Even into the TNG era, Starfleet officers seem to communicate via Skype-ish teleconferencing, but the point remains that this works, and is more secure. Of course, for us to do that we needs two reasonably strong ships in the task force, and I'm not sure we HAVE two any more, at least not until the Lexington shows up.
I wonder how much a Shuttle costs them. And how many that attack took.

We only see the price we take from the Syndicate, but I'm sure their own attacks also have a serious cost attached.
Um, don't we already have systems in place to deal with suicide shuttlecraft attacks ... never mind, found it
15 / 15 Mutual Support Formation (+1 to Combat when attempting to intercept inbound shuttles)
We also seem to already have knowledge on what frequencies of shields are ideal in order to defend against shuttle impacts.
20 / 20 Shield Harmonics Modifications (+1 to Shield when attempting to withstand a hit)
So I don't understand how it is that their kamakazi shuttle attack was not countered.
The holoconference thing seemed to be a new thing in DS9, and the characters didn't seem to like it much, they stopped bothering to use it after a couple episodes.
Apparently this was a production issue -- they found it hard to find a way to easily convey to the audience that the person in the holo-tank isn't there, remembering this was an age before Memory Alpha, Google, and during episodic television. Compare to other visual science fiction series with holograms and note how they indicate a hologram is a hologram -- Starwars and Mass Effect both opting for a sort of blue-ghosty effect. But that wouldn't make sense for Trek to go there when holotech was already established as basically being lifelike, so they were kinda stuck.

I think the best example of the struggle is the Admiral they holo in for Dr. Bashir, I Presume. He's got some weird-ass lighting going on as the director tries desperately to make clear that he's not Really There.
Um, don't we already have systems in place to deal with suicide shuttlecraft attacks ... never mind, found it
We also seem to already have knowledge on what frequencies of shields are ideal in order to defend against shuttle impacts.
So I don't understand how it is that their kamakazi shuttle attack was not countered.
Caught the watch crew with their pants down most likely.
Um, don't we already have systems in place to deal with suicide shuttlecraft attacks ... never mind, found it
We also seem to already have knowledge on what frequencies of shields are ideal in order to defend against shuttle impacts.
So I don't understand how it is that their kamakazi shuttle attack was not countered.
...Because those modifications were devised specifically to combat the Biophage, haven't been used in roughly eight years, and we had no specific reason to expect a ramming shuttle attack?

I mean, I'm sure we could dust off those techniques, or any of the other technologies we developed specifically against the Biophage, if we really, really needed to. But doing so spontaneously on a few minutes' notice simply isn't realistic.
Geez that was harrowing. I dearly hope this was that "oh my" was referring to, because if this isn't actually the worst event roll this quarter...

And it was a Constellation too. Glorified troop transport that can barely handle itself in a fight. At least now with the Constellation out of action, Uhura and Eaton will be forced to stay on the superior Yukikaze for the time being. Might be worse as a command center, but at least it's better protected.

Rixx Scrutineers are continuing to do fine work. I wonder how well the alternate detective option of Vulcans would have compared.

the Battle Bridge, the back-up command center

Good to know that Starfleet has the good sense to provide a backup hopefully better protected bridge, even on the cramped Constellation. Though probably still riddled with OHSA violations.
Captain's Log - 2311.Q4.M2
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24576.3

Well, well. We have found a very faint distress beacon, which barely had strength to be heard within the outer reaches of its own star system. We are in the Geruda system on a routine mapping mission. The beacon is coming from a planet that our scans indicate was home to civilised life. Once upon a time it was a Class M world, we believe, but at some stage a truly staggering civil war has wiped the planet clean of any life beyond the microbial. We are trying to document who and what these people were.

There should be some testimony to the birth, life, and death of a sentient species beyond the ghostly rubble and atomic craters.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 24576.4

I am helping ride herd on a summit with our Gaeni friends and the Licori. And I'm telling you, it really feels like riding herd. On cats.

Lovely people, the Licori, spindly, waifish. Captain Chekov gave me some pointers when I told him I was on this assignment. Apparently most Licori are much safer than the Gaeni to be around, it's just their Mentats you have to watch out for. All of the Gaeni's scientific curiosity, none of the sense of self-preservation.

We are helping work as brokers right now, helping arbitrate on the allocation of a number of suitable colony worlds between Gaen and Morshadd, so I'm spending a lot of time talking to the naval representatives on each side as the diplomatic teams handle the bulk of it.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24576.8

As a human officer with our not-so-distant history with World War III, seeing the desolate surface of this planet is a fearful and profound thing. How easily could this be Earth, with another power's explorer approaching orbit? I will not cluck my tongue at these long-vanished souls.

There is an old saying, not as often heard in these non-secular days: There but by the Grace of God go I.


Captain's Log, USS Salnas, Stardate 24577.0

A sharp rise in gamma ray production in a star system on the fringes of Amarki space, above the galactic plane, has been detected by the long range scanners of the Starbase. As part of our exploratory duties, we have been tasked to investigate. After examining the Victor system, we have found that a very slow-burn degeneration in the orbit of a Class T gas giant has brought it close enough to the system primary to start siphoning off gas, forming an accretion disk. As the disk accelerates around the dense star, it is beginning to emit gamma radiation.

[Gain +10 rp]


Acting Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 24577.2 - Commander Hayden Kennedy

Right, Captain's Logs. G'day, Computer. Captain McAdams is handing over the reins while she waits to hear further news from her missus at New Rigel on advice from the Chief Medical Officer. Most of what we're doing right now could be handled by a suitably trained monkey anyhow, so she may as well. The Gaeni representative, Chief Naval Supervisor (their term for a Vice Admiral) Jatad Vir-Noat and his Licori counterpart, Admiral Baron Virdirim Gekori, are reasonable sorts to deal with.


Personal Log, Captain Rosalee McAdams, Stardate 24577.3

Just received word that Vicky is listed as wounded in action. Takes time for even subspace comms to travel from Orion space to the tailward fringe. Went out to the Great Overlook, a tremendous cliff-face that divides the Gaen capital, and lets you stare out over the setting sun. It was peaceful, and helped me calm down a little.

But even then, I'm anxious out of my brain here...


Bridge Transcript, USS Miracht, Stardate 24577.4

[Helm]: Entering orbital zone, preparing to fire thrusters to circularise orbit...

[Tactical]: Captain, we are being scanned.

[Mbeki]: Lieutenant, are there any lifesigns we missed?

[Science]: Negatory, Captain. However, we have just had a surge of power appear through a number of underground locations.

[Mbeki]: Yellow alert, shields up. Helm, take us back out of orbit, head for the lunar planet.

*impact sounds*

[Mbeki]: Damage report!

[Tactical]: Shields at 20%, some form of particle beam from the planet. They are targeting the warp engines.

[Mbeki]: Helm, half-impulse, make for the moon.

*impact sounds*

[Tactical]: Shields lost, both warp nacelles have been shorn off!

[Intercom]: Bridge, this is Engineering, I have a warp core breach in progress, some sort of shock wave rode up the PTCs and the woznium reaction chamber casing is fracturing.

[Mbeki]: Can you stop it?

[Intercom]: Sorry, Captain, no, it's about thirty-minutes doing everything I can to slow it down. We'll need to eject it.

[Science]: Captain, the planetary defence beams have begun targeting the severed nacelles and debris from the ship.

[Mbeki]: They may try to target any lifepods... Alright, eject the warp core.


[Tactical]: Controls are unresponsive, Captain.

[Mbeki]: ... ... ... All hands, this is the captain speaking. Evacuate the secondary hull. All hands are to make for the saucer section.


Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 24577.8 - Captain Huth fop Makpol

We responded to a distress call from an Andorian freighter plying the route between Tellar Prime and Ferasa. They were caught in the rip of a subspace inversion. After arriving on the scene, and arguing for an hour with the freighter Captain, we were able to show that reversing the warp coil polarity to get out of the rip was both safe and necessary.

Just that you couldn't do it any longer than necessary to get out of the rip or else your quarks would begin to disassociate, leading to the spontaneous creation of all new quarks and your ship coming apart in a massive wash of energy. He was right about that part.

[Gain +5rp, +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 24758.1

After receiving word from Commodore Eaton that she simply required some physical therapy for her shoulder and a little anti-radiation treatment, I have resumed my duties. Thankfully, the summit is going rather smoothly now, though there have been many fascinating and challenging debates between Starfleet officers and Licori officers on the topic of Mentats and body modifications.

[+5pp, +10 with Gaeni, +10 with Licori]


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24758.4

My crew is safe on the surface of Geruda III-1. Using the reaction thrusters and the displacement caused by firing the explosive bolts connecting saucer and secondary hull, I was able to use the saucer section as a tough, extra large lifepod. The detonation of the warp core in the secondary hull behind us confused the sensors on the planet, allowing us to make a successful crash landing on the surface. Surprisingly, I have lost only a handful of my crew, though I feel each one keenly. But the loss of my Miracht, the one my dear friend, my brother in arms, left to me.

I do not know what to do anymore.

[USS Miracht destroyed in action]


(QM/N: I don't even believe how cursed that ship was)
Now would be a good time to keep those techniques on hand then.
Yea, the suicide shuttle protocols, as wells as convoy protocols would most likely be of great use to us at this time. I mean, escorting cargo ships is pretty much the same as escorting ships filled with refugees, only you aren't filled with guilt if one of them falls to enemy fire.

Edit: Ok, we lost one of our explorers, but the crew managed to survive. One thing you need to remember, a ship is replaceable, but its crew isn't, so we got lucky in a sense. At least we know what the second Ambassador is going to be named.
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My crew is safe on the surface of Geruda III-1. Using the reaction thrusters and the displacement caused by firing the explosive bolts connecting saucer and secondary hull, I was able to use the saucer section as a tough, extra large lifepod. The detonation of the warp core in the secondary hull behind us confused the sensors on the planet, allowing us to make a successful crash landing on the surface. Surprisingly, I have lost only a handful of my crew, though I feel each one keenly. But the loss of my Miracht, the one my dear friend, my brother in arms, left to me.

I do not know what to do anymore.

[USS Miracht destroyed in action]
Losing four units of crew and having a ship heavily damaged is a pretty bad turn in the normal course of things. We'll just have to see, though...

Actually just 3 crew lost. We do currently tally 4 crew lost for the whole year though.

edit: and now we've got 1 lightly damaged ship, 1 seriously damaged ship (repair costs), and 1 lost ship this year. *sigh*

...Because those modifications were devised specifically to combat the Biophage, haven't been used in roughly eight years, and we had no specific reason to expect a ramming shuttle attack?

I mean, I'm sure we could dust off those techniques, or any of the other technologies we developed specifically against the Biophage, if we really, really needed to. But doing so spontaneously on a few minutes' notice simply isn't realistic.

I suggest we adopt the The Big Red Button :V
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Maybe it was a suprise attack. Kearsearge was in orbit, when several shuttles suddenly diverged frm normal flight corridors to make high speed suicide runs.
Perhaps the Task force simply did not have time to respond.

This kind of thing could be responded to by expanding large no fly zones around task force ships, but that is likely to annoy the locals quite a lot.
In the movie, they used the escape pods and got themselves caught.

In here, however, they opted to use the saucer for that purpose instead. It is a tough object, after all.
As long as we can retrieve the crew from the surface, this does mean we can crew the Stargazer as an EC ship.
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Now, for the question we need to know, where was the Miracht when it was shot down and how long would it take for other Starfleet vessels, or hell, even the member world fleets to reach their position?