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Archives of the Empire 2 goes into ogres much as Archives 1 went into halflings and the Eonir. It has artwork of female ogres, textually says what the sexual dimorphism is, and uses she/her pronouns for its female ogre characters.Similarly, apart from a few offhand lines in obscure novels, Ogres really seem like a race with zero sexual dimorphism that use universal he/him pronouns.
Page 21:
Ogre head-hair is thick, dark, and lank, although males often go bald past their 30th year, and otherwise go grey after their middle years. Facial hair is often prized by masculine Ogres, with many going to great extremes to cultivate long beards, moustaches, or goatees. Many believe an Ogre's love for his beard stems from his desire to trap escaped morsels of food for later, which, for many, is indeed the case. Females, on the other hand, often braid their hair into antler-like crowns, and elaborate ropes which they use to tie their possessions directly to their bodies.
Page 22 has a name generator that suggests ogre names are unisex, same as elves.
Page 26 gives us an example of a female ogre character, and it uses she/her:
Nazzaalta Tallta
Nazzaalta's story is a common one on the docks of Ubersreik — not because it shares resemblance to anyone else's, but because she has a tendency to shout about it at all hours of the day. Born aboard a ship headed down the Reik from Marienburg and dumped under Ubersreik Bridge, it was all too likely that Nazzaalta would meet a swift end. But the stevedore gangs saw her value early, took her into their care, and raised her like one of their own.
With her strong back and massive muscles, she's a welcome addition on the docks, but it's her booming voice that garners even more attention. What with the changing times, the higher ups in the Stevedores' Guild have recognised what a shouting Ogre really means: it's hard to say 'no' to someone who would love nothing more than to eat you whole.
Nazzaalta loves her lot in life. The docks are home, and she's kept well fed. What's more, folks seem to like listening to her tell tall tales that she picks up from the ever-changing influx of sailors. And every now and then the kindly folks who tell her what to pick up and where to put it down instruct her to crush someone's arm, or break someone's legs. What more could an Ogre ask for?
Female ogre artwork from pages 14 and 36: