And Omegahugger was 100% sure that Dhar Insight was going to lose the vote after Karag Dum, and look what happened instead. That trait vote won handily.I will be honest here I do not expect truth to win. We have been given three choices, one is guaranteed boredom and sticking our fingers in our ears, one is potentially revolutionary and dangerous and the third will be seen as middling. SV has a bias towards mid risk actions when given so I expect faith to run away with this one no matter what I say.
And dangit, I object to Faith being characterized as the boring or middling option. Faith can be cool! Faith is cool! And faith is sometimes rewarded, too. Though even if it isn't always rewarded, that's not why you're always doing it and being faithful.
Your quips are coming entirely from a self-centered perspective though. That, from your perspective, you have decided that the only thing that matters is the potential gain of knowledge. And that any counter-arguments as to the costs or ethics of "Wait, but is this taboo or undesirable territory?" is rendered as an invalid line of argumentation!Really? How is that going for us then?
*looks around at the vast powers of Chaos at the Everchosen marching ever closer to the world's ruin as the elder races fade and the younger Fall*
Faith seems to be going great, no need for any revolutions of arcane understanding here.
Yes, yes I know hubris we should hug our good friend Ranald, I do not expect to win this argument anymore so I might as well quip about its flaws.
... I have trouble exactly putting into words the feel and impression I get here, but... mrgh... ... Hrm.
... Look.
Your argument here is entirely "This is a treasure trove of knowledge. We should definitely pick to explore this, and damn any other feelings about it."
And you use, as excuses and rationalizations and justifications and explanations for this choice, arguments such as "But it'd be worth it!" or "And look at how the world is doing, huh. It's doing poorly. Look at the Everchosen being a thing."
But, like... This only reveals and reinforces the fact that you appear to be coming from a place that views this only through the lens of "What can I get from this?" A lens of "I can benefit from this, therefore I should."
That, in a word, your perspective entirely ignores the "ought" part of "ought this be done?"
Just... Your line of argumentation strikes me as very, I dunno. Cold? That it's all about gain. And that anybody who stands in the way of gain for you, is a jerk or in the wrong. Even if what stands in the way is "divine orthodoxy" or "common sense about not fucking with the divine in a way that might blow up or fuck things over (either with smiting, or with a risk of Nagash 2.0 or whatever)" or "faith and worship and etc."
I mean, when people argue that "Wait, this is like stealing -- or at least committing identity theft -- from Ranald. And/or other Gods." one of your counter-strokes is just "Well who cares? Ranald is a god of thieves anyway, so it's a-okay."
It's more complicated than that! Ethics and right and wrong and culture and religion is more complicated than that! This shouldn't just be an excuse for you to do what you wanted to do anyway. It should be lessons or guides to life or warnings or ways to live life or etc. Or just... blargh. I dunno.