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As it has been vouchsafed that the Lady Magister's trustworthiness and suitability are beyond reproach, the Chamberlain of the Imperial House invites the Lady Magister to act as Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Mandred...

This concept could totally spawn a new genre of Quests if the thread creates some compelling mechanical framework. I am exited about this just for that.

Similarily, I am kind of worried about the options that seem too CK2-ish. I am pretty tired of that framework at this point and reforming it to something fresher without retconning the first stage of Mathildes career seems pretty difficult.
The only option I'm actively not interested in so far is the tutor, since Mandred I don't have any interest in and his mother I have negative interest in.

Everything else has some appeal, Swamp Town actually a mild front runner to me for now. Generally the waystone research still feels more compelling than any of the offers thus far however.
I'm pretty strongly against taking the tutor position. Its not just being his tutor its being his body guard, meaning we'd have to spend a lot of time with him, we have no garuntees about how much of his time that would take.
I'm quite sure the job mostly entails managing his part of the household which is still part of the empress' so us tutoring and orotecting him would mostly be us hiring the right sort of people to teach and protect him so we might be able to do more research that way. We would also still have some staff with us and maybe we could more in contact with Egrimm von Horstman that the thread has suspicions and simultaneously likes.
Oh boy just read Boneys snippet and looks like we're moving somewhere else! But where too I at least am intrigued by tutoring Mandred or at least being close to the Imperial House.
No, the letter said it was one or the other. Drakenhof is Sylvania's capital, and would be the fief and base of operations of the Markgraf.
Well us destroying Castle Drakenhof just made this very inconvenient and expensive for us, didn't it? :V Although we could possibly scavenge the ruins for anything of interest/track down looters etc.
If we're a bodyguard/tutor to the Crown fucking Prince, that's the end of our long-term trips. I suggest reserving this for later when we/the Prince is older rather than a literal baby we'd be teaching the ABCs.

I'll point out that while Bodyguard/Tutor to young Prince Mandred is a very interesting place to be, it's also the position to where we'll likely have 0 (zero) downtime. We will likely requested to be around the palace 24/7.

I think it's worth investigating what this offer really is all about. Being tutor to the young Crown Prince is a great excuse for Mathilde to be hanging around the palace all the time, coming and going, with a ready-made excuse for her presence.

It tutoring Manfred really all they want her to do? Or would that be her public role while in reality she's the Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Imperial Household?
Being a Dwarven High Priestess of Ranald would be extremely amusing to watch. I am not sure if it would have my vote even if I really do want to read it.
BoneyM establishing upfront that all of the presented options are ones that Mathilde is capable of doing and legally permitted to do. Let none claim otherwise without being named false.
In fairness, there is no filtering for capability. There's just a filtering for not worth our time.

Also, for anyone interested in a ninja village, the ways to do this are the Sylvania Ruler and the High Priest job.
In fairness, there is no filtering for capability. There's just a filtering for not worth our time.

Also, for anyone interested in a ninja village, the ways to do this are the Sylvania Ruler and the High Priest job.

Border Princes could do it too I would point out, probably with greater ease even because there's no laws against raising your own gang of Smoke Knights.
I think it's worth investigating what this offer really is all about. Being tutor to the young Crown Prince is a great excuse for Mathilde to be hanging around the palace all the time, coming and going, with a ready-made excuse for her presence.

It tutoring Manfred really all they want her to do? Or would that be her public role while in reality she's the Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Imperial Household?
This is true. And again, this isn't the whole update, just a part so our final vote could end up being for something completely different. But I agree we should talk to Heidi before accepting anything to find out just what our role as Imperial tutor will be and how much freedom we'd have.

@BoneyM is that something we could do? Put off the vote on our future until we've talked to say, Roswita, Heidi and whoever else is relevant in whatever offers we're interested in shortlisting?

The town of Drakenhof is separate to Castle Drakenhof, and is fairly intact. Or at least more so than the castle.
No I know, I just meant it in a "us having a readymade dwelling to move into, versus having to raise a tower there if we picked it" way.
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Ohh boy, those were some exciting 600 words. Those offers blew my expectations away.

Some of the early ones seem a bit mundane compared to the later ones, though that's probably only because the later ones are so crazy, they all seemed incredible on first reading. And the offers to take control of Sylvania or bodyguard Mandred were very touching.

Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...

Horribly mixed on this one. On one hand, incredibly exotic, pack full of adventure, Lustria, on the other hand incredibly dangerous, distant from our friends, Lustria. Will have to think on this one.

Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?

Ignoring all the other ways this is amazing, I have a scene in my head of Mathilde fading into view in the next of the Empires religious gatherings, being named High Priestess of Ranald, and as everyone else stares in shock in the side rows somewhere behind the position of Representative of Stirland Kasmir busts a gut laughing.

A wizard High Priest... just amazing.

In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.

At first seemed like a bit of a death trap, but on second thought I wonder if we could do something like Cathay and build a great wall to defend against the orc incursions, built with the assistance of Dwarven Artifice and lined with College Superweapons. That would be awesome, though no clue on the viability.
This is true. And again, this isn't the whole update, just a part so our final vote could end up being for something completely different. But I agree we should talk to Heidi before accepting anything to find out just what our role as Imperial tutor will be and how much freedom we'd have.

@BoneyM is that something we could do? Put off the vote on our future until we've talked to say, Roswita, Heidi and whoever else is relevant in whatever offers we're interested in shortlisting?

From the update:
- The current plan for Mathilde's next raison d'être is similar to how romance was handled: a vote will be held where everyone is invited to vote for any offers they feel are interesting, and the most popular ones will have Mathilde seek more information about the arrangement before any final decisions are made.
On the face of it, this would seem to run into the prohibition against meddling in internal politics... until one remembers that Nuln is the city in the Empire most under-threat from the Skaven. This posting would undoubtedly have Mathilde engaging in continued action dealing with the Skaven, building on her previous successes.
Gotrek just died, but we can foil the attack on Nuln ourselves!
Well, we can help Thanquol foil his own attack on Nuln ;)
Consider that three of the positions involved are basically: be a high noble!

As energetic as Prince Mandred can be I'm quite certain he's less demanding than Sylvania or the New World Colonies or the Border Princes.

Mandred will have tutors and other bodyguards - Mathilde will just be overall in charge of his education and safety; she'll have plenty of time for research and self improvement - with the Colleges being right next door.
I think it's worth investigating what this offer really is all about. Being tutor to the young Crown Prince is a great excuse for Mathilde to be hanging around the palace all the time, coming and going, with a ready-made excuse for her presence.

It tutoring Manfred really all they want her to do? Or would that be her public role while in reality she's the Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Imperial Household?
I'll second @Briefvoice in this. We could at very least go to the interview and ask about our responsibilities.
In fairness, there is no filtering for capability. There's just a filtering for not worth our time.

Also, for anyone interested in a ninja village, the ways to do this are the Sylvania Ruler and the High Priest job.
Technically also the Border Princes. No one can supervise us beyond us not violating the Articles of Imperial magic or, you know, raising an army to use against the Empire.
@BoneyM is that something we could do? Put off the vote on our future until we've talked to say, Roswita, Heidi and whoever else is relevant in whatever offers we're interested in shortlisting?

Read the message at the bottom of the update.

- The current plan for Mathilde's next raison d'être is similar to how romance was handled: a vote will be held where everyone is invited to vote for any offers they feel are interesting, and the most popular ones will have Mathilde seek more information about the arrangement before any final decisions are made.

We decide the top options we're interested in and then do a serious investigation of the frontrunners, including discussions with our potential employers.

I have the feeling that the bodyguard option is not strictly bodyguard duty, but a reason for Heidi to keep us close, send us in missions not related to Mandred at all, and basically tie us into imperial politics again.

We would not be guarding Mandred, but serving Heidi and thus Ranald's interests. I wonder how much room to work on side projects we will have. Probably a lot, but with a lot of really sketchy stuff to do meanwhile.
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Also it's worth considering the permanence of jobs as well.

Becoming Markgraf/Border Princess seems pretty permanent, and likely to take up our time forever with stewardship stuff.

Swamptown, Nuln, and Bodyguard are more temporary.

As for high priest, the title is permanent, but the job (solve the Kislev problem) is very temporary.
No I know, I just meant it in a "us having a readymade dwelling to move into, versus having to raise a tower there if we picked it" way.
I don't think I'd want to live in Castle Drakenhof.

The town of Drakenhof is separate to Castle Drakenhof, and is fairly intact. Or at least more so than the castle.
The parts of it that spontaneously burst into flame on sunny days not withstanding, of course.
I think it's worth investigating what this offer really is all about. Being tutor to the young Crown Prince is a great excuse for Mathilde to be hanging around the palace all the time, coming and going, with a ready-made excuse for her presence.

It tutoring Manfred really all they want her to do? Or would that be her public role while in reality she's the Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Imperial Household?

The Chief Intrigue Troubleshooter for the Empire would be the spymaster.

However Mathilde being in this position is basically grooming her for the role though - or at least a high role in the Empire. Let's keep in mind that from a taking a seat at the Emperor's Council perspective Mathilde is a relative unknown as a person but very well known as a war hero and wizard.
Doing sketchy stuff for the empress and raise her status throughout the empire might get us something and doing some politicking in the colleges would help us raise our reputation and would open more doors especially with our newfound status in the Karaz Ankor.
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