Hello everyone, ultimate breakfast cereal Khorneflakes here, and today I'll be doing yet another meme speedrun of Divided Loyalties. We're gonna be doing something very different this time - as you might know I used to have the world record for the NoSpells% run, a very competitive category, but this time... this time, I'm going for the NoWeapons% category, which if you've heard of it you might be aware it only has, haha, let me pull up the list... right, as you can see, this run has only four previous submissions, and the world record is... forty-nine hours and change, by ChanginYuorWeys. So this is gonna be a multi-stream kind of run.
Gorkamorka donated $20.00
Just checked out your stream and we love it, you're really doing this? What a madlad!
Oh wow, thanks Gork, welcome to the cereal bowl, and yeah, we've all gone a bit crazy during COVID haven't we. So anyway let's get into it. First things first, character generation, and if you aren't aware of how this run works you might think it would be simple - just take all the plus magic and minus strength traits, right? But no, it's not that simple, and we actually want to go for a build that maximizes strength in the early game, and make sure you take Bewilder as your top level spell. No, not Shadowsteed, and I'll explain why later. And like always with builds, since I ram through the menus before the option visuals even load in, I'll post the exact traits later, since you all can't see shit, I'm sure.
Alright so we're into Eagle Castle tutorial, and for the first bit we take the standard Any% line, but very quickly you see we'll detour here because we want to get a storeroom key, and now - hup! - yeah, you need to be very precise with that jump out the window, otherwise you'll take a ton of fall damage, and the whole point of this diversion is... here. Metal Bawks, my beloved. Perfect. Now, I hope you realize what's happening... yes, that's a lot of pogs in chat. Later on, we're gonna get a ton of mileage out of Shadow Knives, but for the early game, well, we still need to be able to kill things. And falling objects don't count as weapons.
Now we take our beautiful companion here with us back up the stairs - and this is why we needed to be buff as hell, in case you didn't catch that, a starting character couldn't normally carry this box. Ha, here's an interesting bit you don't see in most runs, since we jumped out the window, we sequence broke the tutorial a bit, so we actually enter this loading zone from the other side, and that means... yep. Two Abelhelms. Tutorial Abelhelm loads in at the start of the game, and we never despawned him by leaving, and then when we come in again the game loads the Abelhelm from the -
PrincePerfecto donated $6.66
Two Abelhelms? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Haha, okay, calm down everyone, lets not get too horny in chat now. I said... please don't make me get the spoon. Settle down. Alright. Anyhow as you can see, if we balance the box just right up here... yeah, that's not how gravity is supposed to work. But if we now go and pull on this wall sconce... ha, here's another neat bit - instead of hanging on the sconce like usual, with high strength there's a different visual of Mathilde just ripping them right out. Nice attention to detail.
And here comes the zombie, and... bonk! When the wall bursts open, the invisible clip that the box was leaning on vanishes, and our first zombie gets crushed under a crate. Oh, right, the box was clearly just levitating because it was so scared of us. My mistake. Alright, this next bit is gonna be pretty similar to the Pacifist% run -shoutout to LadyInWhite - there's a lot you can do with no combat at all, now that we're almost out of the tutorial - but as you can see in the splits, there's something very weird coming up pretty soon, and that's during the Ancient Mound event. Now, as part of that event, you get into a scripted fight with a bunch of undead, and we have no way of dealing damage. We took Bewilder, but that doesn't work on skeletons, and carried objects like boxes don't carry over through map transitions. So... we just need to clip out of bounds during the event, and get to the exit trigger. Sounds easy, right? Well, no, because the exit trigger doesn't spawn until the skeletons are destroyed. So what we actually have to do is clip the skeletons out of bounds, one at a time, and herd them over to Abelhelm and the other NPCs. Now, a skeleton's lunge attack can actually set its collision hull slightly within the level geometry, because it was coded poorly so there's a rounding issue. So if we set ourselves up juuuuust right, then we just need to wait for a skeleton to lunge at us enough times for it to clip through... which will take around eight hours. Per skeleton. And we have to set it up so the other skeletons are stuck on a rock, so they don't interfere with our target.
GarbageRat donated $13.00
that all all sounds incredibly tedious
Oh, it absolutely is! Believe me, runners have spent a long time scouring the mound for alternate ways to deal with or skip the skeletons, because it might shave some time off a Low% speedrun. But while there is a strat with some wood splinters that DiceCat figured out, its super luck dependent, and more pertinently to this category, it actually counts as using a weapon - tree branches were coded to contribute to the "quarterstaff" weapon category. So... buckle in, get comfy in the soggy embrace of the cereal bowl, and lets do this!