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Article: Help Wanted!
Adventurers, Drivers, Cooks, Men-at-Arms, Riders, Handymen! The EASTERN IMPERIAL COMPANY is in need of men and women of good character and hard working nature from STIRLAND for travel and trade purposes SOUTH to our DWARVEN FRIENDS at KARAK EIGHT PEAKS. Fair Pay Guaranteed! Army experience a plus. Direct inquiries to your local EIC Branch Office.
Itinerary: Wurtbad Tarshof Worden Potting Vigaun Averheim Heideck Grenzstadt Barak Varr Ulrikadrin Karag Nar
Eike Hochschild was not unhappy, precisely, with her lot in life. And if she were to be questioned on the matter, she could back up the claim with logical rigour.
Point, the first — Eike knew from experience that unhappiness came from such things as growling, empty stomachs, cold, scratchy sheets, and wet feet. Being in possession of none of those things, thank you very much, it followed that she was unable to satisfy the criteria. After all, unhappy people didn't get to eat meat pies every Festag or sleep in sturdy, wool-stuffed beds. And they most certainly didn't wear pretty shoes unstained by muck and leaves.
Point, the second — Eike knew from observation that unhappiness caused such things as drinking at bars and shouting at cats, and Eike did not like to drink at bars to shout at cats. Or was it the other way around? Maybe drunkards shouted at cats to enter bars. People could be weird like that sometimes. Regardless, Eike had little experience in shouting at cats, and less in drinking, especially in bars, unless she counted Sigmartag and other such festivals, and those were supposed to be celebrations anyways.
Point, the third — Eike knew from lessons that unhappiness could be averted by such things as satisfaction in one's work and well-earned praise and kindness and quite possibly most of all, money. For if Wilhelmina Hochschild's progeny could be said to be lacking in any quality, it was not appreciation for the value of coin.
Brass Pennies to pay for baker's bread and dried dates. Silver Queens (or Shillings, if you wanted to be boring like Miss Theismann) for wool and paper and clothes. Gold Crowns for houses and horses and wagons. And as oma insisted, all of this to be carefully recorded, kept track of on lists and ledgers for prices and fees and taxes to be compiled into expenses and budgets to be factored into negotiations and deals. And then there were names to memorize and numbers to slide and terms to learn and routes to assess and a thousand thousand different little things to do and by Verena did she just forget the name for that number?
So, you see, it was for quite inexplicable reasons that the sound of shoes scuffing floorboards and a long sigh could be heard in the workroom across from the first floor stairs of the EIC's Headquarters.
"Is something the matter, Miss Eike?"
Making a face, Eike turned back to her assignment. "No, Miss Hannelore. I just got stuck so I woolgathered a little."
"Well, that's no good. I might just get let go if you stay stuck! Let's step through the problem together, and then we can hone in on the part you're struggling with." Hannelore suggested.
"Fine." Eike reluctantly agreed.
Assignment Problem said:The Purge of the Hunter's Hills began in 2475 under Elector Count Abelhelm Van Hal of Stirland, for whom they are now named. This was a great undertaking by the Army of Stirland, culminating in the Assault on Drakenhof in 2476. Use the figures provided to answer the questions below.
1st Division2nd Division
[ ] Flensburg Spear Regiment
[ ] Franzen Spear Regiment
[ ] Flensburg Sword Regiment
[ ] Blutdorf Crossbow Regiment
[ ] 1st Pistolier Cohort
[ ] 2nd Pistolier Cohort
[ ] Talabeclander Knights
3rd Division
[ ] Steinbachthal Spear Regiment
[ ] Schramleben 1st Spear Regiment
[ ] Halstedt Sword Regiment
[ ] Marburg Crossbow Regiment
[ ] Artillery battery (10 cannon, 10 mortar)
[?] Asarnil the Dragonlord
4th Division
[ ] Schramleben 2nd Spear Regiment
[ ] Sigmaringen Spear Regiment
[ ] Leicheberg Sword Regiment
[ ] Hornau Crossbow Regiment
[ ] Knights of Morr
Marburg Spear Regiment
Purgg Spear Regiment
Wurtbad Sword Regiment
Wurtbad Crossbow Regiment
Unit type Pounds of supplies per day Swordsman 5 Spearman 5 Crossbowman 5 Pistolier 25 Knight 25 Cannon 50
1. Use the map in Figure 1 to determine the distance between Leicheberg, where the campaign starts, and Drakenhof, where the campaign ends.
~100 miles
2. The army progresses two miles a week. How long will it take for the Army to reach Drakenhof, assuming no delays? Use the distance from question 1.
~2 miles / 1 week
~20 miles/10 weeks
~100 miles / 50 weeks
~1 year
3. Assume that the army is delayed by fighting, and progress slows to one mile every two weeks. What is the revised estimate?
~1 mile / 2 weeks
~100 miles / 200 weeks
200 weeks x 1 year/50 weeks
~4 years
4. Assume there are 2500 men per Regiment, 500 riders per Cohort, and 1000 knights in each Order. How many men are in the Army of Stirland, and in each Division? Use Figure 2. Ignore groupings below 100.
Division 1: 4 Regiments
4 x 2500
10,000 men
Division 2: 4 Regiments, 2 cohorts, 1 Order
4 x 2500 + 2 x 500 + 1 x 1000
10,000 + 1000 + 1000
12,000 men
Division 3: 4 Regiments
4 x 2500
10,000 men
Division 4: 4 Regiments, 1 Order
4 x 2500 + 1 x 1000
10,000 + 1000 11,000
10,000 + 12,000 + 10000 + 11,000
43,000 men
5. How many pounds of supplies will the army consume per day? Use Figure 3. Add your own estimate for Asarnil the Dragonlord.
Men + Horses + Cannon + Asarnil
43,000 x 5 + 1000 x 4 x 20 + 20 x 50 + Asarnil?
21,500 x 10 + 3000 x 20 + 10 x 100 + Asarnil?
215,000 + 60,000 + 1000 + Asarnil?
6. What is the total amount needed to reach Drakenhof?Apply both the ideal and estimated delay numbers from questions 2 and 3.
7. A hundred pounds of supplies costs 3s. What is the total cost of supplies needed to reach Drakenhof? Give your answer as a range.
8. A wagon carries 1200 pounds of supplies on average. How many wagons' worth of supplies are consumed each day, and therefore need to reach the Army of Stirland daily?
9. Each wagon can travel 2 miles per day. Draw a chart showing how long it would take for a wagon to reach the army each week under ideal conditions.
10. One day of travel costs 1p per wagon. What is the total cost of transport? Use the chart from question 9.
11. What is the total cost of supplying the Army of Stirland?
"Alright," the tutor began. "You've got your measurements and rounding and arithmetic spot on, good. Those are all correct so far for numbers one through four. I see you're stuck on number six?"
"No, number five!" the girl objected. " I can do the rest, I guess. It's just turning words into math. But how am I supposed to know how much a dragonlord eats?"
"Well, that's why it says to make an estimate." Hannelore explained. "You can't really know how much, but you can guess using what you do know. A dragon is a big and mighty beast, so it's going to eat a lot more than you do, Miss Eike. Or, for that matter, more than a horse. Or maybe even ten horses."
"Wait, Asarnil's an actual dragon?" Eike gasped.
"The elf lord that rides a dragon, but yes." she corrected. "How about this, you finish the rest of the assignment while I go fetch a copy of the Memoirs of Asarnil the Dragonlord, and we can read it together when you're done."
"Won't oma complain?" Eike asked doubtfully.
"Why, I think it's directly relevant to your studies, don't you? Asarnil's a major figure in Stirland's recent history, after all."
"I suppose so, Miss Hannelore!"
The two shared a grin.
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