Just because she happens to not like Hochlanders, doesnt mean she doesnt empathize with them or wish ill upon them.

Ludendorf himself is a selfish, arrogant, crazy asshole, and I am sure Freddy would like nothing more then to take a club and beat some sense into his thick head. Heck, if offered I bet Freddy would get into a fist fight with the man, any time, any place, even in front of the Emperor.

But do you think Freddy would say no to helping him out if he asked for it?

Except you realize that there is a difference here. Freddy hates one person for good reasons, and in this update feels SHAME that he let his bad relationship with this one person sour his opinion of Hochlanders as a whole.

She dislikes Hochlanders as a whole, an entire class of people. On the other hand, I don't think you actually read my post since I was mostly *agreeing* with you. She's helping them out and she's not hurting them, and I'm acknowledging that and comparing her to the old-style of wood-elves before they became dick-elves. Surly, inwardly focused, too hung up on nature...but willing to help out the humans (or grubbies) when the going got rough.
Except you realize that there is a difference here. Freddy hates one person for good reasons, and in this update feels SHAME that he let his bad relationship with this one person sour his opinion of Hochlanders as a whole.

She dislikes Hochlanders as a whole, an entire class of people. On the other hand, I don't think you actually read my post since I was mostly *agreeing* with you. She's helping them out and she's not hurting them, and I'm acknowledging that and comparing her to the old-style of wood-elves before they became dick-elves. Surly, inwardly focused, too hung up on nature...but willing to help out the humans (or grubbies) when the going got rough.


Like, does that change the price of tea in china? Who cares why she dislikes Hochlanders or why Freddy disliked Ludendorf? I mean, Ludendorf was an Elector Count, and you barely saw any of him except at his worst, when he was interacting with the Count and People he hates the most, Ostland.

I mean, he has a wife, who is sick with grief over him. If he were a bad man, like, an objectively bad man, they would be celebrating in the streets and dancing a jig on his grave before his corpse has even cooled. Heck, they might be trying to help him along.

I mean, Freddy judged her and her adopted people, after one meeting. You dont think he isnt guilty of bias either?

Who cares what she and her people think of Hochlanders, they are helping. That should count the most.

To be honest that makes me think she should rule - those who want power are often the last that should have it.
Urgdug doesnt want power either, and lacks ambition. Heck, he wants to be a farmer when he retires! Thats like the anti-ambition!

That doesnt mean he would make for a good successor should our family have rocks fall on their heads. Her new, strange, mindset doesnt have room for modern day notions of sovereignty, she doesnt understand Hochland, or Ostland.

Only the Land. Thats like trying to pay someone who has lived in a barter economy their entire life in paper money. It just isnt compatible. Its not necessarily wrong, but its not going to be a smooth transition. She is a good warrior, sure, and probably might even make a decent general.

But a ruler? An Elector Count?

You really want to force upon her a way of life she has spent her life trying to get away from, going so far as to adopt the Old Faith, dress up in animal bones, and squat in the forest like a bunch of aesthetic warrior monks? Your just setting her up to be Ludendorf the Asshole, round two douchebag Boogaloo.

We should take this opportunity to either back a childs claim to the throne and stabilize the province, or find some other family to take up the mantle. We can use this to influence Hochland for the better.
If he were a bad man, like, an objectively bad man, they would be celebrating in the streets and dancing a jig on his grave before his corpse has even cooled.
Interestingly, on this occasion, he does not have the troops to suppress any potential revolts while in the wider picture your actions are regarded well indeed.

Considering that one of his major concerns is not having enough troops to put down a rebellion...
So um... can we use this to annex Hochland?

If the Ludendorf family kills itself off and the last remaining one is a savage that doesn't want to rule... IIRC Wissenland managed something similar with it's eastern part/Solland.
So who is the most likely to inherit the province. Some nephew noble, one of his children, will they be old enough, will Lufrdorf's wife need to be regent till her son or daughter is old enough to become Elector Count?
So um... can we use this to annex Hochland?

If the Ludendorf family kills itself off and the last remaining one is a savage that doesn't want to rule... IIRC Wissenland managed something similar with it's eastern part/Solland.
If we can't get someone decent in charge, that does seem like our best option available to us.
So um... can we use this to annex Hochland?

If the Ludendorf family kills itself off and the last remaining one is a savage that doesn't want to rule... IIRC Wissenland managed something similar with it's eastern part/Solland.
Woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Hochland is in rough shape, but it's not that bad. Nordland was even worse and it's doing fine now.
Well Victor certainly had some nerve getting upset at us for 'discovering' his mines when he knowingly placed them right in the center of our portion of the mountains.

I guess his defense for his actions basically was 'well you weren't using it'.

And he apparently never found it strange enough to investigate the lack of orcs and beastmen. Just take advantage of their lack of presence.

And if he did know and never said anything then he's just an idiot and possibly a traitor.
@torroar can we ask memebers of the White Wolf to teach our troops how to breed and ride Winter Wolves like they do? Would be great for fighting in the Forest.

Also let's avoid taking over Hochland right now.

Also after the war we need to start helping in Kislev more.
I disagree. If the Empire is anything like the HRE then this kind of meddling in the affairs of our neighbors if they are weak is more or less expected. We'll lose some goodwill but it will not be as catastrophic as you make it out to be.

Want to know how I know you don't know much about the HRE?

Elector Counts are important and written-in to the whole tapestry of both the HRE and the Empire. You don't just get rid of them. At 'best' we'd install an in-law in that position and have it as a puppet, but absorbing them means getting rid of an Elector position, which is totally not kosher at all.
Why the hate on for Ludendorf? He's a bit of an asshole to us, but we are arrogant assholes to him as well. His people like him, and he obviously cares very much about them.
What we are doing now is vastly overstepping our bounds, and I suspect Magnus will sit us down for a little talk after all this is over. So yeah, send medical help to the guy and pray for a safe recovery. Any thoughts of annexation or more heavy handed "diplomacy" could send the Empire into civil war right after this clusterfuck in the worst case. At best we'll get assassinated because we're a disrupting influence.
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I doubt the knights are going to be capturing and breeding them in captivity. I imagine that it's more of a case of the occasional knight going out to the wild and fighting the parents and if he wins then taking their pup/s to raise. Mind that's just a personal assumption but it seems it'd fit Ulric more as well as explain why Demigryphs are the default.

It'd be quite helpful if someone who has the Empire armo book would check the demigryph section though.
Why the hate on for Ludendorf? He's a bit of an asshole to us, but we are arrogant assholes to him as well. His people like him, and he obviously cares very much about them.
What we are doing now is vastly overstepping our bounds, and I suspect Magnus will sit us down for a little talk after all this is over. So yeah, send medical help to the guy and pray for a safe recovery. Any thoughts of annexation or more heavy handed "diplomacy" could send the Empire into civil war right after this clusterfuck in the worst case. At best we'll get assassinated because we're a disrupting influence.

On the one hand I'm in favor of not taking over. On the other hand, have you actually read this Quest and the latest updates? His people actually sorta *don't* like him and like us better than him. That doesn't mean we're going to take over, but you're deluded if that's the picture you got out of it.
We have no idea whether or not his people like him; from what we've seen of him we know his family save for his estranged daughter like him.

The general opinion of his common folk hasn't been mentioned that I've seen. As for annexing hochland? I doubt it's possible, his wife will likely act as regent for his children if they're too young or one of his kin will take over the Elector Count position.

We're golden as far as the Empire itself is concerned; we cleared out the remnants of the WAAGH! when Hochland wasn't able to do it on it's own. Full stop. I think we need far more information on the political side of things before we try our hand at kingmaker in Hochland though; we simply don't have ENOUGH solid information.
What we are doing now, is vastly overstepping our bounds, I suspect Magnus will sit us down for a little talk after all this is over. So yeah, send medical help to the guy and pray for a safe recovery. Any thoughts of annexation or more heavy handed "diplomacy" will send the Empire into civil war.


So much this.

We should not interfere in their succession. Even sending advisory aid to them is a tremendous dick move(which is basically what Victor tried at the start of this quest).

We are a Hero of the Empire. We should set an example for others to follow.

That means being above something as underhanded as trying to install the heir we like most as the next elector count of Hochland.
They're our neighbours.
Them being shit fucks things up for us as well.

What would you suggest then?
Support whoever looks like a good candidate and actually wants the job. But not to the point of meddling in the change of power.
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Let me look, but I swear it was mentioned that his 'not protecting his people' and his 'being on his deathbed' weren't exactly endearing himself to everyone.

Alright, here it is. It doesn't mean they hate his guts and want him to die, but this totally seems like a -1 Opinion moment right here, if we were the ones doing it.

"You render all the aid you can, both the Army of the Forest and the Army of Ostland leveraging their new cannons and handgunner units to great effect. As you clear out the province, you are halted by a smattering of military units under the orders of Ludenhof who have the temerity to try and order you to leave 'or else face the consequences'. The refugees of Hochland traveling with you were most unamused, as were you. They crumbled under your combined glares, and fled back to Hergig. After a year of fighting you finally excised the last of the green cancer from Hochland, despite continued messages from Ludenhof that you were greatly overstepping your bounds and that 'actions will be taken against you'. For a man with no army and a province's population who began following the army's protecting them as you travelled back and forth, he talks quite well."
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Why the hate on for Ludendorf? He's a bit of an asshole to us, but we are arrogant assholes to him as well. His people like him, and he obviously cares very much about them.
What we are doing now is vastly overstepping our bounds, and I suspect Magnus will sit us down for a little talk after all this is over. So yeah, send medical help to the guy and pray for a safe recovery. Any thoughts of annexation or more heavy handed "diplomacy" could send the Empire into civil war right after this clusterfuck in the worst case. At best we'll get assassinated because we're a disrupting influence.

I doubt Magnus does assassinations. We are also one of his most important supporters in the North of the Empire and wildly popular as a hero and will become more so if we help win the battle of three armies.

We certainly could manage to annex Hochland in this situation. Promise significant swathes of its territory and its neighbours will support us, plus the Moot and bribe Westerland. Should give us a majority Magnus won't go against. Also give Hochlands Runefang to the Imperial Treasury.

It would need a lot of politicing and careful maneuvering, but we could manage it.