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Also I now want the Qloathi as the next Federation member, this insight into their exploration nature just fits so much
To be fair they might be Whywolves, and thus a valuable potential member species!
They were obviously 90% of the way there when she left, and they never would have gotten there if not for her managing to keep her crew alive so that it could shake into tip-top condition over the years. Courageous and Sarek started with the same crew ratings as Enterprise, remember- but Sarek took heavy losses during the Biophage crisis, and Courageous suffered the same in the mine strike.
So I'd argue that this is a testament to Nash's ability to cultivate a crew- that she pushed them hard enough and taught them well enough that they can do their jobs under another (highly competent in her own right) captain. Nobody else has pulled that off yet; for all we know this may be the first Elite starship we've had since the 2260s. Honestly, given how many redshirts were lost during Kirk's five-year mission, it's entirely possible that the Elite status of the Enterprise may have been whittled down to Veteran by 2270; the credit for making that Elite crew might properly belong to Christopher Pike.
Spamming old designs really only makes sense in the context of imminent war, where we need the ships NOW and can't wait five years for a new design project and prototype cycle to bear fruit.
I honestly support the idea of us starting a new escort design in the near future, if we can come up with a satisfactory one. The big problem is deciding what constitutes "satisfactory." We might need some kind of official 'build doctrine' vote in the main thread. One where everyone lines up and says "okay, which of these types of escorts are we trying to build," so that the SDB crew has some guidance in figuring out what they're trying to optimize the ship for.
So we can spam prototypes and our enemies will have no idea what to expect!Just asking us to produce an escort would result in a massive variety of ships.
There is a deep Irony in Enterprise only becoming Elite after Nash has left her.
Hm.A design project that uses all older parts shouldn't end up a full five years. We're talking 3y prototyping, and actually, I don't know if we'd even have a year of research. In theory, the new design research paradigm is supposed to be for parts we don't have yet, the advantage of reusing existing is supposed to be no new research. That's something else we'd need to understand (and have added to the sheet so our proposals can include their research times) before we go for any design project though.
Yeah. At least with "build the Ambassador," everyone has a pretty good idea of what an Ambassador is supposed to look like- it's supposed to be a three-megaton explorer that's about as good as we can make it in all categories, and needing to be well-rounded like the Excelsiors are.I would generally agree that there should be a set of guidelines or requirements for any custom ship design vote. Just asking us to produce an escort would result in a massive variety of ships.
Luck may play a role, but probabilities influence luck, and Nash's presence aboard the Enterprise meant that Enterprise had significantly higher probabilities of having good things happen, and lower probabilities of bad things happening. The ship underwent about 35 to 40 events and participated in multiple battles under her tenure, after all. We can't know exactly how many times her "+1 to all stats" bonus made the difference between success and failure, but it's likely to have been 'several.'I would chalk it up to luck. That's not to discount luck, though.
Samhaya Mrr'shan being really good probably helps with that.she was running at effectively elite level when nash was running her, the crew just took a little while to figure out how to operate at the level nash drew out of them on their own, kind of poignant really.
The former I would assume, but I honestly would be suprized if the Beast attacked us from the neutral zone again. If I were a betting man, I would expect that the beast ships would have gone coreward after their loss of their base of operations. After exiting the uncovered portion of the neutral zone, they likely directed themselves to locating the Naggarok, consuming any lifeforms they come across in their path.
Good point.Did they destroy the Naggorok, or did they only get it's beacon?
Good point.
Also, the Qloathi have at least one explorer-class ship. Good to know.
Explorer class is more of a role than a statement of capability. I don't remember what tech level the Qloathi are at, so their explorer could be anything from an Excelsior level to a Ranger. It's probably closer to the former than the latter, but you never know.
Did they destroy the Naggorok, or did they only get it's beacon?
From the sounds of it? They didn't destroy it, of course they may have said so in a later post but I didn't find anything."Over a thousand years ago, we encountered what we came to know as the Inflictor, busily consuming a colony world of ours," explains the Praetor. "We destroyed the colony world, and tracked it back to a derelict, extra-galactic ship that had been drifting through our space. We took a sample of this creature, and after realising it was intelligent, we attempted to harness it." He sighs and reclines back in his chair. "It failed, with great loss. Nothing can alter the mental template of the Inflictor, it is ruthlessly self-correcting. The Inflictor, is the Inflictor, is the Inflictor. So we buried the project in bases on inhospitable worlds and the project was lost to time."
The medium cruiser is probably redundant given that we'll have a large force of Excelsior-As. We have eleven Excelsiors right now; five more will be done by the end of 2314, and another twelve or so can be completed between then and 2321.*Here's a hypothetical intermediate generation fleet:
Explorers/Pride of the Fleet: Ambassador
Heavy Cruiser/Fleet Flagship: Excelsior-A
Medium Cruiser: TBD 1.5/1.8 mt ship
Light Cruiser: Rennaisance
Patrol Escort: MESS
Garrison Escort: TBD Scale 2 Miranda replacement
Science Escort: Kepler or MESS science variant, or both
Maybe. But for the moment, that seems kind of pointless if the best we can do is, say, a 4-2-2-4-1-2 escort that costs as much as a Centaur-A.
If that's the best we can do in terms of a reasonably optimized fighting escort, then we should probably just stick with the "in case of emergency spam Miranda-As" idea, and revisit the "new fighting escort design" a decade from now.
Instead of buying a relatively bad gunship now and being stuck with it for twenty years.
@AKuz, would you mind expanding on that? I'm not sure how to interpret that.
Akuz's post indicates a Constellation-class Vessel is currently greeting you.@AKuz, would you mind expanding on that? I'm not sure how to interpret that.
Akuz's post indicates a Constellation-class Vessel is currently greeting you.
I honestly got a bit of a sadface when I saw that the current plans are to name the next Excelsior Stargazer. Since in my mind that's the Constellation that Picard commands....it'd be what, another 20 years from now? At least?Constellation class says: "Hello, Yes. I am an adorable and cute Constellation class with a chipper attitude towards life. My Best friend is the USS Sappho; she is good at volley-phasertag. I like to explore and run fast. Fighting makes me sad and I hope Enterprise-senpai notices me someday!"
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