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Wait what, jades can cleanse an area, without directly removing dhar from it? Do we have any idea how that works at all? Like having mushrooms soaking up the dhar and then dumping those far away or something?
Or setting up a bunch of non-magical rocks that absorb the evil magic and mysteriously whisks it away via some kind of underground magical network via a process not fully understood.
So what I'm hearing is that quite possibly no one in canon has ever been desperate enough to try converting warpstone into something healthier/more manageable.

Given Morrsleib ended the world though it really should be something those with prognosticating abilities (such as azyr wizards) would want to at least attempt in secret though I would think

Warpstone has been a problem for eight thousand years. It has been a problem to the Slann, the Elves, and the Dwarves for all of that time, including during each of their respective golden ages and during the times of their greatest heroes and wisest sages. It is a permanent blight upon entire lands and anyone unfortunate enough to be born in them, and if there exists any one weird trick to transform it into literally anything else, it is not a lack of desperation that is preventing it from being found. That desperation has existed for the entirety of recorded history. Every year people end up in asylums or on pyres because they thought they were the one loose cannon who won't play by the rules but, damn it, they'd get results, and it turns out they were just one more cautionary tale about people who tried and failed to beat Chaos at its own game.

Uh that new to me as far is I remember warpstone is crystallized aethry and just attracts the winds. Which then leads to it being corrupted by Dhar. And powerstones are cheap knock off warpstone that attract only one wind and so not creating dhar.

That is one theory among very many about what Warpstone is.
Or setting up a bunch of non-magical rocks that absorb the evil magic and mysteriously whisks it away via some kind of underground magical network via a process not fully understood.
Okay, but that sounds like it would only work on ambient dhar though? Like the waystone network seems great but it hasn't been cleaning out the warpstone desert AFAIK...although maybe it was damaged there?
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They need to speak to the Skaven. They discovered how to turn it into Crack. :V:V:V
really, if it weren't for the megalomania and backstabbing, one could employ the skaven as warpstone cleanup specialists. Give them all your raw warpstone, they refine it, turn it into drugs, do the drugs, no more warpstone, yes-yes!
Call-contact now-now for estimate-pricing! Bulk deal has lower rate-price!
really, if it weren't for the megalomania and backstabbing, one could employ the skaven as warpstone cleanup specialists. Give them all your raw warpstone, they refine it, turn it into drugs, do the drugs, no more warpstone!
Call-contact now-now for estimate-pricing! Bulk deal has lower rate-price!
They also have competition in the form of trolls.
They need to speak to the Skaven. They discovered how to turn it into Crack. :V:V:V
They haven't really though I don't think, that would imply it's properties actually changed along the way? I think they are just more resistant to it than most races, throt the unclean for example probably wouldn't have three arms and spines and a messed up digestive tract if he hadn't been doing *very very* smart things like shoving warpstone into his eye socket.
Okay, but that sounds like it would only work on ambient dhar though? Like the waystone network seems great but it hasn't been cleaning out the warpstone desert AFAIK...although maybe it was damaged there?
The Karak Eight Peaks Waystone nexus coming online completely annihilated the Warpstone that the trolls were feeding on in one of the peaks.

Additionally, the two places where there was, or still is plenty of Warpstone are not connected to the waystone network anymore iirc. At the very least, Sylvania isn't.
Iirc it didn't, it did make it fall down though... I remember that because the question came up before...
Huh... ill have to try to look for that but that doesn't feel like easily searchable phrase, given none of it has exactly unique words. I suppose they had to quarantine it then. But i don't think the trolls would be so desperate if the Warpstone didnt actually get siphoned away.

EDIT: NVM i misunderstood the wording. Yeah, no idea then.
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They haven't really though I don't think, that would imply it's properties actually changed along the way? I think they are just more resistant to it than most races, throt the unclean for example probably wouldn't have three arms and spines and a messed up digestive tract if he hadn't been doing *very very* smart things like shoving warpstone into his eye socket.
Are you familiar with :V? it means not serious, sarcasm, trolling, joking, do not take this seriously and other similar things depending on who uses it.
Huh... ill have to try to look for that but that doesn't feel like easily searchable phrase, given none of it has exactly unique words. I suppose they had to quarantine it then. But i don't think the trolls would be so desperate if the Warpstone didnt actually get siphoned away.

EDIT: NVM i misunderstood the wording. Yeah, no idea then.
It stopped accumulating new warpstone tough.
The Karak Eight Peaks Waystone nexus coming online completely annihilated the Warpstone that the trolls were feeding on in one of the peaks.

Additionally, the two places where there was, or still is plenty of Warpstone are not connected to the waystone network anymore iirc. At the very least, Sylvania isn't.

Hmm in that case we should definitley put investigating more of this on the list to see if anyone fucked up the far eastern network at some point? Maybe clan eshin, or the Great Maw itself?

Are you familiar with :V? it means not serious, sarcasm, trolling, joking, do not take this seriously and other similar things depending on who uses it.

My apologies, I was trying to shift through many different replies and legit thought some might think warpstone tokens work significantly differently from unworked warpstone.
An idea would be detonating the warpstone to dhar* and sending that resulting dhar tought the waystones. That would solve the problem.

*I think we saw that happening with skaventech right? So it is possible.
On a noteworth side tangent though the fact that throt sired so many healthy (by skaven standards) offspring I think is a point in favor of Warhammer mutations in fact being not genetic in nature at all.
On a noteworth side tangent though the fact that throt sired so many healthy (by skaven standards) offspring I think is a point in favor of Warhammer mutations in fact being not genetic in nature at all.
Yes he's had many many offspring, many of which had children of their own, but none of them are characters or given much detail, so they could be unhealthy by Skaven standards for all we know. I'm pretty sure that being the child of a mutant makes you more likely to be a mutant, but the chaotic nature of mutations means it's likely you won't have the same mutations as your parent.
My apologies, I was trying to shift through many different replies and legit thought some might think warpstone tokens work significantly differently from unworked warpstone.
No worries.

Its visible from the We that warpstone can survive being ingested two or more times (by the skaven then the spider, and then possibly spiders again due to their cannibalistic traits )without degrading.

The reason that its filtering out of the younger generation is probably because they shit at least some out so without being replaced its naturally decreasing.
@Codex Fair enough, he's just the only named warhams mutant I can think of with a large progeny(for the puropses of confirming or denying heritability)and it seems like the sort of thing that would have been mentioned if it did get inherited widely. *Shrug*

I'm definitely no expert but again I think the complete inconsistency of traits expressed when even very similar populations are exposed is more of an argument in favor of my thinking than against it.
If it was genetic you'd see I'd think the same sorts of defects generally with some amount of variance of course but not so much so that we'd have things like mutation tables in these games.
Do we know what happens if AV touches Warpstone?
Don't remember that it was actually tested or if that was just such a "Duh" result that Mat wasn't going to break the articles. AV turns into Dhar if the moon shines on it too hard, its not a hard guess.
We did test, though only with Skaven tokens:
Experiment: Does warpstone (in the form of Skaven 'warp tokens') cause the same transformation as Morrsleib?
Result: Yes, though physical contact was required. Not currently possible to test if this would also apply to unprocessed warpstone.
In light of our most recent results, if warpstone is indeed a Dhar powerstone it is possible that AV will make it permanently bigger, which I think would make such an experiment even more of a violation of Article 7.
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