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So, while I'm not to interested in the tutor job.

One upside is that it has a hard turn limit: when he turns 16-18.

there is no chance of being stuck with it. if we feel like we are done when he comes of age, then we are done.
I'd rather not get overly caught up in Heidi's schemes.
I like her but I never really feel sure about her motivations
If I may, I'd like to advocate for going Border Princess for a couple reasons.

Firstly, as dubiously desirable as the land itself might be, there was a time when the Empire did rule over all of it as the province of Lichtenburg. The one to successfully conquer the land and settle it? Emperor Sigismund II, more popularly known as Sigismund the Conquerer, who is considered one of the greatest Emperors since Sigmar, in similar scope as Magnus the Pious. Matching that achievement, something no one else has managed since, would be both a massive proverbial feather in our hat and an immense political gain for the Colleges, with one of their members leading an effort to restore (a portion) of the Empire's old borders.

The second reason why it would be beneficial is that we might come across tombs full of this lot, especially with our honed Windsight, and returning their bodies to Ulthuan at long last would be more favour with elves.

Im trying to read the Thread but its to fast. Will post this and go back to readingo so sry if its a repeat.

Im a bit pro border princess as well besides the reason above (im a but dubious on the 2nd one) I would like to point the geographic position of it.
Its right between 2 dwarven holds (KaK and Varr) and near K8P.
Meaning the quest would maintain its dwarflike existence even if dif and we could engage more in dwarven politics if we wished so.
Also its near enough ti K8P that the social part would be reaming the same.
With dwarf support we could hire a gyrocopter to keep the bullshit travel time (i believe Sylvania location near Zhufbar would allow us as well)

Not really an argument but as a cool token could we build the smoke and mirrors tower to check range? It would be awesome if after a days work in the border princes we could teleport to our penhouse to cuddle and maybe check the waystones.

On another subject i really like waystones but turing it in a full job makes me sketchy but I will reserve judgment untik Boney presents us. Any other option that would allow us to keep social contacts and poke at waystone would be favoured
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Oh boy just read Boneys snippet and looks like we're moving somewhere else! But where too I at least am intrigued by tutoring Mandred or at least being close to the Imperial House.
These are all really cool, but man am I going to miss belegar. He is the best.
Folks, read to the end.
- There will be other possibilities, these are just the ones that are arriving via Mathilde's inbox.
These aren't all the options. These are just the ones arriving via mail. The full update will have all the options, including the ones involving staying in Karak Eight Peaks.
So, while I'm not to interested in the tutor job.

One upside is that it has a hard turn limit: when he turns 16-18.

there is no chance of being stuck with it. if we feel like we are done when he comes of age, then we are done.
Not really - his tutoring doesn't end abruptly when he's of age anymore than you or I automatically stop studying when we're 18. He's going to be the future Emperor. He has a lot to learn about a lot of different things. We'd also be the bodyguard so, nah. Also our lifespan is finite and we're already in our 30s. If there isn't more to that job beyond the description, I'm not too enthused about having a reduced pace of research and exploration for 20 years.
Not going to have a chance to keep up with the thread now, but I am going to say something...

My biggest regret was not buying the title of princess when we were in 8peaks expedition.
Now the dwarves want us to be a princess, and we will be quite close to 8peaks anytime we want to visit Panoramia.

Live rarely gives second chances, even more about being royalty.

You wont make me change my opinion.

Princess faction rise up, our time has come!!
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the only thing that make we wary of border prince offer is that we have to spend a lot of effort making sure that anything we have a good deal of control over, we would have to stamp down on sigmar worship
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In that you possess unrivalled insight into the problems that will face any administrator of these territories, it pleases the Grand Countess to offer the position of Markgraf of Eastern Stirland to the Lady Magister; if that is not suitable to her for concerns of inheritance, the inheritable titles of Count of Waldenhof, Count of Tempelhof, Baron of Mikalsdorf, and Baron of Nachthafen will also be revived and granted in the coming years, and the Lady Magister is considered an ideal personage for any of the above, should she turn down the title of Markgraf...
Smells like "standard" CK2 format. Not keen on that even though BoneyM would definitely make it interesting. And to be honest I didn't like the parts where we returned to Stirland. Though being the Markgraf of Stirland after destroying CastleDrakenhof has some nice sounds to it :). And I know who I'd want as my Piety advisor.

It has come to the attention of Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz that the Lady Magister Mathilde Weber has peerless expertise in certain sensitive matters that may present difficulty for Wissenland and Nuln in these coming years, that would benefit the Empire as a whole should she accept the position of Spymaster of Wissenland...
From Journeywomen spymaster to Lady Magister Spymaster. Another full circle. Not really interested in working for another province after we invested do much into Stirland.

Given the Lady Magister's sterling reputation amongst the Empire's allies in the Karaz Ankor, I have the honour of writing on behalf of the Chamberlain of the Seal to invite you to join the Graf's staff as Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds that bulwark the Empire...
Can someone please tell my not native ass what "Ambassador-at-Large" actually means? Can't find the definition and directly translating sounds like Ambassador that's stationed in dwarf territory or without assigned posting at all.

As it has been vouchsafed that the Lady Magister's trustworthiness and suitability are beyond reproach, the Chamberlain of the Imperial House invites the Lady Magister to act as Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Mandred...
If it's literally Bodygourd then it would eat most of our time. Leaving next to nothing for research and Adventures, ho! If it's veiled "Special Agent in Her Majesty Heidi Service" then it's tempting.

Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...
Don't know too much about Lustria other than that it's not-MesoAmerica, but with the colonists getting struck by diseases rather than natives. And Lizardmen. And Slann.

Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?
Starting arc would be mission to Kislev, but then what? I wonder who this letter is from. Heidi?

In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.
Border Princes are filled with rivers aren't they? Having a Dreadnought as our base of operations would put capital back in capital ship. Or we could get Belegar do something else for us that would ease the recolonization. This option has "use the Boon" all over it.
The Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Empire would be the spymaster.

However Mathilde being in this position is basically grooming her for the role though - or at least a high role in the Empire. Let's keep in mind that from a taking a seat at the Emperor's Council perspective Mathilde is a relative unknown as a person but very well known as a war hero and wizard.

That's why I said "Imperial Household" which is its own institution. But you're right, it could very well be a role where Mathilde could become "next in line" for Imperial spymaster.
I demand the ability to scry into alternate timelines, so I may see all of these options play out!
Some quick analysis/guesswork:

Markgraf of Eastern Stirland: Pure CK2. Mathilde will have to divide her time between ruling the "Eastern Stirland" and her own personal interests.

Spymaster of Wissenland: Advisor during wartime, similar to our position under Belegar while we only had 3/8 of the mountains. Only this time, we don't have any convenient orcs or dragons to distract the Skaven with; only whatever internal divisions they may have.

Ambassador-at-Large: Half advisor, half wandering troubleshooter? It could go multiple ways how this works out. We'd definitely get to say at our Karag Nar Penthouse.

Bodyguard and Tutor: Big mystery how this one will work out. It could be doing jobs for the Emperor directly, or it could be Altdorf politics, or the tutoring job might be somewhat complex mechanically. *shrug*

Governor-General: Pure CK2, and a complete setting change. By far the most distant of all the offers we've seen so far.

High Priest of Ranald: Somewhat CK2? Somewhat advisor? We'd the head of an organization that is stridently against being an organization, and we'd be working under an authority that doesn't actually talk using words much at all. (Remember the letter?) Maximum Cat, tho.

An Umgi of proven trustworthiness: Pure CK2, local to K8P, somewhat subsidiary to Barak Varr. Great location in need of refurbishment.
Can someone please tell my not native ass what "Ambassador-at-Large" actually means? Can't find the definition and directly translating sounds like Ambassador that's stationed in dwarf territory or without assigned posting at all.

An Ambassador to more than a single polity. So she wouldn't be the Ambassador to just Karaz-a-Karak or Karak Eight Peaks or wherever, she'd have Ambassadorial powers to any Dwarfhold she visits.
The Waystone Project was a normal project, like the project to make the Sword of Gazul. A long-term one, yes, but something that would take up some actions but not all of them. This, meanwhile, is a bunch of job offers. Which is a much bigger deal than any individual project, even one with as much potential as Waystone research.

We might have the option to make Waystones our main job, but we're not going to shut ourselves out if we pick something else.

That seems overly optimistic if we take any of these jobs we're no longer going to be living in K8P and there's not going to be time available to poke at the waystone given all the other priorities we'll have.
So, I know I've been spending the time since the mini-update dropped reminding people that this isn't all the options and we haven't seen the ones from the Karaz Ankor, including presumably "Waystones" and "general magical troubleshooter to the Karaz Ankor," plus possibly some surprised. I know I've been saying for literal RL months that I don't want to leave K8P, I want to get more embedded in K8P. I love it here and I love the characters and I want to build a life here.

But. To prove to the thread that I am not a 100% grumbly sourpuss with a one-track mind, I will say that I intend to approval vote for the Sylvania option. Why? Well, I really like Rosie, and I really like the relationship arc Mathilde and Roswita have had. Sylvania butts right up against the Karaz Ankor, so it will let us split the difference somewhat and not go too far away from our stomping grounds. It's right next to Zhufbar, for instance, for those still holding out for Kickflip Guns. And it will let us see more of the old gang, like Anton and Kasmir and Wilhelmina. I think it would be a good time.
I would normally not be interested in Border Prince business, but it being backed by Dwarf King gives me more confidence in the venture.
Sigmar worship isn't that prominent in the Border Princes, not nearly as much as the Cult of Myrmidia holds.
we would still have to activetly spend effort tamping down and if not then we get debuff/ it not domaint religion but it still prominent also the fandom pages says this Princes from the Empire often emulate the stronger emperors of that realm, having a heavy military emphasis. Sigmar is often worshipped in these regions, and the princes may try to reproduce the institutions of the Empire in miniature. while general one doeans't say much about religion of borderland. So in imperial region of borderland we have to spend a lot of effort discouraging sigmar worship
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Not really - his tutoring doesn't end abruptly when he's of age anymore than you or I automatically stop studying when we're 18. He's going to be the future Emperor. He has a lot to learn about a lot of different things. We'd also be the bodyguard so, nah. Also our lifespan is finite and we're already in our 30s. If there isn't more to that job beyond the description, I'm not too enthused about having a reduced pace of research and exploration for 20 years.

Reminder that the Magister Patriarch of the Light Order is nearly 120 and LM Melkoth is probably in or near the triple digits.

Mathilde is actually very young for her rank and the job of tutor to someone who will 100% be the Elector Count of Reikland, aka the province where the Colleges are in and also has a good shot at being Emperor is a very big step forward for taking Algard's position once he retires.

Like it is not quite as personally tempting as being ambassador to the Dawi... but make no mistake - this is a very sweet gig.
The Waystone Project was a normal project, like the project to make the Sword of Gazul. A long-term one, yes, but something that would take up some actions but not all of them.

We've had from BoneyM that the Waystone Project would not be an ordinary project, but a long term commitment that could be a job in itself. The work of possibly multiple decades.
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