2311.Q4 - San Francisco
Federation Broadcast Service

...and in other sports news, the insterstellar weekend of football continued, with minnows Luna defeating New Seoul two-one at home, and Vega... sorry, hang on. There's ... there's news coming in, just a moment...


Federation News Network

...sources within Starfleet are confirming the loss of an Explorer Corps vessel, but as of yet it is not clear which, and the circumstances.


Gazette of Vulcan

...while it is only logical that ships designed to go in harm's way will eventually run into harm, it has been in excess of a decade since an explorer-class ship has been irretrievably lost. This event is creating consternation among many Federation members. At two point three million ton mass, the Excelsior-class ship is the largest vessel in Starfleet inventory...


Tellar Prime Broadcast Service

...confirmed as the USS Miracht, NCC-2006, named for the lost USS Miracht that was the first major starship casualty of the Biophage crisis. A spokesperson for Starfleet has confirmed that the Miracht's crew has mostly survived the crash landing, with only seven fatalities during the engagement.


Federation Broadcast Service

...President sh'Arrath continued on saying, "We go to space, we spread our light into the cosmos like the stars around us. We dare the galaxy to give us its best shot. Sometimes it knocks us down. But we get up again. All advancement, and especially everything among the stars above, comes with risk. We take on that risk, because it is right, because it is noble. Because a better day for all of the species of the Federation could lie behind the next star, the next quasar, the next nebula. Starfleet will always strive into the dark of space, carrying forth the light of exploration and discovery, whatever the cost."



You turn off the screen with a hand gesture. Something deeper than a sigh begins to escape you. Like your soul grinding against your gullet, a groan carrying lives and shattered hull plates spills forth. You collapse forward against the desk, second guessing yourself. Did you go on a year too long? Is this just ill-fortune? Would a new face have fixed this? It takes several seconds to recompose yourself and straighten up again.

"Apologies, Rear Admiral, that you had to see that," you say softly. "That was unprofessional of me."

"Nonsense, Admiral, why, compared to the noise I made when I heard the news on the way in, I ought to check you for pointy ears," says the man in the room with you.

You look up and see the Surgeon-General of Starfleet sitting there, Leonard McCoy. You don't need someone as lofty as Bones attending to you personally, but at some point in the 2250s someone changed the regs to say the Surgeon-General had a personal responsibility to the Commander of Starfleet. The conversation was lively at least.

"Well, you may as well give me the bad news," you say.

"Well, what makes you say it's bad news?"

A moment passes as your lips curl sardonically. "You brought me a gin and tonic to deliver the news. That can't be a good sign."

"I can come back later, if it suits, give you an hour to-"

You reach across the desk and snatch the datapad out of McCoy's hands. Half-turning in your chair to put it out of reach of his attempt to snatch it back, you read quickly. "Stage four, primary peritoneal... what? Oh, come on, do I look like I can take a week off of work?"

"A week?" asks Leonard. "This isn't the dark ages, Admiral, and it isn't the 2260s anymore. Come by the HQ medical base and give me an hour and you'll be right as rain. We could go there now if you'd like to get it out of the way?"

You set the pad on the desk again with a clatter and take up your gin and tonic, draining the last of it in one smooth swallow. "No point waiting. Lead the way, Mr McCoy."

The two of you escape the confines of the office. As you pass, you tell the Yeoman to clear the schedule due to medical exigencies. At least you have a great reason now for putting off the flood of calls from Councillors that you can see lighting up her console even now. The medical bay is a good trek through the base. You could take the turbolift to be more efficient, but getting exercise is difficult enough as it is. Even though you aren't really feeling up for it at the moment.

You pause, though, when you hear a loud cry and the sound of breaking glass. You rush over to a lounge nearby where you think the sound came from, passing the door to Explorer Corps Mission Control as you do so. Inside you see an Andorian woman, leaning over the table, nearly clawing gouges in it. She's breathing in deep ragged motions, staring down into the wood grain. A chair is embedded into the window outside.

For a moment, you prepare to bark like you haven't in years, until you recognise the officer. "Commodore," you say in your best grandmotherly tone. "Did the poor chair really deserve that?"

Nash ka'Sharren startles bolt upright and turns about, a stricken expression on her face. "Admiral!" she blurts. "I'm so sorry, Admiral, that was unpr-"

"It's alright," you interrupt. "I can extend some grace. It's only glass."

"I know, Admiral," says Nash quietly.

"Penny for your thoughts, ka'Sharen?"

Nash looks across at you, then out at the lounge window with its spiderweb fractures. "I never should have taken that promotion."

"You dodged it for as long as you were physically able, I'll give you that," you say. "But old Seruk was always going to get you in the end. Man may as well be Father Time."

"So I've noticed," says Nash. "It's harder, you know. To not do. Harder to wait and watch. Than it is to do. I stand in that room and I babysit the officers in the control room, and I offer advise to the Captains in the field, and I know they don't listen to me. I didn't listen to Mission Command when I was in the field. The only thing they listen to is next assignments. So when I send them to a place with trouble, I'm getting them into trouble, but I can't get them back out of trouble."

"I know," you say. "Believe me, I know. It was easier on a bridge. Sure, it's hard knowing your own life is on the line, but it's exhilarating too."

"You command division officers are all mad like that," notes Bones.

Nash spares the man a wry grin. "I want to make a difference. I want to seize the moment, to be the one on the scene. To do."

McCoy taps at his chin a moment, then replies, "I tell you, Commodore, you remind me of an old friend of mine. A lot like him."

"Have you seen her record? Shes like him in a more ways than one," you say in a droll aside.

"Admirals!" blurts Nash. You think you see the faintest colouring in her powder blue cheeks.

"ka'Sharren, I really wish that I could tell you that it's not so hard after a while," you say. "But it's always hard, so very damned hard, to know you're sitting back as younger officers and crew take the risks. To set the dice in motion and then have to leave others to live or die by how the bones land. This is the burden of command. But never feel you aren't making a difference. In a mission control room, behind a desk, or on a flag bridge, everyone here makes a difference."

"Yes, Admiral," says Nash quietly.

"Now, why don't you walk with us? I think the Surgeon-General here has a prescription for a good stress relief. Gin and Tonic, wasn't it?" you say.

Bones chuckles and nods his head. "Alright, Admiral. Might be like a drink with an old friend at that."


From: Rear Admiral Seruk, Director, Starfleet Personnel Command
To: Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi, Commanding, Starfleet
Subject: Chief of Staff


As requested, after the reclassification of the Starfleet Chief of Staff billet to a Vice Admiral billet, I have collected a series of candidates for appointment to the role.

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Andorian Male, 65 (Time in Rank 15 Years)
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
Has been your reliable Chief of Staff for the past six years, and is now looking to move on up. Gain +4 to Diplomacy Rolls

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
Human Female, 54 (Time in Rank, 10 years)
Current Posting: Director, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Patricia's Chen has served with distinction for many years, and is regarded by many as your protege. Gain +.25 to all Explorer Corps recruitment.

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Sanik
Vulcan Male, 84 (Time in Rank, 9 years)
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Research Command
A Vuclan with considerable experience running and aiding the R&D process of Starfleet. Gain +2 to Sensors, Comms, Warp Tech research.

Rear Admiral Seruk
Director, Starfleet Personnel


Votes for other officer billets:
[ ][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
Andorian Thaan, 53
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Shipyard Operations
Though he didn't get the promotion to the CBZ posting, Thraan still managed to move up the ladder with his wide-ranging experience and talent.
Peacetime Bonus: Wide ranging patrols (+2 to highest response roll, -2 to all others)
Fleet Bonus: Improved chance to declining battle.

[ ][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
Human Female, 56
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Data Modelling, Ship Design Bureau
An experienced Explorer Corps commander, with an expertise with sensors.
Peacetime Bonus: +1 to all response rolls
Fleet Bonus: Large bonus to setting or avoiding ambushes.

[ ][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
Tellarite Male, 48
Current Posting: Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard, Berth 1
More accustomed to fitting out ships than running them, he knows where every last plasma manifold and self-sealing stembolt goes.
Peacetime Bonus: +2 to Hull Checks from failed events
Fleet Bonus: +1 to amount of HP damage that can be repaired underway


[ ][RIGEL] Captain Yamada Ichigo
Human Male, 46
Current Posting: Captain, USS Excelsior
A now seasoned Captain, who has experience commanding in war and peace, still popular on Earth.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain +1 to Distress Call Missions
Fleet Bonus: Gain +5pp when in a battle

[ ][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
Human Female, 44
Current Posting: Sabbatical
While Maryam's story is known only to a few, she is nonetheless a heroic figure. She is coming back from sabbatical, and is being considering for a promotion somewhere well away from Cardassians and Orions.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain re-roll on crew loss checks
Fleet Bonus: Gain +3 to declining battle.

[ ][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
Vulcan Female, 60
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Intelligence
With a head full of secrets, T'Lam is often able to put the right word in the right ear.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain +1 to Diplomacy Mission Rolls
Fleet Bonus: Increased chance of forcing or declining battle.
I don't think Fed-Romulan relations are that good yet.

And would you want the Romulans to have that Particle Cannon?
@OneirosTheWriter - Isn't Eaton currently posted to the Anti-Syndicate task force? Why is she listed as still working in data modelling?
[ ][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
Human Female, 56
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Data Modelling, Ship Design Bureau
An experienced Explorer Corps commander, with an expertise with sensors.
Peacetime Bonus: +1 to all response rolls
Fleet Bonus: Large bonus to setting or avoiding ambushes.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
This or Sanik, and uhh, we kinda need those diplomacy rolls. They help.
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
Cergun ag Hugac would be just as fine, of course.

Abstaining from the Rigel vote, though I suspect Maryam may have a good edge.
You reach across the desk and snatch the datapad out of McCoy's hands. Half-turning in your chair to put it out of reach of his attempt to snatch it back, you read quickly. "Stage four, primary peritoneal... what? Oh, come on, do I look like I can take a week off of work?"

"A week?" asks Leonard. "This isn't the dark ages, Admiral, and it isn't the 2260s anymore. Come by the HQ medical base and give me an hour and you'll be right as rain. We could go there now if you'd like to get it out of the way?"
One day, I pray, our knowledge of medicine will be such that treating metastasized cancer is a thing of an hour, rather than a losing proposition that requires a years-long struggle against the odds to even attempt.

(Though I wonder how this slipped past her mandatory annual medical examinations.)
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2311.Q4.M2 - Master of Orion
Alukk Daily News

Hovervans are departing the headquarters of the Arlorian, Molkor & Rodan Corporation headquarters every quarter hour, bearing more and more boxes containing data drives, print outs, and material evidence. On the other side of the building, ambulances steadily load more bodies belonging to Syndicate and hypercorps footsoldiers, ferrying them off to half the city morgues. Disruptor burns and blood stains still liberally coat the lobby, and no doubt the rest of the building as well. An hour ago, the CEO of AMR Corp was hauled out. She is accused of being a Syndicate Shodar, or senior-leader, part of the gang of five that provides Alukk's "deep state".

[+6 Impact]


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

The total death toll of the suicide attacks on the USS Kearsage makes for very grim reading. In addition to the 127 fatalities among the crew, more than six hundred civilians were aboard the three civilian passenger craft that were hijacked to make the assault. One craft was destroyed by phasers, one lowered the shield, the other plowed into the ship. Only the one destroyed by phasers contained survivors, and not many there, only twenty-seven souls. Trace particle forensic analysis and sensor log reviews lead us to believe that Orion flight crew under heavy pheromone indoctrination were key to the operation.

As we speak, our detectives and intelligence operatives are combing New Rigel from top to bottom looking for the Alasho who ordered the attack. A complete travel ban and grounding of all suborbital and orbital craft has been mandated. All emergency flights are being undertaken by the shuttlecraft of Yukikaze and Dryad. Andorian Centaur-As have arrived to help enforce the system lock-down.

Meanwhile, the Caitian Frontier Police are pressing on all known leads to Syndicate activity, and have made a number of arrests. [+1 Impact, 1hp of Local Assets arrested]

The big news, however, was the enacting of an Aerocommando assault on a hyepcorp headquarters, the same type of operation that led to their ruinous losses a few months ago. With Rixx Scrutineers helping assist, and an air-tight operation from the USSC, this time the operation was a complete success, crushing that source of Syndicate aid. An entire Agent Team has been captured, and one of the Shodars. However, we have heard that she then committed suicide en route to holding.

Locally, the Syndicate seems to be keeping its head down, running for cover in anticipation of a fire and brimstone approach from Starfleet. So far, we have not provided that approach. When our investigators are through, we expect to run a scalpel-like operation to catch those responsible for the attack on the Kearsage.


[Total +7 Impact, +0 Cost]
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One day, I pray, our knowledge of medicine will be such that treating metastasized cancer is a thing of an hour, rather than a losing proposition that requires a years-long struggle against the odds to even attempt.

(Though I wonder how this slipped past her mandatory annual medical examinations.)
I confess that little bit from me was a very personal middle-finger to the disease. I know it was a little self-indulgent, but I just wanted to at least have one world where things like that are possible.
"So I've noticed," says Nash. "It's harder, you know. To not do. Harder to wait and watch. Than it is to do. I stand in that room and I babysit the officers in the control room, and I offer advise to the Captains in the field, and I know they don't listen to me. I didn't listen to Mission Command when I was in the field. The only thing they listen to is next assignments. So when I send them to a place with trouble, I'm getting them into trouble, but I can't get them back out of trouble."

"I know," you say. "Believe me, I know. It was easier on a bridge. Sure, it's hard knowing your own life is on the line, but it's exhilarating too."

And there's the fallout. Poor Admiral. Poor Nash. I didn't even consider how this must have reflected on her, as the officer that assigned that mission.

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Andorian Male, 65 (Time in Rank 15 Years)
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
Has been your reliable Chief of Staff for the past six years, and is now looking to move on up. Gain +4 to Diplomacy Rolls

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
Human Female, 54 (Time in Rank, 10 years)
Current Posting: Director, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Patricia's Chen has served with distinction for many years, and is regarded by many as your protege. Gain +.25 to all Explorer Corps recruitment.

[ ][VICE] Rear Admiral Sanik
Vulcan Male, 84 (Time in Rank, 9 years)
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Research Command
A Vuclan with considerable experience running and aiding the R&D process of Starfleet. Gain +2 to Sensors, Comms, Warp Tech research.

It would be most proper for Shey ch'Tharvasse to get the promotion since he's already the Chief of Staff, and it would be a mild snub if he didn't get it. But that diplo roll bonus isn't that good compared to the others, and he already gives +2 to diplo rolls. @OneirosTheWriter, will this bonus go away if we choose someone else for the job?

It would also make sense for Kahurangi to choose her protege, Patricia Chen. Her bonus is quite good, and we're not really using her existing bonus at UP fleet yards. Possibly the best peacetime bonus of the candidates, since it represents more than a 10% increase in EC crew income. edit: also nepotism FTW

Sanik is also a decent choice. He used to provide that particular research bonus but it got superseded by Rinias ch'Vohlet's arguably superior research bonus back in 2306.

[ ][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
Andorian Thaan, 53
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Shipyard Operations
Though he didn't get the promotion to the CBZ posting, Thraan still managed to move up the ladder with his wide-ranging experience and talent.
Peacetime Bonus: Wide ranging patrols (+2 to highest response roll, -2 to all others)
Fleet Bonus: Improved chance to declining battle.

[ ][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
Human Female, 56
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Data Modelling, Ship Design Bureau
An experienced Explorer Corps commander, with an expertise with sensors.
Peacetime Bonus: +1 to all response rolls
Fleet Bonus: Large bonus to setting or avoiding ambushes.

[ ][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
Tellarite Male, 48
Current Posting: Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard, Berth 1
More accustomed to fitting out ships than running them, he knows where every last plasma manifold and self-sealing stembolt goes.
Peacetime Bonus: +2 to Hull Checks from failed events
Fleet Bonus: +1 to amount of HP damage that can be repaired underway

Victoria Eaton provides the best peacetime bonus out of these, but she does have her hands pretty busy with the anti-Syndicate task force. That said, Orion space is in the Amarkia sector, so she is in the area, and both jobs involve commanding multiple ships. Still, it feels awkward to be a sector commander while serving under the anti-Syndicate task force admiral.

Thraan th'Marlaas's peacetime bonus is also pretty good. In fact, possibly about as good as Eaton's because of small amount of ships involved. Both Eaton's and th'Marlaas's wartime bonuses are also comparable. th'Marlaas has also been wanting a new job since 2306.

Cergun ag Hugac's bonus provides more safety but I'd prefer to risk the extra event responses.

[ ][RIGEL] Captain Yamada Ichigo
Human Male, 46
Current Posting: Captain, USS Excelsior
A now seasoned Captain, who has experience commanding in war and peace, still popular on Earth.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain +1 to Distress Call Missions
Fleet Bonus: Gain +5pp when in a battle

[ ][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
Human Female, 44
Current Posting: Sabbatical
While Maryam's story is known only to a few, she is nonetheless a heroic figure. She is coming back from sabbatical, and is being considering for a promotion somewhere well away from Cardassians and Orions.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain re-roll on crew loss checks
Fleet Bonus: Gain +3 to declining battle.

[ ][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
Vulcan Female, 60
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Intelligence
With a head full of secrets, T'Lam is often able to put the right word in the right ear.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain +1 to Diplomacy Mission Rolls
Fleet Bonus: Increased chance of forcing or declining battle.

Maryam Ajam is tempting, but is it really safe to put her on a prominent public position? Pretty worried about that. Her peacetime bonus is kinda meh too. I'd prefer Ajam to take a Starfleet Intelligence position.

Yamada Ichigo is new. Well, he's been commanding the Excelsior since end of 2304, but this is the first time he's come up in a vote. That wartime bonus is really good, though riskier than the others.

T'Lam's also been wanting a new job since 2306. Rigel is an important new frontier sector of sorts, so that diplomacy peacetime bonus may be more helpful than one would think. Ajam's and T'Lam's wartime bonuses are comparable.

Tentative votes for now:

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
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[][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse

The Chief of Staff has done a great job, and there's no reason to promote someone else over his head. Keeping him as Chief of Staff will help ease the transition to the next admiral.

Chen can (should!) have the next vice admiral's slot. Say, the one opened up when one of the existing vice admirals is bumped up to replace Kahurangi.

This also removes accusations of favoritism- of Chen being promoted over someone with seniority in grade who's held the position competently for a long time.


[][AMARKIA] (vote changed)

I'm not sure who I want for the Amarkia position. But I'm leaning for ag Hugac. I was leaning for ag Hugac. He'll help keep our ships from getting destroyed, and that is OBVIOUSLY a problem since we've lost two ships to event rolls this year.

th'Marlaas is problematic- his bonus is effective if the sector fleet consists of a few very good ships, but less effective if it consists of several medium-rate ones. Because you might want multiple ships helping each other in that situation. I don't know what to think. Given the composition of the sector garrison, this is actually likely to be very useful... I think. I hope.

I like the job Eaton's doing on the Syndicate task force too much to want to remove her. Commodore of Amarkia Sector is a good billet, but far from the only important one we could put her in.


[][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
Ajam or Ichigo would be good choices, but Rigel is on the border of Federation space, so we're likely to have diplomacy events coming up with people we want on our side and need to win over, rather than alienate.

A year or two ago I'd have wanted to keep T'Lam in Intelligence, because I was worried we'd need her to replace Linderley if he screwed up. But Linderley isn't looking like such an idiot anymore, his competent handling of the Syndicate having started to offset his insubordination fiasco during the Grey October crisis.

And there's the fallout. Poor Admiral. Poor Nash. I didn't even consider how this must have reflected on her, as the officer that assigned that mission.
Well, it's not her fault, since nobody could reasonably have foreseen that there'd be active planetary defenses powerful enough to cripple an Excelsior with the first salvo. That's supertech by our current standards. Most planets that nuke themselves to death would be at or below current Federation technological levels, by comparison.

It would be most proper for Shey ch'Tharvasse to get the promotion since he's already the Chief of Staff, and it would be a mild snub if he didn't get it. But that diplo roll bonus isn't that good compared to the others, and he already gives +2 to diplo rolls. @OneirosTheWriter, will this bonus go away if we choose someone else for the job?

It would also make sense for Kahurangi to choose her protege, Patricia Chen. Her bonus is quite good, and we're not really using her existing bonus at UP fleet yards. Possibly the best peacetime bonus of the candidates, since it represents more than a 10% increase in EC crew income.
The catch is that it feels somehow wrong for one of Kahurangi's last acts to be to appoint her protege as vice admiral, over the head of a man who's been working loyally for her for several years, who has five years' greater seniority in grade, and who is ten years older and likely to straight-up resign if he doesn't get this job.

At least one other vice admiralcy will be opening up in the next year, and Chen is a great candidate for that role. Plus, she's only 55, so she's got some time to be patient.

Explorer Corps recruitment is a great bonus, but with the recovery of the Miracht's crew we are actually pretty well set for Explorer Corps personnel in the near future.
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Anti-Syndicate Task Force isn't a permanent assignment. Nominally she's still in that role.
I see. So if we appoint her to the AMARKIA billet would she remain on the task force or would she get pulled off due to the needs of her new command?

Seconding this question. Does Eaton still provide her bonus to sensor research, and if chosen for this new job, are we guaranteed to get the listed commander bonuses alongside her current role in the anti-Syndicate campaign?

Oh a new update - the 4th one this (Australian) day!

It'll make vote tallying a bit annoying. But yay no Syndicate cost!

In addition to the 127 fatalities among the crew, more than six hundred civilians were aboard the three civilian passenger craft that were hijacked to make the assault.

And this doesn't enrage the Orions? Or more importantly, this doesn't outrage the Federation? You'd think we'd get some resilience from this act alone.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[X][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam

I hope we can get Maryam an actual ship command, preferably Explorer. After all she survived we really shouldn't punish her with a promotion.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
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[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
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[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam

Damn you Chen why must your bonus be so shiny, WHY? But I want to stick with our loyal chief of staff through the change over.
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I'm not sure who I want for the Amarkia position. But I'm leaning for ag Hugac. He'll help keep our ships from getting destroyed, and that is OBVIOUSLY a problem since we've lost two ships to event rolls this year.

th'Marlaas is problematic- his bonus is effective if the sector fleet consists of a few very good ships, but less effective if it consists of several medium-rate ones. Because you might want multiple ships helping each other in that situation. I don't know what to think.

I like the job Eaton's doing on the Syndicate task force too much to want to remove her. Commodore of Amarkia Sector is a good billet, but far from the only important one we could put her in.

Er, have you actually taken a look at the Amarkia fleet deployment? It's an Excelsior and a Centaur-A. Those are good ships, and more importantly, it's just two ships. Sure, we'll be adding more ships over the coming years, but since Amarkia is one our critical sectors for general defense and anti-Syndicate stuff, we'll be sending the good ships to it.

That's why I'm voting for th'Marlaas.

Cergun ag Hugac I think is a reactionary pick. Despite our loss of two ships this year, I don't think the USS Lion would've been saved by a hull check, and as for the USS Miracht, the FYMs are inherently riskier and aren't affected by sector commander bonuses anyway.

The catch is that it feels somehow wrong for one of Kahurangi's last acts to be to appoint her protege as vice admiral, over the head of a man who's been working loyally for her for several years, who has five years' greater seniority in grade, and who is ten years older and likely to straight-up resign if he doesn't get this job.

At least one other vice admiralcy will be opening up in the next year, and Chen is a great candidate for that role. Plus, she's only 55, so she's got some time to be patient.

Explorer Corps recruitment is a great bonus, but with the recovery of the Miracht's crew we are actually pretty well set for Explorer Corps personnel in the near future.

I kinda agree on the loyalty part. But I honestly feel more attachment to Patricia Chen that this ch'Tharvasse guy.

And you're missing one aspect of Chen's bonus - it's not just a bonus to EC crew income. It's effectively a bonus to crew income in general, because a berth that's allocated an EC ship build earlier results in a stretching our standard crew reserves longer. That's why those EC recruitment drives are so great - we get a FYM more quickly AND we get to save standard crew for a later build. Remember that crew is our bottleneck by the end of this decade.
Er, have you actually taken a look at the Amarkia fleet deployment? It's an Excelsior and a Centaur-A. Those are good ships, and more importantly, it's just two ships. Sure, we'll be adding more ships over the coming years, but since Amarkia is one our critical sectors for general defense and anti-Syndicate stuff, we'll be sending the good ships to it.
A fair point. It's not one of those sectors where we station four little ships instead of one or two big ones. Changing my vote accordingly. Sorry for not looking that up.

Cergun ag Hugac I think is a reactionary pick. Despite our loss of two ships this year, I don't think the USS Lion would've been saved by a hull check, and as for the USS Miracht, the FYMs are inherently riskier and aren't affected by sector commander bonuses anyway.
We've been told explicitly that Hull checks are common (not necessarily universal) in events that go wrong. It's pretty clear that Lion failed SOME kind of check, and it seems likely that she must have failed multiple checks.

Though I'd actually appreciate it if @OneirosTheWriter could tell us what happened in that particular case 'behind the scenes;' the insight would be valuable.

I kinda agree on the loyalty part. But I honestly feel more attachment to Patricia Chen that this ch'Tharvasse guy.
So do I, but there are a few principles at stake, and one is that good service should be rewarded.

And you're missing one aspect of Chen's bonus - it's not just a bonus to EC crew income. It's effectively a bonus to crew income in general, because a berth that's allocated an EC ship build earlier results in a stretching our standard crew reserves longer. That's why those EC recruitment drives are so great - we get a FYM more quickly AND we get to save standard crew for a later build. Remember that crew is our bottleneck by the end of this decade.
I'd be delighted to pursue that bonus were it in just about any other position.

Heck the current chief of staff may be retiring soon anyway, and we may be able to 'sidle' Chen into the position if her bonus is so appealing to us then. But I feel like the need to not just promote a new person up and over the old guy, in the same year we're also replacing the old admiral, is paramount.

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
Shey has done a good job as the Chief of Staff for the past six years. I see no reason to deny him a promotion and replace him.

[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
Thraan's bonus is great when there is only a couple really good ships in his sector and that's exactly the case for the Amarkia sector.

[X][RIGEL] Captain Yamada Ichigo
I honestly don't remember that many diplomacy missions in the Rigel sector. No what jumps out at me is the various pirate and slaver attacks. So I think an improved response to distress calls will get better results then being more capable at diplomacy missions.
We currently have 1 andorian and 3 human vice admirals, and Sanik has the best bonus on offer. Research bonuses are generally much more difficult to get than crew bonuses: Chen's explorer crew effect is half as strong as the Counsellors we took several years to get and three times as strong as the affiliate recruitment drive we have never taken so far, there are a bunch of techs that offer a similar bonus, and arguably the warp tech bonus is already better even if you only look at crew effects, though not for EC specifically. Similarly there are a bunch of techs with diplomacy bonus, including in communications.

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Sanik
[X][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
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