Its Dhar tainted right? So like, not at all worth having.
I don't think the eggs were tainted. Wasn't it the Druchii corrupting and torturing rhem?
It was the thing that Caledor's Bane tried to eat just before we killed him
defiantly , our baby dragon boi , dragons tend to be extremely malleable based on their environment so as long as he isn't exposed to dhar and what ever else fucked shit the dark elfs expose their dragons to he's likely to change from black dragon type to a completely different type of dragon as he grows up , besides unless proper hardcore chaos corruption is involved nurture always trumps over nature(just look at the ogres if you don't believe me) , so a long as we raise our dragon egg boi right he will grow up to be upstanding member of Ostland society , highly intelligent , heavily armed ,stubborn ,thrifty and extremely drunk just like his Dada Freddy
what do black dragon eggs actually do when you eat them? like i get it's some kind of powerup but what's it do
In Ulthuan, the egg of a Dragon is sacred, and harsh punishment awaits any who endanger or disturb a Dragon nest. In Naggaroth, a Dragon egg is naught but a potential source of power, and their nests nothing but cradles to nurture that power. So it is that for every Black Dragon Egg that develops into a hatchling, countless dozens more are taken and consumed, so that their devourers might take a portion of the eggs' strength as their own.
yea but just think of the Benefits, Hell it might just cause certain people to keel over from shock at Frederick having a honest to Sigmar Dragon of his own. And he's already got a Griffon and a Knock off Steam Tank that runs on Alcohol.Raising and keeping a dragon seems like the sort of thing that would beggar the province.
dragons are people smart , once dragon egg boi is old enough he can be trusted to go hunting on his own or even be given start up funds and set up his own business as to pay for his own foodRaising and keeping a dragon seems like the sort of thing that would beggar the province.
It shall be the first Alcohol Dragon!defiantly , our baby dragon boi , dragons tend to be extremely malleable based on their environment so as long as he isn't exposed to dhar and what ever else fucked shit the dark elfs expose their dragons to he's likely to change from black dragon type to a completely different type of dragon as he grows up , besides unless proper hardcore chaos corruption is involved nurture always trumps over nature(just look at the ogres if you don't believe me) , so a long as we raise our dragon egg boi right he will grow up to be upstanding member of Ostland society , highly intelligent , heavily armed ,stubborn ,thrifty and extremely drunk just like his Dada Freddy
Feeding a dragon is really not expenisve for the scale our province is working at.Raising and keeping a dragon seems like the sort of thing that would beggar the province.
Plan: Rise Of The Drunken Dragon is a GO!!!defiantly , our baby dragon boi , dragons tend to be extremely malleable based on their environment so as long as he isn't exposed to dhar and what ever else fucked shit the dark elfs expose their dragons to he's likely to change from black dragon type to a completely different type of dragon as he grows up , besides unless proper hardcore chaos corruption is involved nurture always trumps over nature(just look at the ogres if you don't believe me) , so a long as we raise our dragon egg boi right he will grow up to be upstanding member of Ostland society , highly intelligent , heavily armed ,stubborn ,thrifty and extremely drunk just like his Dada Freddy
Fredrick already has a homegrown imperial bird that has proven itself superior to a dragon I say we toss the egg to Eldyra when she shows up. She always wanted to be a dragon rider.dragons are people smart , once dragon egg boi is old enough he can be trusted to go hunting on his own or even be given start up funds and set up his own business as to pay for his own food
I mean... Magnus needs a mount.Alternatively, we give it to the Amber Order. Remember that Master Wizard who turned himself into a Dragon and carried our asses on Albion?
I think that too, deserves a reward.
But that's a decision for later.
Eldyra is an option as well.
That would maje two elven houses bound to Ostland. Oh the irony. One would even be a major one. Obviously, we don't give it to Caledor.
Screw Caledor.