Keep in mind that Earth's culture is markedly different than what we're used to today.

I would say the faction might be more popular among colonials, as they actually see trade happening between worlds all the time.
Vega's Council seat is one I'm pegging now for flipping Mercantile. When we defeat the Syndicate I'll bet the Orion Councilors will be majority or entirely Mercantile. Apiata I imagine will be a Mercantile/Hawk mix with smatterings of other factions. I wonder if Gaen and Caldonia will form a 6th Research faction...
Vega's Council seat is one I'm pegging now for flipping Mercantile. When we defeat the Syndicate I'll bet the Orion Councilors will be majority or entirely Mercantile. Apiata I imagine will be a Mercantile/Hawk mix with smatterings of other factions. I wonder if Gaen and Caldonia will form a 6th Research faction...
The SCIENCE!1!!1!1!!11 faction?

I'm not exactly sure how that would work, since snakepit projects for research are limited to research team and colony
I don't know why everyone suddenly thinks the Humans of this timeline are going to be particularly pro-mercantile.

Although I am curious what exactly separates them from the Development faction. A return to the gold monetary standard? Presumably development would cover Industrial Development and Expansionists would cover Free Trade in addition to handling a host of other important issues.
Although I am curious what exactly separates them from the Development faction. A return to the gold monetary standard? Presumably development would cover Industrial Development and Expansionists would cover Free Trade in addition to handling a host of other important issues.
I'm a little fuzzy on it myself.
I expect that Expansionists want more groups into the Federation more than the Mercantiles do and that the Development pushes for greater autarky while the willingness to take a swing at people is higher (for pirates) than the Pacifists and lower (for external groups, even for ones we kind of like) than the Hawks.
Probably something with holding currencies of other star nations as a form of leverage too. That might be fun.
Eh...if the klingons were smart enough to perform successful genetic augmentation on themselves, then they were smart enough to not need it. Social factors are sufficient to account for the transition.
Well, it gives us a way to weave in the "TOS-era Klingon appearance is due to gene tinkering," without making the Klingons look like complete morons for picking up random genes off the curbside and splicing them in without knowing where they'd been. If you're allergic to the idea I don't object.

Plus, this was in the broader context of fan theory that the Vulcans are splicer descendants of the ancestral Vulcans. Who looked more like Romulans, but the Romulans got the hell out rather than surrender to Surak's rather drastic "abolish love and fun so we can keep our crazy splicer emotions under control" program.

All this talk of Klingons makes me think a Klingon Quest running on similar (but maybe slightly inverted) mechanics to this one would be quite cool.
Definitely a lot more fun than the "Terran Empire" mirror version of the quest that we seem to get occasional cross-posts from. The ones about how we need to unleash massive violence or have weapons of mass destruction 'just in case,' with that weird, gleeful tone. Bleh.

I have to admit, the Klingons and Romulans having such large star empires that they can threaten the Federation on their own has always been a bit of a head-scratcher for me. I mean, they're probably highly aggressive in annexing systems and building colonies, sure... but on the other hand, the Federation had a large number of races and all of THEM were most likely building colonies as well. Some admittedly more than others - the Vulcans or Risans don't strike me as particularly expansionist, for example - but still.
The Romulans and Klingons were out in space in, like, the 1500s. The Andorians and Tellarites are 'younger races' by their standards. Humans are the newest of the newbies. So as others have noted, the evidence supports the idea that all four Federation founding races were really small and puny at the founding of the Federation. By contrast, their two or three biggest rivals were all fairly old and well developed, suh that four minor powers had to pool their resources just to be competitive.

Then, over time, the Federation grew to overshadow them through diplomacy, recruiting new species, and exploration and science that gave them technological advantages...

Matter of time until humans join that.
Less certain about other species, but humans for sure.
Almost certainly not. Humans in this time-period are shifting away from commercial pursuits pretty hard; it's the only way to explain the way Picard talks. SOME humans will no doubt join the Mercantile faction, just as some humans are no doubt Hawks, Pacifists, or Developmentalists. But it won't become the dominant preferred party of United Earth.

Now, the Orions may wind up enormously grateful for this if and when the Orion Union joins the Federation. And they may become a powerful influence within the Mercantile faction.

That said, the Rigellians may currently be planning to form their own bloc for (sensible) power-brokering purposes. RIght now there are four parties, one of which is rather marginalized (Hawks), so that an alliance of any two of the other three is likely to dominate. With five parties, one of whom is new and free to throw its weight around, there is a bit less certainty. Which in turn means the Rigellians get disproportionate political leverage, more than they'd enjoy if they just became "still more Development voters."

Though it'll be interesting to see how Development and Mercantile positions differ on key issues.
I'm not exactly sure how that would work, since snakepit projects for research are limited to research team and colony

Pressing to devote more resources to science and/or science ships, being happy with us for doing more science-y things in general, pushing the expansion and defense of Memory Alpha, reducing costs for those snakepit options or even rewarding us for them...

Although I am curious what exactly separates them from the Development faction. A return to the gold monetary standard? Presumably development would cover Industrial Development and Expansionists would cover Free Trade in addition to handling a host of other important issues.

Foreign trade. So far as we know the Federation takes a very hands-off attitude towards exterior trade by its citizens and even its member polities. They'll probably seek to change that. The Klingon-Federation Free Trade Agreement took Cardassian jobs! Or something.

EDIT: Also, trade weaponized. "Hey, we'll give you a free trade agreement if you join as an affiliate. Hey Cardassia, we don't like you, we're going to organize an embargo with all your neighbors. I hope you didn't want any more Andorian pinups."
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"Have you considered personal cloaks?"


Rigel Academy Contribution increases to O-0.75, E-2, T-1

Wow, that's a lot. It doesn't quite get rid of our officer and enlisted crew crunch in 2320, but it knocks off a total of more than 7.5 officer+enlisted deficit by then!

edit: compared to the previously assumed +0.5/1.2/0.8 Rigel income

Shipbuild sheet updated with additional resources. By the way, that largely takes care of the Enlisted crunch and means that we need to adjust Academy intake from Techs to Officers the next Academy steering meeting.

Your spreadsheet is still a bit off - member ratifications replace the affiliate tech-based bonus (currently 0.1/0.1/0.1) not the major affiliate bonus (0.1/0.3/0.15 for Rigel). Although this behavior isn't explicitly noted anywhere, it's what Nix and I figured out from our crew income audits.

So the increase is actually 0.65 officer, 1.9 enlisted, 0.9 tech - even better!
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Do swarms of Rigelian redshirts mean we don't have to worry so much about saving enlisted and can maybe build that last ConnieBee? ;)

If so... [hugs friendly space turtle-person]
Do swarms of Rigelian redshirts mean we don't have to worry so much about saving enlisted and can maybe build that last ConnieBee? ;)

If so... [hugs friendly space turtle-person]
"Actually, it's a tortoise-person."

"Actually, it's a species that evolved under a completely different paradigm and thus is unmappable to Earth biological family trees, and in fact Rigellians share similar surface traits to bearded lizards and internal traits to horses and certain avians."

"Actually-actually, I have a sword, you fucking pedantatic motherfuckers--"
Do swarms of Rigelian redshirts mean we don't have to worry so much about saving enlisted and can maybe build that last ConnieBee? ;)

Technically, we're still constrained on officer+enlisted rather than techs/berths/BR/SR. But the extra 1.5 Renaissances the revised income provides us does slightly alleviate some of the drive to max out Renaissances in the lead up to 2320. The main argument for Connie-B will continue to be slightly greater fleet stats from 2315 to ~2320 for a thinly spread-out fleet, and the sentimental value.
"Actually, it's a tortoise-person."

"Actually, it's a species that evolved under a completely different paradigm and thus is unmappable to Earth biological family trees, and in fact Rigellians share similar surface traits to bearded lizards and internal traits to horses and certain avians."

"Actually-actually, I have a sword, you fucking pedantatic motherfuckers--"

The difference between Vulcan and Amarki biologists.
Technically, we're still constrained on officer+enlisted rather than techs/berths/BR/SR. But the extra 1.5 Renaissances the revised income provides us does slightly alleviate some of the drive to max out Renaissances in the lead up to 2320. The main argument for Connie-B will continue to be slightly greater fleet stats from 2315 to ~2320 for a thinly spread-out fleet, and the sentimental value.

I'm coming around to building just one more. To have a cruiser coming out in 2315 and for sentiment, I suppose.
I am rolling my eyes at building one more straggler for sentiment sake...

We have a nice wave of them coming. An empty year is not a problem.

We can ask the new mercentile faction to set up a federation gift shop and sell plush constitutions.
I am rolling my eyes at building one more straggler for sentiment sake...

We have a nice wave of them coming. An empty year is not a problem.

Aw c'mon, it's not that much for sentiment. Mostly I like the idea of getting an extra cruiser to toss in the mix around 2315. I'm sure all sorts of useful missions will present themselves to send it on. I have this feeling that the last half of this decade is going to be an exciting time. The biggest war this part of the galaxy has seen for the past century is going to kick off, and even if we aren't involved (at first) we'll have front row seats.

I really can't emphasize enough how the Klingon/Romulan war is going to reshape this part of the galaxy. Make no mistake, a new order will emerge by the end of it. Powers we've barely been heard about may become prominent, weapons we can't imagine may become unleashed. Shit is going to go down, and we can't complain because we've been warned about it. Warned well in advance.
*shotgun reply*
Oh joy, now we just need a regionalist faction -- the Bloc Beezbecois for the Apatia, maybe -- and we can really get our representative democracy cookin'.
It's not really the Bloc until they complain about losing the referendum to ratify membership to money and the ethnic vote, Federation luxuries and foreign colonists.
EDIT: Also, trade weaponized. "Hey, we'll give you a free trade agreement if you join as an affiliate. Hey Cardassia, we don't like you, we're going to organize an embargo with all your neighbors. I hope you didn't want any more Andorian pinups."
Terry Pratchett said:
Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'
We can ask the new mercentile faction to set up a federation gift shop and sell plush constitutions.
I was wondering where the noncombat hanger pets in STO came from.
Glad we got that covered.
I really can't emphasize enough how the Klingon/Romulan war is going to reshape this part of the galaxy. Make no mistake, a new order will emerge by the end of it. Powers we've barely been heard about may become prominent, weapons we can't imagine may become unleashed. Shit is going to go down, and we can't complain because we've been warned about it. Warned well in advance.
The best part is that the Klingons and the Romulans will both probably be OK with the idea of us not swooping in on either side. The Klingons, because we've promised not to help people who are fighting them and the Romulans, because if anyone who's going to understand letting the opposition groups beat each other up it'll be the Rihannsu.

We just need to stack enough hulls in the borders to keep us from playing Belgium...
Aw c'mon, it's not that much for sentiment. Mostly I like the idea of getting an extra cruiser to toss in the mix around 2315. I'm sure all sorts of useful missions will present themselves to send it on. I have this feeling that the last half of this decade is going to be an exciting time. The biggest war this part of the galaxy has seen for the past century is going to kick off, and even if we aren't involved (at first) we'll have front row seats.

I really can't emphasize enough how the Klingon/Romulan war is going to reshape this part of the galaxy. Make no mistake, a new order will emerge by the end of it. Powers we've barely been heard about may become prominent, weapons we can't imagine may become unleashed. Shit is going to go down, and we can't complain because we've been warned about it. Warned well in advance.

Interesting, the Mercantile Faction is actually useful as shit cause it actually plays cross priority among the the others, it supports peace with the pacifists (war is great short term profits but awful long term), it supports the expansionists in adding new members and affiliates (new markets), supports the hawks in aggressive internal protection (fuck pirates), and is obviously very close to the development faction.

The interesting part will be the divides where you wouldn't think there would be much, the Mercantile's biggest direct rival will likely be the development faction cause while they both want to improve the internals of the federations they'll likely want to do in vastly different and often opposing ways. The dynamic between the two will likely follow the lines of "thing communists hate more than anything else is other slightly different communists" so their close rank and work together if others lump them together but internally they'll likely fight more with themselves than they ever do with others.