I've skipped a few pages, so if my musings are unoriginal, oh well I tried.
In that you possess unrivalled insight into the problems that will face any administrator of these territories, it pleases the Grand Countess to offer the position of Markgraf of Eastern Stirland to the Lady Magister; if that is not suitable to her for concerns of inheritance, the inheritable titles of Count of Waldenhof, Count of Tempelhof, Baron of Mikalsdorf, and Baron of Nachthafen will also be revived and granted in the coming years, and the Lady Magister is considered an ideal personage for any of the above, should she turn down the title of Markgraf...
This would be an interesting mirror of the first arc, only this time we're Van Hel. Vampires, necromancers and undead on one side, incompitent and corrupt advisers on the other. Sounds fun, but also a little... samey? We've already done this.
It has come to the attention of Grand Count Konstantin von Liebwitz that the Lady Magister Mathilde Weber has peerless expertise in certain sensitive matters that may present difficulty for Wissenland and Nuln in these coming years, that would benefit the Empire as a whole should she accept the position of Spymaster of Wissenland...
Almost certainly a Skaven problem. Investigating the little furry bastards can do no wrong, and we literally wrote the book on how to fight them. Again, sounds fun, but like above we've sort of already done this.
Given the Lady Magister's sterling reputation amongst the Empire's allies in the Karaz Ankor, I have the honour of writing on behalf of the Chamberlain of the Seal to invite you to join the Graf's staff as Ambassador-at-Large to the many Dwarfholds that bulwark the Empire...
Ambassador to the dwarfholds... doesn't appeal to me. We have the knowledge and experience, but unless weird things happen it's mostly going to be about protecting joint interests, such as the canal project and T-posing on Marienburg.
As it has been vouchsafed that the Lady Magister's trustworthiness and suitability are beyond reproach, the Chamberlain of the Imperial House invites the Lady Magister to act as Bodyguard and Tutor to Crown Prince Mandred...
I'm like, 45% convinced Mandred has latent magical abilities. (This is founded on like, no evidence, by the way). Having him as an apprentice sounds fun, it puts us in Altdorf and lets us do research and collage politics. It's on my list, but low priority.
Given the unique challenges presented, it is felt that the Lady Magister is eminently suited to the position of Governor-General of the New World territories and control over the entrepôt commonly known as Swamp Town...
Exploring Lustria, unearthing ancient ruins and using our xeno trait with the lizards and the frogs sounds fun and full of deep lore. Managing Swamp Town doesn't, however, so I'm 50/50 on this one.
Thanks to you, our mutual friend has the opportunity to mend some important bridges in Kislev, and thinks that you'd be perfect for the job. It will let the cat out of the bag in some respects, but what better way to do that than to be named High Priest of Ranald?
This sounds hilarious, and might give us access to divine magic? I don't know. Also be interesting to see how people react when a Lady Magister becomes one of the highest ranking priests in the empire.
In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.
Throughout the quest, everytime making a kingdom in the border princes comes up, the counter argument is that no one is willing to put forth the resources to protect and defend it.
That... is no longer true. We could become Queen/Empress/Archmage of our own nation, like a proper CK2 kingdom builder quest.