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The obvious answer to this is that they made a mistake and Hisme is a man who uses he/him pronouns.
Funnily enough, this is something that's continued into the newest edition of the RPG.

Both warhammers explicitly don't have a single unified canon so there's a significant chance this is less "mistake" and more "different authors straight up disagree with each other about whether the current elder of the Moot should be a man or a woman."
Both warhammers explicitly don't have a single unified canon so there's a significant chance this is less "mistake" and more "different authors straight up disagree with each other about whether the current elder of the Moot should be a man or a woman."
I have seen Swiss cheese with less holes that the Warhammer canon. My solution is to point at setting details and say "I like this, therefore it's canon" or "I don't like this, therefore it's not canon". Better to keep stuff from official sources in a quantum state and pull what you need or like than trying to rationalize decades of contradictory factioids into a coherent timeline.
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I have seen Swiss cheese with less holes that the Warhammer canon. My solution is to point at setting details and say "I like this, therefore it's canon" or "I don't like this, therefore it's not canon". Better to keep stuff from official sources in a quantum state and pull what you need or like than trying to rationalize decades of contradictory factioids into a coherent timeline.
But finding explanations that match both is so much more fun!
Roswita technically has a peer present, as Elder Hisme Stoutheart of the Moot is here to cluck with pride over the Moot's first colony and enjoy enormous amounts of Dwarven ale.

Most are taking this as an indication that the Halflings are looking to get involved in trade; you take it as a strong indication that Elder Hisme Stoutheart knows about the Black Water project and wants to be able to take full advantage of it to keep close ties with their colony.

"You might be right. I'm glad it's Hisme that has to deal with it, and not me. So, is your business here today mild enough that it can accompany eating?"

Elder Hisme Stoutheart of Mootland

Boney has very neatly sidestepped the problem by never using a gendered pronoun with Hisme within the quest at all.
In terms of book names, the Liber Mortis doesn't sound like a very Nehekharan name to me. It could easily have been called 'rw nw prt m hrw' when transliterated, or literally translated as the 'Book of Coming Forth by Day', like the RL Egyptian Book of the Dead, but some scholar who heard of it picked a Classical name to poorly translate it as, and happened to pick the same Classical name as Van Hel did for his own book. It's not as if the Codex Mortifica actually means anything different. It just doesn't involve the play on words of being called Book of Death and Freedom from Death at the same time.

Manfred calling his own book the Liber Necris, the same as one of the other Nine Books, is probably just him being a dick though.
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Manfred calling his own book the Liber Necris, the same as one of the other Nine Books, is probably just him being a dick though.
Great attitude. If Mathilde ever writes a book of necromancy, she should totally also give it the same name as of the the other Nine Books. Perferably stealing the name from Nagash by going back in time to publish first, but that's dependant on the CSF (College Student Flux).
Great attitude. If Mathilde ever writes a book of necromancy, she should totally also give it the same name as of the the other Nine Books. Perferably stealing the name from Nagash by going back in time to publish first, but that's dependant on the CSF (College Student Flux).

If Gretel gets far enough ahead in her studies with weaponising the Amethyst Wind, she can get in on the game with her own version of the Carrion Book of Shyish.
Great attitude. If Mathilde ever writes a book of necromancy, she should totally also give it the same name as of the the other Nine Books. Perferably stealing the name from Nagash by going back in time to publish first, but that's dependant on the CSF (College Student Flux).
Nice try. Mathilde should write totally innocuous books and give them the same name.
Study of the metaphysical properties of the vultures living in the Badlands: Carrion book of Shyish
Census data: Tome of a thousand souls.
And so on.
If Gretel gets far enough ahead in her studies with weaponising the Amethyst Wind, she can get in on the game with her own version of the Carrion Book of Shyish.
There's actually a tradition among necromancers to give any book you name the same (local translation) title as one of the Nine Books. Rumors that this is a Lamian/Tzeetchian/Ranaldian plot to piss off both Nagash and that one guy looking for his books are unsubstantiated, but probably true.
Nice try. Mathilde should write totally innocuous books and give them the same name.
Study of the metaphysical properties of the vultures living in the Badlands: Carrion book of Shyish
Census data: Tome of a thousand souls.
And so on.
Why not both?
EDIT: Or maybe she could call her necromancy book something like "Pickling Perishables with Mixed Spices"
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There's actually a tradition among necromancers to give any book you name the same (local translation) title as one of the Nine Books. Rumors that this is a Lamian/Tzeetchian/Ranaldian plot to piss off both Nagash and that one guy looking for his books are unsubstantiated, but probably true.

Why not both?
Because obviously we give our books of necromancy names so long and dull no one would ever open them if they didn't know what was already in.
Who would suspect: "A Comprehensive Catalogue of Classical Strygosian Coinage" would ever contain the secrets of dhar in chapters 5 through 17? And who would read 5 chapters of that?

E: That Cookbook also has fantastic name, and we can be reasonably confident it won't fall into the wrong hands as I don't think there are Halfling wizards.
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Because obviously we give our books of necromancy names so long and dull no one would ever open them if they didn't know what was already in.
Who would suspect: "A Comprehensive Catalogue of Classical Strygosian Coinage" would ever contain the secrets of dhar in chapters 5 through 17? And who would read 5 chapters of that?

E: That Cookbook also has fantastic name, and we can be reasonably confident it won't fall into the wrong hands as I don't think there are Halfling wizards.
At least according to what Boney's said, there are Halfling Wizards, but it's much more rare.
No, it's perfect: A normal wizard won't read it, and a halfling wizard will stop reading once they see there's no actual cooking.

On a barely related note: I want to write a book on magic cooking. The shrooms are a good start, but clearly insufficient. We should definitly get around to it in the next century or five.
The year is 2950, year 400 of the reign of Sorcerer Queen Mathilde the Undying(?).
Legends tell that she sought immortality as there was too much to research in one lifetime.

This year she published a cook book.
The year is 2950, year 400 of the reign of Sorcerer Queen Mathilde the Undying(?).
Legends tell that she sought immortality as there was too much to research in one lifetime.

This year she published a cook book.
Technically there's nothing preventing Mathilde from becoming Empress, she just needs to somehow secure enough votes right? I think we're getting there with Roswita though it will still need a lot more work. We can probably write of the Sigmarite votes entirely. The moot should like us, it's a start there at least...
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Technically there's nothing preventing Mathilde from becoming Empress right? She just needs to somehow secure enough votes right? I think we're getting there with Roswita though it will still need a lot more work. We can probably write of the Sigmarite votes entirely. The moot probably like us, it's a start there at least...
Mathilde: "I have a better idea: I'll become empress by marrying into power!"

Panoramia: "Wha- does this mean you're breaking up with me?"

Mathilde: "No, silly, you're the power I'm going to be marrying!"

Panoramia: "...huh?"

*five years of subterfuge later*

Grand Theogonist: "...and so with the unanimous support of all elector counts, I hearby declare Lady Magister Panoramia to be Empress of Sigmar's Holy Empire! Hail, and long may she reign!"

Panoramia: *muttering* "Dammit Mathilde..."

Grand Theogonist: "And now, for the first item on the traditional post coronation agenda: the Empress's impending nuptials with one L.M. Weber. All in favour of this pairing, speak now!"

All ECs: "Aye!"

Panoramia: *blushing* "...dammit, Mathilde!"
We need 8 out of 15 votes.

The current candidates are (according to Heidi) Grand Duke Feuerbach of Talabecland, Chancellor Wolfram Hertwig of Ostermark, Grand Countess Roswita van Hal of Stirland and (not yet) Grand Prince Mandred von Holswig-Schliestein of Reikland. (I'm assuming that in this scenario that Lutipold is dead).

If the Eonir business goes well, we can probably negotiate for Middenland and Cult of Ulric. With Roswita that gives us 3 votes, assuming she doesn't vote for herself. Hisme might support us as well, so that's 4. We'd have to spend a lot of favour and good will to just win those four votes, however.

The Theogonist and Nordland would vote against us unless the Eonir goes really really well, so that's four for... Ostermark, probably. Or maybe Talabecland? Either way, we can consider them a voting block. So that's 5 for Ostermark/Talabecland, if we include Hertwig's/Feuerbach's vote.

Actually, thinking on it, they might go all in on supporting Roswita instead.

That leaves 6 votes and we need to sway at least four of them: Mandreds vote, Hochland, Wissenland, Averland, Talabecland/Ostermark, and Ostland.

Mandred could be persuaded to vote for us, but he's likely to try to lead his own block. Either way, to be safe we'd want to convince Hochland, Wissenland, Averland and Ostland at the very least.

And that's even assuming the idea of a wizard-emperor doesn't inspire riots throughout the Empire. Although having Ranald's backing should prevent that from getting too out of hand, I suppose, but that's why he wants Mandred on the throne.

Honestly, if we want a real attempt at becoming empress, we could become Mandred's court wizard when he comes of age, build connections and relationships among the EC's, and then make a play for power after his reign.

Alternatively, find a way to become an EC ourselves. There are two more runefangs floating around, after all, and we kinda already have our own.
Aside from my thoughts on the likelihood of such a thing (which I believe to be incredibly low), I have negative interest in having Mathilde become even a Baron. Becoming Empress is a thousand times worse than even that.
Just imagine, all the resources of the empire to dig up curiosities with and absolutely no AP free to spend researching them. Sounds like hell for the thread.
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