@torroar that blast of Dhar that Bokdrungni repelled and redirected at the Supreme Sorceress...I see the roll for Bokdrungni doing its thing. Did that success mean the redirect automatically connects with the Sorceress?

Just not sure how that works with aiming/damage dealt.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are two Black Arks, right? Are we still dealing with both right now or just the one?
We're dealing with both. It was spelled out pretty clearly when when they smashed into Salkalten's walls.

Yeah. I went back and checked, but it had been so long since the first battle post that I didn't know for sure before then. I was about to delete my post before you guys replied, actually.
Wait a second both arcs are beached? This is an bigger opportunity than in thought.
Yeah, they beached themselves to more easily unload their forces.

On another note, I wonder if the navy will try a bombardment from the sea against the dark elves on land, if not the arks themselves, to distract them.

With the dark elves committing actual troops now ships could stay at a reasonable distance and just fire cannons as much as they can.
Is there even enough space for our ships to fire into the city and hit the Delves from behind with enough accuracy?
Do you know how big black Arks are? As big as a city, in fact for anyone that wants more information about our current situation then I invite people to read from spike's horns and stone .25 up to our current update to get the full picture in case we miss anything.
the Black arks will be at their most vulnerable to being stormed once the dark elf forces are committed to battle , so I hope the navy makes its move soon , since right now the ark is likely on a skeleton crew with Shackled spent , the warbeasts used up , the mages tied down fighting their peers and the real dark elven contingent about to be committed there will never be a better chance to storm and take the Black arks
What plan won? Haven't been paying attention.

In the future you can check yourself pretty quickly by clicking the "New tally" button just below the dialogue box. It automatically tallies up the most recent vote.

Anyway, Nordland should be fine. Two Druuchi Reaver fleets are a terrible foe normally against their typical prey (unsuspecting settlements). But up against fortified settlements filled with soldiers, it suddenly becomes far more difficult for them to accomplish much.

Those raiding ships can't hold nearly as many monsters or heavy equipment as Black Arks, so main concern is loads of Shackled, whatever Sorceresses decided to ignore the main event and the Druuchi crews.

Its not going to be an easy fight and the Druuchi are going to be much more casualty conscious since this is a deliberate side show/distraction to keep Nordland from aiding Ostland. So relative losses on both sides will be lower than what we are seeing at Salkalten.
@torroar that blast of Dhar that Bokdrungni repelled and redirected at the Supreme Sorceress...I see the roll for Bokdrungni doing its thing. Did that success mean the redirect automatically connects with the Sorceress?

Just not sure how that works with aiming/damage dealt.

It was a suitably dramatic non-immediate situation. By which I mean, if you were in combat, directly engaged, a roll to actually hit would be involved. But because Frederick was not, in that moment, dodging arrows or blades or hooks or a daemon or Tullaris or siege weapons or whatever, and was literally just standing there, able to see Tullaris and out of the corner of his eye the Supreme Sorceress, it was a matter of just doing it. It was also not rolled for due to lack of damage potential in that moment, because the Supreme Sorceress definitely has her magical defenses up to snuff and they too were not, in that moment, being terribly challenged by arrows or enemy magic or a gryphon or a pegasus.

You get what I mean?
Yeah, I kind of assumed that
Yeah there's a clear, defined difference between the Caledor's Bane Lance and the First Draich, namely that one of them was created by the Forge-Priests of Vaul, in fiery devotion for a truly excellent weapon. As much as some Asur might not like to think about it, there are Gods that lend a hand to just, you know, Elves in general, not just the Druchii or Asur. There are Asur worshippers of Anath Raema, for instance, as well. And there are definitely some Druchii mothers who murmur prayers to Isha that they give birth to healthy, strong children. Because, you know, otherwise, shame and hatred and loss of position on society, so please no dead stillborn or weak children please, etc. Or perhaps because they genuinely just want a child that lives well and long, who can say for certain for every single Druchii mother.

But yeah, the difference is, Forge-Priests of Vaul making a very good lance. Didn't have to be specifically to kill dragons, either. It was just making a super good lance. That, you know, could also pierce the chest of a Greater Daemon, or a Chaos Dragon, or a Giant, etc. etc. Though, yes, it was forged by Druchii, for Druchii, so it is likely intended to at some point be used against the Asur, either riding Dragons or Gryphons or Great Eagles or whatever. The point is, though, is that Caledor's Bane (the lance) ONLY got its name and dread reputation as Caledor's Bane (the lance) because it was wielded by Maranith, who would be the one using it to kill so many Caledorian Dragon Princes and Princesses and their Dragons, and got his title as Caledor's Bane (the person) and would rather amusingly have his weapon named after him. It would be like if Frederick ran around with an unnamed but powerful runic blade that became called the Steel Bull, or one of his other titles. Same sort of thing.

The First Draich, on the other hand, is utterly soaked in blood and pain and suffering. It was not even made specifically for ritual purposes, and is noted to explicitly have been a guard's weapon. Some rando Druchii who was standing guard as the first great sacrifices were made in Har Ganeth long ages ago, when the cities of Naggaroth were first forged. And Tullaris took his sword and started killing, showering in the blood spray, and so the Har Ganeth Executioners were born. Given its stats, its possible to have been made by the Forge-Smiths of Vaul, but like, for a highly placed guard. In that time since, however, it has long since discarded any touch of Vaul if there were any, for it has solely been used for sacrifice and empowerment and showing devotion to Khaine for all that time. It thirsts for blood, an echo of Khaine's own thirst for murder. I would argue, in fact, that it wasn't strictly a magical creation of the Forge-Priests, just a good sword taken straight outta the hands of a random if highly placed Druchii Guard and then so soaked in blood and murder by the Hand of Khaine for so long and so thoroughly that it has gained its properties through the blessings of Khaine upon it.

The Lance, by contrast, just plain old doesn't have all that.
But @torroar since the Asur want the Lance for retribution purposes and they are most likely going to destroy it in the Anvil of Vaul (they are extremely unlikely to use it) and are willing to pay a fortune for it, then they would be even more interested in getting their hands on The First Draich also to destroy it in the Anvil of Vaul, no?

And yeah, I know this is to count our chickens before they are hatched, but (as I said before) since Tullaris seems to be hunting for Freddy´s head and he is extremely unlikely of leaving without his trophy, I think we either kill Tullaris (and get the loot) or Freddy dies here...

Besides that, who is going to handle the disposal of the Cursed Items after the battle? The Sigmarites? The Colleges? The Asur?