When the time comes that we need 2 MT berths for Cruisers, do you think it will be expansion projects on existing 1 MT berths, or do we have to build new?

If we have to build new, what is going to happen to all the old 1 MT berths, unless we also have a massive Escort building spree going?
I would imagine there's a conversion project.
Just had a passing thought about the gap between the Enterprise C and the Enterprise D.
Clearly, part of this was a desire to have the Enterprise in the fanciest ship possible.
A side part though, may have been to prevent claims that the sacrifice of the C had been part of a ploy like the 'paper Connie' proposal by not putting the 1701 hull number on a ship with the same profile as the C.
You can surely bet that the Romulans would be willing to offer that as a possibility when they talked to the Klingons.
When the time comes that we need 2 MT berths for Cruisers, do you think it will be expansion projects on existing 1 MT berths, or do we have to build new?
@OneirosTheWriter was considering a project to expand the 3mt slipways to handle 3.1mt ships, so incremental expansion of existing facilities is at least theoretically on the table. As for doubling the size of a slipway, well, I'm not so sure the game master would let that fly.

If we have to build new, what is going to happen to all the old 1 MT berths, unless we also have a massive Escort building spree going?
I suspect we'll either shut them down, hand them over to the member worlds or continue designing ships meant to be built in those slipways alongside design projects for the larger ships our research unlocks.
I don't know, we currently have the option to build 2 MT berths at Utopia, and some of our berths are 2.5 MT. More likely we will get more options to build 2 MT berths
@OneirosTheWriter was considering a project to expand the 3mt slipways to handle 3.1mt ships, so incremental expansion of existing facilities is at least theoretically on the table. As for doubling the size of a slipway, well, I'm not so sure the game master would let that fly.

I suspect we'll either shut them down, hand them over to the member worlds or continue designing ships meant to be built in those slipways alongside design projects for the larger ships our research unlocks.
Renting sounds like a good idea
The theory I always heard regarding the C-D gap was that Starfleet had withheld naming a replacement for a while out of respect for the sacrifice of the C (unusually for an Enterprise when the C went down it did so with all hands lost, after all)
Good morning all!

Voting closed! Could I have a tally please?
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 788 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[X][FERASA] Caitian Frontier Police R&D (Skill 2, Personal Tech/Communications)
No. of Votes: 15
[x][FERASA] Admiral Niraya K'Niri (Skill 3, Offensive Doctrine/Foreign Analysis)
No. of Votes: 8
[X][FERASA] S'Naranya Design Team (Skill 2, Weapons/Ship Design - Escort)
No. of Votes: 2

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: RIGEL
[X][RIGEL] Amash Hagan Research Office (Skill 2, Computers/Personal Tech)
No. of Votes: 22
[X][RIGEL] Lagan-Shir Drafting Office (Skill 3, Construction/Ship Design - Cruiser)
No. of Votes: 3
Total No. of Voters: 25

Here ya go
Good morning all!

Voting closed! Could I have a tally please?
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 788 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[X][FERASA] Caitian Frontier Police R&D (Skill 2, Personal Tech/Communications)
No. of Votes: 15
[x][FERASA] Admiral Niraya K'Niri (Skill 3, Offensive Doctrine/Foreign Analysis)
No. of Votes: 8
[X][FERASA] S'Naranya Design Team (Skill 2, Weapons/Ship Design - Escort)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][RIGEL] Amash Hagan Research Office (Skill 2, Computers/Personal Tech)
No. of Votes: 22
[X][RIGEL] Lagan-Shir Drafting Office (Skill 3, Construction/Ship Design - Cruiser)
No. of Votes: 3
Total No. of Voters: 25
edit: :ninja::cry:
For the research turn I'd put CFP R&D on 2310s Equipment (reduce crew losses on away missions which ought to apply to police operations as well, also increase experience gain rate so an excellent long term choice) and Amash Hagan on 2320s Research Centers (reduce tech team activation cost, increase pr colony income, only 2 techs so more efficient if a less skilled team does the project). Does anyone prefer something else so that it would make sense to include the choice in a task?
What about 2310s Personal Protection? It seems to have a lot of bonuses (boni? I think there was a thing about which was right a ways back) to away team combat and survival.
What about 2310s Personal Protection? It seems to have a lot of bonuses (boni? I think there was a thing about which was right a ways back) to away team combat and survival.
Only the two phaser techs do anything immediately, and being potentially more lethal could have downsides in police operations as well, where as there should be no downside to the increased survival from the away team kits. Also outside the current crisis 2310s is clearly a lot better, and it seems questionable whether any of those 40 cost techs in either project will finish soon enough to matter (will take 6-7 years). 2310s Equipment is a strong choice (arguably better than the comms techs we could be researching instead) even without any consideration of the crisis.
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The idea of someone testing out that Tellarite environment suit and getting stuck when it sinks into a lava flow-safe, but trapped by the ungoddly weight and bulk of the thing-amuses me to no end though.
What do you have the Andorian Academy doing? They finished off a shields tech last year.
Oh missed the vote, but it looks like a landslide anyway.

Surprised - in a good way - that we got two free tech teams.

I would have preferred "S'Naranya Design Team (Skill 2, Weapons/Ship Design - Escort)" rather than "Caitian Frontier Police R&D (Skill 2, Personal Tech/Communications)", because we're severely lacking in weapons and ship design escort teams, and now we'll have an relative overabundance of personal tech teams.

Current research team totals before vote:

Team Total Teams Total Skill
Computing 2 7
Warp 2 7
Ship Construction 5 13
Personal 3 10
Sensors 2 9
Weapons 1 2
Shields 2 7
Communications 3 8
Minerals 1 3
Xenopsychology 4 14
Medical 1 4
Escort Ship Design 1 3
Cruiser Ship Design 1 5
Explorer Ship Design 2 8
Starbase Design 1 2
Fleet Design Doctrine 3 9
Defensive Doctrine 1 3
Offensive Doctrine 1 3
Foreign Analysis 2 7
Of course, that's not a complete picture, since teams with multiple preferences will tend to focus on the preference where we're lacking sufficient teams.

With Caitian Frontier Police R&D and Amash Hagan Research Office, we'll now have 5 teams skilled in personal tech (overkill), 4 teams skilled in communications (decent), and 3 teams skilled in computing (good).

I ran the numbers, and it looks like we have a ~63% of getting a computing tech team just from the upcoming races joining, assuming nobody writes about a potential computing team and teams are random.

Where did you come up with this calculation?
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Captain's Log - 2311.Q2.M1
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24355.5 - Captain Langa Mbeki

We are off to Gaen to represent the Federation at a technology and shipbuilding summit. We have on board the esteemed Captain Huth blasch Cheg of Starfleet's Office of Naval Architecture.

Apparently the Gaen are about to put to tender bids for a "Tech-Explorer", to be built in their new shipyard berth. Apparently someone back at HQ would like to see the Gaeni design something that does not pose a clear and present danger to the fabric of space-time.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 24358.2 - Captain Straak

We are mapping regions near Lecarre space to try to ascertain the extent of their claimed territory, which is still as yet unclear. My initial investigations lead me to conclude that they are thankfully still restricted to the single planet. I anticipate that this is due to being only new to warp technology. While investigating, however, we have encountered a very interesting geological formation in the Corvo system, between Risan and Lecarre space. Having completed our mapping assignment, I am returning to investigate the anomaly.


Transcript, Subspace Communication, Captain Langa Mbeki to Commodore Michel Thuir

[Thuir] - Ah, Langa! Good to see you again, how is the old girl treating you?

[Mbeki] - Very well so far, Commodore. A damn sight roomier than the old Challorn was. Still, perhaps she lacks a little of the Challorn's charm?

[Thuir] - Always thought that myself, but she's still an incredible ship. So, tell me, Langa, what can I do for you today?

[Mbeki] - I'm headed off to meet the Gaeni. I understand that you have had some dealings with them?

[Thuir] - *37 seconds of laughter*


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24359.4

We have arrived at Gaen and entered orbit. According to my science officer, we've undergone more active sensor scans in the past half-hour than in the past year. Clearly, they are very interested in Starfleet's explorers.

I will be giving rotating shore-leave to the crew, and head down to meet some of the chief executive officers of a number of Gaeni Institutes, in particular Attu-Kelb of Harbind Attu and Abat-Coan of Pallas Abat, the two largest Institutes.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 24359.6

We have arrived back in the Corvo system and have relocated the anomalous readings. One of the fifteen moons is highly volcanic, and operates on an elliptical orbit that takes it from deep within the EM protection of the gas giant, to its outer reaches. This elliptical orbit gives the volcanic atmosphere of the planet regular bathings in radiation from its unusually close proximity to the system's primary, which converts much of the gas into substances that can be condensed into plasma coolant.

[Gain Mining Colony Option, Corvo System, +5 (10) sr/yr]


Station Commander's Log, Starbase 8, Vega System, Stardate 24359.9

The SS Olympus Star, Earth-flagged cargo ship, civilian registry number 457, is now six days overdue for arrival in the Vega system. As of now, we fear the worst. Although the Shanghai successfully saw off a Sydraxian Hasque, there was another possible contact that at the time couldn't be traced. The Nairobi is currently tracing back along the Olympus Star's expected route to see if they can pick up the warp signature of either the cargo ship or the assailant.

[1 United Earth Cargo Ship destroyed]


[Chief of Staff Note: This was forwarded on to us by Illuminated Technocracy representatives]
Inspector's Preliminary Report, Gaen Continent 1 Non-Vocational Regulatory Body, 0330 hours

Deceased: Cheg, Huth blacsh, Captain, Starfleet [Non-Gaen - Please Forward Report to Diplomatic Assets], Abat-Narkoa Larkaim, Senior Researcher, Pallas Abat Institute - Believed Instigator of Scientific Misadventure [Also deceased]
Cause of Death: Scientific Misadventure
Locality: North-5 Avenue Alcoholic Petty-Institute, Argaen City, Continent 1

After attending the scene and overseeing the mopping of the last components of Larkaim and Blasch from the overhead vents, this Inspector began to review Petty-Institute surveillance footage and was able to determine the course of events. Things were seemingly quick amicable between Captain Cheg and Senior Researcher Larkaim. Although we do not know exactly what led to the impromptu experiment, beyond the assertion from Captain Blasch that something was impossible, which was heard by a number of survivors, immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.

[Chief of Staff Note: I will have Starfleet Operations send out another reminder of the dangers of shore leave on planets that do not commonly use synthehol]


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24360.2

They say that nothing good happens after 2am, and from my time running nightwatches as a Lieutenant, I have long vouched for that. Captain Cheg was a brilliant designer, carrying on a storied Tellarite tradition of talented shipwrights. He will be missed. This does, however, leave me having to take over the duties at the institute, along with Lieutenant-Commander Fordham, my Chief Engineer. We will do our best under the circumstances.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24362.8

Our reinforcements from the diplomatic service are here to take over the role of the late Captain Cheg. Lieutenant Commander Fordham and I have managed to keep things moving while they were en route, being ferried at high speed on the Selaya. Just as well, too, as I was starting to get worried that I would slip up at some stage and miss a proposal from the Institutes like the one that would have seen us undergo a heavy thaloron scan, with the crew still aboard!

[Gain +5 rp, +25 relations with Gaeni]

Oh no... Poor blasch Cheg... those bastards blew up blasch Cheg! :(:cry:

Given how poor Commander Pavik was affected, probably not. The Excalibur crew also did not really understand that the artifact was reponsible for their woes seeing as the most pressing threat was coming from without.
Hmph. Stupid god-moding horror movie artifacts. :p

Also, yes, I know the Excalibur crew didn't think to blame the artifact. That is because they had not been properly inculcated in the one true faith underlying all faiths- the Way of the Red Shirt. It really is rather tragic.

But that is why the RSPS's mission is so critical: to assemble, consolidate, and pass on the teachings of the Red Shirt to the next generation!

Commodore Thuir makes Leslie so proud, for this very reason.

Side note:

I'm not saying the artifact couldn't affect Vulcans. The point is that Vulcans being resistant is Plan A, because the RSPS has noticed that this USUALLY works, based on TOS-era experience of Spock usually being the last to succumb to the menace of the week. But sometimes it either doesn't work or backfires, leading to Plan B.

Plan B is for the other six redshirts to stun the Vulcan(s) carrying the artifact, allowing time to figure out Plan C for getting the damn thing off the ship.

Plan C probably involves either site-to-pad transporter gimmicks, or jury-rigging a drone to pick the thing up.

In which case, the Federation gets the last laugh - enjoy the ongoing insurgency, Cardassia!
If circumstances compel the Bajorans to form the Bajoran Resistance, I, for one, will not be laughing.

I don't think Amarkia would be a good idea. We're going to be building the auxiliary yards there and it's too close to the front lines of the Orion conflict.
Ferasa is just as close, but the "auxiliary yards are there" argument doesn't apply, so I think you have a case.

Just had a passing thought about the gap between the Enterprise C and the Enterprise D.
Clearly, part of this was a desire to have the Enterprise in the fanciest ship possible.
A side part though, may have been to prevent claims that the sacrifice of the C had been part of a ploy like the 'paper Connie' proposal by not putting the 1701 hull number on a ship with the same profile as the C.
You can surely bet that the Romulans would be willing to offer that as a possibility when they talked to the Klingons.
To which the reply is "if the paper-mache version of an Ambassadors can put up that much of a fight against you, you Romulans must be weaker than we believed." :D

@OneirosTheWriter was considering a project to expand the 3mt slipways to handle 3.1mt ships, so incremental expansion of existing facilities is at least theoretically on the table. As for doubling the size of a slipway, well, I'm not so sure the game master would let that fly.
There might well be an option to, say, expand a one-megaton berth to two megatons for 8 or 10pp. Enough that it's cheaper than a new berth, not so much that we're not clearly paying for it.

I suspect we'll either shut them down, hand them over to the member worlds or continue designing ships meant to be built in those slipways alongside design projects for the larger ships our research unlocks.
Also possible, although our design doctrine kind of disincentivizes us from building escorts at all.

Only the two phaser techs do anything immediately, and being potentially more lethal could have downsides in police operations as well, where as there should be no downside to the increased survival from the away team kits. Also outside the current crisis 2310s is clearly a lot better, and it seems questionable whether any of those 40 cost techs in either project will finish soon enough to matter (will take 6-7 years). 2310s Equipment is a strong choice (arguably better than the comms techs we could be researching instead) even without any consideration of the crisis.
I suspect that "better phaser" means both more deadly kill settings and more reliably stunning stun settings. Knowing the Federation's predilections I doubt that they'll just gratuitously soup up the weapon.
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Although we do not know exactly what led to the impromptu experiment, beyond the assertion from Captain Blasch that something was impossible, which was heard by a number of survivors, immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.
"Hold my synthehol and watch this..."
[Chief of Staff Note: This was forwarded on to us by Illuminated Technocracy representatives]
Inspector's Preliminary Report, Gaen Continent 1 Non-Vocational Regulatory Body, 0330 hours

Deceased: Cheg, Huth blacsh, Captain, Starfleet [Non-Gaen - Please Forward Report to Diplomatic Assets], Abat-Narkoa Larkaim, Senior Researcher, Pallas Abat Institute - Believed Instigator of Scientific Misadventure [Also deceased]
Cause of Death: Scientific Misadventure
Locality: North-5 Avenue Alcoholic Petty-Institute, Argaen City, Continent 1

After attending the scene and overseeing the mopping of the last components of Larkaim and Blasch from the overhead vents, this Inspector began to review Petty-Institute surveillance footage and was able to determine the course of events. Things were seemingly quick amicable between Captain Cheg and Senior Researcher Larkaim. Although we do not know exactly what led to the impromptu experiment, beyond the assertion from Captain Blasch that something was impossible, which was heard by a number of survivors, immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.

[Chief of Staff Note: I will have Starfleet Operations send out another reminder of the dangers of shore leave on planets that do not commonly use synthehol]

Antimatter. Kept in his pocket. And dropped in a drink.

I can only conclude that this person was legitimately tired of life.
I was going to rate the post Funny because of the Gaeni's explorer, Thuir's laughing and Straak's rock whispering, and then the Tellarite shipyard captain died...
The Sydraxian border zone looks better and better.
The fact that Scientific Misadventure is apparently a check box level cause of death for the Gaeni is almost as worrying as the nutcase wandering around with antimatter in his pants.
No seriously, who goes around with antimatter in their pants!

...No Schlock Mercenary here please. We already know the answer is mad scientists.