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@Boney out of curiosity, I was wondering what the Light Order specific title for Undead specialists was. Is it Exorcist? Or is Exorcist a specific description to those Light Wizards capable of performing an exorcism ritual to banish a Daemonic Posession? The canonical sources cover Daemonic Exorcism, but I can't remember much being said of ghostly posession.

Exorcist. Anti-Daemons is Abjurer.
Given the revelation (reconfirmation?) that we could conceivably finish Branarhune in a single turn by investing two actions on it, I'm more open to the idea of capturing a Rider In Red in a future turn with Johann, since that actually presents an endeavor that we can't take multiple actions of in a single turn. It's not ideal given our limited number of actions and all that, and I still want to finish AV+Branarhune, but it's become more appealing in my mind.
I think I'd like to delay Apparitions for now because we've got a lot of relatively-close-to-finished Projects at the moment, and Apparitions seems to be a longer Project than I initially realized.

The one Project I'd consider starting at the moment would be Windherding because I feel like we're very short on potential WEB-MAT actions at the moment, which makes it much harder to plan around the few WEB-MAT viable actions we do have.
I think I'd like to delay Apparitions for now because we've got a lot of relatively-close-to-finished Projects at the moment, and Apparitions seems to be a longer Project than I initially realized.

The one Project I'd consider starting at the moment would be Windherding because I feel like we're very short on potential WEB-MAT actions at the moment, which makes it much harder to plan around the few WEB-MAT viable actions we do have.
I am 100% for finishing up our current projects before embarking on new ones. People burning out on perfectly viable projects because they've been delayed and discussed to death is a real problem. AV languished untouched for a very long time because of it, for all that I'm grateful for the shot of adrenaline it's recently received.

It also seems obvious to me that commiting to finishing projects - and thus receiving the rewards/payoff - is good for every project, regardless of which you support.
I mean, if the ancient lizard people of super mages directly tutored by the even more ancient race of Old ones, that is connected to the planetary power generation field capable of physically moving planets, can only diminish the evil moon in super tiny chunks

I don't think our "one neat trick, Chaos hate her", is gonna do the job that easily
I think what's needed is some way to convert the whole mass into some solid wind of magic over time, even an amythest moon would be better than what poor Mallus has to deal with right now.

Maybe a hysh moon might be easiest? IDK what wind is most attuned to manslieb?
I think what's needed is some way to convert the whole mass into some solid wind of magic over time, even an amythest moon would be better than what poor Mallus has to deal with right now.

Maybe a hysh moon might be easiest? IDK what wind is most attuned to manslieb?
I don't think you can turn Warpstone into Winds, let alone a Powerstone.
I mean, if the ancient lizard people of super mages directly tutored by the even more ancient race of Old ones, that is connected to the planetary power generation field capable of physically moving planets, can only diminish the evil moon in super tiny chunks

I don't think our "one neat trick, Chaos hate her", is gonna do the job that easily

Oh it would the job of removing Morrslieb quite easily ...... it just the consequences are a tinsy bit big according to the information below.

What would be the consequences of using the second dhar secret on Morrslieb ?

Try it and find out.

Actually, don't. I've got some ideas for future quests but I'm not in that much of a hurry to bring this one to a close.

It is just a questing ending action to do so.
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....has anyone actually tried and failed to do this in canon?
Depending on how loosely you stretch canon, in Total Warhammer 3 there is a Cathayan Dilemma that involves some guy offering your Cathayan Legendary Lord (either Zhao Ming or Miao Ying) a box of irreplacable warp juice that was supposedly formed from purified and condensed warpstone, a supposedly once in a lifetime irreplicable experiment. Your choices to deal with it involve you huffing the juice to acheive ultimate power, adding it to the local water supply, or killing the person offering you the box and throwing it away.
You don't think it could work...why exactly is what I'm asking? I'm not suggesting it would be remotely easy by the way but I'm curious as to why you think this falls into the category of IDK vampires that draw strength from sunlight or something.
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Depending on how loosely you stretch canon, in Total Warhammer 3 there is a Cathayan Dilemma that involves some guy offering your Cathayan Legendary Lord (either Zhao Ming or Miao Ying) a box of irreplacable warp juice that was supposedly formed from purified and condensed warpstone, a supposedly once in a lifetime irreplicable experiment. Your choices to deal with it involve you huffing the juice to acheive ultimate power, adding it to the local water supply, or killing the person offering you the box and throwing it away.
...What happens if you add it to the water supply? Does it do anything non dhar like?
(edit to be clear i'm not sure if they are legitimately describing a failed transmutation or if the local warpdust merchant just found a new advertising spin for his product from reading that description.)
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...What happens if you add it to the water supply? Does it do anything non dhar like?
Boosts growth or something like that IIRC. It also imbalances your Yin/Yang score, permanently I think, which makes it a hassle to balance around it. It's been a while since I looked at it.

This is just a fun fact btw. Trivia. TW is pretty low on the canonicity.
So what I'm hearing is that quite possibly no one in canon has ever been desperate enough to try converting warpstone into something healthier/more manageable.

Given Morrsleib ended the world though it really should be something those with prognosticating abilities (such as azyr wizards) would want to at least attempt in secret though I would think
You don't think it could work...why exactly is what I'm asking? I'm not suggesting it would be remotely easy by the way but I'm curious as to why you think this falls into the category of IDK vampires that draw strength from sunlight or something.
Dhar is what happens when the Winds mix and curdle. I'm not sure it's possible to turn Dhar back into Winds.

Uh that new to me as far is I remember warpstone is crystallized aethry and just attracts the winds. Which then leads to it being corrupted by Dhar.
No, I'm pretty sure Warpstone is explicitly corruptive. And I'm pretty sure it's made from Dhar. Mathilde herself theorized that Warpstone is a Dhar powerstone.

Look at the Waystones in K8P- one of them had gotten blocked and formed a giant mound of Warpstone from the Winds congealing.
So what I'm hearing is that quite possibly no one in canon has ever been desperate enough to try converting warpstone into something healthier/more manageable.

Given Morrsleib ended the world though it really should be something those with prognosticating abilities (such as azyr wizards) would want to at least attempt in secret though I would think
Warpstone is intensely corruptive. Just being around it mutates humans.

(The pure stuff anyway, I think stuff like the Skaven Warpstone tokens is slightly less-so)
That sounds a lot like AV juice though, purified liquid warp-stuff. If AV is the warp in it's pure form, someone purifying Dhar might be able to get AV

It being a irreplace experiment and extremly hard is also in line with how one makes AV juice
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Dhar is what happens when the Winds mix and curdle. I'm not sure it's possible to turn Dhar back into Winds.

No, I'm pretty sure Warpstone is explicitly corruptive. And I'm pretty sure it's made from Dhar. Mathilde herself theorized that Warpstone is a Dhar powerstone.

Look at the Waystones in K8P- one of them had gotten blocked and formed a giant mound of Warpstone from the Winds congealing.

Warpstone is intensely corruptive. Just being around it mutates humans.

(The pure stuff anyway, I think stuff like the Skaven Warpstone tokens is slightly less-so)

That's exactly why I'm shocked no one has attempted it, if I thought there was any chance to use an IRL example to decontonminate a swath of land I owned from say anthrax i'd rip things down to the bedrock in the hope of being able to start fresh. I get the impression the brits in fact have done so before.

Or in other words, it feels absurd to me that *humans* wouldn't at least attempt and fail to nuetralize such a significant threat to themselves, if nothing else you would have thought someone would try seeing if fragments could at least be made less potent due to IDK not wanting anyone else to grow a foot from their stomach and whatnot.

At the very least you'd think if someone learned it wasn't possible to do any of that that thered be a very lucrative market in trying to create the most magically dampening materials possible by those forced to live in fairly corrupted areas.

Dwarves I could see just sticking the stuff in the deepest hole they could find though.
That's exactly why I'm shocked no one has attempted it, if I thought there was any chance to use an IRL example to decontonminate a swath of land I owned from say anthrax i'd rip things down to the bedrock in the hope of being able to start fresh. I get the impression the brits in fact have done so before.

Or in other words, it feels absurd to me that *humans* wouldn't at least attempt and fail to nuetralize such a significant threat to themselves, if nothing else you would have thought someone would try seeing if fragments could at least be made less potent due to IDK not wanting anyone else to grow a foot from their stomach and whatnot.

At the very least you'd think if someone learned it wasn't possible to do any of that that thered be a very lucrative market in trying to create the most magically dampening materials possible by those forced to live in fairly corrupted areas.

Dwarves I could see just sticking the stuff in the deepest hole they could find though.
The Jades cleanse Dhar-tainted lands (Totcher was involved in that before she joined) but I don't think that involves turning Dhar into not-Dhar.

Humans messing around with Warpstone generally gets you an ending if "and then they died horribly from their own experiments" or "and then they were executed by the Witch Hunters/the Colleges"
The Jades cleanse Dhar-tainted lands (Totcher was involved in that before she joined) but I don't think that involves turning Dhar into not-Dhar.

Humans messing around with Warpstone generally gets you an ending if "and then they died horribly from their own experiments" or "and then they were executed by the Witch Hunters/the Colleges"

Or in the very rare cases, miraculous results which are generally non replicable or very difficult to difficult to do so. As indicated through previous elaboration about Warp stone with Boney and DragonParadox below a long time ago.

You know I get the feeling that the thread only sees Warpstone as a combination of fantasy plutonium and magical hard drugs, because that is how the Skaven mostly use it. Just to give one an idea of the vast potential of the stuff and the reason why there is still at thriving black market in it consider the adventure in the 2E RPG book Realms of Sorcery.

In it a doctor obsessed with obtaining magical power uses warpstone dust as well as other unnamed reagents to fertilize grapes whose wine is supposed to make the drinker a wizard. Now the adventure contains all the things you would expect, madness, mutation and spontaneous combustion, but here is the kicker at the end the bastard manages what he planned. If you down a bottle of his special wine, it will give you the talents to be trained a proper wizard, no unwanted mutation, no insanity, just 'yer a wizard'.

Messing with warpstone is a terrible idea that usually works out horribly for all involved, but there is that narrow sliver of cases where you actually get what you want, whatever you want, that keeps the desperate and the ambitious coming back for more.

Warpstone can sometimes cause miracles instead of more traditional mutation, but none of them are reliably replicable. It'll turn out like all the superhero origins where the transformative event/substance/serum had one time when it worked perfectly and a bunch of times where they try to replicate it and it goes terribly wrong and creates recurring villains.

Not quite, it makes you burst into flames if you do not drink enough, just a cup instead of a bottle, unless you are already a wizard or related to one. If you drink a whole bottle you will be a (untrained) wizard no matter your heritage.
The Jades cleanse Dhar-tainted lands (Totcher was involved in that before she joined) but I don't think that involves turning Dhar into not-Dhar.

Humans messing around with Warpstone generally gets you an ending if "and then they died horribly from their own experiments" or "and then they were executed by the Witch Hunters/the Colleges"
Wait what, jades can cleanse an area, without directly removing dhar from it? Do we have any idea how that works at all? Like having mushrooms soaking up the dhar and then dumping those far away or something?
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