Curious, is there anything about dark elf stuff we can safely use without having a magical expert run through it first? Lootwise I mean on chance we survive?

Obviously can't keep any beasts or anything since most likely corrupted, even horses. Magical stuff we have to hand over to high elves, dwarfs, or Colleges to dispose of. Only thing I can maybe think of is basic dark elf soldier gear since pretty sure that stuff isn't tainted, but I am honestly not sure.

Do dark elves use magical metal weapons for regular troops? They don't have access to same magic metal or trees that high and wood elves have after all.
Curious, is there anything about dark elf stuff we can safely use without having a magical expert run through it first? Lootwise I mean on chance we survive?

Obviously can't keep any beasts or anything since most likely corrupted, even horses. Magical stuff we have to hand over to high elves, dwarfs, or Colleges to dispose of. Only thing I can maybe think of is basic dark elf soldier gear since pretty sure that stuff isn't tainted, but I am honestly not sure.

Do dark elves use magical metal weapons for regular troops? They don't have access to same magic metal or trees that high and wood elves have after all.

I think their primary material is like, steel quenched in the blood of the innocent, Dhar corrupted wood, horrible shit like that. Eye of newt, toe of frog, lung of orphan, Et Settra
Curious, is there anything about dark elf stuff we can safely use without having a magical expert run through it first? Lootwise I mean on chance we survive?

Obviously can't keep any beasts or anything since most likely corrupted, even horses. Magical stuff we have to hand over to high elves, dwarfs, or Colleges to dispose of. Only thing I can maybe think of is basic dark elf soldier gear since pretty sure that stuff isn't tainted, but I am honestly not sure.

Do dark elves use magical metal weapons for regular troops? They don't have access to same magic metal or trees that high and wood elves have after all.

Cold one breeding?

Not really great but prob the most possible.
I'm still hoping for our own Elf horsies.
We just need to communicate in their language and then, surely, they will join our province.

My Druchii pony, my Druchii pony
What is friendship all about
My Druchii pony, my Druchii pony
Friendship is magic
I used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Druchii pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me
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Cold one breeding?

Not really great but prob the most possible.

Nah even the elves gotta do shit that makes them completely numb physically and years of this to become suitable riders for mounts that are scary sure but prob come with far more downsides to rear than to raise . As for loot from the DAs, while some stuff should be fine to keep (standard gear and items that aren't cursed ) we should keep in mind most would hold cultural stigma against using it or outright destroy the stuff on principle alone
Until you all shared its magic with me
Unfortunately, the magic is dhar.

In fact, just assume that everything in the Black Arks will be dhar. If the extremely unlikely event that we manage to capture one, assume trying to find untainted loot will lead to a variant of this conversation.

"The Animals?"
"They're all Dhar, Frederick."
"The food?"
"All Dhar, Frederick."
"The weapons?"
"Dhar, Frederick."
"The gold?"
"Some Chamon, but mostly Dhar."
"The stones they used to build fortifications?"
"It's Dhar, Frederick."
The literal bedrock of the island?
"Everything's Dhar, Frederick."
"That one exotic greenhouse with plants from every corner of the world?"
"Well, what does the fruit taste like?"
"Sigmar damn it all."
"It's Dhar, he probably does."
Anyhow, I do definitely think it's a mixture between it all. Ushoran was not some perfect pinnacle of morality, that's for sure, he definitely did the hedonism and slaughters and what not on the regular before Lahmia fell, and even afterwards decided 'I should conquer these free peoples because I think I can rule them better', so, you know. And as I mentioned earlier, most all Strigoi still believe in their royal right to rule and dominate, but then most vampires not of the Mahtmasi and Necrarchs sort of have that impulse. Well I guess Blood Dragons don't care as much about that so much as domination through martial excellence, but even then it's a bit wiggly and goes towards them wanting to prove worthy of Abhorash, and no one can be entirely sure what that guy's real long-term plans were.
The Strigani after several centuries keep the history of their home being a great place to live, alive.
THat's too much for simple propaganda if it wasn't really a utopia.
The Strigani after several centuries keep the history of their home being a great place to live, alive.
THat's too much for simple propaganda if it wasn't really a utopia.

Can't rely on any mortals either since it's been so many generations that any stories that the Strigany or whatever the remnants of the mortals from that nation are called can't be relied upon either, given that anybody that was alive during that time has grandchildren who are now ancient bones in the dirt
If there is anything the recent years of IRL politics have taught me, it is that is is startlingly easy for people to remember 'the good old days' with far greater fondness than there should be any true historical reason to. There are always going to be people who think that 'things were better back then'.

The Strigany were once part of a vast, powerful kingdom helmed and defended by seemingly immortal superbeings. Nowadays they are regularly persecuted, feared, abused, mistreated, lied about, chased away, stolen from, attacked outright, and scrabble around at the edges of another great empire, one that does not like them at all or treat them like the inheritors of said once-existing super kingdom.

I don't find it hard at all to believe that just about 100% of their campfire stories and songs and oral histories reflect that Strigos was a far better place for them than modern times.


"Hey, remember when we used to have peace and plenty, and were the most dominant power, and we were all rich and powerful, and our every need was catered to, and we had no fear of anything because our glorious Strigoi masters defended us from all foes?"

"Yes, those were good times. Last week a mob of people with torches and pitchforks burned down one of our caravan wagons because it got within visible sight of the gates even though we avoided going into the village properly, and the discounted food supplies that disreputable merchant fobbed off on us gave us food poisoning."
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Maybe we should do soemthing for these unfortunate souls.
That sounds bloody miserable.
Maybe they wouldn't occasionally throw in with the vampires if we treated them better, because their favoured masters are as mad as a hatter, but at least look out for them in their lucid moments.
Possible. Though I would say that it is rarely the truly mad Strigoi that go amongst the Strigany. In fact, it's noted that the more lucid ones will rarely spend very long amongst the Strigany because their very existence tugs mightily upon their royal guardianship instincts. And they know, with absolute certainty, that their presence amongst the Strigany could bring in vampire hunters, witch hunters, priests, etc. that could bring harm to their rightful subjects. And that, the Strigoi simply cannot countenance. At the same time, it is not that the Strigany are wholly innocent lambs, either. They are descended of the vampire-worshipping and necromancy-elevated Kingdom of Strigos, and they carry that with them even now. For instance, the tale of the Unternehmung, from NDM:

The Unternehmung said:
When Captain Schluter of the good ship Unternehmung took on two of the River Strigany as crew, he paid no heed to the ridiculous rumours of superstitious sailors. The Strigany proved to be hard working and knew their way around a boat as if they were born to it. All this nonsense about being in league with the powers of darkness was clearly rot. Then the food spoiled. Every last morsel on board went bad, weeks out from land. His crew's bellies started grumbling, and so did they. Mutiny was inevitable, and the Strigany, having proven sound fellows, were its ringleaders. The first order of business was to round up the captain and those crewmembers still loyal to him and lock them in the brig. The second order of business was to haul them back out of the brig and cook them up to replace the spoiled supplies. The Unternehmung sailed for weeks with no sight of land, and more and more of the prisoners were eaten. But each time another scapegoat was chosen to go in the pot, the crew only seemed to get hungrier. The hunger was like a living thing, gnawing at their bellies and whispering dark thoughts into their brains. When Nanosh of the Strigoi finally climbed out of his coffin of grave dirt stowed in the hold and showed himself, his servants had done their work. Every surviving member of the Unternehmung's crew was a ravening Ghoul, ready to serve their new captain eagerly if it meant fresh meat. Now, Nanosh and the Unternehmung crew sail through seas of blood, launching night-time raids on ships and coastal towns, dragging screaming meat back onto their ship for future meals. Even the pirates of Sartosa fear the Unternehmung and her Ghoulish crew.

Plus you've got sayings like:

"We walk ragged amongst many peoples of many lands
So that their scorn will make us harder
We thrive on the speed of our wits and the sleight of our hands
And on skill and luck and murder
We face the depths and the darkness of the world alone
So that we may become ever brighter
We live hunted and hated by all but our own
So that the bonds that bind draw ever tighter
We wait for the time of the storm that will call us home
To the birthright of our once and future lands
We pray for our rebirth in that fresh crimson dawn
But until then we trust ourselves to Ushoran's hands."

With bolding from me. It's noted that, for the most part, the vast majority of the peoples of the Old World have forgotten Strigos was even a thing. The histories of the Strigany are known largely to themselves, and it's not like they popularize the whole 'vampire-worshipping' and 'necromancy' stuff. But the fact of the matter is that the definitely still do the vampire-worshipping. Praying to/for their beloved Strigoi masters is a cultural mainstay for them even if they keep it out of the open. There's still plenty of suspicions about their mystics and what not, and while for the most part a lot of the Strigany are probably fine, the plain fact of the matter is that a significant number of them ain't. They're already under suspicion for constantly traveling around, never putting down roots, the mystics, the lies/thieving/conning/etc. and yes occasionally turning out to be carrying corpses/ghouls for their Strigoi masters. If they ever outright described their true and full histories, you'd better believe most Empire would go from barely tolerating and often persecuting to straight up trying to exterminate them. It's certainly a compassionate ideal, though, of trying to convince them to a different lifestyle and history, but you would not only be dealing with Imperial prejudice towards them but also their own murky pride.

Many of the Strigany really do believe that one day, they'll return to Strigos in a reborn kingdom of glory and power, and that they'll likely get vengeance for the thousands of years of mistreatment, etc. They really cling to that hypothetical future of dominance, so you'd be fighting to convince them to give that up as well, at least partially.
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Oooh, wow, that is like, some Cult of the Yellow Tooth or whatever type of shit, damn. I can safely say that I'm very much against helping the Strigany now lmao, that's a disaster just waiting to happen
Many of the Strigany really do believe that one day, they'll return to Strigos in a reborn kingdom of glory and power, and that they'll likely get vengeance for the thousands of years of mistreatment, etc. They really cling to that hypothetical future of dominance, so you'd be fighting to convince them to give that up as well, at least partially.
That right there is something that a lot of people miss when dealing with a grudge/chip on the shoulder/whatever you want to call it. Whether it be an individual or a group, most people who commit to the vengeance thing have a plan for profiting from it. Even if the plan is full of holes and not even coherent, everything in the world will align just right to prove it was worth it by golly gee willickers!

Most people tend to weigh costs and benefits as separate and opposing things. In the mind of a true vengeance seeker, they tend to be one and the same (mashed together much like the Winds are mashed together into Dhar). Either because said seeker believes they have nothing worth preserving (and thus there is no cost worth weighing) or because delivering THE COMEUPPANCE is a greater gain than any cost they can think of.
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Oooh, wow, that is like, some Cult of the Yellow Tooth or whatever type of shit, damn. I can safely say that I'm very much against helping the Strigany now lmao, that's a disaster just waiting to happen
They're warhammer Gypsies. But with vampires!
The CultYT was/is a club for the rich.
Dissimilar enough not to be clumped into the same category.
Man these guys have it rough. Crazy zealots aside I'd like to help them WITHOUT screwing over our province or our reputation. Speaking of which.... Yeah they would have to be crazy, desperate, or ORDERED to come to Ostland.
That right there is something that a lot of people miss when dealing with a grudge/chip on the shoulder/whatever you want to call it. Whether it be an individual or a group, most people who commit to the vengeance thing have a plan for profiting from it. Even if the plan is full of holes and not even coherent, everything in the world will align just right to prove it was worth it by golly gee willickers!

Most people tend to weigh costs and benefits as separate and opposing things. In the mind of a true vengeance seeker, they tend to be one and the same (mashed together much like the Winds are mashed together into Dhar). Either because said seeker believes they have nothing worth preserving (and thus there is no cost worth weighing) or because delivering THE COMEUPPANCE is a greater gain than any cost they can think of.
Like torroar said. The majority are just people who're trying to get by despite the discrimination they face.
There is a significant number of people however who glorify the past to and can't see the forest for the trees.

That is to say that they're going to cause problems. Problems like hightening Witch Hunter tensions and allowing a potential saboteur enclave in our territory. And if our lands were less professionally policed, these people might cause more problems like with our peasants.

But they won't travel this far north though. Not when Fredrick has a reputation with the rest of the empire to heavily support the witch hunters. And the no less violent cult of Ulric.

So while yes. THey can come and would probably be safe if they did come here.... They'd also be heavily scrutinized.
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They're warhammer Gypsies. But with vampires!

FYI, the term "Gypsy" is generally viewed as a slur. The community's term for themselves is Roma / Romani.

From the "terminology" webpage of the European Roma Rights Centre:

Terminology - European Roma Rights Centre

The ERRC sometimes use words which are specialised to human rights, legal work and Romani issues. We made a list of ...

The specific form of racism towards Roma, Sinti, Travellers and any group who are stigmatised as 'gypsies' in the public imagination. It is historically constructed and present in discriminatory structures and practices which have a degrading effect, producing disadvantages, segregation and inequality.

A term used to describe Roma. Amongst most Romani communities this is an offensive racial slur. It derives from the word "Egyptian" due to the misconception that Roma arriving in Great Britain originated in Egypt.


On a related note, yes Cheap Orange Knofe is right that the Strigany are a very obvious Romani-analogue.

The fact that the creators / writers of Warhammer Fantasy would include a clear analogue of the Romani (who remain very actively persecuted and discriminated against IRL in present day) and proceed to characterise them as "They roam the Empire in caravan trains or river barges primarily on the River Reik, making money where they can and stealing when they can't" raises unpleasant questions about the motivations of said creators / writers, in my opinion. (Not including torroar within these implications because torroar is writing a fanfic on a world that others created.)
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But they won't travel this far north though. Not when Fredrick has a reputation with the rest of the empire to heavily support the witch hunters. And the no less violent cult of Ulric.
there is also the cult of Morr who would have a great deal of motivation for persecuting if not out right exterminating what is exactly a cult of vampire worshipers who traffic in ghouls and dead bodies
On a related note, yes Cheap Orange Knofe is right that the Strigany are a very obvious Romani-analogue.

The fact that the creators / writers of Warhammer Fantasy would include a clear analogue of the Romani (who remain very actively persecuted and discriminated against IRL in present day) and proceed to characterise them as "They roam the Empire in caravan trains or river barges primarily on the River Reik, making money where they can and stealing when they can't" raises unpleasant questions about the motivations of said creators / writers, in my opinion. (Not including torroar within these implications because torroar is writing a fanfic on a world that others created.)
This lore was primarily written back in the 70's and 80's by British men who were having a laugh, casual racism was part of the deal unfortunately. They removed some of it, see the Pygmies but alot of it's still around or just slightly less noticeable than before.

Also I'd recommend editing your two posts together, double posting is pretty frowned upon.
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