I don't know. The news right now is that martial law has been established and martial law has issued a proclamation, declaring a suspension of political activities.

Members of parliament are gathering in parliament.
I think the police are letting them through.
Yeah, for how horribly the visible rolls went... Everything actually worked roughly according to plan except Fred getting captured. If he had managed to slip the net too we would be making our final escape right now.
To me the bigger issue is that we've currently got a lot of people who can act scattered all over the place who don't know about each other. I'd prioritise reconnecting, but yeah we're not in as much trouble as I expected.

I don't know. The news right now is that martial law has been established and martial law has issued a proclamation, declaring a suspension of political activities.

Members of parliament are gathering in parliament.
I think the police are letting them through.

We'll wait and see, but I'm getting a sinking feeling its coup time. Stay safe.
The rationale is that
Congress has impeached executive branch officials and prosecutors 27 times.

.................. I don't know what the fuck this is about.
.................. I don't know what the fuck this is about.
Also the ruling party and the opposition have declared that this is unconstitutional.

The Yonhap news agency is reporting that the leader of South Korean opposition Democratic Party, Lee Jae-myung, has said the declaration of martial law is unconstitutional.

Yonhap is also reporting that Han Dong-hoon, the head of the ruling People Power Party - of which President Yoon Suk Yeol is a member - has also vowed to block the declaration, describing it as "wrong".
From the BBC

Also wasn't he just claiming that he was doing this because of North Korea?
Something i saw mentioned and kinda agree is the hail marry of awesome nuke hultressa pulled did I expect alyssa to be killed by it no but atleast very wounded and not consciousness so we get to escape to hide especially because of lucky high it was but no

But she immediately zero on us sure we may be the only chance for to get at gwen but she has a full civil war on her hands

That leaves a bad after taste
Ok, sisters and brothers. How do we find the "We are so back!" in all of this?

I believe it is dangerous to let the Chaos cultists consolidate power. We want to keep the power balance as even as possible. On the other hand, now is the time to gather allies and find more strength. I want to do both! Bah!

Kerillian and Johanna are excellent assassins and scouts, while Sadrina is THE person to lead an uprising.
They are part of the chaos cultists, or dead at this point. She's apparently been turning the coven under screamtaker's nose one member at a time for centuries. We are unlikely to get them to actually be upset at her actions - seeing a chance for them to make a go of it for themselves though... that's viable.
Chaos is gonna Chaos the one single constsnt truth in the universe
Something i saw mentioned and kinda agree is the hail marry of awesome nuke hultressa pulled did I expect alyssa to be killed by it no but atleast very wounded and not consciousness so we get to escape to hide especially because of lucky high it was but no

But she immediately zero on us sure we may be the only chance for to get at gwen but she has a full civil war on her hands

That leaves a bad after taste
That was me and that's because I thought that was her doing a self-destruct move. In reality it was an escape move, so ehh yeah.

That it didn't kill her is completely fine in that light.

And I think she might be a little crazy and possibly blames freddy for most of the shit wot's gone down.

Just maybe.
I hate to say this but I'm checking out for the next 6-12 months. Could someone please PM me if we Frederick and co. get off the Ark before that?

Very well. Please do not discuss this outside of spoilers, or I'll be, well, sad.

Magdha Sprenger should have died when she was blasted off of the Tor of Dominance by Mellis Screamtaker.

She did not, because she Burned A Fate Point, which she was in possession of by virtue of being the most blessed and chosen of Manann's holy priests sent forth by Manann to take stock of His Cult and reform it a bit while cutting out the failures and corruption. She is also blessed with natural waterbreathing capabilities due to being one of the minor but especially faithful sects of Manann's worshippers, the ones who live out at sea and never step foot on land, yet who are always seemingly able to maintain and repair the ships that are their homes. So she hit the water, died didn't die, and was half-dead while being dragged filtered down through the systems of the Ark to be deposited like refuse out into the open water. Instead of floating away entirely, she latched on like a barnacle to the underside of the Ark, and blearily and angrily focused on maintaining a thin line of mind and sanity. Unlike Isha, Manann is very rarely a perfectly kind and loving God, so Maghda is not in picture perfect condition, half of her body was practically burned away, and has now been 'fixed' with, well, the sea. She's been marinating in the energies of the Dhar Anchorstones that is extremely diffused as not to, you know, poison the entire ocean outright before it could be cleansed/washed away/etc. by magical currents, aetheric pulls towards the Vortex, etc, but it is a sort of power regardless given how close she's clung to it. Every single turn, she's been rolling successively to slowly build up enough power and connection to the ocean, her God, and the Anchorstone, and other beasts, while clinging to life, eating what small ocean life that can be coaxed into her mouth. Normally, this sort of thing would have gone noticed, but due to the decimation of the Coven during their small civil conflict, Alyssa focusing on other things like her Auction, and Magdha successfully sublimating her works into the general magical frenzy just beneath all Arks which helps keep them afloat, it was not. Not until she finally reached out and struck, with Divine power, to fracture one of the Dhar Anchorstones complexes from the bottom where it touches the water directly, which caused it to essentially, and literally, explode like a reactor going up. This destroyed an entire Anchorstone nexus, and in turn, killed around a thousand or so Druchii working it over as slaves and adjutants performing minute adjustments from day to day, doing more menial tasks, and guarding it. Guarding Anchorstones is very important, so some of the more elite troops on the Ark were present as well as guards, and they died as well. Other Druchii died as Dhar fallout started to spread around the immediate area despite the best efforts of the three sorceresses sent to try and contain and investigate the situation. The Cult of Mathlann was focused very much on the docks, and had some of their people at the Anchorstones as well, so they've been damaged by this as well, losing a few priests who were starting to feel that something was off. There are other sea beasts beneath the Ark as well, yes, and Maghda had also been spending time making them not attack her, and also drawing others to her side as well.

She caused significant, major damage, as doing so has actively stripped the Ark's magical capabilities and capacity by a significant amount. It is slower turning, in movement, and is lessened in defenses. To whit, it was going to come up in the update itself from Natasha's perspective, but there is literally less of a 'cloying' feeling over the Ark restricting magic from being cast, from coming from, and going to, the Ark. By doing so, she has in fact made the Ark easier to 'sense' and 'see' for lack of a better term, by others, while also allowing herself, Maghda, to not have to work as hard as she is. She is clinging to life and the Ark as a literal holy barnacle, who is absolutely unfathomably furious at the Druchii for what they've done. She's not quite who she used to be, and is unlikely to be able to serve as the High Matriarch given what Manann had to do to 'save' this favored priest of his, but she still is potent and angry, even if she's not really quite in her right mind anymore, or ever will be again. But she does have a cause and a purpose that she's sticking to, again, like the aforementioned barnacle. She is also doing this because Manann himself is angry at his temple-ships being destroyed, and also because Frederick von Hohenzollern made the effort and sacrifice of going keelhauling on the hardest option, and got a favorable response, which means that the mercurial and powerful Manann is throwing that much more support behind Maghda, and, though Frederick wouldn't recognize it, himself as well by virtue of pumping a bit more Magdha's way. Frederick showed himself remorseful, respectful, sacrificial, and made friends with Magdha, and that gets you points in the favor of Manann, and though he can't do anything for Frederick, he has been for Magdha, who is laterally doing the same for Frederick. So, in a way, player choice in unleashing the Witch Hunters, followed but going down to Marienburg, to doing the keelhauling the way they did, to making friends with Magdha, to speaking with her afterwards and forging a stronger bond, has led to this result which in turn killed many Druchii, damaged the Ark more than any of the bombs that Hultressa set, and cracked Alyssa's mind that much more, damaging her decision making and control and status significantly.

Hammer Pope and Wolf Pope back during the Vampire War, unfortunately, used up their Fate Points in the GWAC, so didn't have any when Zacharias came through on them. It was a careful decision made, and perhaps a bit unfair on the side of 'good', but I still don't really plan on giving evil characters Fate Points, because, well, I'm already playing them against the players. So unlikely to see, say, a powerful Chaos Lord have a Fate Point, but Magdha? She's specifically noted to be potent, and well favored, and summoned by Manann himself for the Cult of the Old World to listen to.

As for Hultressa, Gwendolyn, Alyssa, and Eldyra.

Gwendolyn managed to escape, because Eldyra went full 'Heroic Squire' on the Druchii that broke in Hultressa's quarters, and performed a maneuver commonly termed 'I'll Hold Them Off, Get Out Of Here'. The former did so, and the latter was fully planning on dying, but Alyssa doesn't want to let her have that satisfaction. Gwendolyn headed one direction, and got picked up by her mother, who has exhausted a lot of her resources, but also, activated a lot of traps going on inside of her own quarters, meaning that the Tor of Dominance actually had to reckon with a few released experiments, daemons, and otherwise, which is why Alyssa is partially crippled in one leg, missing an eye, beat to shit, angrier and crazier than ever, and also, you aren't seeing any other sorceresses around, because one of them died trying to capture Eldyra, and she killed them. She went and did this, Alyssa, because Johanna managed to break out a few more of her Jet anti-magic items, break some spells, and started throwing up some Ulgu spells she knows thanks to her tutoring in Nippon to help get them away, while some of the Asur actually sacrificed themselves so that the majority could escape. Currently, Johanna, Sadrina, Kerillian, Natasha, a host of inspired Asur slaves, Roland, a host of inspired Bretonnian slaves, are in the warded collapsed tower that was set up by Hultressa beforehand, who has not yet been seen since she went and got her daughter. They are currently planning on descending into the slave tunnels, the places of the Ark that are traditionally filled by only the most broken slaves that the Druchii literally do not even normally patrol down there ever because of how broken the slaves usually are. The explosions at the pyramid farm also killed a number of Druchii, some Druchii nobility, and have ruined significant food production from that location. This, mixed with the fact that other farms have been damaged, and the general chaos of the Ark, means that several Druchii notables have looked towards securing the other remaining food storage and production centers as a matter of logistical and strategic course, as in times of uncertainty, not having food is bad. This has caused them to come into conflict with one another, especially as the daemons and Alyssan loyalists are doing the same, and in some cases, the rival Alyssan Cultists are actually fighting each other to be the one to 'win' a prize here or there to present to their Cult Leader. This has caused further anarchy and damage, one of the other Pyramid Farms had fires set inside of it during said infighting, while another Aquafarm has become tainted and mostly destroyed and abandoned due to the aftershocks of the Anchorstone detonation caused by Magdha who, again, is only here because of prior choices made to ally and allay the concerns and issues of the Cult of Manann through Magdha and Frederick. This has caused further food panic and issues as even with the population of the Ark being reduced by fighting, treachery, explosions, and otherwise, actually getting access to what food locations remain has become somewhat more chaotic thanks to everything else going on.

Furthermore, this has meant that the remaining Dhar Anchorstones are under increased strain, as they have not received the immediate maintenance and repairs and stabilizing that they would normally require the resident sorceresses on an Ark perform if one is heavily damaged or outright destroyed. There are protocols in place for this, but they are not being fulfilled. The rest of the Coven remaining would really, really, really like it if Alyssa would stop demanding they find Hultressa and Gwendolyn, and would actually help them fulfill those protocols, or at least help them quell the dissenting nobility and other Cults of the Cytharai who are resisting them because if someone doesn't get on that soon it's going to be bad for everyone on the Ark. But currently she's spending her time torturing a single human because of how angry he's made her, and because he's the closest thing to Hultressa that she can find, meaning that the Coven is currently without her leadership. The Herald of Slaanesh is making motions towards taking command of things itself, and none of the Coven actually particularly want that, because the entire relationship has been spent more towards peer-ship and outright control and domination, not submission. No one is attending any arena shows, the arena slaves are currently less guarded than they have ever been, but getting to them is no walk in the park at the moment either. There are other slaves who are currently starting to head into the tunnels out of fear given the battlefield the above has become.

Hultressa isn't dead, but she did destroy a significant portion of the Tor of Dominance's innards in her anger while retrieving Gwendolyn, so that's not great either for control mechanisms of the Ark. She's also exhausted and beat to shit, so is laying low to recover, but does intend on trying to find the Handmaiden as swiftly as possible because she's hopeful that they linked up with the others. And then, with the others, they can try and go for Frederick as well.
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Alright, the South Korea situation is bad and we should all hope that it gets sorted out fast and that everyone in South Korea stays safe, but that's IRL and/or politics type shit and that goes in Whitehall, not here.

Wow, that was some terrible fucking rolls. Oh well, time to keep the arc Ark moving.

All the death, casualities and attrittion of all these events, the ark gotta be seriously depopulate, shouldn't it?

You'd think, but A) Black Arks are basically a small country unto themselves from my understanding and B) I don't think Tor's running with specific, hard numbers for how many sentients are on the Ark. I fully expect that there'll always be a stream of bad guys as long as the Ark is around and not exploded into multiple tiny pieces.

As some have commented, this felt a lot like player choices were ultimately meaningless before the dice

That's true in literally every dice based quest though.

I hate to say this but I'm checking out for the next 6-12 months. Could someone please PM me if we Frederick and co. get off the Ark before that?

Aw man, I'm sorry you're feeling that way, but I'll try to remember if it happens. Got the post bookmarked for the moment.

[X] B, A, C

I just feel like we need to hit B first since that has the most varied troops, then A for the artillery. C can wait since it's got calvary and they can move faster than the others.

[X] Focus On Freeing Other Slaves, Combat Capable Ones

I'm thinking that we need allies and/or meatshields. It's either this or wait for opportunities, but tbh, I think any opportunities on this Ark will have to be made by force of arms going forward. Hence why I am voting for freeing the combat capable.
Shame on everyone complaining because things don't go swimmingly. This was always possible you know. You don't complain when the opposite occurs.

So, originally, this was supposed to only be posted on 20th january, as a sort of celebratory gift to 10th(!?!) anniversary of the quest.

Given that current update made me sad, and sharing cool stuff makes me happy, i have found myself unable to hold onto it for that long.

Frederick and Ungrim taking on the Skulltaker, one of the defining moments of the quest. By ever reliable Dmitry Brushray

Fullsize image here google disc image

@torroar Happy early anniversary and much luck going forward!
Unholy fuck that's awesome, thank you for arranging it.
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Ok, sisters and brothers. How do we find the "We are so back!" in all of this?

I believe it is dangerous to let the Chaos cultists consolidate power. We want to keep the power balance as even as possible. On the other hand, now is the time to gather allies and find more strength. I want to do both! Bah!

Kerillian and Johanna are excellent assassins and scouts, while Sadrina is THE person to lead an uprising.
The immediate issue is that we don't really have the capability to play the long game as we are on 3 separate timers at the same time.

1. Freddy& Eldyra.
Unlike Sadrina &co who were kept mostly untouched for the auction, Freddy & Eldyra are actively getting tortured. And while I expect both to put up a tough fight, at the end of the day they have their limits. I would rather not let Alyssa reach those.
2. Power consolidation: right now the Ark is in disarray, reeling from the events at the temple. Alyssa and her cult would be moving to secure control and while I expect majority of the population to oppose her, those... Cytharai loyalists, for the lack of a better designator, are leaderless and busy settling grudges between each other, so I would expect Alyssa's forces to be able to subvert, subjugate or destroy them given time. Fortunately, as Alyssa herself is rather distracted right now, this consolidation would take more time and blood then it otherwise would. Still, in the long run, I would expect the cultists to win and I'd rather not wait till then.
3. Food water etc
Those items are limited and highly controlled things on the Ark and with our sabotage targeting the production they would be all the more difficult to secure. The power struggle complicates things further, as food production facilities would be high priority targets to secure, so I would expect them to be either locked down extra tight or battlefields in short order. That said, if we move there right now, before most people had the opportunity to think and plan, we could secure some food and postpone this particular timer for a bit.