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It's not the worst assumption. The Unafigers held the post until Dieter IV shit the bed, Mandred being assumed as the next emperor is mostly going off of precedent.

Not really. Magnus the Pious' heir didn't inherit because the Cult of Sigmar objected, and then there were only two Unafiger Emperors, Dieter IV and his grandfather. Dieter IV was then deposed in favour of Wilhelm in 2429. Wilhelm was still Emperor in 2453 and presumably sometime after then. I think his grandson is now Emperor, and has been since at least 2470, and probably some years before then.

It's quite possible that since the reunification of the Empire an Emperor's son has never become Emperor in turn, and that it has twice gone to another family and twice skipped a generation and gone to a grandson. There were some other Emperors of the dynasty mentioned in 1E, but I think that's been retconned as the dates don't work.
I would be interested in eastern sylvania or the border princes and wouldnt mind the tutor/bodyguard role i guess to the future emperor. Dont like the new world and ranald offers . Also the dwarf ambasador might make sense if you want to keep us tied to the dwarfs to take advantage of our reputation and be a general troubleshooter for them i guess ?
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All these great options hurt my soul but I think we should go for the New World territories so we can start exploring into Ulthuan and Lustria imo. If not that, then something to do with the Karaz Ankor at large. Not really in favour of returning to Stirland/Sylvania. Only thing there are vampiric holdouts, beastmen and Skaven and we've dealt with all of those before. (It has been pointed out that Sylvania has Waystones too and gives us a lot more freedom and convenience in studying those than the New World, so I'm no longer opposed to becoming the ruler of all of Sylvania). I'd also prefer going to deal with the elves for waystone and vortex knowledge and maybe looking to get some Slann/Lizardmen/Old One lore OR becoming a fixer-of-shit for the Karaz Ankor and doing the waystone stuff on our own time.

(I'm tempted to accept Nachthafen regardless of any other option we pick just to fuck with Heidi though).
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I don't think actually making meanningful gains in the border princes is a reallistic proposition, even with the help of Barak Varr. I know Boney doesn't do trap options, but it seems to me like we're likely to spend a whole lot of time fighting for something that isn't worth much.
If I might interject...
Firstly, as dubiously desirable as the land itself might be, there was a time when the Empire did rule over all of it as the province of Lichtenburg. The one to successfully conquer the land and settle it? Emperor Sigismund II, more popularly known as Sigismund the Conquerer, who is considered one of the greatest Emperors since Sigmar, in similar scope as Magnus the Pious. Matching that achievement, something no one else has managed since, would be both a massive proverbial feather in our hat and an immense political gain for the Colleges, with one of their members leading an effort to restore (a portion) of the Empire's old borders.

The second reason why it would be beneficial is that we might come across tombs full of this lot, especially with our honed Windsight, and returning their bodies to Ulthuan at long last would be more favour with elves.
This is a mystery option. There is defintly something specific the EC of Wissenland wants us to do, but it seems like we have to choose without knowing. On the one hand I'm not too interested in being a spymaster again, on the other hand Nuln seems like a cool place to be.
Probably Skaven. Nuln recently failed at kicking the Skaven out.
I actually want to be the Imperial Tutor because it would help us in research and would be one way to become very favored by the Colleges which is where our loyalties truly lie aside from the Empire as an ideal of course.
This is a mystery option. There is defintly something specific the EC of Wissenland wants us to do, but it seems like we have to choose without knowing. On the one hand I'm not too interested in being a spymaster again, on the other hand Nuln seems like a cool place to be.
We'll most likely be dealing with Skaven there, considering the failed invasion of their base under Nuln.
This.. resembles my inbox after the Christmas holiday..

Of all the offer.. it's really sorted out from 'easy' to 'nightmare' level, at least at first

Stirland is basically Mageland now, with open season for vampire and as we've saved the elector countess ass, have corporate network and mages of our own. If we do won the Vampire war there then the Lahmian vampire and the shadow war against the night will begin.

With von Liebwitz we can leverage our connection and perhaps increase the imperial small arms usage by tenfold. Certainly other mages can use a good gun or two. Nuln also one of the bastion of undercity skavens. And i'm eager to fight them once more.

The one that seems the most difficult is the border prince.. for the simple reason of an open ground with no terrain advantage. This one seems the hardest. But if Mathilde and a squad of rangers can make this their 'land' this will secure Barak Var and curtail the GreenSkins from the west.
Not only that, this is also a good way to gather and train mercenary and professional soldiers on a regular basis. We have the highest Martial ability of any mages bare none.

Evidently, after returning a lost Karak, securing the border prince is considered merely 'difficult' and not straight 'impossible'.

Lastly.. the bodyguard and priest option... it seems to be a nice 'safe' job besides, but we do know that it never was easy. it also might be the one job that our patriarch would 'advice' us to keep.
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A lot of these options appeal, but as a knee-jerk reaction - I want Sylvania, tbh. Return to the roots, etc. Dealing with Sylvanians and their expectations is prolly likely to be fun, too.

Also, Elector Count Markgraf Wizard is a delicious precedent to establish.
I'm firmly in the "our relation with Ranald is not like this camp".
It totally is though. I don't get where this meme came from. We build temples and shrines to Ranald. We are basically a lay Priest of Ranald. Just because he's our closest friend doesn't mean we don't consider him a god, and wouldn't do him a solid by trying to legitimize Ranald Worship in Kislev.
I would rather become a magical troubleshooter for the Wider Karaz Ankor... But from all the sons that we have been presented so far, the Swamtown thing is the most interesting one to me because of Lizardmen and Lustria in general...
I have increasingly come to a combination of IC/OOC thinking that mathilde is at some point going to need to put serious effort against Reiner Starke, so with that in mind I am definitely inclined towards the positions that put us physically within the empire.

Markgraf of sylvania would probably be actively detrimental to our ability to engage in 'normal' grey college politics, but it WOULD give us a significant private army.

Nuln would be a more standard posting and would also put us on the good side of a third elector count (treating the imperial family as elector counts of reikland, which after all the are) which is certainly a good thing.

Dwarf ambassador is spending a bit too much time outside the imperial centers of power for 'build up to fight it out with reiner starke over the grey college' so that's not quite the sort of imperial posting I want.

Mandred is just too narrow in its specific responsibilities for my taste for all that that actually gives us a lot of leeway.

the Border Princes [...] less inconveniently placed than Swamp Town.
Is it though? Is it REALLY?

this would just be more land and bigger titles.
Its honestly actually even LESS significant than our already existing title as far as precedent goes, because its explicitly nonhereditary. That alone would dampen a lot of people's opposition to the idea.
Definitely time for that elfcation, come back when the hubbub has died down and make it easier to separate the real serious offers from the chaff of flights of fancy.
I completely disagree. I want anything but another adventure. The 28-parts-and-counting Karag Dum Expedition is (at a rough count) 75.5k words. Out of DL's total 670k words, that's over 1/10th of the entire quest's wordcount. I like adventure turns, and the Karag Dum Expedition has been really great fun, but I think we have had far far faaaaar more than enough of adventuring for now.
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An extract from the coming update:

In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.

You put down the last of the letters, reeling from the barrage. To restore your sense of normalcy, you turn to a letter you hope to be much more prosaic: an official announcement of some sort from Karaz-a-Karak...

- The current plan for Mathilde's next raison d'être is similar to how romance was handled: a vote will be held where everyone is invited to vote for any offers they feel are interesting, and the most popular ones will have Mathilde seek more information about the arrangement before any final decisions are made.
- There will be other possibilities, these are just the ones that are arriving via Mathilde's inbox.
Soo, soo happy!

1: Markgraf of Eastern Stirland: for me, this is the hands-down most interesting,
- it's a nice full-circle plot-wise.
- The Dämmerlichtreiter legend shall be grand indeed!
- Sylvania will need someone like mathy if we don't want all the Van Hals effects to go up in smoke once the vampires start coming back.
- can work on awakening the gods with 'only ok Sigmarine'
- close enough that we should be able to set up a TP Tower back home.
- Sylvania has waystones that no one will miss if we go tinkering with them.

2: Spymaster of Wissenland: ehhh, kind of done with Skaven myself: not against it, not for it. (TP tower back home would be a stretch at this distance

3: Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds: also ehhh, If I wanted to stay on the dwarf train, I would prefer to just stick with K8P's (TP tower not needed.)

4: Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Manfred: pretty interested, mostly because I'm not sure how it will work compared to what we are doing now: I feel like it will be a lot more 'little advantages' because of the bodyguard bit. (I think, we can get a TP tower back home working from here)

5: Governor-General of the New World: not really, I want to travel, but this is far, far away and there will be no coming back for a while if ever: (no chance of tp tower here.)

6: High Priest of Ranald: not against it, not for it: I kind of like that mathy can stay in hiding when it comes to the divine stuff. (problem don't need TP tower as she can work out of K8Ps ... lot of time on the road I think though)

7: Border Princes: interesting, hard mode, and we would have to limit the expectations of how much we can 'develop' it (everything will need to be made so that we can just uproot everyone and come back after every waaahh and beasthord) but I'm not un-interested. (TP tower would be easy?)

so for me:
Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Manfred
Border Princes

are the ones I'm interested in looking at.
Definitely time for that elfcation, come back when the hubbub has died down and make it easier to separate the real serious offers from the chaff of flights of fancy.
On the other hand, it's possible that some of those offers will expire. Who knows how long the Wissenland EC will go without a Spymaster on the off chance that we decide to take his job offer in 6 months?
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