Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Ouf as tempting as Slaan poking would be, I don't think I really wanna fuck with Lustria. At all.

So far the most tempting for me are Mandred Tutoring, Barak Varr's border prince's posting and skaven hunting in Wissenland.

They're all real dman good. And ensure we will never get a chance to properly poke AV :(
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Soo, soo happy!

1: Markgraf of Eastern Stirland: for me, this is the hands-down most interesting,
- it's a nice full-circle plot-wise.
- The Dämmerlichtreiter legend shall be grand indeed!
- Sylvania will need someone like mathy if we don't want all the Van Hals effects to go up in smoke once the vampires start coming back.
- can work on awakening the gods with 'only ok Sigmarine'
- close enough that we should be able to set up a TP Tower back home.
- Sylvania has waystones that no one will miss if we go tinkering with them.

2: Spymaster of Wissenland: ehhh, kind of done with Skaven myself: not against it, not for it. (TP tower back home would be a stretch at this distance

3: Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds: also ehhh, If I wanted to stay on the dwarf train, I would prefer to just stick with K8P's (TP tower not needed.)

4: Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Manfred: pretty interested, mostly because I'm not sure how it will work compared to what we are doing now: I feel like it will be a lot more 'little advantages' because of the bodyguard bit. (I think, we can get a TP tower back home working from here)

5: Governor-General of the New World: not really, I want to travel, but this is far, far away and there will be no coming back for a while if ever: (no chance of tp tower here.)

6: High Priest of Ranald: not against it, not for it: I kind of like that mathy can stay in hiding when it comes to the divine stuff. (problem don't need TP tower as she can work out of K8Ps ... lot of time on the road I think though)

7: Border Princes: interesting, hard mode, and we would have to limit the expectations of how much we can 'develop' it (everything will need to be made so that we can just uproot everyone and come back after every waaahh and beasthord) but I'm not un-interested. (TP tower would be easy?)

so for me:
Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Manfred
Border Princes

are the ones I'm interested in looking at.
The Swamp one makes me think that we've made some enemies. This sounds more like an exile then a reward. compared to that place, anywhere will do.

And dittto, The border princes seems ok.
You will get the Sigmarites pushing to include his worship there, and will assume that Mathilde if not supporting then at least not opposed.
Which will cause some suprises and friction, it will come to a head one way or the other.
The Sigmarite in charge of that pushing is Kasmir... who is pushing the God of Floods instead.
I do not see a problem.
Wilhelm was still Emperor in 2453 and presumably sometime after then. I think his grandson is now Emperor, and has been since at least 2470, and probably some years before then.
Wilhelm was succeeded by his son Mattheus II, who tried to create a written constitution for the Empire.

So there's actually been twice in a row that an Emperor was succeeded by his son.
I think we should wait to see what the offers from the Karaz Ankor are before focusing too much on offers from people in the Empire, otherwise they're going to have a massively disproportionate advantage when it comes to voting.
High Priest of Ranald though!!!

If we do get the letter calling us a dwarf, then I will ABSOLUTELY vote for the High Priest of Ranald vote because I find it hilarious.

If we dont, or if it has some technical issues, High Priest is still fairly tempting for me. The others I see as being either too disconnected to our current reach, or requires us to give up too much of our freedom.

Finally, if we don't find anything too tempting, we could still go with our plan and work with the elves. Elven/dwarven relations could certainly do with an ambassador able to deal with at least their minor issues.
Personally I don't care to make the esoteric stuff like the waystones our main focus. Mabye it's fatigue from that kind of stuff constantly dominating discussion, but I prefer something involving anthropological and sociatal matters most, because that's the world building that interests me. Thefore spy mistress of Nuln, tutor and Border Prince has my vote.
I find several of these options really interesting though I admit the tutor to Mandred option is particularly tempting. The options I really don't like is the Markgraf, high priest or border princes options, I simply don't want a position that bogs us down in administration, especially a position that's permanent.
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Wilhelm was succeeded by his son Mattheus II, who tried to create a written constitution for the Empire.

So there's actually been twice in a row that an Emperor was succeeded by his son.

I think that's WFRP 1E lore that's been retconned in the general change of Empire history that changed Karl-Franz's backstory more generally. Basically those intermediate Emperors were squeezed out of the timeline.

I find several of these options really interesting though I admit the tutor to Mandred option is particularly tempting. The options I really don't like is the Markgraf, high priest or border princes options, I simply don't want a position that bogs us down in administration, especially a position that's permanent.

I wonder if we could combine the High Priest and tutor roles.
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It's just the German equivalent of marquess/marquis/margrave, isn't it? The ruler of a march?
The Count (Graf) of a march, even, since Warhammer seems to love calling people Counts. And a "march" is a sort of edge-territory, hence the joke. Edgelord, lord of an edge.

It would be even funnier if Mathilde had married and taken the surname of a man of the Albert or Adalbert family. Then she'd be Edgelord Noblebright in bad fantasy german.

OK, now that I've got the silliness out of my system, Warhammer Fantasy often being a silly place...

Temporary Edgelording or inheritable smaller titles in Sylvania, would be interesting to return to Sylvania and see how it's gone, I suppose, but it doesn't really appeal to me since it's a) lots of Battle Wizards messing up the place, b) seems to be in clean-up phase, lagging a few years behind K8P.

Spymaster of Wissenland, that I really like and I'm curious about. Dwarf Ambassador feels like coasting to me. Minding Mandred is not merely a plothook, it's a plottrident at least. Swamp Town, unfamiliar with it. High Priest of Ranald, lol, or at least one of them.

And seizing a chunk of the Border Princes with Dwarf backing on one end and probably Imperial backing on the other end in a messy frontier region full of orcs and pirates sounds exciting. Also it's another form of edgelording. :V
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I think that's WFRP 1E lore that's been retconned in the general change of Empire history that changed Karl-Franz's backstory more generally.
Sigmar's Heirs, 2nd edition, page 24.

The Council has no formal power, although Emperor Mattheus II, grandfather of Karl-Franz, tried to write a constitution for the Empire built around the Council. This was quietly quashed by the Electors, who oppose anything that would limit their authority.
You now, in hindsight, getting all of these huge offers actually makes a lot of sense?

Mathilde has thoroughly demonstrated that she is not only highly competent and knowledgeable in a variety of situations and fields, but that she is thoroughly reliable and trustworthy when handed the reigns of power. She comes from the Grey Order, where its members are forbidden from getting involved in the internal politics of the Empire (well, beyond the stuff that threatens the Empire and its provinces) and don't seek to accumulate money (and thus can be trusted to not take bribes or operate for their own self-enrichment).

She's considered so reliable and competent that the dwarves sing her praises--and she's a wizard. She's got a proven track record for successfully waging campaigns against vampires/undead, greenskins, skaven, and now Chaos. She's led armies, gone on plenty of lucrative solo missions, and served as spymistress for an entire province.

She's got connections with lots of important players for the Empire: the Elector Count of Stirland, practically all major leaders of the Karaz Ankor, the Empress, the Supreme Patriarch, the Patriarch of the Grey Order, Kragg the Grimm, Thorek, the EIC, and more. She's got enough prestige and renown to at least get a meeting with just about anyone in the Empire (provided she's got something important enough to justify it), and she's a known quantity, for all that she's a Grey Wizard.

Ordinarily, a wizard having so much influence over the young, possibly future-Emperor would raise a lot of eyebrows, but Mathilde is someone who has steadfastly been taking the fight to the enemies of the Empire with sword and gun for much of her life. She's cut down the undead, leveled Castle Drakenhoff with cannon, thoroughly outmaneuvered and eradicated greenskin tribes, devastated skaven clans, and now she's successfully led an expedition farther north than almost anyone thought possible. She's considered so reliable that the dwarves made her a thane and put the fate of an entire karak in her hands. She wields a runed gromril sword--the kind of thing you can only get by being an outstanding ally to the dwarves, who have high standards for character.

Some other magisters are more powerful, more experienced, more influential, more connected throughout the Empire, and more accomplished. But Mathilde is fairly easy to trust to do the right things for the right reasons, and to only be a real threat to the enemies of the Empire. Sure, she's a wizard, and a Grey Wizard at that, but her actions speak for themselves, and the array of people she's friends with are a testament to her trustworthiness.
Aiding the dwarfs in stabalizing the border princes sounds like the most direct way of helping the dwarfs out if we want to keep chipping away at their cultural depression, the embassidor position is an indirect way of doing the same.
Cleansing Sylvania would be a not unreasonable goal with the resources we could call upon.
So many hooks...
Analysis time!
You discard the invitations to various parties, balls, and gatherings, many of which already occurred while you were busy up north. Then you discard all the ones that make it clear that the writer has never heard of the Vow of Poverty or that the Grey Order is forbidden to meddle in the Empire's internal politics. Then go the ones from towns and villages whose problems barely merit the attention of a Journeyman, let alone a Lady Magister. Even after this culling there's quite a pile of offers, some troubling, some intriguing, and some both.
BoneyM establishing upfront that all of the presented options are ones that Mathilde is capable of doing and legally permitted to do. Let none claim otherwise without being named false.
In that you possess unrivalled insight into the problems that will face any administrator of these territories, it pleases the Grand Countess to offer the position of Markgraf of Eastern Stirland to the Lady Magister; if that is not suitable to her for concerns of inheritance, the inheritable titles of Count of Waldenhof, Count of Tempelhof, Baron of Mikalsdorf, and Baron of Nachthafen will also be revived and granted in the coming years, and the Lady Magister is considered an ideal personage for any of the above, should she turn down the title of Markgraf...
Roswita has well and truly eaten her crow and set aside her pride, to make this sort of offer. Considering the Vow of Poverty and the Grey Order being forbidden to meddle in politics, this should be interpreted as being offered a specialist combined council position as essentially being Roswita's right hand in everything about Sylvania. Bundled with this is a resumption of the narrative presence and importance of Anton, Kasmir, Wilhelmina and the EIC. A return to Mathilde's roots, to complete the mission she embarked on with Abelhelm all those years ago.
It has come to the attention of Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz that the Lady Magister Mathilde Weber has peerless expertise in certain sensitive matters that may present difficulty for Wissenland and Nuln in these coming years, that would benefit the Empire as a whole should she accept the position of Spymaster of Wissenland...
On the face of it, this would seem to run into the prohibition against meddling in internal politics... until one remembers that Nuln is the city in the Empire most under-threat from the Skaven. This posting would undoubtedly have Mathilde engaging in continued action dealing with the Skaven, building on her previous successes.
Given the Lady Magister's sterling reputation amongst the Empire's allies in the Karaz Ankor, I have the honour of writing on behalf of the Chamberlain of the Seal to invite you to join the Graf's staff as Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds that bulwark the Empire...
This offer is probably the most obvious of the lot -- being the point-woman for the Empire's dealings with Dwarfs. Considering the era of increasing cooperation between Man and Dwarf, this will probably be a matter of some importance.
As it has been vouchsafed that the Lady Magister's trustworthiness and suitability are beyond reproach, the Chamberlain of the Imperial House invites the Lady Magister to act as Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Manfred...
Beyond the surface statement, there's the obvious subtext that Mathilde would also be actively taking up the role of Godmother in the sense of teaching her charge about Ranald, and having a hand in shaping the personality and skills of the next Emperor.
Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...
A chance to try to follow up on that golden arm, as well as the deep lore of the setting, while also leaving far behind our previous works. If you're bored of the Old World, this is your only real option.
Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?
For anyone who wants to see more of BoneyM's take on Kislev, but also the chance to really re-focus Mathilde toward the divine side of things. Together with the offer to tutor Manfred, Mathilde is being presented with options that will allow her to subtly reshape the way that Ranald is perceived and worshiped. The downside is that the presumptions of Sigmar/Ulric-worship that Mathilde has banked on will be undone with this.
In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.
A chance to engage in some serious political intrigue and conquest, forging a new province/realm with fighting against Orks and Goblins. The area in question is the pass most used before Karak Eight Peaks was reclaimed. I'm not sure, but I believe that securing this area would be directly smoothing trade that does not pass through K8P territory.
You put down the last of the letters, reeling from the barrage. To restore your sense of normalcy, you turn to a letter you hope to be much more prosaic: an official announcement of some sort from Karaz-a-Karak...
And last, we have confirmation that BoneyM is a troll to all, readers and characters alike.
One major advantage to doing Sylvania Eastern Stirland things: We'd be able to most utilize Rite of Way for it's primary function.
By which I mean atmosphere. Riding up to the gates of a city on our shadow horse, preceded by a veritable tidal wave of fog and mist....
My oh my so many delicious opportunities...

We should probably take that "vacation" in Ulthuan while between jobs though. If we start a new one without it we will never get to it.
Voting is open