I personally will put in a vote that we built up, become emperor, kick everyone's ass, get both dwarf and elves, find every single piece of Nagash item, destroy it in the most holiest site lined by thousand of priest if we can find them, ensure the total destruction of the dark elves, launch every piece of metal we can into the warp.

Than have the Canon end of times happen.
So um... can we use this to annex Hochland?

If the Ludendorf family kills itself off and the last remaining one is a savage that doesn't want to rule... IIRC Wissenland managed something similar with it's eastern part/Solland.

You're like all expecting the situation in Hochland resolves itself somehow magically. If we do nothing we can expect an internecine civil war right on the other side of the river.
Which gives us the perfect opportunity to intervene anyway.

There is a huge difference between Hochland and Norland after all. Nordland did have a legitimate leader who had the respect of his people and wasn't the traditional enemy of our family. Hochland has a leader who's lost legitimacy with his people, is dying and has no secure heir.

A bit late to the party would I would like to voice my support of the "let Magnus deal with this" party. I see little reason why we should involve ourselves into the politics of yet another province when we have more than enough things to deal with. Let us focus on our existing friends/allies and work to securing our own position/the mountains- doing so will consume enough Actions.
With the creation of and most likely spread of Great Kitchens across the Empire to where ever Halflings make roots would that increase in worship increase the overall power of Esmeralda to the point that her clerics can use more priestly power?

Also we should tell the Dwarf that we made friends with and by extention his clan that the Middle Mountains are free and ripe for settling Holds in.
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I prefer to gain ownership of the land first before letting the dwarf settle in, then we can charge rent.

Cheap ones, if they decide to pay in booze it works out.
I prefer to gain ownership of the land first before letting the dwarf settle in, then we can charge rent.

Cheap ones, if they decide to pay in booze it works out.

Well of course we need to claim the Mountains to make sure no Greenskins or Beastmen move back in. Also building a Dwarf Hold takes time so we would defend them till their Holds are complete.

Also becoming a Dwarf Friend and having the Dwarves of the Middle Mountains allies for Ostland alongside normal trade and access to adavanced technology is a good trade.

So, at the end, will we have ogres, halflings, elves, and dwarves living in our lands?

That is the idea.
Well of course we need to claim the Mountains to make sure no Greenskins or Beastmen move back in. Also building a Dwarf Hold takes time so we would defend them till their Holds are complete.

Also becoming a Dwarf Friend and having the Dwarves of the Middle Mountains allies for Ostland alongside normal trade and access to adavanced technology is a good trade.

No, i meant as in papers and legalship owner.

This sound paranoid but let me assure i do not want to deal with legal ship dispute over the middle mountain if the dwarfs expand until they cover anything, they're honorable and very duty bound but christ are they very anal retentive on dispute.

So i really would like to avoid that.

They can stay there and we'll defend them as long as they want but so long we make it clear that middle mountain is OURs and nobody else.