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And dangit, I object to Faith being characterized as the boring or middling option. Faith can be cool! Faith is cool! And faith is sometimes rewarded, too. Though even if it isn't always rewarded, that's not why you're always doing it and being faithful.
Now that you mention it. I wonder if one of the effects of Faith would be Ranald now knows about AV and what it can do, and sends one of his disciples to pursue this line of research.
And of course the ability to fingerprint a God is potentially immensely valuable. We know that there are in-setting issues where people struggle to tell if two Gosd are the same, or if they're a Chaos/forbidden God in disguise. This could be our one neat trick to resolve all these cases, by letting people with good enough Magesight (LMs) definitely identify which God they're dealing with!
By... showing them the crystals containing the whole 'identity theft' problem, that we've been told is very very very dangerous to show???
That seems arbitrary and random to me.

For one, traditionally speaking sacrifices are things like wheat or meat. Things that we have been replicating over and over for millennia.

For another WHF gods are people who can make their own decisions. If there is huge potential in this to further his plans, he can be like "no actually keep this".

For a third, the option only speaks of sacrificing this crystal. Sure, unless he says otherwise we are also stopping our investigations, but there is nothing there saying that Ranald can't tell us to keep going.

I do not think Ranald will tell us to keep going. But I think that is because Ranald doesn't want us to keep going.

And I am willing to let him make that call. He is our friend.
In the case of sacrificing wheat and grain you are permanently giving up the option to eat that grain - you would have more grain to eat without the sacrifice than with it. Thus it is meaningful. In the case of studying something, having one less copy when we have enough materials to make an excess of copies is not a meaningful sacrifice.

And while Ranald can certainly make his own decisions he also is aware that we can make our own decisions. Thus why would he spit on our sacrifice by rejecting it.
Moreover, how would us understanding Ulric etc. better advance Ranalds plan. If useful, I can see Ranald asking us to make and sacrifice other fingerprints (although I think this unlikely, but still possible), but that process will not advance our personal research.

In summary Ranald will not tell us to stop or to continue personal research, because we have pre-emptily made the decision to stop and Ranald respects that.
Also, I'm a bit confused at Mathilde's words here:
The Gods can turn Their attention in unfathomably large numbers of directions at once, but it is generally agreed That they cannot see all things at all times - They are great, but not infinite. With no reason for Him to be watching you at this time, it may be that Ranald does not even realize what you have.
No reason for him to be watching her? Does she remember this moment?
She tuts. "Would rather not. Save as much strength for the Za-Goblet as possible. But if I must, I must. No goblet if Expedition is destroyed." She tilts her head and looks at you thoughtfully. "A question for you, since you have so many for me. You serve the Trickster, yha?"

Apparently not very well if she already knows that. "I do."

"A message, then. Tell Him that the Widow may be willing to forgive, and that He should send a representative to discuss."

You feel a sliver of wary attention to turn your way. "I take it He'll know how to go about that?"

"Yha. Friends in common, you could say."

"I'll pass it along." No need to tell her that He already heard.
Ranald is capable of instantly reacting to "the Widow may be willing to forgive" and then hear what she has to say, and she was just having a conversation. Mathilde has been experimenting with the coin for hours and dripping AV into it, but she seems to be under the impression that Ranald somehow wouldn't notice. Maybe she's overrelying on Avatar to sense his presence, when this is the Night Prowler. For all she knows he might be hiding his presence so he can see what she does when she thinks she isn't being watched. But the super paranoid Mathilde didn't even consider that option in her inner monologue when a few updates ago she thought Thorek was an imposter setting up an assassination because he said he was going to meet her in K8P.

I find this weird. Is she that caught up in her power fantasy that her paranoia atrophied?
Okay, you know what, no. Forget whether this is a betrayal, forget declaring war on the gods or what could be learned. I'm going to vote Faith for one simple reason. We stole Ranald's identity… and I want to brag about it. I want him to know that Mathilde, out of all his worshippers, had and will continue to have that capability. Because mugging Mork is one thing, tearing a mountain from Slaanesh's grasp another. But stealing Ranald's, the Trickster God's very identity? On accident, no less? That's the sort of thing that would make him grin like a madlad and give all the headpats. I want him to know that Mathilde is that good.
I don't know why people are saying Truth might allow us to ascend. I think we should majorly draw down our expectations on that one. If we started collecting dog's pawprints we wouldn't learn how to become a dog either.
What we will gain is a much better understanding of gods and the nature of godhood, which we can feed into Mathilde's growing understanding of the nature of magic. It's insanely valuable, but it won't somehow turn her into a god.

Personally, I think I'll choose Truth. Faith is the objectively reasonable choice, but I'm reading this to be entertained and being prudent is not how you get that.
We're literally a researcher. Gathering incredible research data is step 1, studying it is step 2 (we'll see what options we get), writing papers about our findings is step 3. Do you really think we won't be making any breakthroughs from this?
And quibbling about a God's personal privacy is a joke. They're literally superpowered voyeurs who observe the mortal world regardless of the wishes of the countless mortals who happen to fall beneath their gaze. Boo hoo, now a mortal is looking back at them. Gods lost their right to privacy from mortals when they claimed their right to exert power and judgement over those same mortals. Expect transparency from your politicians, and openness from your Gods!
THB I mostly picked Truth because it'll make Cython really impressed, but now that I write this I'm talking myself into viewing its potential scientific relevance.

And of course the ability to fingerprint a God is potentially immensely valuable. We know that there are in-setting issues where people struggle to tell if two Gosd are the same, or if they're a Chaos/forbidden God in disguise. This could be our one neat trick to resolve all these cases, by letting people with good enough Magesight (LMs) definitely identify which God they're dealing with!

Not going to lie this is pretty on the nose and definitely put to words something I was already feeling.
It's like... Where does "If you choose to believe that wing of his cult" come in? The point was that this was an argument about the plain text reading of the story we were shared. And Codex was pointing out "Uh guys despite what you seem to have assumed this to be or mean from Fanon, the story pretty clearly says..."

Which, I mean, you can still go: "But I truly believe that Ranald was human and became divine. And that it happened through this particular story." (... Despite the fact that this story literally ends with the urchin going 'But that was itself a trick.' Eh.) But still.
That straight up is just both in universe and out of universe one telling of that story. Other tellings exist both in universe and out of universe that do not include an urchin at the end going "that was itself a trick." That is indeed what that particular telling of that story clearly says but the thing is there is no particular reason to privilege that version of the story over all the others.
Yes it's just that it's a camera for godly credit cards. Like I feel this needs to be stated more clearly. The energy is in the form of divine artefacts which, at least for the Coin, Ranald's made clear he doesn't want investigated. I don't think making the identity theft less invasive is gonna mollify them.

Where is the idea that there's identity theft involved coming from? Taking a photograph of someone is not a form of identity theft. Impersonating someone is identity theft, but there's not even the slightest hint in the update that impersonating gods is on the cards.

And this isn't someone's credit card details. There's also no hint whatsoever that taking a picture of what a god's energy looks like would allow you to steal their actual power from the Aethyr.
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By... showing them the crystals containing the whole 'identity theft' problem, that we've been told is very very very dangerous to show???
I see three obvious ways around this:
  • We only reveal this exists to the small number of LMs with good enough Magesight (and knowing Mathilde it'll probably only be other Grey Order LMs, and not Starke). It's not like we need this to be a mass-produced skillset, it just needs to be available to the experts who could potentially use it.
  • We don't show them to anyone. We use them to develop that skill ourselves, and then we go around solving those problems personally with our "amazing Lord Magister Grey Order secrets we won't tell anyone"
Also, I'm a bit confused at Mathilde's words here:

No reason for him to be watching her? Does she remember this moment?

Ranald is capable of instantly reacting to "the Widow may be willing to forgive" and then hear what she has to say, and she was just having a conversation. Mathilde has been experimenting with the coin for hours and dripping AV into it, but she seems to be under the impression that Ranald somehow wouldn't notice. Maybe she's overrelying on Avatar to sense his presence, when this is the Night Prowler. For all she knows he might be hiding his presence so he can see what she does when she thinks she isn't being watched. But the super paranoid Mathilde didn't even consider that option in her inner monologue when a few updates ago she thought Thorek was an imposter setting up an assassination because he said he was going to meet her in K8P.

I find this weird. Is she that caught up in her power fantasy that her paranoia atrophied?
Considering that a Wizard quite literally handles raw chaotic potiontal and have to take deliberate steps to distance themselves from normal mentality to use it...might be a little bit of the inner insanity coming to light.
That straight up is just both in universe and out of universe one telling of that story. Other tellings exist both in universe and out of universe that do not include an urchin at the end going "that was itself a trick." That is indeed what that particular telling of that story clearly says but the thing is there is no particular reason to privilege that version of the story over all the others.

Yea there's multiple stories about how Ranald became a god, or was always a god, or is the only god and every other divine being is Ranald having a lark with every one.
Can I come back to asking people talking about the 'identity theft' problem to explain why this has anything to do with identity theft? And do so while explaining how their definition wouldn't cover taking a photograph or painting a portrait of someone?
Where is the idea that there's identity theft involved coming from? Taking a photograph of someone is not a form of identity theft. Impersonating someone is identity theft, but there's not even the slightest hint in the update that impersonating gods is on the castes.
You committed copyright infringement against Ranald.
And this copyright infringement is of Ranald's essence. It is literally a facet of Ranald. It could not be more definitionally his identity.
I see three obvious ways around this:
  • We only reveal this exists to the small number of LMs with good enough Magesight (and knowing Mathilde it'll probably only be other Grey Order LMs, and not Starke). It's not like we need this to be a mass-produced skillset, it just needs to be available to the experts who could potentially use it.
  • We don't show them to anyone. We use them to develop that skill ourselves, and then we go around solving those problems personally with our "amazing Lord Magister Grey Order secrets we won't tell anyone"
That's two, and Mathilde's good enough with seeing Divine energy she can already detect that kind of stuff. The first option is basically just a novelty, assuming that any Lord Magister would consider this.
Do not expect the god who is as big on orthodoxy to give us an answer we would like. Also gods do not generally you know... talk to people in so many words. Ranald is weird about Mathy.

If we just wanted an answer we would like then there's no point in asking. And for all that Verena is the goddess of law she's also the goddess of science (and both domains are relevant in this case).
Can I come back to asking people talking about the 'identity theft' problem to explain why this has anything to do with identity theft? And do so while explaining how their definition wouldn't cover taking a photograph or painting a portrait of someone?
It's not identity theft in the sense that we will try to fake being Ranald, however the level and nature of the information provided is bigger and more thorough than a photograph or portrait, thus identity theft is used to convey the extent of the information, but not the usage of the information. The usage is more like the a photograph in that it is used to study and analyse.
For the record, you should operate under the assumption that you will lose forever what you are sacrificing. The Gods get real stroppy about people that try to wriggle out of that, just ask King Minos about his marriage problems. It's not impossible for Ranald to pull a Binding of Isaac and allow you to keep what you were about to sacrifice, but that's definitely not something you should be counting on.

@Boney which option should I pick for 'I don't want to commit intellectual property theft against our oldest friend or the Dorf Ancestor Gods but I'm totally down for doing it to Sigmar'

Truth will allow the voters to steer where Mathilde turns her attention, but there's no guarantee that the vote will go the way you want it to. If you're against even the possibility of investigating the Ancestor Gods or Ranald further, go Faith or Prudence.

Ok so as I see it there are two factors with two options: Stop the research or don't and inform Ranald or don't. Faith is clearly stop the research and tell Ranald. Prudence is stop the research and don't tell Ranald. Truth seems to be continue the research but don't tell Ranald. Is there any option of continue the research and tell Ranald? Would that be something we could vote for after choosing truth?

If your main priority is continuing the research, there's no benefit to telling Ranald. Either He's against it and bad things happen, or the consequences for what happens if it gets found out just got a whole lot worse for everybody because now Ranald is implicated.

Ranald is capable of instantly reacting to "the Widow may be willing to forgive" and then hear what she has to say, and she was just having a conversation. Mathilde has been experimenting with the coin for hours and dripping AV into it, but she seems to be under the impression that Ranald somehow wouldn't notice. Maybe she's overrelying on Avatar to sense his presence, when this is the Night Prowler. For all she knows he might be hiding his presence so he can see what she does when she thinks she isn't being watched. But the super paranoid Mathilde didn't even consider that option in her inner monologue when a few updates ago she thought Thorek was an imposter setting up an assassination because he said he was going to meet her in K8P.

I find this weird. Is she that caught up in her power fantasy that her paranoia atrophied?

The case for why Ranald might have noticed went unspoken because it's obvious, she's mucking around with His Coin and His energies and it's not impossible that that might have drawn His attention. The case for why He might not have is less readily apparent.


And this copyright infringement is of Ranald's essence. It is literally a facet of Ranald. It could not be more definitionally his identity.

This definition can be used to put the word 'identity' next to the word 'theft' here, but it absolutely does not match what is normally meant by the phrase 'identity theft'.
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I really, reallly want to study the gods with Truth. That's hella cool. The risk does make me somewhat nervous, but I can deal.

But I think Ranald is a good guy, and not telling him would be a betrayal, and it's a line I don't want Mathilde to cross. (I'm sure there've been a bunch of posts commenting on the Divided Loyalties here, but I haven't seen them cause I don't have the time to read the thread right now, so I'll pretend this is a Totally Original Thought).

What is an actually (maybe) Totally Original Thought is that this choice kind of mirrors the when we decided how to deal with power left from Morks Possession. Faith is obviously the Ranald option, which we chose last time. Truth I would compare to the Magister option (it's got the defiant "Screw you, overly large amounts of dangerous energy is my daily business, I will take this head on and disperse the energy" attitude). Ignorance seems like the Human option (which was basically 'run and hide').

Leaving that aside, I'm currently undecided, but leaning towards Faith.

And this copyright infringement is of Ranald's essence. It is literally a facet of Ranald. It could not be more definitionally his identity.

Copyright infringement and identity theft are totally different things that have very little in common.

Identity theft involves pretending to be someone else. It's an act of deception. Copywrite infringement involves creating a copy of information that someone doesn't want you to. Ranald is claiming copyright on his image, but copying his image still isn't identity theft as it's not being used and is probably impossible to use to pretend to be him.
You have misunderstood me. For a sacrifice to be a sacrifice we need to give something up. If after the sacrifice we can just go and re-create it then we have not meaningfully given up anything and thus the sacrifice is pointless. If we choose Faith we are not asking Ranald for his blessing to conduct research. We are sacrificing to him the possibility of that research. Thus there is no cease-and-desist order because it is not applicable.
... Even if it really is like that, then... I kinda want to know what that act of piety and sacrifice results in.

It's a mystery box, yeah, but I want to know what's in that mystery box.

Though I'm not sure that it's... hrm. I dunno if it's necessarily exactly what you outlined here, the mentality here, but. Even if it was, I think I'd be okay for going for that.

Personally, I was treating the "Sacrifice to Ranald" option as the "I want to sacrifice this to Ranald and see what happens."
No divine energies are getting stolen in these experiments. Essentially this is externally introduced pure Aethyr getting attuned to a divinity and then stored in a crystal. Presumably if one can travel into said divinity's domain and get a sample of ambient energy there the result would be the same.
Well, the way I look at it, it's like this; the Gods provide for mankind, and mankind provides for the Gods.

Think of the relationship between a man and... hmm. Either his local community, or maybe the state or federal government as a whole, or just his local pastor or local sheriff.

If you gained the ability to forge the signature of the federal government or your local priest or military chaplain, and thus gained the potential ability to invoke actions and do things that previously only your Governor or the Pope could do... is that a thing that is ethically free?

Are you in the clear because you didn't steal gold from Fort Knox or the Vatican, didn't rob the government, and instead merely usurped the ability of the Chaplain or Mayor to do Chaplain-y or Mayor-y things?

Even if you are not stealing from the sheriffs wallet or the donation box at church, if you are intentionally putting yourself into a place where you could take over the cultural and emotional and religious role that the local church leads... is that still okay?

I think that is the way to look at the sort of fire we are potentially playing with here, and the meaning of the "identity theft, theft of fingerprint" metaphor people are using.

And I'm betting that people will probably make the obvious quip of "So we're in place to be Martin Luther? Well then sign me up for that!"

But that's ignoring the fact that in order to assume that, you have to assume that the Gods of Warhammer were being equally dickish and worthy of being opposed or undermined.

It is making the assumption that "Yeah the situation deserves a Martin Luther." Except that's not the case. People want the knowledge because they want the knowledge. And because they think "Well we can do a lot of potential good for it, so that's good, right?" (Alongside some other arguments. Such as "Well, Ranald didn't stop us, so it should be fine" and etc. There's more in there.) I don't think anybody is arguing "The gods are unworthy and should have a thesis nailed to the doors of all their churches." (Except Omegahugger. I can see him cheerfully going "Now is the time!" But he'd be the only one who I could see as being genuine about that. About being able to be genuine about saying "I'm all up for being Martin Luther to Ranald". Everybody else would just be using that as a quip. A quip that does not actually counter the overall thrust of the argument I have been making; namely that this is a big thing we are thinking of doing, and that it has connotations and problems and possibly disrespectfulness and etc. That doing a huge upheaval of faith and religion is not something that is an ethics-neutral action.) (There might be some gods that we might be willing to go Martin Luther or Nagash on, of course. But I'm not sure if I want to hold the nuclear grenade in our hands the entire time.)
Can I come back to asking people talking about the 'identity theft' problem to explain why this has anything to do with identity theft?

Boney's earlier posts about the matter. Particularly the bolded part.

Mathilde knows Ranald better than most, but knowing in advance how Ranald would feel about this specifically would require an incredibly intimate understanding of Him that Mathilde lacks, and perhaps no mortal has ever held. It's a question of trust and faith and identity and the nature of the divine with a whole bunch of unknown factors.

In one hand, Boney has described the matter as "copyright infringement", rather than identity theft.

You committed copyright infringement against Ranald.

In the other, there is the comment about the likely consequences of gods finding out about this development, which is what brought Prometheus analogies into the conversation.

A good example of how Gods typically feel about unauthorized duplication of intellectual property is Prometheus.

Mathilde the Theoantagonist.

Could we perhaps not? If even one person ( or god ) notices what we are doing, Mathilde is quite probably going to become a smear across the pavement in a short amount of time.

People who will be interested in the result and support Mathilde:
1. Cython the Ice Dragon.
2. Maybe some elves.
3. Maybe some dwarves.
4. Maybe some Chaos Cultists.

People who will try to kill her the moment they realize what she's trying to do:
1. Almost every priesthood of every proscribed ( and some not ) god in the Empire.
2. Colleges of Magic for destabilizing the Empire by her actions and presenting an almost existential threat to it.
3. People on the streets.

Also… I'm not convinced Ranald is not, in fact seeing this. Shame on you, Mathilde, that's insufficient paranoia for a Grey Wizard.
She's been thinking about it for almost half a year. It would require incredible luck on our part ( hur hur) for Ranald not to glance in her direction during all this time and notice her preparation. Also, there seems to be a trick some entities know to hide from Magesight and more mundane senses. Skaven assassins from Eshin clan could do it. Some Daemons can hide their presence from freaking priests. I think that a God of Guile with an Aspect of a Night Prowler could conceal his presence if he felt like it.

Why would he do it? To see what Mathilde would do, obviously. He could have stopped the previous experiment not strictly because he was opposed to it, but because Mathilde could actually succeed and kill herself through overexposure to divine energy. Here we don't face the risk of immediate death until we try to steal the image of divinity from our first deity of choice, and whatever else, it will probably be entertaining, and that's like half the reason Ranald is following Mathilde around.
… I could actually see him helping for shits and giggles.
Probably not, though.
I'd like to remind everyone that we got a letter from Ranald telling us not to look into it.

His stance on this is pretty clear.
This definition can be used to put the word 'identity' next to the word 'theft' here, but it absolutely does not match what is normally meant by the phrase 'identity theft'.
Copyright infringement and identity theft are totally different things that have very little in common.
Dangit, yeah, that's fair. Sorry, I misremembered the quote and reached a lot for that comparison. I thought that a god's imprint could be used for forgery and, well, identity theft, but yeah it's probably a lot more complex than just having one unliving copy of a god's facet.
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