Eh, I know. It's just... giving ships to Intelligence feels like sacrificing them to Moloch. Like we're spending them to do distasteful things rather than what they really want to be doing, mapping the infinite glories of space. I'd feel like such a jerk forcing another crew into that role.
We'd set them to observe other people, rather than the stars.

The point of the Five Year Mission is to 'seek out new life and new civilizations,' but it isn't there a lot we could learn about civilizations that aren't 'new' to us?
Eh, I know. It's just... giving ships to Intelligence feels like sacrificing them to Moloch. Like we're spending them to do distasteful things rather than what they really want to be doing, mapping the infinite glories of space. I'd feel like such a jerk forcing another crew into that role.

I really doubt that's what happens. These ships are on permanent assignment to Intelligence; their people are Intelligence people. What they do is quite sensitive and it would be exceptionally foolish to shanghai people into it. Even if we assume the first crew is composed of new people, if it turns out they want off, they'll get let off. The normal process of transfers and personnel churn will populate the ships with people who find this particular task fulfilling, especially because unlike transferring to any other ship in the fleet, you know exactly what kind of things you'll be doing. There are varying degrees of uncertainty (from the huge in the Explorer Corps to the merely kind of random on most ships) to every other shipboard job in Starfleet, but a posting to the T'Mir holds no mysteries.
Intelligence ain't literally evil, you know. They're still Starfleet, and they provide an essential service both IC to the UFP and OOC to us. I don't get the whole stigma of just giving them another sigint ship so we can have some info from both sides of our space rather than the spoonhead side.

And honestly, we'll make more Oberths after this, and they won't all be going to Intel. I'll be surprised if Intel ever gets more than one or two more science ships in any reasonable future timeframe of this quest.
T'Mir's main advantage is that it is mobile. Mobile assets are most useful on the Cardassian side of the Federation where there is an unclaimed gap. On the Romulans/Klingon side you should recall that you have a lot of Listening Posts already built into the border. Of course, you probably have some scope for a second near the Lecarre.
Given the reminder of how Oberths have been useful contributors to other events, I'm coming down firmly on the idea of posting the new one to an actual sector. If Intelligence wants a second Oberth let them request it like they did the first one.

I'm thinking Andor. The reason we had an Oberth there in the first place was to help against Syndicate anti-smuggling patrols. The same logic applies for sending the one one there. I'd sure like to catch more Syndicate smugglers.
Omake - Union Law Enforcement - IronWolf
So the larger version of this - which goes into the Union Executive in more detial -- is probably going to have an INSANE wordcount. For now, have an excerpt from the report that focuses Union Law Enforcement. Forgive any formatting.

Section III - Law Enforcement In the Orion Union
[From a larger briefing for the Orion Union, by Lieutenant Wolfe]

3.0 Summary
  • The Union Security Council coordinates all foreign and internal defense efforts, and consists of senior Executive Officers of the Union and high-ranking military officials.
  • Responsibility for Law Enforcement at the Union level is under the purview of the Department of Justice.
  • Use of local, Planetary Guard units is with authorization of the relevant planetary government.
  • Occasionally, Fleet Aerocommandos are used in direct action against major Syndicate targets.
  • Private security forces have so far not been used in a major law enforcement capacity.
Section 3.1 - Introduction
The Department of Justice is assigned the task of enforcement of the law and the administration of justice. There is no separate position of Attorney General in the Union -- the Executive Officer of Justice automatically fills that role. Directly under the Executive Officer of Justice is the People's Defense Representative, who oversees the two board sub-departments of the Justice Department: Union Civil Security Services and the People's Defense Directorate, and they are assisted by Deputy Directors of each sub-department. Union or Federal law enforcement and investigative efforts are the responsibility of the Union Civil Security Services (UCSS). Under this broad umbrella falls a variety of subunits, including the Union Police Directorate (UPD), Union Border Services (UBS), and Union Piracy Suppression (UPS). The People's Defense Directorate is responsible for Planetary security, and provides orbital patrol and interdiction services in space and patrol of areas outside major settlements on the surface. Some maintain substantial security forces as well. This was intended as a counterweight to the military powers of the Departments of the Space and Planetary Forces.

This section is to give a close examination of some of the more important departments and units involved in policing in the Union. First will be an examination of the role of the Union Security Council in relation to policing followed by a description of the role of the People's Defense Representative. This is followed by a broad examination of law enforcement in the Union, paying particular attention to the Police Directorate and People's Guards. A final section will discuss possible structural changes, particularly the proposal to make a separate Department of Public Safety.

Section 3.2 - The Union Security Council
The Union Security Council is the primary means by which the President remains informed about Union security matters, while providing a forum for various departments to coordinate security efforts. The President chairs the committee, and its membership includes the Vice-President, the Executive Officer of State, the Executive Officer of Energy, the Executive Officer of Justice, the Executive Officer of the Space Force, the Executive Officer of the Planetary Force, the Executive Officer of Commercial Development and Procurement, and the highest-ranking officers from the three major military and paramilitary commands: the Executive-Admiral of the Space Forces, the Executive-General of the Planetary Forces, and the People's Defense Representative of the Union Civil Security Services. Additional cabinet members or members of the President's office often sit in on meetings, in particular the Chief of Staff, the Executive Officer of Finance, the Ambassadors to the Federation, Romulan Star Empire, and Klingon Empire, and the Union Security Advisor.

The Security Council has become increasingly important as the full-spectrum efforts against the Syndicate require increased cooperation between all departments and commands.

Section 3.3 - The People's Defense Representative
The People's Defense Representative is a person who is appointed by the Executive Officer of Justice, usually by the recommendation of a vote by the the members of the mandatory UCSS and People's Defense Directorate labor unions. The top three candidates are presented to the Executive Officer, who then (by norm, not law) chooses one of them. The result of this is that the person who holds the position of People's Defense Representative might be out-ranked by the people they are ultimately in charge of, as is the case of the current Colonel Rasprow. However, soon after appointment efforts are usually made to promote said person to the position of General, unless they were a civilian.

The People's Defense Representative, assisted by sub-department Deputy Directors, is in charge of overseeing all operational aspects of the vast UCSS bureaucracy, tasked with executing the policy directives of the Executive Officer of Justice, and taking responsibility for failures of Security Services and People's Guard personnel. People's Defense Representatives can either be very active in management, taking a direct role in managing personnel and funds, or can delegate their tasks to the Deputy Directors. The power and activity of the office, therefore, tends to ebb and flow.

The previous holder of the posting, General Ianni Fereled, resigned, along with several senior officers and two Deputy Directors, after a series of scandals: their failure to apprehend Sahan Otranta after his escape from prison, the controversial actions of Reconnoitre Bloc under Colonel Carana, and a subsequent brutal counterattack that left hundreds of police officers dead across the Union.

Section 3.5 - Union Civil Security Services
A large, sprawling bureaucracy, the Union Civil Security Services handles all enforcement of Federal laws and can be called in by local policing departments in the event a case or incident requires more comprehensive investigative services, or a better-equipped policing presence. The framers of the original Union constitution did not foresee the UCSS having a large enforcement arm outside of the anti-piracy division: its primary tasks envisioned as being customs and investigation, with small security and reaction teams. However, the unreliable nature of local security forces has seen the government increasingly rely on well-equipped, motivated, and loyal UCSS personnel, which has seen a dramatic growth in the size of the Police Directorate.

The Union Police Directorate (UPD) handles the bulk of 'on-the-ground' police work. Union Border Services (UBS) is tasked with surveillance of the border and handling customs at Federal starbases and spaceports where local enforcement agencies either do not wish to handle customs, or are too corrupt to be trusted with it. Union Piracy Suppression Services (UPSS) is a small unit, tasked with assisting the Space Forces in tracking pirate activity, conducting light patrols, and plotting likely areas of infiltration.

Information on the UBS and UPSS can be made available on request. This report will focus on the UPD.

Section 3.4 - The Union Police Directorate
The Union Police Directorate itself is split into several divisions:
  • Investigative Division
    • Responsible for criminal investigation. Apprehension for low-risk criminals is handled by Investigative Division, but more dangerous tasks are handled by the Security Services Division
  • Intelligence Division
    • Responsible for intelligence analysis, recovery, and information-sharing among the divisions and other departments of the Union
  • Science and Technology Division
    • Responsible for keeping abreast of new developments in technological fields in coordination with the Intelligence division, and also providing forensic services to the other departments and in special circumstances to planetary police services.
  • Information Systems Division
    • Handles information technology and management.
  • People Management Division
    • Handles Sentient Resources which covers internal disputes, hiring practices, and movement of agents and specialists between departments
  • Security Services Division
    • Handles 'direct action' security matters, including police raids, apprehension of dangerous suspects, prisoner transport.
Due to it's relative importance the Security Services Division has been expanded on below.

Section 3.5 - The Security Services Division
The Security Services Division has grown vastly from its original conception: the protector of government buildings and certain installations, with a small team of emergency responders for crisis situations. The needs of the ongoing war against the Syndicate -- before and after the Starfleet intervention -- combined with the reluctance of the government to deploy the military has led to the establishment of a large, paramilitary police force. Now in addition to apprehending criminals, the Security Services Division womans checkpoints, conducts surveillance in accordance with the Investigative and Intelligence division, secures vital infrastructure and investigates planetary units suspected of infiltration. Indeed, the unreliability of local police forces is partially why the government has chosen to invest so much in the Security Services Division.

At the core of the Security Services Division is the euphemistically named Incident Support Services Unit. The ISSU is no mere response team, however, and is the name of the most militarized of the police, with heavy weapons, disruptor carbines, and heavily armored vehicles and shuttles being standard issue. Its most famous sub-unit is the Reconnoitre Bloc, a 500 person strong formation designed for covert, long-range, high-endurance missions against remote and hidden targets, as well as urban combat and close-quarters combat operations. Reconnoitre Bloc's reputation is such that during the Tenitya Slums Standoff, terrorists belonging to the Singulairty Dawn Movement surrendered when they heard via social media Reconnoitre Bloc was preparing to storm their building. Under the leadership of Colonel Carana, the Reconnoitre Bloc shifted from general policing to almost anti-Syndicate work, and is known for its stealthy, high-speed raids of Syndicate targets. Unfortunately, the unit also gathered rumors of brutality and extrajudicial killings, prompting a review of the unit by the Executive Officer of Justice, who reassigned Carana to lead the Caitian Embassy security unit. However, a recent shift in the government's strategy has seen the Colonel return to command of the unit.

Section 3.6 - The People's Guard
Also under the purview of the Justice Department through the People's Defense Directorate is the People's Guard. These units are the professionalized remains of the revolutionary paramilitaries and militia that fought for the freedom of the Free Orion Unions. They have a broad range of powers. Commonly they serve as a 'local', planetary Gendarme, and thus have borne the brunt of Syndicate assault over the past view years. Some People's Guard units on richer or more independent worlds, such as Broken Chains or Akola, have full military defense forces. At minimum, each guard unit is to have a planetary policing division, and is responsible for planetary customs and patrol, Union Border Services and the Space Forces handling system patrols and interdiction.

While ideologically most People's Guard units should be vehemently opposed to the Syndicate, the grinding bloodbath and high risk has prompted a few to collaborate with 'less extreme' Syndicate elements, leading to a level of unreliability and outright sabotage. Units from the Freedom Guard unit allegedly were behind the 2307 massacre of an ISSU commander and platoon, but no hard evidence was collected or survived repeated sabotage.

Section 3.7 - Fleet Aerocommandos
Part of the Union Space Forces, the Fleet Aerocommandos are a Corps-sized force used for dangerous, integrated orbit-to-surface operations, often deployed behind enemy lines or in unsecured combat zones. They are a highly independent unit, steeped in traditions that date back before Egyptians were building pyramids and filled with esprit de corps that cannot be easily shaken. These elements have made the almost immune to infiltration by the Syndicate, similar to the Planetary Forces Rangers and Special Section. Unlike the Planetary Forces, whose use in domestic operations is dubious, the Fleet Aerocommandos fit into a convenient loophole that allows them to be used in domestic and foreign operations -- that loophole being that under the original constitution it was not thought the Space Forces would have any sort of organic landing force. These two factors mean they are occasionally used in support of or in place of UCSS units in counter-Syndicate operations, particularly ones where local UCSS and police units are not seen as trustworthy, or where incredibly heavy resistance is expected. In the wake of the Otranta scandal there was a period of time where they were more broadly deployed, but they were rocked by scandals, one where two Aerocommando officers were accused of beating a Caitian citizen to death. The other was the infamous Xav Market Shootout, where Aerocommandos were accused of firing into the crowd during a failed operation to apprehend a Syndicate Shodar, catching two-dozen civilians in the crossfire. The Department of the Navy claims it was a false flag, and that it was not operating units in the area at the time. An investigation into both is pending, the latter one being responsible for a serious drop in public trust of the Aerocommandos. Fortunately, their use was already dropping off after serious reorganization of the Anti-Syndicate taskforce under Colonel Rasprow, with the assistance of Starfleet.

Fleet Aerocommandos, particularly the special units that are used in anti-Syndicate operations, have an intense rivalry with the ISSU and in particular, Reconnoitre Bloc. They see them as being policemen pretending to be soldiers, while the ISSU and its sub-units see the Aerocommandos as trigger-happy, rigid warfighters in over their heads.
Section 3.X - The Future
There have been increasing concerns over the increase in firepower of the ISSU, and what is seen as overlap between it and units of the People's Guard. Some proposals put forward have called for the establishment of a Department of Public Safety to merge these units and put them formally under one office, stripping the Justice Department of most of its enforcement units, and the Planetary Defense Department of its motley collection of militias, gendarmes, and national defense units. It would also administer the procurement of services from corporate security forces. Essentially, such an agency would make the powerful position of People's Defense Representative a full Executive position, and remove the need for the Justice, Planetary Defense, and Commercial Development and Procurement to offer authorizations to each other. Such a move has been so far opposed.

Appendix A - Council of Ministers


Minister Name



Sinoor Zhayna



Mone Plakken



Rokem Nallr



Banye Zayun


Broken Chains

Sanna Junip



Ero Ye Wencanna



Minik Polde



Lottel Movenna Basti



Damirc Merov



Bugh bim Vaogal



Mellu Suvava


New Rigel

Ginnela Gishkivi



Dias Sajets



Zenit Shasiro



Toliz Gavadez



Itz Dere



Giddaa Hol Sutad

Total: CA - 8 (+1 government); TuP - 5; As - 3

Appendix B - Structure and Branches of the Justice Department Active Units
Executive Officer of Justice (with input from EOs Planetary Forces and Commercial Development and Procurement)
  • Union Police Directorate - Chief Police Officer (CPO)
    • Investigative Division
    • Intelligence Division
    • Science and Technology Division
    • Information Systems Division
    • People Management Division
    • Security Services Division
  • Union Border Services - Chief Border Officer (CBO)
    • Investigation Division
    • Border Patrol and Surveillance Division
    • Customs
  • Union Piracy Suppression Services
    • Fleet Division
      • UPD Security Services Detachments
    • Intelligence Division
    • Monitoring Division
  • Planetary People's Guards (with consent EO Planetary Forces and Planetary Governor)
    • Hamilton PPG
      • Hamilton Orbital Customs
      • Hamilton Security Forces
        • Hamilton Tigers Operations Unit
      • Hamilton Public Safety Office
        • Investigation branches
        • Enforcement branches
    • Xav PPG
      • Xav Orbital Customs
      • Xav Security Forces
        • Section 1 - Regular Forces
          • Section 11 - Headquarters
          • Section 12 - Land
          • Section 14 - Naval
          • Section 15 - Missile and Orbital Defense Artillery
        • Section 3 - Military Police
          • Section 32 - Governmental Defense Unit
          • Section 33 - Serious Incident Response Team
      • Broken Chains PPG
        • Broken Chains Orbital Customs
        • Broken Chains Anti-Piracy Directorate
        • Broken Chains Security Forces
          • Section 1 - Regular Forces
            • Section 11 - Headquarters
            • Section 12 - Land
            • Section 13 - Aerospace
            • Section 14 - Naval
            • Section 15 - Missile and Orbital Defense Artillery
          • Section 2 - Space Forces
            • Section 21 - Fleet Headquarters
            • Section 22 - Space Fleet
            • Section 23 - Fleet Commandos
          • Section 3 - Military Police
            • Section 32 - Governmental Defense Unit
            • Section 33 - Serious Incident Response Team
          • Section 4 - Logistics
          • Other boring sections, 5-8
          • Section 9 - Internal Operations Division
      • Akola PPG
        • Akola Defense Collective
          • Orbital Integrity Committee
            • Anti-Piracy Patrol
            • Starfleet
            • Fleet Commandos
          • Surface Defense Committee
            • Land Directorate
            • Aerospace Directorate
            • Naval Directorate
          • Special Units Committee
            • WMD Defense Directorate
            • Surface-To-Orbit Artillery Directorate
            • Sabotage and Guerilla Warfare Directorate
            • Secret Directorate
        • Akola People's Protection Collective
          • Policing Committee
            • Investigations Directorate
            • Enforcement Directorate
            • Special Circumstances Directorate
      • Freedom PPG
        • Liberty Orbital Control
          • Customs Department
          • Orbital Integrity Unit
        • Freedom Liberty Corps Security Forces
          • Armed Forces of The Popular Struggle
        • Freedom Public Safety Office
          • Investigation branches
          • Enforcement branches
    • Private Assets Mobilization Division (with input from Commercial Development and Procurement)
    Footnote: Planets without a PPG listed may have a different security arrangement or rely on Federal forces.
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Omake - Old Heart, New Sinews - Simon_Jester

Utopia Planitia Shipyards
Surface Support Facilities
Stardate 24439.7

Commodore Eddie Leslie looked out the aliglass window, up past Martian hills, to the bright, distant specks of the Utopia Planitia yards.

He smiled, slumping back gratefully into the chair in the borrowed office, this part of his job done, the warp cores checked off.

"Constitution-B cruiser rebuild." Such a simple phrase for a complicated process. Saw off the thankfully intact nacelles from one of the old explorers. Yank out the warp core and whatever else was still in one piece from the mothballed Connie. Plug the pieces into a new-build Constitution-B frame, patch together the rest of the ship using a mix of old and new fittings.

Then again, Shipyard Operations could do, and had done, things a damn sight harder.

It took three years per ship- at best- to take the jigsaw puzzles apart and put them back together, but the results were worth it. Still, after seventy years, good enough to keep up with the best.

Leslie sometimes wondered if he loved this project a little too much. He'd been involved from the ground up, first on the Mat-Sci side, then on the refurbishment work on the warp cores. That, and finding a few old spares out of the packing crates for the last few to be laid down. For all that, the new Connies weren't his baby, weren't his reputation on the line.

And yet. Seeing the new-old cruisers take shape made him feel lively and young again, and not a lot could do that. And he could tell he wasn't the only one.

Young Patty Chen's crews on Berths One and C had made it a race, these past two and a half years. They were good, and she was even better, and the reconstructions were going gangbusters.

It was neck-and-neck, similar jobs done with some of the newest and best industrial machinery in the Federation. Leslie's money was on Lexington being finished first. Berth C was Excelsior-rated; the extra equipment gave that team an edge. After that, he had no doubt that the next rebirth would be 'the mighty Hood.' She was coming together quickly now, two berths over from the gradually assembling shape of the next-generation cruiser Renaissance.

Both ships would probably be ready to take up formation on the new UESPA flagship coming out of Utopia Planitia by some time in the spring, and Leslie was hoping they'd make a parade of it. In another life he might have been UESPA rather than Starfleet; growing up in Texas he hadn't known there was a difference until he was fifteen.

Speaking of 'meanwhile, back at the ranch...' The paperwork sounded like Shrai ch'Cothyk's Andorians were doing brilliant work over at Lor'Vela. He'd probably get over there to do a check on their warp core installation too, and soon. It looked like they'd have Republic out within a few weeks of Lexington and Hood, and more power to them. Hell, he'd heard that ch'Cothyk's workers had signed a petition asking if they could have another to do after Republic! Leslie smiled. He liked Andorians.

Poor McAllister over at San Francisco Yards had been working her heart out on Korolev, too, trying to beat Shrai and Patty's teams. She'd pulled out all the stops, including some hoary old chiefs who'd done more than their share of work on the Constitutions back in the day. He knew for a fact a couple of them had come out of retirement to get her ready.

But in spite of it all, the Andorians and the Martians had begun with a fourteen week head start over her, and it looked like they were going to finish with ten or eleven of them still in hand. Ah well.

After the first four, the jobs had gotten harder, or at least more expensive. At first, he'd figured they could have done Potemkin the same way; she was in better shape than almost any of the others. But no soap- they'd been told not to. Some brainstorm by the admiralty that they apparently hadn't seen fit to clear him for, but one that required they leave the ships intact instead of removing parts to rebuild a Constitution-B.

Then there was Intrepid. A damn shame; she probably would have been eligible for rebuild, if only. But she was the one the Admiralty had cannibalized for spare parts to repair Cheron back in '02. The operation on Intrepid was when they found out just how bad the hull degradation really was, and that old warhorses wouldn't be coming back without a reincarnation.

Leslie hadn't been there when they started pumping atmosphere back into the ship so they could get to work on her. But he'd seen the footage of the Connie's hull explosively rupturing in seven places. The work crews, minus a few hospitalized, had gone ahead anyway. But the work had been quick and dirty, without the procedures worked out since. There wasn't really a ship left in that boneyard berth, not anymore. Just a loose collection of spare parts floating in microgravity, strung together on a cat's cradle of steel cables inside a thousand-meter plastic bag.

Probably just as well; they'd have had to rechristen Intrepid. There was already a Miranda by that name, laid down shortly after the decommissioning.

Most of the other Connies, due to one quirk or another, weren't suitable for rapid rebuilds. Some didn't have both nacelles intact- like the old Enterprise, no thanks to the Klingons. Some had a warp core that wasn't deemed worth recycling for entire decades of service life, like old Constitution herself.

But more ships would be coming along, anyway. They could use some of the old parts. Some. Not enough, as a rule, to really think of them as the same ships. Even so, they were coming. Good old Rerg on San Fran's Berth Two would probably have his trickier rebuild, with nacelles from two different ships and warp core parts broken out of stores from four star systems, no more than a month behind Republic. Then there were the Vulcans, who were doing their usual supercompetent but uninspired work, not far behind. Even the Tellarites were on the job.

Leslie still held out a few hopes about those next four- or five, if the Andorians got their wish. At the moment, in a flight of whimsy, his hopes were simple. He hoped they'd christen one of the others Defiant. Starfleet needed a Defiant.

Not because the old one was already in the boneyard- she'd been lost irretrievably to the damn rock-spiders. But all the same, that was a good name. Especially after what had happened out Tholia way back in '68.

What was it some anonymous wag had posted all over the comm nets, just before Caleb IV? "Let history never forget the name Defiant." That had to be someone with the right stuff. Someone Starfleet. He'd figured it had to be someone from Enterprise- they'd been the ones who'd gone looking for the lost ship, and damn near lost Kirk in the finding of her. But he'd never worked out who.

Ah well. A mystery forty years old. Water under the bridge. Probably time to arrange that trip to Andor. And maybe, next year... Leslie smiled, with a tinge of reverie and remembering scuttlebutt about the plans for Lady Lex's disposition once her rebuild was done. Maybe next year, he could swing a cruise to catch up with an old friend.
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Commodore Leslie: "Yeah, kid. Glory is fleeting, passions fade, fame gets old when your fifteen minutes are up. But a backache? Now that will stay with you for a lifetime."
Commodore Leslie: "Yeah, kid. Glory is fleeting, passions fade, fame gets old when your fifteen minutes are up. But a backache? Now that will stay with you for a lifetime."
If he sticks with us for long enough, more advance physical therapy and treatment options for that nerve damage might finally become available. Of course, after three surgeries from Doc McCoy, he's probably not keen to have someone else who thinks he can fix it pull his spine apart and put it back together.
My narrative juices are relatively shot. If people want to see expanded write ups and details for things like OC worlds/races that haven't yet come up (not looking to steal @Leila Hann's thunder) then ask up.

I personally would like to hear a bit more about the Sotaw. Their location inside the RBZ seems to put them into an interesting situation and I would like hear what they think of being caught between two major powers (and ideally what those two major powers think about it to)

Made a minor edit in fleet plan last page to keep a Centaur-A continuously in Tellar Sector.

I don't know about sending the Oberth to Intelligence. Is getting an extra report once per year really better than having a high-Science ship able to respond to events all year round? Sometimes I really doubt the value of those intelligence reports.

I personally find additional intelligence reports not that useful and think we currently have more than enough options on that front to answer any truly pressing questions. If it were up to me I would put it in the Rigel or Ferasa sector since both of them border a lot of open space that is ripe for exploration.
I personally would like to hear a bit more about the Sotaw. Their location inside the RBZ seems to put them into an interesting situation and I would like hear what they think of being caught between two major powers (and ideally what those two major powers think about it to)
Romulan Ale Smuggling Central, I tell you. Where else can a third party make contact with both sides of the exchange and skim a bit off the top, without a detour through Klingon space or around the end of the Neutral Zone. (That might have been an obstacle 150 years ago, but by now, the Neutral Zone is a bit of a joke-going around it is no longer a significantly difficult journey.)
I wonder if we would necessarily know it if the Sotaw became Romulan clients.

The Romulans would have to use a lot of sugar to achieve that. The Sotaw know about the Neutral Zone and likely have enough understanding of the galactic-political situation to realize the Romulans can't send in ships to dominate them by force.

With the departure of the Kadeshi, the Sotaw are (as far as we know) the only warp-capable species in the Neutral Zone. They're in an excellent position to play the Federation and Romulans against each other and colonize that entire region of space.
It's actually kinda strange this sort of chicanery RE: warp capable species in the neutral zone never came up in canon, except kind-of with the Maquis and Cardassians.
Also, as we discussed earlier, the particular nature of the Kadeshi and Sotaw's situation means the Romulans are far far less likely to fuck with them than they would most species, because the Kadeshi and Sotaw are in the same situation the Romulans were were when they left Vulcan and it's the Romulan's fault.

Leslie is like my third favorite character in this quest. Nash is first, T'Lorel is second, but I just love Leslie for some reason.
I personally find additional intelligence reports not that useful and think we currently have more than enough options on that front to answer any truly pressing questions. If it were up to me I would put it in the Rigel or Ferasa sector since both of them border a lot of open space that is ripe for exploration.

Unfortunately, there's always more information that we should know. Tell me, what is the Romulan Fleet strength right now? What are they building? We recently asked what the Klingon Fleet strength is, what are they building currently? What are the Cardassians building currently - and no, I'm not wanting that years old report from last time. What are the stats of the best warships the Klingons and Romulans building, that we might land up seeing first hand if their brewing war slips across the neutral zones by accident? The Lecarre? Way, way too many questions these days.
Unfortunately, there's always more information that we should know. Tell me, what is the Romulan Fleet strength right now? What are they building? We recently asked what the Klingon Fleet strength is, what are they building currently? What are the Cardassians building currently - and no, I'm not wanting that years old report from last time. What are the stats of the best warships the Klingons and Romulans building, that we might land up seeing first hand if their brewing war slips across the neutral zones by accident? The Lecarre? Way, way too many questions these days.

On the other hand, @OneirosTheWriter says an additional Oberth wouldn't be helpful on Klingon and Romulan questions because the borders are locked down so tight and we already have stationary listening posts that do everything the Oberth would do.

Unlike with the Cardassians we have treaties with the Klingons and Romulans we have to abide by, meaning we can't send a small ship to poke around their space.
On the other hand, @OneirosTheWriter says an additional Oberth wouldn't be helpful on Klingon and Romulan questions because the borders are locked down so tight and we already have stationary listening posts that do everything the Oberth would do.

Unlike with the Cardassians we have treaties with the Klingons and Romulans we have to abide by, meaning we can't send a small ship to poke around their space.

I've got no problems with that at all, but calling additional information reports 'not that useful' was completely inaccurate.
If he sticks with us for long enough, more advance physical therapy and treatment options for that nerve damage might finally become available. Of course, after three surgeries from Doc McCoy, he's probably not keen to have someone else who thinks he can fix it pull his spine apart and put it back together.
The root cause of Leslie's back problem is that once upon a time, Commander Spock nerve-pinched him so hard it broke through the fourth wall and injured the actor who plays him.

No amount of high-tech medical wizardry can fix that.

Leslie is like my third favorite character in this quest. Nash is first, T'Lorel is second, but I just love Leslie for some reason.
Awwthanks. :)

I do my best to write him with a combination of common sense and... a sort of rough acceptance of the wondrous bizarreness of the universe, and I hope that comes through. He's also very nostalgic for the TOS era- the '60s really were his glory days. So a lot of the time when I write a Leslie post, I often end up expressing sentiments that amount to a love letter to TOS.

I wonder if we would necessarily know it if the Sotaw became Romulan clients.
Almost certainly not, based on our track record. We only found out the Dawiar, Yrillians and Sydraxians had become Cardassian clients because they shot at us. If the Romulans are more subtle than that (if, HAH)... We won't find out unless we specifically investigate Sotaw space.

Also, as we discussed earlier, the particular nature of the Kadeshi and Sotaw's situation means the Romulans are far far less likely to fuck with them than they would most species, because the Kadeshi and Sotaw are in the same situation the Romulans were were when they left Vulcan and it's the Romulan's fault.
Remember that the Romulans building good relations with the Sotaw and establishing a patron-client relation with them is not necessarily the same as the Romulans "fucking with" the Sotaw.

Romulan Ale Smuggling Central, I tell you. Where else can a third party make contact with both sides of the exchange and skim a bit off the top, without a detour through Klingon space or around the end of the Neutral Zone. (That might have been an obstacle 150 years ago, but by now, the Neutral Zone is a bit of a joke-going around it is no longer a significantly difficult journey.)
Actually, this is a relevant point, espeially since we're expanding to coreward and 'wrapping around' the Neutral Zone.

The Romulans are probably going to want assurances that we won't just go wrapping right around until we encircle them entirely. Maybe an extension of the Neutral Zone is in order, now that we're talking to Romulus again. On the other hand, maybe this is how the Neutral Zone quietly dies out- with the Romulans and us both expanding to coreward and realizing that we don't need a fence several light-years across in order to get along. :)

On the other hand, @OneirosTheWriter says an additional Oberth wouldn't be helpful on Klingon and Romulan questions because the borders are locked down so tight and we already have stationary listening posts that do everything the Oberth would do.

Unlike with the Cardassians we have treaties with the Klingons and Romulans we have to abide by, meaning we can't send a small ship to poke around their space.
It might be nice to have a 'roving' intelligence ship that isn't so critically needed in one place (Cardassian space). Then it could go around picking up 'general' intelligence on things other than the great powers. Want insight into what the Lecarre are doing? Send a signals intelligence ship. Want insight into what the Gretarians are doing for Sydraxia? Same thing. Et cetera, et cetera. Plus, this would allow the next intelligence ship to do more in the way of actual exploring, mapping, and scouting, in principle.