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Shower thoughts DL Edition. Colleges average 5-6 LMs so there is ~ 45 LM in the entire Empire. As such Mathilde all by herself represents >2% of the Colleges top tier casters. That in turn means that Mathy is a perfect personifications of the Colleges because both of them are Tiny but Fierce.
That was already obvious from what it is - a knowledge how to unravel self-containment of Dhar spells. It is inherently a method against spells only and therefore can't work against Dhar as ambient energy, we don't need any guesses to know it.

While this is something I previously thought, the actual text of the update and options suggests otherwise. I would refer you back to the previous discussion, which ended on the quote below about what happens when raw Dhar is subjected to the second secret.

Do note that Mopman43 also uses your style of argument, which is to assert a claim as if it were obviously fact, which I may have vented about on several occasions previously.

It still stains and taints the land, that's just generally preferable to an army of zombies.
Do note that Mopman43 also uses your style of argument, which is to assert a claim as if it were obviously fact, which I may have vented about on several occasions previously.
If you think I'm talking out of my ass, I have a quote.

See the edit. A patch of Dhar-contaminated ground is preferable to a zombie but when everywhere is zombies it's time to find a new continent.
Violating article 7 allready violates most of them.

...Also, as a Magister, how do you even violate 5, 11 and 12?
You could violate five by refusing to acknowledge someone as an legal wizard despite them having been granted initiation in one of the collages.
Similarly, you could violate 11 by not treating a fellow magister with the respect owed to their position.

12 specifies that you're not allowed to work for enemies of the empire. You could argue that law 3 already covers that, but I think working for enemies of the empire isn't treason as long as you're not opposing the empire, for example if you're payed by Marienburg (assuming Marienburg is considered an enemy at this time) to hunt Norscan pirates.
That's true, but we do have the option to test it on unattached Dhar too. It's lumped together with the warpstone testing. So we don't actually know if it would work on unattached Dhar. We just know it works on Dhar spells.

(I'm using unattached as "not being used in a spell" here)
I feel like the 2nd secret relies on the Dhar being in a structure (spell).

Feel like trying it on a cloud of Dhar would see the Dhar just move around like a gas.

Like, Dhar in a zombie is contained in a balloon, which you can put pressure on, you can pop, while Dhar not in a spell is just going to move out of the way.

I could be wrong. I certainly don't think it'll clean up tainted areas, given Boney's quote and the general vibe of Sylvania.
I feel like the 2nd secret relies on the Dhar being in a structure (spell).

Feel like trying it on a cloud of Dhar would see the Dhar just move around like a gas.

Like, Dhar in a zombie is contained in a balloon, which you can put pressure on, you can pop, while Dhar not in a spell is just going to move out of the way.

I could be wrong. I certainly don't think it'll clean up tainted areas, given Boney's quote and the general vibe of Sylvania.
What Sylvania needs is some kind of Warpstone magnet, strong enough to pull all the Warpstone (dust?) that was pumped into the ground by Vlad right up out of the ground. That sounds like the sort of thing that'd be catastrophic in the wrong hands, but aside from pulling Morrslieb out of the sky* I'm not actually sure that it would be all that dangerous in the hands of an enemy.

And then, of course, you'd need somewhere to dump all of that Warpstone. There's presumably a given quantity of Warpstone that's actually more dangerous to have lying around than opening a rift to the Warp to dump it into. Maybe throw a captured Brass Orb at it?

*Due to the tyranny of the inverse square law, you'd probably need something much more directed to manage this anyway, like a tractor beam.
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I'm wondering who the Celestial we're going to recruit is going to be. Unless Boney rolls for it or has a specific character in mind already, I suspect it might be Michel Solmann, from the Dum expedition. He's more elementally attuned and knows some good combat spells, and he was "encouraged" to join the expedition by the Celestial college for that reason, so I reckon it's likely they'll send him to join the Drakenhof excavation.

Also, he's related to the canon character Klaus Solmann, who has an observatory telescope that acts as a sort of Sevirscope.

The only problem with him is that if he's too elementally attuned, he might not know the seeking spells we need.

also Ranald don't you dare crit the recruitment roll and send us Maria Stossel
What Sylvania needs is some kind of Warpstone magnet, strong enough to pull all the Warpstone (dust?) that was pumped into the ground by Vlad right up out of the ground. That sounds like the sort of thing that'd be catastrophic in the wrong hands, but aside from pulling Morrslieb out of the sky* I'm not actually sure that it would be all that dangerous in the hands of an enemy.

And then, of course, you'd need somewhere to dump all of that Warpstone. There's presumably a given quantity of Warpstone that's actually more dangerous to have lying around than opening a rift to the Warp to dump it into. Maybe throw a captured Brass Orb at it?

*Due to the tyranny of the inverse square law, you'd probably need something much more directed to manage this anyway, like a tractor beam.
The land was tainted long before Vlad.

Sylvania was pretty much wrecked after the war between Vanhel and the Skaven.
Which is ironic, in that both of the factions which use up warpstone fought over the area and it is still a magically poisoned semi-wasteland afterwards.

Is there a form Dhar takes after it is used, where it becomes some sort of magical taint without still being Dhar? The implication is there, and it was suggested earlier in the discussion, but everything canon I know says that the magical taint would still just be Dhar.
Which is ironic, in that both of the factions which use up warpstone fought over the area and it is still a magically poisoned semi-wasteland afterwards.

Is there a form Dhar takes after it is used, where it becomes some sort of magical taint without still being Dhar? The implication is there, and it was suggested earlier in the discussion, but everything canon I know says that the magical taint would still just be Dhar.
There's actually a Necromancy spell in 2nd edition RP to cause it directly.

You suck the life out of an area up to one square mile. Plants wither, animals sicken, water becomes poison, and soil turns to dust and ash. Animals instinctively avoid this land, and it will gain a reputation for being haunted. Dhar pools here, allowing its users to add an extra die to their Casting Rolls. No crops can be grown unless the ground is first sanctified by a Jade magister with the cure blight spell, which reverses all the effects.
That's not even a ritual, it can be done in under a minute.
There's actually a Necromancy spell in 2nd edition RP to cause it directly.

That's not even a ritual, it can be done in under a minute.
Page 153 of Realm of Sorcery 2E offers the exact opposite of that spell with the Jade spellbook, a spell that Panoramia has been capable of from the beginning:

"You can cleanse an area of up to one square mile of blight. This saves plants, trees, crops, and other growing things and makes the area immune to the same blight for the rest of the season. Alternately, this spell can be cast on 2d10 characters suffering from disease. The duration of any diseases these characters are suffering from is halved (rounded down)."

I have mentioned the irony of Mathilde being able to cause Blight and Panoramia being able to cure it before.
Meteor showers wrecked it, then the war between Vanhel and Skaven worsened it, but Vlad was directly involved in that too since he taught Vanhel Necromancy.
True, but I'm pretty sure Deathbybunnies was referring to Vlad's Warpstone-fueled ritual to summon all the dead of Sylvania that kickstarted the Vampire Wars.
Sidenote they don't, they encyst it so it builds up in them but doesn't get passed my understadning of it.
That's how I remember it too. It's also nice worldbuilding, because as part of the Under-Ecosystem, they'd probably wind up concentrating Warpstone in their nests via trophic magnification & drone turnover. Then eventually the Skaven would catch wind of it, and probably raid them in-force, driving them elsewhere. The circle of life.
Ugh, tell me about it, canon gives me only the smallest glimpses of the world of Skaven adjacent stuff and I always find myself craving more. I get told about fungus bread, black wheat and I wonder what else they eat besides men and each other only to learn nothing more.

Rat Hounds and Giant Rats seem to be separate creatures but I know next to nothing on the former aside from them also not being rat wolves, etc, etc. We also tend to get told very little things like how most of the great clans were founded barring Pestilens(spoilers, it was almost not founded) or so it feels like from where I am sitting.

It can be frustrating.
What exactly does using more than one(non-dhar) wind do to people? It's illegal under College Law, but are there any examples of the terrible things it can cause?
What exactly does using more than one(non-dhar) wind do to people? It's illegal under College Law, but are there any examples of the terrible things it can cause?
Madness, and Dhar.

Using more than one Wind without a detox period, or if the wizard has Arcane Marks, means that using magic of two winds creates Dhar in them.

Trying to hold onto two completely separate mindsets (one for each Wind) tends to drive people crazy.
Madness, and Dhar.

Using more than one Wind without a detox period, or if the wizard has Arcane Marks, means that using magic of two winds creates Dhar in them.

Trying to hold onto two completely separate mindsets (one for each Wind) tends to drive people crazy.
Remind me, how do Damsels get around that?

Legit asking, my mind's drawing a blank.
[X] Leylines

No strong opinion on how we're plundering Castle Drakenhof, just extremely excited that we're doing it at all. I all but screamed "BUT THE LOOT" when it got killed.

Also I just spent the last 2-3 days reading this entire quest. Amazing stuff. Love it. Will be reading and participating in the future.
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