I have to admit that the first time I read the vote choices my immediate thought was "Why are these two exclusive of each other?" and having read the discussion and (some of?) Boney's clarifications… I'm still just as confused, though I sort-of see why Boney would divide it that way considering their modus operandi as a GM, which is to give simple, strongly disparate choices for important decisions where possible.
My main issue is that there's a lot of heavy baggage added to these choices which really needn't be there and strongly affects the voting choices. I don't think these will be guaranteed baggage after the vote, since big choices have rarely been that blunt, but it is certainly treated by voters as such.
The big issues I see are:
It is treated not just as sacrificing the Ranald-print (and therefore Ranald-research) to him, but the whole research in general. Interpreted as such, Mathilde will scrap the whole research she has been working on for years unless Ranald actively approves, unlike the previous deal of Mathilde doing her thing unless he actively disapproves of it.
This is treated as a betrayal of Ranald, actively hiding it behind the back of Mathilde's oldest friend. Obviously, a deal-breaker for anyone who reads it as such, and I believe where a good part of the Faith voters come from.
It also seems to be interpreted as a betrayal of all the order gods which is so severe, that they might actually treat her as a personal enemy on the level of (or even higher than) the Everchosen. Which is to say, they would not just dislike it, they would not just treat her as an enemy, but they might actually all band together and directly tell their followers to gather the armies and hunt her down.
I think there is too much weight put on the precise choice. I certainly would not want to betray Ranald, and I think most Truth voters do not want that either. I don't want to secretly research Ranald's essence without his knowledge. I would also vote for more research even if Ranald turns out not to be the biggest fan, so long as he doesn't directly vetos it. And lastly, I do not think that this research, even if it somehow becomes known, would be as big a deal as some posters make it out to be. I certainly think it would be a big deal, even to the point of souring Mathilde's relationship with some faiths or some priests trying to get her marked as a black wizard. It's not on the level of any of the actually heretical Chaos worshippers and dhar-using black magicians, though.