Anath Raema is supposedly sister of Khaine, but I don't know much about her beyond that. Presumably like Sokth has a penchant for assassinations?
Anath Raema is the counterpart to Kurnous. She is the Goddess of the Savage Hunt rather than the Wild Hunt. She encourages hunting and killing for pleasure, whereas Kurnous only does so out of necessity and indicates respect to the Wilderness. Slavers and Beast-tamers in Clar Karond and Karond Kar in the Druchii cities are her most fervent worshippers. There is one legend from Page 65 of 8th Edition High Elves, specifically the section on the Banner of the World Dragon, that states the following:
"Elven legends tell that Draugnir, Father of Dragons, was welcome in Asuryan's court as an equal, for mortal Elves and gods alike were awestruck by his might and nobility. Alas, not all the Elven pantheon were so enamoured. Anath Raema, sister to Khaine and goddess of the savage hunt, saw him as nothing more than an upstart beast to be harried and hunted as any other. Taking her spear, she pursued the Dragon through the heavens. The contest that followed shook the world to its core, rousing even wise Asuryan from contemplation. The Creator halted the battle, but came too late to save Draugnir, whose wounds were beyond healing.
With a single word, Asuryan banished Anath Raema to the Mirai forevermore. From the corpse of his fallen friend, he worked to create a new land where Elves and Dragons could live in peace, beyond the jealousies of the gods. From Draugnir's bones, he forged Ulthuan's mountains, and from the Dragon's flesh he created its broad plains. Draugnir's glittering scales Asuryan gave into the keeping of Isha. She, in turn, passed them to her mortal children, the Elves, who wrought many fabulous works with them, chief amongst them a mighty standard, woven with silver and hung with gems of all shapes and hues. This
Banner of the World Dragon endures to this day, a reminder not only of the bond between the Elves and Dragons, but also of that which binds both races to their ancestral home."
Of course, this legend should be taken with some salt, as Deathfang in DL did say that Draugnir's death was caused by using too much of his energy to create Widowmaker, which is another myth.