lets make extremely sure that if the Beast ever shows up again we put an immediate blockade around the Licori, unrestricted mad science and rampant ravenous bioplagues do not mix.
On the plus side hope the crew can find out what shot them down and gain something useful from it since the guns alone took down the ship really fast so claiming those will be important if only so other ships can come by to save them rather than it taken out as well.
Actually just 3 crew lost. We do currently tally 4 crew lost for the whole year though.

edit: and now we've got 1 lightly damaged ship, 1 seriously damaged ship (repair costs), and 1 lost ship this year. *sigh*

I suggest we adopt the The Big Red Button :V
Are you forgetting the Lion in that math?
I'd be up for naming an Ambassador Miracht, but the immediate repalcement of a lost ship with one of the same name happenend to the Enterprise orginally because it was such a famous ship.

The Miracht has given us good service, but I don't see it really being worthy of that.

That and if it is cursed do we really want to be dooming another Excelsior?

That poor ship and her poor crews. Why is that name so Cursed.... we should probably take the name out of rotation for a decade or too and hope the curse wears off.


Elements... SERIOUSLY?!?!?! This is just a BAD YEAR.
On a Lighter note, inspired by this:
Constellation class says: "Hello, Yes. I am an adorable and cute Constellation class with a chipper attitude towards life. My Best friend is the USS Sappho; she is good at volley-phasertag. I like to explore and run fast. Fighting makes me sad and I hope Enterprise-senpai notices me someday!"

~~~====[[[[[[( : D )]]]]]]
I'm working on something else right now:

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There is an old saying, not as often heard in these non-secular days: There but by the Grace of God go I.

Don't you mean "secular" rather than "non-secular"?

A sharp rise in gamma ray production in a star system on the fringes of Amarki space, above the galactic plane, has been detected by the long range scanners of the Starbase.

Huh, this may be the first inkling we have of starbase stats helping out in events. Seems to provide a bonus to a local ship's event response at the very least.

[USS Miracht destroyed in action]


(QM/N: I don't even believe how cursed that ship was)


Cursed indeed.

Are the event DCs rising or are we just getting really unlucky? Or both?

Also @OneirosTheWriter, are crew ratings attached to the crew or the ship? Or perhaps crew and ship class (Excelsior in this case)? That is, when we crew the next EC Excelsior (conveniently next quarter - see below), will that Excelsior start off with Blooded crew rating?

As long as we can retrieve the crew from the surface, this does mean we can crew the Stargazer as an EC ship.

We already crewed the Stargazer earlier this year in preparation for its EOY launch.

But the recovered crew does mean we can immediately crew the next Excelsior with EC, which will happen 2312Q1 (next quarter). That would reduce our garrison-capable ships by 1 (and 6 defense) but that isn't a critical issue with the wave of Connie-Bs coming out next year, so we should definitely do it.

The question then becomes whether we should:
a) assign USS Stargazer to the Kadeshi To Boldly Go mission and have a single year of 5 FYMs instead of 6 FYMs until the above unnamed EC Excelsior launches in 2313Q1; or
b) assign USS Stargazer to a FYM to continue 6 FYMs for next year, then 7 FYMs for 2313

I'm pretty gung-ho about that Kadeshi mission, so I'm willing to toss away some immediate practicality and vote for (a).

Are you forgetting the Lion in that math?

Ah yeah, I'm mixing up my tallying. And yes this means we lost 2 ships this year.

I'm keeping track of both casualties and required crew replenishment (aka crew reserve costs). The difference is that ship loss doesn't require crew replenishment and in fact can increase crew reserves. The loss of the USS Lion resulted in casualties but no crew reserve changes.

So total crew casualties so far this year: 8
and total required crew replenishment so far this year: 4
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@AKuz, that is adorable.

And it works very well with my headcanon that the Constellations can run very, very fast... for a little while, but then they get tuckered out.

Yea, the suicide shuttle protocols, as wells as convoy protocols would most likely be of great use to us at this time. I mean, escorting cargo ships is pretty much the same as escorting ships filled with refugees, only you aren't filled with guilt if one of them falls to enemy fire.
The thing is, the Biophage hit us with suicide shuttles over and over, to the point where it became predictable. The Syndicate hits us in all kinds of different ways. Using any tricks we learned from fighting the Biophage to organize convoys and defend against shuttle ramming attacks is a good idea, but it isn't an idea that will always help.

@OneirosTheWriter, is there any way for us to derive benefits ever from the Biophage-specific techs, in situations that are sufficiently similar to the ones we faced fighting the Biophage? Or are those techs permanently useless to us in every non-Biophage conflict?

Edit: Ok, we lost one of our explorers, but the crew managed to survive. One thing you need to remember, a ship is replaceable, but its crew isn't, so we got lucky in a sense. At least we know what the second Ambassador is going to be named.
I'm beginning to wonder if we should keep naming ships Miracht after all; there does appear to be a curse.

It would appear that Miracht fell prey to automated defense emplacements left over from the war that wiped out the natives of Geruda III, or (just possibly) to survivors hidden in bunkers below the surface. Rescuing the crew from the planet's moon could prove difficult.

Actually just 3 crew lost. We do currently tally 4 crew lost for the whole year though.
I'm treating the losses last month as part of the same 'turn,' because for purposes of event rolls a 'turn' is still a quarter long. Just because the captains' logs are now coming month by month, and just because we get three rounds of anti-Syndicate 'events' per quarter, doesn't mean we should forget that.

As long as we can retrieve the crew from the surface, this does mean we can crew the Stargazer as an EC ship.
We were already going to do that anyway. The good news is that we can recycle this crew into a new ship, but that ship may not specifically be the Stargazer.

Is it too late to rename Stargazer Miracht?
I think that would be too hasty. There's always an Excelsior coming ready each year; we can wait.

And, honestly, it might be best to wait until the Ambassadors come out. Even if we do recycle the name, we don't have to do so right now.
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I suppose it would be best to wait until we get the Ambassadors up and running to get the Miracht C.
It's bad luck to rename a ship after all.

Rather powerful anti-orbit defenses on that dead world.
Yeah. I'd want to go down and figure out how they work, except there's no way to get down there without getting zorched by the aforementioned big honking particle guns.

Maybe we can sic the Licori on the planet? :D
This results in the Romulans learning how the giant particle cannons work, not us learning how.

The Klingons would probably not be happy with us.

EDIT: Okay, omake is written, and dialogue has been changed to reflect the new situation, but I want to wait until we're at least partway through 2312Q1 to post it, in case anything else goes wrong on the Syndicate front.
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