Ohh boy, those were some exciting 600 words. Those offers blew my expectations away.
Some of the early ones seem a bit mundane compared to the later ones, though that's probably only because the later ones are so crazy, they all seemed incredible on first reading. And the offers to take control of Sylvania or bodyguard Mandred were very touching.
Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...
Horribly mixed on this one. On one hand, incredibly exotic, pack full of adventure,
Lustria, on the other hand incredibly dangerous, distant from our friends,
Lustria. Will have to think on this one.
Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?
Ignoring all the other ways this is amazing, I have a scene in my head of Mathilde fading into view in the next of the Empires religious gatherings, being named High Priestess of Ranald, and as everyone else stares in shock in the side rows somewhere behind the position of Representative of Stirland Kasmir busts a gut laughing.
A wizard High Priest... just amazing.
In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.
At first seemed like a bit of a death trap, but on second thought I wonder if we could do something like Cathay and build a great wall to defend against the orc incursions, built with the assistance of Dwarven Artifice and lined with College Superweapons. That would be awesome, though no clue on the viability.