[Gain Mining Colony Option, Corvo System, +5 (10) sr/yr]
God bless your Vulcan heart, Captain Rocks :D

immediately thereafter Senior Researcher Larkaim passed the Captain his alcoholic beverage and produced a small magnetically stabilised capsule that apparently contained a sub-nanogram quantity of antimatter that was then dropped into the beverage glass.
My sides just went to Transwarp :lol:rofl:
Where did you come up with this calculation?
There are 19 areas of focus, which means that their are 19 choose 2 possible combinations of focuses. Similarly, there are 18 choose 2 combinations which don't have computing. Assuming the team is made randomly, there are thus C(18,2)/C(19,2) ways to not choose a computing team, which reduces to 17/19th. Each time we've integrated a species we've gotten three choices, and at the time we had three species at 500 relations, so that meant nine teams were coming down the pipeline. Thus 1-(17/19)^9 is the chance that one of the nine teams will have computing, and google evaluates that as about 0.6325.
Does anyone prefer something else so that it would make sense to include the choice in a task?
Isn't there a communications tech we aren't researching? I'd like to see that as an option.
We are off to Gaen to represent the Federation at a technology and shipbuilding summit. We have on board the esteemed Captain Huth blasch Cheg of Starfleet's Office of Naval Architecture.

Apparently the Gaen are about to put to tender bids for a "Tech-Explorer", to be built in their new shipyard berth. Apparently someone back at HQ would like to see the Gaeni design something that does not pose a clear and present danger to the fabric of space-time.

This can't end well.

[Thuir] - *37 seconds of laughter*

Thuir is starting to sound a bit unhinged from his experiences :eyebrow:

Deceased: Cheg, Huth blacsh, Captain, Starfleet [Non-Gaen - Please Forward Report to Diplomatic Assets], Abat-Narkoa Larkaim, Senior Researcher, Pallas Abat Institute - Believed Instigator of Scientific Misadventure [Also deceased]
Cause of Death: Scientific Misadventure

The hell, Cheg?

Thuir needs to create a workshop on "Not Touching Things 201 - Gaeni edition".

[Gain +5 rp, +25 relations with Gaeni]

...even after that incident? Or maybe because of that incident. Just another day with the Gaeni, where scientific lethal "hold my beer" misadventure is the best form of bonding.

Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 24359.6

We have arrived back in the Corvo system and have relocated the anomalous readings. One of the fifteen moons is highly volcanic, and operates on an elliptical orbit that takes it from deep within the EM protection of the gas giant, to its outer reaches. This elliptical orbit gives the volcanic atmosphere of the planet regular bathings in radiation from its unusually close proximity to the system's primary, which converts much of the gas into substances that can be condensed into plasma coolant.

[Gain Mining Colony Option, Corvo System, +5 (10) sr/yr]

Straak strikes again with his unofficial resource bonus :D

Station Commander's Log, Starbase 8, Vega System, Stardate 24359.9

The SS Olympus Star, Earth-flagged cargo ship, civilian registry number 457, is now six days overdue for arrival in the Vega system. As of now, we fear the worst. Although the Shanghai successfully saw off a Sydraxian Hasque, there was another possible contact that at the time couldn't be traced. The Nairobi is currently tracing back along the Olympus Star's expected route to see if they can pick up the warp signature of either the cargo ship or the assailant.

[1 United Earth Cargo Ship destroyed]

Yeah, this is why we need a SBZ so that the overall greater concentration of ships in the area would help prevent this. Along with the specific game mechanic of Sydraxian hostile events against the sectors that SBZ covers being forced to take place in the SBZ itself (like how the CBZ works against Cardassia).

There are 19 areas of focus, which means that their are 19 choose 2 possible combinations of focuses. Similarly, there are 18 choose 2 combinations which don't have computing. Assuming the team is made randomly, there are thus C(18,2)/C(19,2) ways to not choose a computing team, which reduces to 17/19th. Each time we've integrated a species we've gotten three choices, and at the time we had three species at 500 relations, so that meant nine teams were coming down the pipeline. Thus 1-(17/19)^9 is the chance that one of the nine teams will have computing, and google evaluates that as about 0.6325.

I was actually more questioning whether we we're guaranteed a tech team with every ratification, but this is a good analysis at a glance.
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I have to imagine the Tech Explorer will be pulled in two directions. For one, it's big and has tonnage to spare for, well, spares and backup systems, and it's such a large investment it will need some protection. But the Gaenai...they like to push the boundary. A lot.

I expect it will have S 10, and be massively overcrewed as a result, or have an AI that attacks its creators.
I have to imagine the Tech Explorer will be pulled in two directions. For one, it's big and has tonnage to spare for, well, spares and backup systems, and it's such a large investment it will need some protection. But the Gaenai...they like to push the boundary. A lot.

I expect it will have S 10, and be massively overcrewed as a result, or have an AI that attacks its creators.
Gaeni: Ba-kup? What is this ba-kup you speak of? Is it related to that re-dun-dancey word that keeps coming up in your manuals?
Oh bloody hell, I only just noticed that Cheg was one of @Simon_Jester's, not one of mine. Ummm.
I didn't think minor characters where that attached to their author?

No this has nothing to do with the story I'm writing which includes T'Peri and Celnais, why do you ask?

Also, while I'm thinking about it, Celnais is female, right? Also I might have promoted her to Lieutenant (jg).
Yes, but that would in effect mean delaying the next comm tech priority because SFSA would be free next year and could pick it up with their then skill 4.
Well, in that case we should keep the team in mind for the next time it wouldn't be that sort of bad idea.
Gaeni: Ba-kup? What is this ba-kup you speak of? Is it related to that re-dun-dancey word that keeps coming up in your manuals?
Leslie: "Okay, I've finally had enough. You see my hand?"

Gaeni: "Yessss."

"And I'm curling my fingers like so, right?"



"Okay, now you will notice the swelling is making it hard to see on that side. Fortunately, you have two eyes, so you're not blind, and can still see that I'm about to do this..."


"And that is what backups are for."

Today is not a good day to die.
Leslie's going to be depressed. And his hatred of Gaeni will be increased. :(

(Blasch Cheg was one of my omake characters. His sole prior appearance in To Boldly Go was in "These Old Bones.")

The Sydraxian border zone looks better and better.
The fact that Scientific Misadventure is apparently a check box level cause of death for the Gaeni is almost as worrying as the nutcase wandering around with antimatter in his pants.
No seriously, who goes around with antimatter in their pants!

...No Schlock Mercenary here please. We already know the answer is mad scientists.
It's not the mere fact of the antimatter in his pants that's the problem. It's the antimatter in a poorly stabilized, alcohol-soluble container that's what makes this so very, very, Gaeni.

Oh bloody hell, I only just noticed that Cheg was one of @Simon_Jester's, not one of mine. Ummm.
It's okay.

Starfleet characters created by me are not exempt from death or injury in the natural course of things.* With the possible exception of the spirit of Enterprise, who (assuming she isn't a figment of Nash's imagination) would eventually recoalesce when we build a new Enterprise after losing the old one.

Thus, for instance, the four ensigns I created for Fairy Tales are totally available to play Ensign of the Week aboard the Enterprise-B.

*Leslie had really strong character shields once upon a time, but they were fully abraded away by his experiences on Enterprise's 2265-70 five year mission. None remain.
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Oh bloody hell, I only just noticed that Cheg was one of @Simon_Jester's, not one of mine. Ummm.
Clearly, the only suitable resolution is an additional Gaeni-science-related bonus event.

Gaeni: Ba-kup? What is this ba-kup you speak of? Is it related to that re-dun-dancey word that keeps coming up in your manuals?
I can just see it now, a proposal to scan a backup and port it forwards through time. After all, until you need it, why have it?
The Pallas-Abat Institute feels it is important to point out that Senior Researcher Abat-Narkoia Larkaim did in fact hold an appropriate Class 2 Exotic Materials Handling Permit, and that according to Illuminated Technocracy Vocational Regulations Vol II- Sect IV, Subs. 22.5, sub-nanogram amounts of antimatter may be carried on one's person in this manner. While the passing of Senior Researcher Larkaim and Captain Cheg is regrettable, it was not in fact illegal, and Pallas-Abat Institute is not financially liable, nor should it be subject to Vocational Sanction.
Death by Scientific Misadventure. Hah!

Also, fuck the Sydraxians. Blowing up unarmed cargo ships and killing civilians is real glorious and honorable of them. I'm sure many brave songs will be sang of how they slaughtered the helpless.
Death by Scientific Misadventure. Hah!

Also, fuck the Sydraxians. Blowing up unarmed cargo ships and killing civilians is real glorious and honorable of them. I'm sure many brave songs will be sang of how they slaughtered the helpless.

I may be mis-representing, but to me it is more of a 'come out here and play! we want to kill an explorer because of unspecified incident and you keep running away from us!'

I have commented on it before, but I'll re-state - if this Sydraxian situation is still going on in the 10+ year time frame, I'd like the new launched USS Ambassador with some friends do a 'Show the Flag' tour ...
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I'm getting less inclined towards the 'give them some wrecks to blow up and make them happy' plan the more Federation civilians they kill.
I'm getting less inclined towards the 'give them some wrecks to blow up and make them happy' plan the more Federation civilians they kill.
Well we're sending in a group of cruisers to their space eventually, I suspect. It depends on how much the Sydraxians escalate this, whether it'll be the Ares flanked by Connie-As, or the Renaissance flanked by Connie-Bs.
For reference, a nanogram of antimatter would have explosive yield less, but more than 10% as much as, um... [maths]

180 megajoules, or somewhere between about four and about forty kilograms of TNT.

I may be mis-representing, but to me it is more of a 'come out here and play! we want to kill an explorer because of unspecified incident and you keep running away from us!'
I still say the proper response would be to show up with, oh, ten or so Excelsiors, and challenge them to take their pick.

The Pallas-Abat Institute feels it is important to point out that Senior Researcher Abat-Narkoia Larkaim did in fact hold an appropriate Class 2 Exotic Materials Handling Permit, and that according to Illuminated Technocracy Vocational Regulations Vol II- Sect IV, Subs. 22.5, sub-nanogram amounts of antimatter may be carried on one's person in this manner. While the passing of Senior Researcher Larkaim and Captain Cheg is regrettable, it was not in fact illegal, and Pallas-Abat Institute is not financially liable, nor should it be subject to Vocational Sanction.
When we get the Gaeni into the Federation, they are following OUR regulations, not theirs.

To: All Staff, Warp Core Fabrication Division, Shipyard Industrial Command
From: Chief, Warp Core Fabrication Division
Re: Regulatory Clarification 24361.3-A, Materials Handling Permit Reciprocity Policy

It has come to the attention of this office that Starfleet personnel have had a variety of unfortunate interactions, with individuals bearing exotic materials handling certification or permits, from institutions whose accreditation originates in the Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen.

Due to these incidents, we wish to affirm and clarify the Warp Core Fabrication Division's position that these institutions are not accredited to confer such credentials upon any person.

Individuals who cannot present evidence of independent certification are to be regarded as uncertified until such time as they have passed the relevant safety and material handling coursework from other accredited organizations.

If such individuals are found to be in possession of exotic, hazardous, or controlled substances without other certification from a properly accredited organization, these materials are to be confiscated. Upon reading of this memorandum to the possessor, further resistance is grounds for arrest by site security personnel, on suspicion of reckless endangerment of Federation warp core fabrication facilities.

Exceptions are not to be made under any circumstances. Failure to comply is to be regarded as aiding and abetting reckless endangerment of Federation property and personnel, as per standing Starfleet regulations.

Any complaints regarding this policy are to be directed to the Chief of Warp Core Fabrication.