Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi
Born: Auckland, New Zealand, 25 April 2239
Academy Campus: San Francisco
2256 - Entered Academy
2260 - Graduated 1st in Class, Commissioned as Ensign, Assigned to USS Lexington
2262 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG
2264 - Promoted to Lieutenant
2267 - Wounded aboard USS Lexington during Test of M5 Computer
2269 - Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander, Assigned to USS Hood
2273 - Assigned to Starfleet Operations Command
2274 - Promoted to Commander, Assigned to USS Miranda
2278 - Assigned to USS Lexington
2279 - Promoted to Captain, Assigned to CO, USS Steadfast
2283 - Assigned to USS Potemkin
2285 - Promoted to Commodore, Assigned to Sol Sector Command
2287 - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations Command
2290 - Promoted to Rear Admiral, Assigned to Director, Starfleet Operations Command
2293 - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
2295 - Promoted to Vice Admiral, Assigned to Starfleet Tactical Command
2298 - Takes Sabbatical
2301 - Returns from Sabbaitcal, Promoted to Admiral, Assigned Commander, Starfleet
2303 - Manages Biophage Crisis Successfully
2306 - Oversees Incorporation of Amarki
2308 - Oversees Incorporation of Betazed
2310 - Oversees Incorporation of Caitians
2310 - Manages Kadak-Tor Crisis Successfully
2311 - Oversees Incorporation of Rigel
2311 - Retired
You review your last report as the graveyard shift begins to shuffle into the halls of Starfleet Headquarters. You've already laid aside your crimson jacket, and are wearing civilian clothes. New Years will toll in a few hours. You take a moment to reflect on a fifty-one year career in Starfleet, on the highs and lows. The mishaps, the mistakes, the triumphs, the glories. You've seen them all. You've saved men and women under your command, and you've sent them to their deaths. You've broken new ground, helped forge new worlds.
You've been the first head of Starfleet to realise the dream of expanding the Federation. Well, you did your part in it, at least. You've overseen the design and development of a new starship class. You've met existential crisis head-on, and triumphed. You've known stresses and pressures that all but the tiniest sliver of the population will never understand, and come through unbowed. Only the miracle of modern medical technology has kept your hair in-place, and your health in check, of that much you are sure.
Your name is a household name to billions of sentient beings across the Federation. Perhaps that should not be so, but it is the case anyway. You've interacted with heroes of the Federation. You've seen relations with old enemies forged anew. You've seen the dawn of a golden age crest over the polity you love more than life itself.
Most importantly, you are passing on your beloved Starfleet in a stronger place than where you found it. Oh, it still has it's problems by the bushel. It always will. But you have twice as many explorers, twice as much shipyard capacity, twice as many members, twice the resources, twice the crew.
'Well done, my good and faithful servant,' the old scriptures say, and you feel that down to your bones. You have seen and accomplished so much. And now it is time to pass on the baton.
You lay down your last report. You pick up and finish your last Starfleet coffee at your desk. You stand and go out into your lobby.
A full constellation of senior officers are waiting for you. Hikaru Sulu, Valentina Sousa, your old friend Patricia Chen, Leonard McCoy, Heidi Eriksson. To your eternal shock, President sh'Arrath has joined the others, with Councillors Langford, Singh, and Stesk. Commodore ka'Sharren is there, and Michel Thuir, and many others whom you have interacted with.
Warm applause ripples through those present, and you afford yourself a smile. When the door closes behind you, it closes on the longest chapter of your life, and you leave it behind you with a satisfied mind.