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Talking about Morghur. Being able to build a library of gods to differentiate them from one another could help us to know who was the god that was turning turning the Chaos Wastes into sand which would help to solve what happened there.
I confess, I do find that super tempting, though it would require us to have a way to get to KD again.
There are others. I remember Stormfels and Khaine from the top of my head and there is others we can go after if we like. We haven't decided to whom we are going to go after yet.
Exposing mathilde directly to the imprint of malevolent gods seems distinctly unwise. These crystals are only a tiny drop of power, but one she already has is mindbending. Exposure to proscribed gods is probably unpleasant at best. At worst it's accidentally creating a minor divine artifact for a proscribed god.
[x] Truth
Just studding it shouldn't be to bad. It's not like divine juice is going to corrupt us, and we aren't deciding to do anything with what we learn yet.
Me: *the relationship is too unequal and not friendship as it is defined*
Also you:
Honestly I have to struggle not do dislike Ranald when i hear stuff like this, the only thing that keeps me from it is that he never claimed to be a friend
So no, I didn't take you out of context.

Seriously, the guy's saved our life repeatedly, even against Khorne, and We've done stuff for him in return. Maybe it's not quite equal, but there is definite give and take.

Also, non-consensual research is gross and wrong, and a thing we should avoid.
[x] Truth
Just studding it shouldn't be to bad. It's not like divine juice is going to corrupt us, and we aren't deciding to do anything with what we learn yet.
I mean that's exactly what chaos corruption is. Now we aren't going to go intentionally poking chaos or anything we think even has a risk of being chaotic. But divine energy is pretty explicitly mind-altering.
Also you:

So no, I didn't take you out of context.

Seriously, the guy's saved our life repeatedly, even against Khorne, and We've done stuff for him in return. Maybe it's not quite equal, but there is definite give and take.

Also, non-consensual research is gross and wrong, and a thing we should avoid.

Yes you did take me out of context, note I struggle not to dislike, followed by me saying why I do not dislike him.

How consensual are the gods when they meddle in the lives of men... including for their own amusement not even study?
He didn't ask us even when we got declared dwarf because of his manipulations.

That was far more intrusive than what we have done. More to point his part of this experiment is over. We are talking about other gods now.
🤷‍♀️ I voted truth. I just object to the characterisation of Faith as unthinking submisssion. You are right about the dwarf thing though, that was a bit dickish on his part. It's one of those pranks that could potentially go really bad and he's lucky it didn't.
Reaches are things that are possible, but very unlikely. So yeah, the stuff in parentheses just isn't a good argument.

Is Ranald our dearest friend or not? We don't screw around with friends like this, it's wrong. Faith is the answer here.
If Ranald knows what we are doing, why not just tell him? That's how trust is built and not violated.
If the Grey Order needs you to assassinate an Empress, you don't ask them for permission before assassinating the Empress, as that denies them the plausible deniability required to assassinate an Empress:
It's not impossible. The Grey Order operates that way in some circumstances, where forgiveness after the fact is sometimes granted when permission could never have been given if it had been sought beforehand.
And stealing Cult Secrets is on that same level of severity:
If your main priority is continuing the research, there's no benefit to telling Ranald. Either He's against it and bad things happen, or the consequences for what happens if it gets found out just got a whole lot worse for everybody because now Ranald is implicated.
So why wouldn't the same principles apply here? Why is it "very unlikely" that Ranald would want deniability, if we started poking at the secrets of other gods?

Especially because, again,
Ranald was paying enough attention to us while we were chatting with Ljiljana to instantly hear her message and give us a response.

Mathilde spent several weeks preparing to run experiments with AV, the Coin, and magic signature crystals.

There's no way Ranald wouldn't at some point notice what we were up to, unless He figured out what we were doing and deliberately buried His head in the sand for the sake of plausible deniability in case the Cults see what we're up to.
He should have known, unless He didn't want to know.
Exposing mathilde directly to the imprint of malevolent gods seems distinctly unwise. These crystals are only a tiny drop of power, but one she already has is mindbending.
Good thing that is not what we are doing? We already done it once so we know how to do it safely. And it is mindbending when she looked directly at them and she was able to handle it so not an issue.
Exposure to proscribed gods is probably unpleasant at best. At worst it's accidentally creating a minor divine artifact for a proscribed god.
This is wrong in all accounts. We are not exposing Mathilde nor will we creating anything but crystal captures of them. It is safe otherwise Mathilde would make note of it already.
Sacrifice is only sacrifice if it is meaningful. Mathilde is taking on a geass/sacred oath to not research divine ever again in this way is the sacrifice she is making because that is what a meningful sacrifice actually is.
Sacrifice has to be meaningful. This includes the one your sacrifice to actually caring about it. Even if Ranald doesn't approve of this particular project, I doubt he would seriously dislike Mathilde doing any further divine research in general. She has been doing this for years and (with one exception) with his tacit acceptance and, as I recall, actual help at some point via the coin.

Sacrificing any research ever would be overkill.
With Faith option we by WoQM definitely can't count on being able to use process / knowledge of creating crystallized divine energy with Ranald's approval, and that's means at all, because Mathilde won't go against Ranald:
Sure, we cannot count on it. Same as when Mathilde did her other research on the coin. The moment Ranald asked her to stop she did.
Sacrifice has to be meaningful. This includes the one your sacrifice to actually caring about it. Even if Ranald doesn't approve of this particular project, I doubt he would seriously dislike Mathilde doing any further divine research in general. She has been doing this for years and (with one exception) with his tacit acceptance and, as I recall, actual help at some point via the coin.

Sacrificing any research ever would be overkill.

Sure but again I'll ask you what I asked Shane earlier, where do you see us finding another source of divinity to research that is remotely even equivalent to this?

We have something that will allow 100% replicable results, this is basically the best lead for divine research we will ever find.
Sacrifice has to be meaningful. This includes the one your sacrifice to actually caring about it. Even if Ranald doesn't approve of this particular project, I doubt he would seriously dislike Mathilde doing any further divine research in general. She has been doing this for years and (with one exception) with his tacit acceptance and, as I recall, actual help at some point via the coin.
We are sacrificing/foreswearing the use of AV in divine research. It is meaningful since it is the first and so far only method we found that allows us to peek behind the curtain.
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Exposing mathilde directly to the imprint of malevolent gods seems distinctly unwise. These crystals are only a tiny drop of power, but one she already has is mindbending. Exposure to proscribed gods is probably unpleasant at best. At worst it's accidentally creating a minor divine artifact for a proscribed god.
Boney compared it to holy water earlier:
It's a frozen wisp of uncontrolled power, it would be the equivalent of a small amount of holy water in how it could be used.
We can take a gyro to the kurgans and then use them to get up to Dum. It is a lot easier to get one Grey Wizard up there than a caravan full of dawi.
Fair point, we did have "scout the Chaos Wastes" as an option before the expedition.

I find the "Ranald is giving us plausible deniability" argument fairly convincing, and it sways me a bit... but ultimately I think I like leaning in to the "Saint of Ranald" path more than the pure research path. They're pretty close, though; props to Boney for making such a compelling vote.
It's a betrayal in the same way that investigating a friends deep past without asking is. Is stealing your friends DNA to run a 23andMe on them ethical? If you say yes, I don't want you as a friend, at the very least. It's why consent is important in medical experiments, and we quite simply aren't asking for consent. It's gross.

I mean... then what is setting up Heidi as an Empress? Because it'd be like your friend doing something very illegal knowing you'd be obligated to report them without your consent, and if you do not and it's discovered you could be sent to jail (or death).

Like, going by your logic Ranald already betrayed us, far more than we would be doing now (again according to your logic) and so you wouldn't want him as a friend at all.
Exposing mathilde directly to the imprint of malevolent gods seems distinctly unwise. These crystals are only a tiny drop of power, but one she already has is mindbending. Exposure to proscribed gods is probably unpleasant at best. At worst it's accidentally creating a minor divine artifact for a proscribed god.

I am pretty sure Ranald would have her back on stealing a proscribe gods' imprint. Which the first batch of crystals would be off to prodd without risking animosity with good people.

Also imagine the reward if Mathilde laundered divine imprints to Ranald; Afterall most things are sacrificial, like the strange Moon shrine.
This is wrong in all accounts. We are not exposing Mathilde nor will we creating anything but crystal captures of them. It is safe otherwise Mathilde would make note of it already.
Uh. What exactly do you think the crystalized essence of a god is? This is only a tiny amount, so unlikely to do anything drastic. But it's not perfectly safe. And that's ignoring the god in question noticing. And objecting. Given this has to be done in the presence of one of their divine artifacts that may be problematic. I'm sure we'll think of something if it comes down to it, though.

Still, I don't see this leading anywhere I want to go. The gods are interesting but… what does this do but give us a glimpse of their true nature?
I am switching to truth, and here is why. There is nothing saying that we must copy the signatures of other "good" gods. We could focus exclusively on the Horned One and Gork and Mork. Also, I don't see any other way to start the process of stealing some Skaven from the Horned One.

[x] Truth
Boney compared it to holy water earlier:
Ah, not too bad then. Still need to avoid anything chaotic, obviously, and the more malevolent of the non-chaotic gods are probably still not fun. But at least we aren't accidentally creating something they can do something meaningful through.

Anyway the real threat here is that to make the crystals we need to be in the presence of an actual divine artifact for that god (would a simple shrine work? If so that reduces the risk here. The Coin is a major divine artifact… as is everything mathilde thought to try it on, so hopefully we don't need it to be on that level). That's not a small thing, particularly for proscribed gods.
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