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Speaking of which, we need to figure out how to unlock Elf favour. Okay, the Waystone project is a good start, but I'm thinking we need to get a foot in the door with how elves actually barter and trade favour, and I suspect that means the Laurelorn diplo actions.
IIRC the Khureshi Kobras(sp) were already a thing, in older editions.
Blood Bowl: Death Zone - Season One! (2016) pg36
My understanding is that there's a brief mention, but no models or actual info.

And of course this is Bloodbowl. I'm told one of the players is a squirrel that worships Khorne.
My understanding is that there's a brief mention, but no models or actual info.

And of course this is Bloodbowl. I'm told one of the players is a squirrel that worships Khorne.
It's very common in Warhammer for the books to mention something but never actually give in-depth info or a model for it. It's just flavor text. One of the more recent examples of it in 8th Edition is in the Empire army book page 45, the unit page for the Demigryph Knights. Examples are given of monstrous cavalry that weren't Demigryph riders, which included the White Wolves mentioned in this quest as well as Razorbeak riding Knights of the Shining Talon. Although these two are mentioned as "legends".

Come to think of it, I tried googling Razorbeaks but nothing comes up except for Razorbacks from 40k. Weird, considering I distinctly remember Razorbeaks also being mentioned in Lustria Army Books. I always assumed it was some kind of dinosaur. The wiki doesn't really record offhand mentions that often.
Speaking of which, we need to figure out how to unlock Elf favour. Okay, the Waystone project is a good start, but I'm thinking we need to get a foot in the door with how elves actually barter and trade favour, and I suspect that means the Laurelorn diplo actions.
I don't think they have a favour/debit system like the Colleges and dwarfs do.

They seem to operate on cold hard gold, if the house and lab are anything to go by.
I don't think they have a favour/debit system like the Colleges and dwarfs do.

They seem to operate on cold hard gold, if the house and lab are anything to go by.
I'm sure there's a favour trading system but it would operate on a larger scale. Something like the negotiations with Isthien or the "gift" that Daroir gave us. Elves don't have a psychological imperative to record everything and pay back favours and grudges like Dwarves and they don't have the unified structure that the Colleges have which allows for those types of favour systems.
I don't think they have a favour/debit system like the Colleges and dwarfs do.

They seem to operate on cold hard gold, if the house and lab are anything to go by.

The Eonir don't use a lot of gold coinage, and most of what they do use is imperial coinage some groups are collecting out of anticipation of trade with the Empire.

As for the Hekarti statue, Mathilde assumes the gold in the bowl is coinage due to her biases. To quote Boney it might not be coins, or if it is it's more Imperial coinage:

Mathilde thinks of precious metals as currency so this is an oversight she might make while casually musing, but the Eonir don't have them so readily available. Perhaps Tindomiel and Hekarti are patrons of the Lornalim with sacrificed precious metals from fossicking and jewellery and the like, or perhaps they reconfigured the statue from the crown-and-brazier model to account for the Imperial coinage that has started to circulate in Tor Lithanel.

I'd be very surprised if the High Houses at least do not have a system of favours and back scratching with each other—being able to distil complex relationships into simple "tit-for-tat" transactions would make the system significantly more stable, and the Eonir can't afford an unstable political system (and the fact that they've only had four monarchs since the War of the Ancients suggests it's very stable).
Vicious dinosaur birds are not exclusive to one group, but yes, Culchans seem to be likely based off Terror Birds. Culchans are pretty ancient, and they only get offhand mentions in later editions. Their most prominent influence is that there's a region in southern Lustria called the Culchan Plains. If Total War decide to take the plunge and include Amazons, they'd be ideal mount choices for Amazon Cavalry, as it's one of the few pieces of lore on them that the Amazons use them as mounts.
Hyshpuppies are a scam though. Just unflavoured crushed ice as opposed to purple-flavour Shyishpuppies or red-flavour Aqshypuppies.
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