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Just a thought: Mathilde told Eike to spend as little as possible, but she didn't say how much time it could take. Wouldn't the absolute cheapest way (or one of them) technically be to wait for Mathilde's next trip to Laurelorn and load the coal into her gyrocopter, thus getting it there for free?
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1. Ask Patriarch Algard for a favour
2. Make the screaming towers materialize in front of Middenheim
3. Load them to the brim with charcoal
4. Ask for permission from the Eonir
5. Materialize the towers in front of the gates of Tor Lithanel
6. Profit

Its quick, its easy, its almost free :V

Bonus points for if some chaos cultist manages to actually capture them one day and all he gets for his troubles is charcoal. Imagine their face. Its almost like getting coal in your stocking on christmas!
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Ask Lord Magister Melkoth to send her back in time so she can borrow a Thunderbarge off of the Golden Age Dawi.
Clearly i did not think big enough. I bow to your mastery :V.

EDIT: Thinking about it however, the best way would be to go back to those time -> trade it then for very cheap and tell them they can pay it next time you see them -> return to the current point on timeline -> have it be paid to you with five thousand years of interest.
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So I've been trying to think about how to get a ship with goods the Eonir would want (more charcoal is iffy in this case since it might well have come from Laruelorn trees) from Salzenmund through the Salz, the Sea of Claws, and the Demst, but that problem is hard to extricate from broader Eonir-Nordland tensions. A bit much to ask from Eike. In the context of avoiding Nordland, I found a very convenient quote-
"We've got a rather large building to ourselves in Tor Lithanel, so we'll be able to set up a basic laboratory while we're furnishing the living spaces. Getting there is going to be unpleasant, though. The only path that isn't through Nordland or Marienburg is through the Schadensumpf. Egrimm, do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Yes," he says.

"Good. A Shadowsteed can get through it if you stick to the path, but you really don't want to be falling off. Johann should be fine, though."

"Why?" he asks curiously, turning to Johann, whose golden limbs were completely covered.
That does simplify things somewhat, except that I really really really don't want to go through the swamp either. Ooh, here's a really good quote.
There's three paths out of Laurelorn. The one south goes through the swamp into Middenland, which is the one Mathilde has been using. The one east goes through the ruins of Kor Immarmor and then the ruins of Oldenlitz before reaching Salzenmund, which is the one Mathilde used to visit Cadaeth at Oldenlitz. And the one northwest goes to the Tower of Se-Athil on an otherwise uninhabited stretch of coastline.
We can't avoid either Nordlanders or swamps without going far out of our way. And either way, we need Eonir cooperation at the end of the trip. At the very least to buy our stuff, and probably for help navigating the swamp and the forest. Hm. Well, if they're already navigating their homeland, I'm not sure what they'd need us for. We need to make this the elves' problem as early as we possibly can. So starting this test just outside of Middenheim is very inconvenient. We need to communicate with Laurelorn. And for who-
But some do none of these things. Some simply walk away from Tor Lithanel.

The unspoken shame of the Toriour is that not all of the Faniour descend from refugees of millennia ago. Many of them are those who threw away the privileges that other Cityborn cling to so tightly and found freedom in the world outside the walls, where food must be hunted or gathered and safety is not guaranteed, but where one can weave a palace out of any unoccupied treetop, and if there are any comforts of the city they still yearn for, they can simply purchase them; all but the right to be within the city walls after dusk. This is where the raw materials for Tor Lithanel comes from, as visiting Faniour sell what they have harvested from the forest and buy them back as finished goods. The mark-up is high, but a Faniour woodsman or hunter or stonecutter has no need to rent a studio, and the few you see walking the streets of Tor Lithanel during the day have a relaxed, almost indulgent air about them that contrasts sharply with the aura of quiet desperation that all but the most successful of those you patronize possess.

Beginning an investigation into the Cityborn is as easy as walking out the door, but the Forestborn present some difficulties. Finding their homes is easy enough, but as you stare up at glimpses of a second city among the treetops with nary a ladder or staircase in sight, you realize that the Faniour will present more of a challenge than the Toriour. You were invited inside the walls of Tor Lithanel and thus inside the lives of the Cityborn, but each Forestborn has their own 'walls' provided by the towering height and the smooth bark of the trees they live atop. Eventually you resort to wandering around staring upwards until you find someone looking down at this strange human wandering around below them, and using their befuddled curiosity as a foot in the door.
The Forestborn already bring raw materials from the forest to the city. Negotiate with some of them, and meet them outside the forest or as close as we can get, and they can take the goods to Tor Lithanel as they always do. Decent money for them, and hopefully we don't get outnegotiated too badly.

How do we get in contact, though. Mathilde, EIC, other wizards... it'd be awkward to ask to hitch a ride with out teacher while we're being tested, but I don't want to ignore the possibility. I haven't been keeping up with the EIC, honestly, but wherever the nearest of them are we should totally link up so they can help us plot. I'll look into that later if nobody else does, but my brain's tired right now.
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There's three paths out of Laurelorn. The one south goes through the swamp into Middenland, which is the one Mathilde has been using. The one east goes through the ruins of Kor Immarmor and then the ruins of Oldenlitz before reaching Salzenmund, which is the one Mathilde used to visit Cadaeth at Oldenlitz. And the one northwest goes to the Tower of Se-Athil on an otherwise uninhabited stretch of coastline.
I imagine there's no appeal to building a port by the Tower of Se-Athil?

Then again, I suppose there's no reason to, if you can sail to that coast, you'd probably be best sailing up the Salz.
Current Operations:
Complete dominance over Stirland government contracts.
Complete dominance over supplying goods and services in Karag Nar.
Complete dominance over Western Stirland gong farming.
Complete dominance of intra-Stirland trade.
Moderate dominance over trade in Stirlandian wool products.
Moderate dominance on the Aver.
Moderate presence in interstate trade in Stirland, the Moot, and Talabecland.
Minor presence in interstate trade in Averland, Wissenland, and southern Middenland.
Minor presence in Nuln, Altdorf, and Middenheim.
Minor presence in Barak Varr and Ulrikadrin.

Major Trade Route: Eastern spices from Karak Eight Peaks to Tor Lithanel
Minor Trade Route: Western spices from Altdorf to Tor Lithanel

Major Product: Gerber-Kiesinger Repeating Rifle Factory in Blutdorf
Minor Product: Crossbow Factory in Blutdorf
Minor Product: Blackpowder factory in Wurtbad
Minor Product: Niter Factories in Wurtbad, Blutdorf, Franzen
The 'Stirland Repeater' has finally entered production, and Stirland's army will be phasing out the handgun in favour of an elite core armed with repeaters and the bulk of the ranged forces armed with crossbows. The Mk 2 boasts a smoother firing mechanism and a reduced chance of powder magazine detonation.
Here's what the EIC already has going on. I'd forgotten they were already trading with Tor LIthanel. Through K8P and Altdorf. K8P is really far, but Middenheim is close to between Aldorf and Tor Lithanel. And there is a "minor" Middenheim EIC presence. This could make things much simpler.

So if we could link up with that "minor EIC presence," we could ask them about that route/customer, and go from there. It'd be asking too much for an already-present caravan to be within shouting distance, but we might be able to reinvent the wheel as little as possible. To find them, if we don't already know IC, ask teacher/snoop around/ask other traders?
Just a thought: Mathilde told Eike to spend as little as possible, but she didn't say how much time it could take. Wouldn't the absolute cheapest way (or one of them) technically be to wait for Mathilde's next trip to Laurelorn and load the coal into her gyrocopter, thus getting it there for free?
This won't actually be free, higher weight means higher fuel consumption from the Gyrocopter and I can't imagine this will be profitable, but I like this as a kind of technically correct answer since Eike isn't paying.
This won't actually be free, higher weight means higher fuel consumption from the Gyrocopter and I can't imagine this will be profitable, but I like this as a kind of technically correct answer since Eike isn't paying.
Eike, following the Mathilde School of Diplomacy, can pay the Dwarfs for the fuel by finding their enemies and murdering them.
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Here's what the EIC already has going on. I'd forgotten they were already trading with Tor LIthanel. Through K8P and Altdorf. K8P is really far, but Middenheim is close to between Aldorf and Tor Lithanel. And there is a "minor" Middenheim EIC presence. This could make things much simpler.

So if we could link up with that "minor EIC presence," we could ask them about that route/customer, and go from there. It'd be asking too much for an already-present caravan to be within shouting distance, but we might be able to reinvent the wheel as little as possible. To find them, if we don't already know IC, ask teacher/snoop around/ask other traders?

The existing EIC spice route is not a caravan or even a wagon route. My back-of-the-envelope maths say that a packhorse can carry a month's worth of spices for the city.
Here's what the EIC already has going on. I'd forgotten they were already trading with Tor LIthanel. Through K8P and Altdorf. K8P is really far, but Middenheim is close to between Aldorf and Tor Lithanel. And there is a "minor" Middenheim EIC presence. This could make things much simpler.

So if we could link up with that "minor EIC presence," we could ask them about that route/customer, and go from there. It'd be asking too much for an already-present caravan to be within shouting distance, but we might be able to reinvent the wheel as little as possible. To find them, if we don't already know IC, ask teacher/snoop around/ask other traders?
I believe the spice trade currently goes through Middenheim.
Figure out where Johann hikes into Laurelorn from, meet him there and bribe into pulling the wagon with him. Surely a little swamp won't be an issue for the might granted by gilding!
It would take 40 College Favour to get a steerable flying tower, though in our case, we'll want a building more suitable for transporting materials. This would enable transportation with greater speed, safety, capacity, and transport cost minimisation than pretty much every other option.

The main problem is the obscene CF cost, but there are ways to reduce that. Money is Yes, so presumably this is an EIC purchase, in which case we could get the EIC to simply commission wizards by paying them loads of money.

If up-front costs count as transportation costs for the purposes of this exercise, then we go to the dwarves. We set up a formal trade where they give the Colleges stuff, the Colleges give us the flying warehouse, and, at least for a time, we use our flying warehouse to help the dwarves out with whatever mercantile or military needs they may require, like transporting artillery across mountainous terrain for the upcoming expedition.

Both those solutions have a problem though: they run up against the favour mechanic limitations put in place to ensure the system isn't a frustrating headache for all parties. The EIC solution tussles with the 'no money for favours' rule, and the dwarf solution tussles with the 'no transferring favours' rule.

There is one more solution: reduce the CF cost by supplying rare materials. Ideally, you'd want an orb of sorcery or a bunch of power stones to power the thing, so on the hail mary off-chance Mathilde has that lying around, that'd be major savings. If that's not doable, you want construction materials very well suited to it. There may be Azyr-aligned stone out there somewhere, and Mathilde's Azyr and Geology books could help us find the right material. Once found, it's a matter of leveraging Mathilde's dwarf connections to get the stone.
I'm a bit unclear, is this a one-off transportation or something that is to be repeated? 'cuz there's a number of things that would work well due to the novelty factor for those involved, and that would quickly drop off a fair bit.

Alternatively she could ask the Baba for help. I think Eike wasn't there when she bragged about her smuggling tricks but the vibes between the Baba and Eike sound sufficiently funny that that should be ignorable.
I'm very unversed in the local geography, but I like this idea. I wonder if it might be economically viable to pay relevant river spirits to transport [set of approved object/containers] from one point to the other on a long term basis.

I'd expect it to be pricy if it was viable, but perhaps better than nothing/better than hiring forestborn to move stuff by hand [which is what I'm using as my 'absolute worst method' baseline.]

Something about having Enoir at each end of the river bit of the route so no one gets up to shenanigans.
Advantages include zero transportation time for that stretch of the route.

I also really like the enchanted hovercraft idea. One's flight enchantment failing is much less risky when you're only half a foot above the ground.
Employ Skaven to dig a tunnel from Middenheim to Laurelorn?
There's very strict rules about digging down in Laurelorn :/.

We'd have to get one or more great hourses to sponsor the creation of such a tunnel, and they'd impose tariffs.

Edit: Set up a 'Smoke and Mirrors' tower in each location and have someone teleport through them while carrying charcoal.
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Vicarius Galenstra said the villagers sometimes leave offerings so the cheapest way to get the charcoal into Eonir hands is to just leave the wagon sitting in the swamp.

They sometimes erect shrines to us. Leaving us rare flowers, or smoked fish, or particularly large lumps of bog ore. Nothing we desperately need, but it's better to have an extra tincture or ration or quiver than not, so we take what might be useful and repay them with the occasional trinket from the city.
Honestly, on a very tangential note, I've always seen gyrocopters as the PERFECT target for a novel Azyr enchantment. They fly, so easy recharging; the blades spin, invoking the image of a whirlwind (or a vortex), something very naturally associated with wind; and the gyro pretty much needs to 1) be light, 2) move, which are both things Azyr seems naturally capable of supporting?

We just need a forward-thinking Celestial genius with a practical mind, enough resources to devote to research, and a penchant for elemental Azyr! Uhhh...

...welp, the image is still nice :V
As much as I'd love it to be the RoW codification roll, one of the options does say "LM and Apprentice", and what kind of spell can only be cast by people with such a wide gap in skill and experience between them?
It would make sense if you interpret that as "only LMs (because they are LMs) and your apprentice(s) (because you taught them and your paradigms are close) can wrap their heads around it".
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