Okay I know I'm normally just a lurker but the doomposting is getting a little out of hand and it's really annoying me.
So here are my 2 grains of sand.
Yes this is bad but I don't think it's oh quest ends, everything is fucked Karak is lost and Mathide is burned at the stake.
No, we were in a safe environment with all the measures against that and it will take multiple rolls of nat 1 for that, at the most I think we will have to fight some apparitions or demons and permanently lose the action of trying to do this again, very possibly lose this tower was due to contamination for hundreds of years aka forever, as happened with the section of the castle in stirland and of course losing a good amount of our good reputation.
We could also get another arcane mark on top of that. but all those altogether it stretches it out for me.
but I don't think it all ended because we rolled a 1 once other heroes have had multiple Rolls when this kind of thing in the past and they've been in much worse places, with worse advantages, and many more disadvantages.
So please don't say it's all over or let's just talk about how we will deal with the consequences of this.
Does anyone else wants to see what else we can do for the dwarves to make it up to them I'm sure there's a Karak somewhere we could rescue

but we do have to think about how to deal with the fallout of whatever this is.