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Well, Mockery of Death proves that the Boundary of Life and Death is within the purview of Ulgu, so it's definitely theoretically possible that you could shake said boundary in a preferable way if you added the immense power of Dhar.

It would take like half a decade of research turns and I suppose it's outlawed by the Empire, but the theory behind is it is sound.
Now you have me wondering if it's possible to cast life/death based spells entirely without dhar, not only cutting out the auto madness but also turning Ulgu users into the most powerfull healers around, much to everyones confusion.

Like sure, any actual application would need thousands of research turns, but in theory.
You know I get the feeling that the thread only sees Warpstone as a combination of fantasy plutonium and magical hard drugs, because that is how the Skaven mostly use it. Just to give one an idea of the vast potential of the stuff and the reason why there is still at thriving black market in it consider the adventure in the 2E RPG book Realms of Sorcery.

In it a doctor obsessed with obtaining magical power uses warpstone dust as well as other unnamed reagents to fertilize grapes whose wine is supposed to make the drinker a wizard. Now the adventure contains all the things you would expect, madness, mutation and spontaneous combustion, but here is the kicker at the end the bastard manages what he planned. If you down a bottle of his special wine, it will give you the talents to be trained a proper wizard, no unwanted mutation, no insanity, just 'yer a wizard'.

Messing with warpstone is a terrible idea that usually works out horribly for all involved, but there is that narrow sliver of cases where you actually get what you want, whatever you want, that keeps the desperate and the ambitious coming back for more.
The Skaven do amazing things with warpstone. Iit's just that their definition of "amazing thing" usually means "weapon to kill Imperials and intimidate underlings", so obviously everyone is too focused on being afraid to be impressed at their scientific genius.
You know I get the feeling that the thread only sees Warpstone as a combination of fantasy plutonium and magical hard drugs, because that is how the Skaven mostly use it. Just to give one an idea of the vast potential of the stuff and the reason why there is still at thriving black market in it consider the adventure in the 2E RPG book Realms of Sorcery.

In it a doctor obsessed with obtaining magical power uses warpstone dust as well as other unnamed reagents to fertilize grapes whose wine is supposed to make the drinker a wizard. Now the adventure contains all the things you would expect, madness, mutation and spontaneous combustion, but here is the kicker at the end the bastard manages what he planned. If you down a bottle of his special wine, it will give you the talents to be trained a proper wizard, no unwanted mutation, no insanity, just 'yer a wizard'.

Messing with warpstone is a terrible idea that usually works out horribly for all involved, but there is that narrow sliver of cases where you actually get what you want, whatever you want, that keeps the desperate and the ambitious coming back for more.
I sincerely hope someone wrote down a step by step? Because just imagine how op the Empire forces if every unit description ended with "and also a wizard".
Warpstone can sometimes cause miracles instead of more traditional mutation, but none of them are reliably replicable. It'll turn out like all the superhero origins where the transformative event/substance/serum had one time when it worked perfectly and a bunch of times where they try to replicate it and it goes terribly wrong and creates recurring villains.
Warpstone can sometimes cause miracles instead of more traditional mutation, but none of them are reliably replicable. It'll turn out like all the superhero origins where the transformative event/substance/serum had one time when it worked perfectly and a bunch of times where they try to replicate it and it goes terribly wrong and creates recurring villains.
So instead of trying to replicate the miracle after success we need to switch focus to creatiing new ones, gotcha.
You know I get the feeling that the thread only sees Warpstone as a combination of fantasy plutonium and magical hard drugs, because that is how the Skaven mostly use it. Just to give one an idea of the vast potential of the stuff and the reason why there is still at thriving black market in it consider the adventure in the 2E RPG book Realms of Sorcery.

In it a doctor obsessed with obtaining magical power uses warpstone dust as well as other unnamed reagents to fertilize grapes whose wine is supposed to make the drinker a wizard. Now the adventure contains all the things you would expect, madness, mutation and spontaneous combustion, but here is the kicker at the end the bastard manages what he planned. If you down a bottle of his special wine, it will give you the talents to be trained a proper wizard, no unwanted mutation, no insanity, just 'yer a wizard'.

Messing with warpstone is a terrible idea that usually works out horribly for all involved, but there is that narrow sliver of cases where you actually get what you want, whatever you want, that keeps the desperate and the ambitious coming back for more.

It turns you into a potential magic user if you've descended from a magic user, IIRC. If not, I dimly remember that you burst into flame.
I mean, by the time Nehekhara was around the word umgi had probably already been used for humans for thousands of years. And Dwarfs are not ones to embrace change when they don't have to, and also often even when they do have to.
Nehekhara-humans lived for centuries, held greater divine blessings from their gods than either the Asur or Dawi or any human nation in the Old World since and even though they only had bronze they were still insanely advanced. Lybaras had automatons, blimps and other cool shit while Rasetra took on the Lizardmen and routinely won. The soldiers of Rasetra fucking armoured themselves in Saurus-hide and managed to then hire them as auxiliary mercenaries. Everything since the Nehekharans has been fucking umgak but they were pretty dope if not for all the slavery.
Nehekhara-humans lived for centuries, held greater divine blessings from their gods than either the Asur or Dawi or any human nation in the Old World since and even though they only had bronze they were still insanely advanced. Lybaras had automatons, blimps and other cool shit while Rasetra took on the Lizardmen and routinely won. The soldiers of Rasetra fucking armoured themselves in Saurus-hide and managed to then hire them as auxiliary mercenaries. Everything since the Nehekharans has been fucking umgak but they were pretty dope if not for all the slavery.
You know what would be hella funny? If the reason humans are called shoddy in the modern age isn't because they're shoddy compared to the dawi, but compared to their own ancestors among the Nehekhara. Like, dwarves look at humans and what they can do now, and lament their work as shoddy. The dwarves might have lost a lot of their lore, but they are still dwarves. Comparing Nehekharans with modern Umgi, and what other word is there other than a pale, shoddy copy of the original?
Nehekhara-humans lived for centuries, held greater divine blessings from their gods than either the Asur or Dawi or any human nation in the Old World since and even though they only had bronze they were still insanely advanced. Lybaras had automatons, blimps and other cool shit while Rasetra took on the Lizardmen and routinely won. The soldiers of Rasetra fucking armoured themselves in Saurus-hide and managed to then hire them as auxiliary mercenaries. Everything since the Nehekharans has been fucking umgak but they were pretty dope if not for all the slavery.

Also human sacrifice. That compact with the gods that made them so blessed, Setra of the too many names sacrificed his children for it. Mind I'm not sure any dwarf traders would know that.
[ ] Foursided Coin [1 Shiny]
When you are going Mork has yet to be mugged. But Ranald's Coin is tied to you, not to Mork, and it has already made the journey from Aethyr to Reality once - so if you hold onto it tight enough you can bring it with you.
This should be redundant with Late Arrival - Mathilde didn't bring her more delicate stuff to K8P until she made the Karag Nar penthouse her new home, and that was after the mugging.

On the off chance that omake "votes" might actually affect the next installment, I propose some plans that try to keep us on track for the original timeline's total reclamation of K8P without sticking Mathilde with a Chaos mutation or a horde of untrappable and actively antagonistic mirror gribblies.

[Y] Plan Try to Repeat the Caldera
-[Y] Late Arrival - Moving Day
-[Y] Slay the Butterflies [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Snake Trapped [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Spiritual Healing [1 Shiny]
--[Y] Mantle of Mist, the one we picked up after the late arrival
-[Y] Spells Lost [+1 Shiny] x2
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny] x2

[Y] Plan Try to Repeat the Caldera, Trade Healing for Less Tzeentch Meddling
-[Y] Late Arrival - Moving Day
-[Y] Slay the Butterflies [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Snake Trapped [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Spells Lost [+1 Shiny] x2
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny]

[Y] Plan Try to Repeat the Caldera, Trade Snake for Minimal Tzeentch Meddling
-[Y] Late Arrival - Moving Day
-[Y] Slay the Butterflies [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Spiritual Healing [1 Shiny]
--[Y] Mantle of Mist, the one we picked up after the late arrival
-[Y] Spells Lost [+1 Shiny] x2
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]

[Y] Plan Try to Repeat the Caldera, Trade Snake for Keeping Enemies Ignorant
-[Y] Late Arrival - Moving Day
-[Y] Slay the Butterflies [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Spiritual Healing [1 Shiny]
--[Y] Mantle of Mist, the one we picked up after the late arrival
-[Y] Spells Lost [+1 Shiny] x2
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny] x2

[Y] Plan Try to Repeat the Caldera, Trade Snake and Healing for Keeping Enemies Ignorant and Less Tzeentch Meddling
-[Y] Late Arrival - Moving Day
-[Y] Slay the Butterflies [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Spells Lost [+1 Shiny] x2
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny]
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[Y]Plan Max Tzeentchy Tools to Deal with Forewarned Enemies
-[Y] Default Arrival - Mirrorcatch [+1 Shiny]
The simplest time to arrive is the day you created this situation by trapping the Wisdom's Asp - a time that is currently almost simultaneous with now. Not guiding yourself away from that will give you more opportunity to shape other aspects of your arrival.
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
Many of your own actions depended on the strangest of luck, and couldn't be repeated the same way a second time - for instance the Mugging of Mork or the Battle of the Caldera. If you tie a string of fate to them then if you reach the same situation you will be able to achieve the same result.
-[Y] Memories of Companionship [1 Shiny]
Your friends will not remember the time you spent with them in the original timeline. But that time together has forged connections, and those connections may be partially transferred - significantly increasing the rate at which you reforge old relationships and keeping your existing familiarity from throwing them off track.
-[Y] Discoveries Unforgotten [1 Shiny]
With Verena's guidance you can commit every paper and book you have written or studied to your memory verbatim, allowing you to reproduce them both swiftly and perfectly - even the Dictionary of Queekish will be reproduced without error.
-[Y] Wolf Reborn [1 Shiny]
Wolf contains part of your soul, losing him would be like losing a part of yourself. But if you focus you can use that connection to drag him back with you, and Ranald can find a suitable newborn wolf cub to bear his soul. Redundant with Late Arrival
-[Y] The Unknown Rune [1 Shiny]
Kragg's masterpiece, with its Rune of the Unknown, comes to you when you call it. It shouldn't be able to be called to you before Kragg creates it - but with time twisted upon itself perhaps it can be?
-[Y] Foursided Coin [1 Shiny]
When you are going Mork has yet to be mugged. But Ranald's Coin is tied to you, not to Mork, and it has already made the journey from Aethyr to Reality once - so if you hold onto it tight enough you can bring it with you.
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
Everyone you have directly killed will experience a premonition of their death at the moment of your arrival. This premonition will be from their own point of view - and therefore in many cases will not feature your presence - and will cover the key events of the day leading up to their death. Whether they believe it or not, this vision is sure to impact their behaviour.
-[Y] Mark of Tzeentch [+2 Shinies]
Tzeentch will loudly announce its involvement in your "upgrade", branding you with one of its blessings. Good luck convincing people that you're innocent.
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny]
On one roll of great significance, Tzeentch can invert the digits of the roll (i.e. 90 becomes 09, 51 becomes 15). May be taken up to twice.
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny]
On one roll of great significance, Tzeentch can invert the digits of the roll (i.e. 90 becomes 09, 51 becomes 15). May be taken up to twice.

If it was me, I'd give up the Coin and Branulhune to avoid being marked by Tzeentch. Artifacts are nice but you can get artifacts by doing Cool Shit, remember that we just got Branulhune by accumulating a shitload of Dwarf Favor.

[Y]Plan Kind Friends and Companions
-[Y] Default Arrival - Mirrorcatch [+1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Memories of Companionship [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Discoveries Unforgotten [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Wolf Reborn [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny] x2
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Also when it comes to the Border Princes I think it is worth considering the nomadic lifestyle someone brought up a while back. If we are going to plan to move all our valuables into Barak Var anyway, then we should plan to have as many of our valuables as humanly possible be actually mobile so we lose less when the time comes to wait out the Waagh. Also nomadic life just makes more sense in a place with poor quality soil since you can move your herds from one patch of grass to another and let the soil recover from being grazed.
I suspect that area in question actually has really good soil. Like, fertile crescent levels of crop output. It's below the fork where the Skull River and Starnek merge, both of which are major rivers fed from multiple tributaries in the Worlds Edge and Black Mountains.

That area would probably get regular flooding as both rivers swell with spring thaw. Given the West bank is elevated hill country, that means most of the flooding would break the East bank. So yeah, a big stretch of land on the East bank, opposite the Verenka Hills, is probably a flood plane.

The reason this specific area of the Border Princes is so undeveloped and considered shit is because it's the route for 85% of the nightmare bullshit coming from the Badlands, Dark Lands and Land of the Dead.
I suspect that area in question actually has really good soil. Like, fertile crescent levels of crop output. It's below the fork where the Skull River and Starnek merge, both of which are major rivers fed from multiple tributaries in the Worlds Edge and Black Mountains.

That area would probably get regular flooding as both rivers swell with spring thaw. Given the West bank is elevated hill country, that means most of the flooding would break the East bank. So yeah, a big stretch of land on the East bank, opposite the Verenka Hills, is probably a flood plane.

The reason this specific area of the Border Princes is so undeveloped and considered shit is because it's the route for 85% of the nightmare bullshit coming from the Badlands, Dark Lands and Land of the Dead.

Fair enough but that does not obviate the fact that a significant amount of our strategy in the face of said bullshit is 'run to the dwarfs for shelter'. If you are going to do that anyway why not count on herds you can take with you rather than fields that are going to get burned?
[ ] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
I'd be advocating for this one, if not for Alkasumsum making it a priority to hunt us down over it. Although... maybe what we did to him doesn't count as killing.
and the taxes are lower when they rule.
We could avoid this and instead find different financing sources.
That is basically the Skaven methodology, yes. Admittedly with a wider strike zone for 'miracles'.

Mass of tortured flesh is slowly levered into a pit full of howling abominations as the Skaven chitter excitedly to one another.

Much wider.
That's because creating recurring villains counts as a complete success to Skaven.
You know what would be hella funny? If the reason humans are called shoddy in the modern age isn't because they're shoddy compared to the dawi, but compared to their own ancestors among the Nehekhara. Like, dwarves look at humans and what they can do now, and lament their work as shoddy. The dwarves might have lost a lot of their lore, but they are still dwarves. Comparing Nehekharans with modern Umgi, and what other word is there other than a pale, shoddy copy of the original?
In that case the Dawi should be called Umgi as well. Because they are hella shoddy compared to their ancestors.
On the off chance that omake "votes" might actually affect the next installment, I propose some plans that try to keep us on track for the original timeline's total reclamation of K8P without sticking Mathilde with a Chaos mutation or a horde of untrappable and actively antagonistic mirror gribblies.
How are we going to repeat the Caldera if the Black Orc High Priests of Gork get a vision of being assassinated by a Humie Avatar of Mork during the ritual? They are definitely going to take precautions and be on guard.

If it was me, I'd give up the Coin and Branulhune to avoid being marked by Tzeentch. Artifacts are nice but you can get artifacts by doing Cool Shit, remember that we just got Branulhune by accumulating a shitload of Dwarf Favor.

[Y]Plan Kind Friends and Companions
-[Y] Default Arrival - Mirrorcatch [+1 Shiny]
-[Y] Strings of Fate [2 Shinies]
-[Y] Memories of Companionship [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Discoveries Unforgotten [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Wolf Reborn [1 Shiny]
-[Y] Enemies Forewarned [+2 Shinies]
-[Y] Tzeentch's Touch [+1 Shiny] x2
Also, Kragg would freak out if he sees a sword he definitely made and doesn't know why. Sounds risky.
We could avoid this and instead find different financing sources.
not a smart idea.

one, even a small princedom will be murder to run and maintain without a reliable source of income-tax.

two, Taxes arent liked, but they perform vital social functions, even in medieval times.

even outside of paying for the running of the territory. they are proof of citisationship and rights, an early form of population cense, early crime deterrent (extra taxes) and economic/black market control (only tax-paying peddlers can work inside the towns etc etc.)

and finally, game it out: I'm a border princer, and I want a farm in the lands that dont get taxed, but so does everyone else.

It would not just cause unproductive over migration and over population, but infighting over limited land among the farmers.
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This should be redundant with Late Arrival - Mathilde didn't bring her more delicate stuff to K8P until she made the Karag Nar penthouse her new home, and that was after the mugging.
Ah, yes, MyenoB would not have made such an error - will add a note to both Coin and Sibling Rivalry that they're redundant/unavailable in Late Arrival.

I'm surprised how many votes I'm getting on a negaverse, makes me feel better about the silly amount of effort I put into it :p.
I'd be advocating for this one, if not for Alkasumsum making it a priority to hunt us down over it. Although... maybe what we did to him doesn't count as killing.
Oh shit. I forgot about him at first, but yeah, Alakazam would be a problem. Countess von Carstein over in Castle Drakenholf might be a problem too, but she was just kind of incompetent most of the time. Still, having Sylvania be actively hostile instead of passively hostile would be a major complication.
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