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AFAIK the only Elves that have much to do with Lustria are the Dark Elves, who love to raid the place so much that Mazdamundi personally made a mountain barrier to stop them.
In Total War there's Teclis and the Loremasters' research expedition, and I think a few outposts besides that.

That said, Total War Lustria is not tabletop canon and also it's actually scarier than regular Lustria.
I've skipped a few pages, so if my musings are unoriginal, oh well I tried.

In that you possess unrivalled insight into the problems that will face any administrator of these territories, it pleases the Grand Countess to offer the position of Markgraf of Eastern Stirland to the Lady Magister; if that is not suitable to her for concerns of inheritance, the inheritable titles of Count of Waldenhof, Count of Tempelhof, Baron of Mikalsdorf, and Baron of Nachthafen will also be revived and granted in the coming years, and the Lady Magister is considered an ideal personage for any of the above, should she turn down the title of Markgraf...

This would be an interesting mirror of the first arc, only this time we're Van Hel. Vampires, necromancers and undead on one side, incompitent and corrupt advisers on the other. Sounds fun, but also a little... samey? We've already done this.

It has come to the attention of Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz that the Lady Magister Mathilde Weber has peerless expertise in certain sensitive matters that may present difficulty for Wissenland and Nuln in these coming years, that would benefit the Empire as a whole should she accept the position of Spymaster of Wissenland...

Almost certainly a Skaven problem. Investigating the little furry bastards can do no wrong, and we literally wrote the book on how to fight them. Again, sounds fun, but like above we've sort of already done this.

Given the Lady Magister's sterling reputation amongst the Empire's allies in the Karaz Ankor, I have the honour of writing on behalf of the Chamberlain of the Seal to invite you to join the Graf's staff as Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds that bulwark the Empire...

Ambassador to the dwarfholds... doesn't appeal to me. We have the knowledge and experience, but unless weird things happen it's mostly going to be about protecting joint interests, such as the canal project and T-posing on Marienburg.

As it has been vouchsafed that the Lady Magister's trustworthiness and suitability are beyond reproach, the Chamberlain of the Imperial House invites the Lady Magister to act as Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Mandred...

I'm like, 45% convinced Mandred has latent magical abilities. (This is founded on like, no evidence, by the way). Having him as an apprentice sounds fun, it puts us in Altdorf and lets us do research and collage politics. It's on my list, but low priority.

Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...

Exploring Lustria, unearthing ancient ruins and using our xeno trait with the lizards and the frogs sounds fun and full of deep lore. Managing Swamp Town doesn't, however, so I'm 50/50 on this one.

Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?

This sounds hilarious, and might give us access to divine magic? I don't know. Also be interesting to see how people react when a Lady Magister becomes one of the highest ranking priests in the empire.

In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.

Throughout the quest, everytime making a kingdom in the border princes comes up, the counter argument is that no one is willing to put forth the resources to protect and defend it.

That... is no longer true. We could become Queen/Empress/Archmage of our own nation, like a proper CK2 kingdom builder quest.
I just realised something about the Edgelord offer.

Sylvania is the only place where Battle Wizards are allowed out, in perpetuity. We're not just being offered the job of running Sylvania for our track record with vampires, we're being offered the opportunity to be In Charge of the Place Where All the Battle Wizards Are.

This is... a pretty enormous deal. Both for us personally and for Colleges of Magic. Not only have you established the precedent that you can have Wizard not!Elector Counts, but you've established a (flimsy) precedent that the Feudal Lord for the Place the Battle Wizards Are is a Wizard.

As stepping stones go for a bid to be Grey Matriarch (or Grand Matriarch) it's a pretty good one.
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In Total War there's Teclis and the Loremasters' research expedition, and I think a few outposts besides that.

That said, Total War Lustria is not tabletop canon and also it's actually scarier than regular Lustria.
Canonically the Asur have the Citadel of Dusk, which is near the southern tip of Lustria. The expedition is made up for TW, because Teclis decides on it in the opening cutscene of the Asur campaign. The Asur don't actually fuck around with Lustria, because their first (and AFAIK, only) expedition there got wiped out by a Slann, during the middle of their first meeting, some 6800 years ago.
The thing about Sylvania is that conquering it is not the tricky part. that was a forgone conclusion when the battle wizards came out.

the tricky part will be keeping it.

and mathy is the only one truly suited to fighting off future undead hords. not just herself, but with the things she can make.

The Dämmerlichtreiter thurible(s).

Greatsword bodyguards with magic shadow swords to cut ghost.

towers and battle alters made with the explicit purpose of fucking up a vampires day.

dwarf favour fortresses with runes of 'fuck you' undead.

Awakening the old gods

cleaning the waystones

when Vlad or Isabella come back (and they will) they will come back to a Sylvania with an army armed and ready to kick their pointy teeth in.

and going even farther, an army that can be the backbone against Nagash.....
Personally, I really like the royal tutor option most. Lots of long term potential and probably quite a bit of free time. lots of potential to improve our political friends. we would be in altdorf which means continuous access to our campus. And we are actually very well suited to doing this from a stat perspective.

I also like the high-priest of ranald option from the "level of impact" and freedom perspectives. and of course, helping our best friend is important.

Markgraf of sylvania would be interesting. Lots of anti-vampire work obviously (both stealth and military). not sure if i want us to be organizing that stuff though.

spymistress of nuln would be pretty interesting, and would probably involve a fair bit of anti-skaven work. not super interested in this though because we have already been a spymistress. would be fine with it if it happened though.

screw swamp town. dont want to leave our k8p home too far behind. same with the border princes. we are not a warlord.
If we do end up taking a job away from K8P like Sylvania or the Border Princes we should really get that Tower of Smoke and Mirrors going or alternatively pay up the CF for a pegasus. We can't expect to keep traveling by gyrocopter.
I would like to note that the High Priest one can be combined later with most options, if those options are still open later. Like, there's nothing stopping a High Priest from also being a Loremaster, for example, or being a Countess/Markgraf. Also, it's already out that we worship Ranald (as we are just about to realize in a few sentences beyond the mini update).
Canonically the Asur have the Citadel of Dusk, which is near the southern tip of Lustria. The expedition is made up for TW, because Teclis decides on it in the opening cutscene of the Asur campaign. The Asur don't actually fuck around with Lustria, because their first (and AFAIK, only) expedition there got wiped out by a Slann, during the middle of their first meeting, some 6800 years ago.
Nah, CA had a source for that one.

Not sure where this map comes from, but that's a map of Ulthuan colonies that shows them having a presence in the Turtle Isles where Teclis starts his campaign.
If we do end up taking a job away from K8P like Sylvania or the Border Princes we should really get that Tower of Smoke and Mirrors going or alternatively pay up the CF for a pegasus. We can't expect to keep traveling by gyrocopter.
Why not just improve Shadow Steed into a Pegasus so that it can cross the horizon?
Fuck Lustria, all my homies hate abandoning every social connection we've made over the course of the quest to go babysit a malaria-infested collection of flotsam-based huts and get poisoned by Chameleon Skinks because an obese toad-man didn't like the look of us.
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Hey, uh, you don't need to do that.

Boney offered an option to go to Lustria and manage a colony, so they clearly meant it to be a potential option. This is Divided Loyalties, and Boney can interpret/do as they like with whatever they want. You shouldn't...necessarily take the interpretation of Lustria that goes on in DoDA and apply it to this quest. The 'New World Territories' implies a more structured, built, and established situation as well. Let alone that this quest takes place in an entirely different era of the Empire.

Hey, uh, you don't need to do that.

Boney offered an option to go to Lustria and manage a colony, so they clearly meant it to be a potential option. This is Divided Loyalties, and Boney can interpret/do as they like with whatever they want. You shouldn't...necessarily take the interpretation of Lustria that goes on in DoDA and apply it to this quest. The 'New World Territories' implies a more structured, built, and established situation as well. Let alone that this quest takes place in an entirely different era of the Empire.

sorry then I will got delete it all, sorry I just thought your explanation for it was the best way to explain my feelings on it esspically since it way more informative than anything I would write
You know, Mat is uniqly suited to ruling Sylvania. For one, Stirland doesn't attract the best( just look at current Mat's stats.) For another, the Dwarven Belt will help fight off the ambient Dhar and help detect it. For another, Mat has both Strategy and Tactics for Undead. And if we're going to work on the Second Secret of Dhar, to make it battle ready, this is the place to go.

Permanently removing a thorn from the side of the Empire is no mean feat, and her sword style is suited to fighting mindless monsters/opponents.
I dunno if the thread will go for it, I think it won't so I am prepared to vote strategically, but... I really like the high priest of Ranald position, and not solely because I love Ranald.

1) It gives us a piety position. We had Intrigue, Learning and (arguably, for short periods of time) Martial psitions, but never piety, and I want to round up our experience with positions in stats we are good on.

2) It lets us operate within the Empires religious circles, which up to now were untoutchable for wizards, and shape theological policy. Even if Ranald is Ranald, the wizards having a god actually directly approving them really boosts them and allows for less children burned into the pyre and more children saved by lovable rogues.

3) It allows us to make Ranald more mainstream, which is a fine repayment for what he has done for us, so let us get him more worshippers. A lot of nobles illegally hunt Ranaldites who have done nothing wrong too, turnabout is fair play here and its not politics if what they are doing is illegal, so not against our oaths.

4) It allows us to shape Ranald's public image closer to the better interpretations of His nature, thus making his cult work better within society. This shall indirectly help goals 2 and 3 too, since Ranald's better image would be somewhat more acceptable, even if still not confortable for those in the ruling class who seek carte blanche to do anything.

How could the number of reasons I had not be 4?
Nah, CA had a source for that one.

Not sure where this map comes from, but that's a map of Ulthuan colonies that shows them having a presence in the Turtle Isles where Teclis starts his campaign.
Interesting that the south got marked Here Be Daemons but the Northern wastes didn't.
I feel thats probably ominious and possibly the map maker didn't want to do the same thing twice. Like 60/40
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