Except you realize that there is a difference here. Freddy hates one person for good reasons, and in this update feels SHAME that he let his bad relationship with this one person sour his opinion of Hochlanders as a whole.
She dislikes Hochlanders as a whole, an entire class of people. On the other hand, I don't think you actually read my post since I was mostly *agreeing* with you. She's helping them out and she's not hurting them, and I'm acknowledging that and comparing her to the old-style of wood-elves before they became dick-elves. Surly, inwardly focused, too hung up on nature...but willing to help out the humans (or grubbies) when the going got rough.
Like, does that change the price of tea in china? Who cares
why she dislikes Hochlanders or why Freddy disliked Ludendorf? I mean, Ludendorf was an Elector Count, and you barely saw any of him except at his worst, when he was interacting with the Count and People he hates the most, Ostland.
I mean, he has a wife, who is sick with grief over him. If he were a bad man, like, an objectively bad man, they would be celebrating in the streets and dancing a jig on his grave before his corpse has even cooled. Heck, they might be trying to help him along.
I mean, Freddy judged her and her adopted people, after one meeting. You dont think he isnt guilty of bias either?
Who cares what she and her people think of Hochlanders, they are helping. That should count the most.
To be honest that makes me think she should rule - those who want power are often the last that should have it.
Urgdug doesnt want power either, and lacks ambition. Heck, he wants to be a farmer when he retires! Thats like the anti-ambition!
That doesnt mean he would make for a good successor should our family have rocks fall on their heads. Her new, strange, mindset doesnt have room for modern day notions of sovereignty, she doesnt understand Hochland, or Ostland.
Only the Land. Thats like trying to pay someone who has lived in a barter economy their entire life in paper money. It just isnt compatible. Its not necessarily wrong, but its not going to be a smooth transition. She is a good warrior, sure, and probably might even make a decent general.
But a ruler? An Elector Count?
really want to force upon her a way of life she has spent her life trying to get away from, going so far as to adopt the Old Faith, dress up in animal bones, and squat in the forest like a bunch of aesthetic warrior monks? Your just setting her up to be Ludendorf the Asshole, round two douchebag Boogaloo.
We should take this opportunity to either back a childs claim to the throne and stabilize the province, or find some other family to take up the mantle. We can use this to influence Hochland for the better.