magic taken from a specific medium temporarily retains properties of and a link to that medium which can be used to manipulate it. These properties are lost in the presence of Winds as earthbound magics resonate more strongly with Winds than they do with elements like water or fire, which means that experiments performed by most Wizards and in most College laboratories would inevitably fail.
So any experimenting would be best done in the Room of Neutrality?
Now that we have books on elementals how do you guys feel about making that mage-sight for dwarfs idea? Give Kragg the power to see the runes on that thing and some books on what it actually is and he might actually be able to make something of Bok.
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