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Cartographical Compilation
I was sick and tired of having to constantly surf through dozens of sources to look at the metric ton of different maps as references in Warhammer, so I decided to compile them all in one place. Hope it benefits you guys as well to get some visualisation. A reminder that these maps are not officially approved unless Boney says so.

While I'm trying to post some of the more recent, updated and relevant maps, there's a bunch of stuff that changes with different iterations of the map and so many inconsistencies to sift through, it's a real headache. The Sylvania maps in particular shouldn't be taken at face value. That being said, there's tons of useful information if you know what to look for. Brace for a lot of Spoiler bars:

The following are fanmade maps that Boney uses from a website called Winds of Chaos:
Click the following quote for Thread Canonical Maps made and approved by Boney:

I didn't know there was a 20 image limit to SV posts until I made this post.
Notes on Waystones
Mathy's Code Notes 2: Waystones (small update 22/04/2022)

Facts, unconnected data points and provable information:

1: First Created by the Elfs over the top of an older system of unknown make, later added to by the dwarfs, and expanded by early human cultures. (and the Eonir at some point)

2: draws in ambient Winds of magic and channels them through laylines and nodes into the great vortex in Ulthuan

3: Waystone comes in mutable, varying degrees of distinct designs and time periods of creation.

4: Known Designs observed:
- Ulthuan Obelisk
-Ulthuan and Dwarf rune Obelisk
- Dwarf mountain waystones
- Black un-runed Obelisk? (Obelisk of Laws... potentially older than the Dwarf/elf collaboration but younger than the originals?)
- Lornalim trees
- Hedgestones
- Immaterial Waystone created by the light college, currently in a tea shop. (what?)
Personal Observations:

1: Waystones present a clear challenge to the base understanding of how an 'enchantment' or 'spell' should work, as they by all appearances possess neither soul nor mind, and they clearly don't take prolonged periods to prepare each individual strand of Wind being sent along the leylines.

2: The archetypal Waystone is an upright square frustum topped by a square pyramid standing at about the height of a human. On each of the exposed faces of the frustum, if they have not been covered by accumulated dirt or grime, is the Rune used in Eltharin to represent Waystones: a diamond atop a pyramid, and above that, a teardrop. Whether this Rune is upon the Waystones simply as a label of its purpose, or whether the Rune in Eltharin is based off the Rune that marks each Waystone and the marking on the Waystone serves a deeper purpose, is an open question. At the base of the Waystone, though this is almost always underground, is a much larger square base ringed with an eight-pointed star that aligns precisely with the cardinal and ordinal directions.

3: For each of these 'normal' Waystones there are many menhirs, large standing stones of irregular shape. Many possess no Runes at all, and those that do have carvings of ancient Belthani script. (All part of the later 'hedgestone' expansion? )
- these 'hedgestone' also absorb the ambient Winds, and then seem to draw them towards a nearby Elven Waystone. A similar dynamic can be found in the east with Scythian-made standing stones supplementing the Elven network (hearsay: needs to be confirmed).
- until more information is gathered, these stones (and possibly Lornalim trees of the Eonir and the rumoured Pyramids of the far south, depending on their history and time of creation) will be grouped together as part of the 'Third expansion' creation period. characterised by the seemly uncoordinated, but titanic effort by early/primitive local populations to increase the coverage of the full Waystone network substantially in their area. (could something like this truly be uncoordinated, even if you take into account that there might have been large gaps in when each culture created their part? and if not, who or what could have been the puppeteer of such a global action?)

4: A nexus point is where multiple Waystone-controlled leylines come together into one place to form a larger deluge of energy leading directly towards Ulthuan. currently, most of these nexuses can be found in the heart of modern human cities.

--- Johann has Identified that, in at least one example, Nexus points connect in a longest point to point fashion, e.g the most south stone in a nexus will be lined up with the direction of a more northern Nexuses, the most Western will line up with a nexus to the east etc etc.

- these seem to, from the empire at least, all flow towards Marienburg, then you speculate from there it would flow to Castle L'Anguille (needs to be confirmed) and then either further along the Bretonnian coast or directly towards Ulthuan. (needs to be confirmed)

-The Waystone at the heart of the Jade College in Altdorf is one of these great nexuses, but seems like a massively upsized version of the Belthani menhirs, rather than being visibly Elven in any way. (third expansion? or even possible a full replacement of an older damaged Eleven Waystone?)

5: The waystone that was first studied in detail would trap winds at specific points in the day - Ulgu at dawn and dusk, Hysh at midday, Azyr on moonless nights etc. Judging by their position relative to the Waystone, you theorize that the buried eight-pointed star has a storage mechanism in each of the points, one for each Wind, for when the amounts of energy being absorbed temporarily outstrips the Waystone's ability to add it to the stream below.
- When magic enters the leylines, it's from the points of the foundational star into a position directly below the Waystone, and then drop with sudden speed downwards to join the leyline.
- you never observed a single Wind being dropped in, always at least two- the Waystones seem to need at least two Winds to be present to drain away magical energies, (is it possible that the waystone is designed to use the winds 'natural' repulsion of each other and some sort of 'valving' mechanism to create movement in the correct direction?) and thus a specific Waystone would only be able to drain away as much of a given Wind as there exists the total of the other seven Winds. ( could a mono-wind environment 'overload' a waystone? or is there a safety mechanism?)

6: In regards to Dhar: It has proved impossible from unaided observation to see anything of the Dhar after it enters the Waystone itself, even as the Waystone absorbs amounts of it that would leave one of the storage mechanisms visible if it were one of the Winds. Perhaps the Waystones are built to contain the malign energies of Dhar and so not even a glimmer of them can be seen by the sharpest of Windsight, or perhaps they are dumped into the leylines below immediately, rather than a few sparks at a time.

Contributor Observations and contributions

Ward of Frost:
- Vicereine of Oldenlitz has confirmed that to the best of her knowledge that the Lornalim trees were not created with knowledge of the standing stones of the Belthani despite serving the same function. (this doesn't prove a lack of conspiracy, just that the potential acters were not made aware of each other by the directors)

- Johann has proven that he can accurately pinpoint the direction of flow between nexuses thinks to his type of windsight.
- Johann has found that despite the fact that the Kislev City nexus, below the Bokha Palace, was active, there is no connection to the Ostermark network.

No data yet

Testable Hypotheses:

Areas to be studied or investigated:

Something is blocking the connection between Ostermark and Kislev city.
Johann and possibly the jades could map out any other unexplainable blockages

if you have something to add, @ me.
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Freeform RP
MoneyB and his friends were gathered over a cup of tea when the latest what if discussion came up.

"So, if you get to be a Elector Count of the empire in Warhammer, but the downside is that you have a chaos cultist hounding your tail. Would you accept?"

"Sure, half of the EC already have a cultist cell after then, and while Warhammer suck it would suck less for an EC."

"Oh, that is no ordinary cultist cell, it's a.... mmm... Oh, a former EC who fell to chaos and now is trying to kill you."

"Well that is more problematic, does that mean that we at least have a record of him and his possible character before he fell to chaos, giving that he was a family member?"

"No no... he... he is from another province"

"what the hell them? why does he care about us?"

"I don't know, something about him blaming you for his family fall, look his reasons doesn't matter, would you take the deal?"

"Sure, seems worth it, just double the guards and we should be fine, right guys? It's not like a chaos conspiracy is anything new in the setting"

"Nope, you die. He got blessing from his dark patrons that allow him to subvert and bypass your guard"

"Fine, so we will ask the priests for help, they should be able to counter that, no?"

"Nope, dead again, normal priests are not enough against a favored agent of the dark gods, and a former EC will most certainly be."

"wait, which Province are we ruling? can we pick and choose? I always wanted to live in Talabecland."

"You and your hunting habits... fine we are ruling Tabaecland."

"Wait guys, doesn't Talabecland have that Taal blessed river? shouldn't that help against demons"

"It would, but it is not strong enough against those merely blessed and mutated by Chaos, you are dead again."

"Can't we just put a bounty on his head? let the underworld sort it out"

"Dead again. He is too sneaky for that, they can't find him. beside it is not like the bounty hunters could help you against his ritual"

"Wait a second, what ritual? didn't you say he does that as some weird twisted up revenge against our family?"

"ahm... sure, but he also dedicate the murders to the dark gods, something about a symbolic gesture of how his own family fell. Seems appropriate for a follower of the dark gods."

"Couldn't you have mentioned it at the beginning? if there is a ritual involved can't we just call in the wizards? which of the orders were the anti demons again?"

"that would be the Lights, and yeah you should have told us it was a ritual at the beginning, we can just request a Light Wizard that specialize in Wards to help defend us. No need to go find the cultist if he can't get near us to do the ritual, and then all that is left is to wait for the Dark Gods to turn him into a Chaos Spawn for failing to dedicate the murders."

"Nope again, you die. the cultist manage to catch one of you when out of sight of the Light Wizard. you are a big family, and some of the members are too decadent to stay under the disapproving gaze of a Wizard for weeks to pass without indulging in one vice or another."

"Wait. didn't you say we are swapping in as the Elector Count, are we him or the entire goddamn family branch?"

"This is not relevant, point is the Light Wizard can't stop him, what do you do?"

"Goddamn goal shifting bastard, fine. We do all the previous options together, double the guards, call in the priests. go take a sweet vacation in the Taal river summer palace, and give the Light Wizard enough time to ward that place till kingdom comes. There, let hi choke on that."

"You know MoneyB will just say that the cultist pull a demon out of his ass or something, like the last time he gave us a stupid hypotiesis choice. I'm still angry about that stupid Dor-Cum Fiasco."

"goddamn Dor-Cum..."

"Fine. If going defensive won't work, we need to go on the offence. Doesn't the Wizards have their own shadow mages? they should be able to fight the cultist in his own game, I think it was the Black Magisters."

"No, that is the outcast wizards, and could be a solid back up plan, if we find one not tainted by Chaos. What you are thinking about is the Grey Order."

"Cool, so we get one of those to go ham on the city next time the Cultist try and make a move."

"You don't actually know when he is going to strike next."

"Shush it. You told us he was was killing us like his own family was killed, and they were also an EC family, that murders should be public enough that we will know when he strikes next."

"That was covered up by the witch hunters."

"Grey Wizard trump that, Article 15 in your face"

"Fine, Grey Wizard find the date, and also that one of you will die choking on fish bones. Then what?"

"He could move over the city and try and find the Mutant, no taksies backsies, you mentioned it during the whole Taal river part."

"Over the whole city?, no way, the city is too big"

"Smoke and Mirrors"

"And what, spent the entire day chain casting it?"

"Yes!, it's the bloody wizards. One of them should be crazy enough to have tried it."

"Fine. He turns his beard into smoke but manage to do it. But he still can't be at all places."

"That is why he called in the Longshanks, all they need is to cordon off the city and that should make the whole search easier."

"Ahm... well the city defenses are not good enough to be able to cordon off the whole city, so all you got is the cultist going where there is no blockage."

"And doesn't the Grey Wizard find him?"

"The cultist also has witchsight, so he can see the Wizard teleporting around all the city and he use a carriage to hide his features."

"Ah, at this point means he is inside a carriage and going to one of the the few places where there is no Witch Hunters cordon, meaning the other Grey Wizard can find him easily."

"Wait. What other Grey Wizard?"

"The one we also hired"

"You can't hire two Grey Wizards!"

"Fine, she came to help us out of some weird secret imperial grey wizardness reasons, and decide to wack the cultist out of some weird grey wizardness. Maybe she hates his family or something."

"His family has been extinct for decades."

"A very long ago something, look the Greys are weird, even the official supplements say that, they have a former Magister Patriarchs who likes to hang out in the Moot with halfings and smoke pipes or something."

"...How in the hells do you know so much about Warhammer and still can't catch a lord of the rings reference is beyond me..."

"Wait, is that what his stupid deal was, that can't be right. They called him Olórin, not some weird Gandalf proxy name like they do to all the other stupid pop culture characters... Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Alright guys, enough about LOTR, you still haven't explained to me how you got two Grey Wizards"

"I don't know, he is her dad or something"

"...Fine, so this second Grey Wizard manage to find the carriage that the cultist is in then what?"

"If we kill him does his cell of contact keep trying to hunt us down?"

"No, just him."

"We blow him up."

"...This is Grey Wizard, not a Bright Wizard. those are the ones that deal in explosions. Beside it is the middle of the city."

"Fine, she commissioned an artifact from the Brights, A Dragonbottle or something. And this is the first time she get to use it so she doesn't really care about a few burned city stalls."

"Won't work. the cultist is protected by an artifact."

"Goddamnit, she wacks him with a big sword, would that work?"

"She is a Wizard, they don't do Greatsword, beside still won't work. the Artifacts and spells he have protect him"

"Wasn't it just an Artifact"

"No, Both."

"Fine, if he get to be loaded up then so can she, she got a big magic sword that dispel all enchantments and deactive protective artifacts. Would that work?"

"From where the heck will she get a sword like that?"

"I dunno, the dwarves or something. You always did harp about that Dwarf Runes are sheer bullshit, like that one time you mentioned an automatically recalled ballistae bolt."

"Fine, but how would she get the sword, those kind of runes are reserved to the dwarves."

"They do have a history of giving cool shit for humans, like Ghal Maraz and the Runefangs."

"I don't see any Everchosen for her to stomp on to get that kind of shit."

"Look, if you can pull weird shit then so can we. She got her cool magic sword from a cool friendly Runelord for reclaiming the cool dwarfhold, I don't know lets go with Karak Eight Peaks. And she goes in after spotting the cultist and wacks him and all his bullshit with her very nifty Greatsword and dispel all his buffs while he is unaware because she is a Grey Wizard and that is how they roll. Now, would that finally stop that accursed cultist and end this stupid what if question you had us going on for the last fifteen minutes?"

"...It was a decoy cultist."
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Divided Loyalties meme speedrun
Hello everyone, ultimate breakfast cereal Khorneflakes here, and today I'll be doing yet another meme speedrun of Divided Loyalties. We're gonna be doing something very different this time - as you might know I used to have the world record for the NoSpells% run, a very competitive category, but this time... this time, I'm going for the NoWeapons% category, which if you've heard of it you might be aware it only has, haha, let me pull up the list... right, as you can see, this run has only four previous submissions, and the world record is... forty-nine hours and change, by ChanginYuorWeys. So this is gonna be a multi-stream kind of run.

Gorkamorka donated $20.00
Just checked out your stream and we love it, you're really doing this? What a madlad!

Oh wow, thanks Gork, welcome to the cereal bowl, and yeah, we've all gone a bit crazy during COVID haven't we. So anyway let's get into it. First things first, character generation, and if you aren't aware of how this run works you might think it would be simple - just take all the plus magic and minus strength traits, right? But no, it's not that simple, and we actually want to go for a build that maximizes strength in the early game, and make sure you take Bewilder as your top level spell. No, not Shadowsteed, and I'll explain why later. And like always with builds, since I ram through the menus before the option visuals even load in, I'll post the exact traits later, since you all can't see shit, I'm sure.

Alright so we're into Eagle Castle tutorial, and for the first bit we take the standard Any% line, but very quickly you see we'll detour here because we want to get a storeroom key, and now - hup! - yeah, you need to be very precise with that jump out the window, otherwise you'll take a ton of fall damage, and the whole point of this diversion is... here. Metal Bawks, my beloved. Perfect. Now, I hope you realize what's happening... yes, that's a lot of pogs in chat. Later on, we're gonna get a ton of mileage out of Shadow Knives, but for the early game, well, we still need to be able to kill things. And falling objects don't count as weapons.

Now we take our beautiful companion here with us back up the stairs - and this is why we needed to be buff as hell, in case you didn't catch that, a starting character couldn't normally carry this box. Ha, here's an interesting bit you don't see in most runs, since we jumped out the window, we sequence broke the tutorial a bit, so we actually enter this loading zone from the other side, and that means... yep. Two Abelhelms. Tutorial Abelhelm loads in at the start of the game, and we never despawned him by leaving, and then when we come in again the game loads the Abelhelm from the -

PrincePerfecto donated $6.66
Two Abelhelms? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Haha, okay, calm down everyone, lets not get too horny in chat now. I said... please don't make me get the spoon. Settle down. Alright. Anyhow as you can see, if we balance the box just right up here... yeah, that's not how gravity is supposed to work. But if we now go and pull on this wall sconce... ha, here's another neat bit - instead of hanging on the sconce like usual, with high strength there's a different visual of Mathilde just ripping them right out. Nice attention to detail.

And here comes the zombie, and... bonk! When the wall bursts open, the invisible clip that the box was leaning on vanishes, and our first zombie gets crushed under a crate. Oh, right, the box was clearly just levitating because it was so scared of us. My mistake. Alright, this next bit is gonna be pretty similar to the Pacifist% run -shoutout to LadyInWhite - there's a lot you can do with no combat at all, now that we're almost out of the tutorial - but as you can see in the splits, there's something very weird coming up pretty soon, and that's during the Ancient Mound event. Now, as part of that event, you get into a scripted fight with a bunch of undead, and we have no way of dealing damage. We took Bewilder, but that doesn't work on skeletons, and carried objects like boxes don't carry over through map transitions. So... we just need to clip out of bounds during the event, and get to the exit trigger. Sounds easy, right? Well, no, because the exit trigger doesn't spawn until the skeletons are destroyed. So what we actually have to do is clip the skeletons out of bounds, one at a time, and herd them over to Abelhelm and the other NPCs. Now, a skeleton's lunge attack can actually set its collision hull slightly within the level geometry, because it was coded poorly so there's a rounding issue. So if we set ourselves up juuuuust right, then we just need to wait for a skeleton to lunge at us enough times for it to clip through... which will take around eight hours. Per skeleton. And we have to set it up so the other skeletons are stuck on a rock, so they don't interfere with our target.

GarbageRat donated $13.00
that all all sounds incredibly tedious

Oh, it absolutely is! Believe me, runners have spent a long time scouring the mound for alternate ways to deal with or skip the skeletons, because it might shave some time off a Low% speedrun. But while there is a strat with some wood splinters that DiceCat figured out, its super luck dependent, and more pertinently to this category, it actually counts as using a weapon - tree branches were coded to contribute to the "quarterstaff" weapon category. So... buckle in, get comfy in the soggy embrace of the cereal bowl, and lets do this!
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Shut Up And Ride
Now I have this mental image of random Kislevites constantly challenging Mathilde to drag horse-races whenever they notice she can go real fast on her crazy magic horse.
"Shut Up And Ride"

I've been looking for a rider who is qualified
So if you think that you're the one step into my stride
I'm a fine-tuned dusk-riding speed machine
With a Hunter hat and a Ranald lean

So if you see me let me know, know, know
Come on now what you waiting for, for, for
My Flask is ready to explode, explode, explode
So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go if you know what I mean
Got a ride that's smoother than a golden man
Can you handle the curves? Can you Ritter all right?
If you can baby cat then we can ride all night

'Cause I'm Altdorf to Kislev in three point five
Baby, you got the reins

Now shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

Shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

I've got class like a '78 graduate
Got a ride with a whole lot of books on the back
You look like you can handle what's under my hat
You keep saying that you will, wish you were a cat

So if you see me let me know, know, know
Come on now what you waiting for, for, for
My Flask is ready to explode, explode, explode
So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go if you know what I mean
Got a ride that's smoother than a golden man
Can you handle the curves? Can you Ritter all right?
If you can baby cat then we can ride all night

'Cause I'm Altdorf to Kislev in three point five
Baby, you got the reins

Now shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

Shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

Past your Steppe horse
Ain't got what I got
Don't stop it's a sure shot
And your stallion huh boy I'm sorry
I ain't even worried
So step aside or ride

'Cause I'm Altdorf to Kislev in three point five
Baby, you got the reins

Now shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

Shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)

Shut up and ride
(Ride, ride, ride)
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Mathildes' School of Magical Construction for Status-Conscious Nobility
Mathildes' School of Magical Construction for Status-Conscious Nobility

"So you want to ensure your Wind-sensitive family member doesn't go insane?
Well that's fine indeed. An old kind of waste for a new time."
"But most of you will go bankrupt before, like, completing a wing, so I'll get to the point."
"Your best bet is to have an unreasonably rich yet somehow still indebted Dwarven King ready to bankroll your most fanciful whim.
That works for me, so that's my advice."
"Oh, and try to make sure you've got not one but two Runelords on call, in case one is busy with the fallout from your latest shenanigans."
"But what do you do if you're a petty noble for whom keeping up appearances is everything?"
"Spending money not on books or awesome towers? That's a bad investment, plus it's auditable.
Utonki Weber, favourite of my King, that's what I am, stick to that."
"I hope this was helpful."
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DL characters, if they were cereals
For corn flakes specifically, fruit juice is the way to go. Orange or multivitamin.

And trying to bring some relevance to this post: DL characters, if they were cereals.

Panoramia: Whole grains thing. Hearty, solid flavor. Maybe not super exciting, but solid and filling
Kragg: The oatmeal your grandma made from an ancient family recipe. The taste is supreme, but also irreproduciable by anyone that hasn't spend a lifetime making it, and will be lost with the turning of the age until only pale reflections and fading memories remain. Unless one of her greatgrandkids shows the dedication to learn it properly, hmpf.
Heidi: Confusing, colorful, yummy but probably also bad for you. The packaging is unclear about the ingredients.
Melkoth: The box where you forgot when you bought it, but it's still good when you need it.
Cython: Frosted flakes, literally. Add them to some lemon sorbet to give it some extra texture.
Abelhelm: Your favorite flavor as a kid, that is not being produced anymore. Nostalgia may or may not have blinded you to the real quality.
Qretch: A foreign flavor you picked up on a trip. Quickly running out and will be gone before too long.
Roswita: They brought back the Abelhelm flavor, but it was different. You hated it instantly. After some distance, you came to appreciate and like it for its own merits.
Regimand: Your fathers favorite mixture. Not quite your style these days, but it did shape your taste, and you'll always appreciate it.
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