It might be a little bit premature because we are still waiting for the report from the Enterprise, but here are my preliminary vote suggestions for next turn. I changed the format a bit to allow the vote counter to tally by task.

[] [Starfleet Command] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
[] [Federation Emergency Council] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)

Probably an internal and an external diplomacy team unless there is some overwhelmingly good new option.

[] [Andorian Civil Engineering Team] Fortify Solitude Outpost (+2 C, +2 S) (2 turns)
[] [Starfleet Medical Command] Evacuate Liath V (55k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
[] [Tellarite Mining Expedition] Scuttle Arcori III shipyards (1 turn)

Fortify the largest colony with shipyards (evacuation is impractical and it's a strategically important base), scuttle the shipyards at the colony we just evacuated and evacuate the last remaining shipyard colony. All three locations have already been targets this turn.

[] [Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute] Biophage Vaccine Research Rush - (1 turn)
[] [Vulcan Science Academy Detachment] Ulith III Biophage General Research Rush (1 turn)
[] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team] Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
[] [Commodore T'Faer] Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures (1 turn)

Research changes as previously discussed.

[] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron] Scout Neutral Zone Area 2 (2 turn)

Continue scouting rimwards, coincidentally this is also the area where we suspect a previously unknown civilization to have succumbed to the Inflictor.

[] [RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer] Own Initiative

T'Faer has been doing a fine job so far, no need to micromanage.
The only part that needs changes so far is scouting area 3 rather than 2. Just need to see the new options now.
I see and approve. > : 3
- @AKuz

I got no room for an Omake there. Well not one that's appropriate outside of Sufficenty Sexy > : 3



1) How do people feel about a possible Romulan Admiral on Enterprise's bridge?
2) Are we ready to volunteer help to an evacuation if they go through with it?
Romulan Admiral: Ask High Command and wait for their opinion.

Assist Romulan Evacuations: Sure, why not? It builds goodwill between both sides, and the Biophage/Inflictor threatens all life anyway.
I see and approve. > : 3
- @AKuz

I got no room for an Omake there. Well not one that's appropriate outside of Sufficenty Sexy > : 3



1) How do people feel about a possible Romulan Admiral on Enterprise's bridge?
2) Are we ready to volunteer help to an evacuation if they go through with it?
I'm fine with hosting their admiral.

I don't think they need to borrow a civil team for the evacuation itself, they clearly have at least one available already, and we need ours to evacuate everything but Indi Beta and Solitude so it wouldn't make sense to lend them one anyway. If for some reason they can't evacuate without help they should probably just fortify. We could lend them an Oberth to park there rather than giving them Starfleet sensors, should work just as well and would give us intel rather than giving away strategically valuable technology.
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I really don't feel comfortable with a Romulan Admiral on the Enterprise's bridge for the following reason.

Historically if a Task Force Commander isn't also running the double duty of commanding their own vessel, they'll often use the secondary bridge to serve as a Flag Bridge. This allows the Task Force Commander the following benefits:
a. the task force commander is able to bring their staff into the bridge without crowding the area
b. it alleviates confusion when the both the Task Force Commander and Captain are issuing orders simultaneously
c. it allows the Task Force Commander to focus on the bigger picture without being disturbed

While I'm willing to bet that an Excelsior has the facilities to serve as a Flagship, I don't think that we want the Romulan Admiral and his staff to have access to a Bridge let along poking around our most advanced vessel. We may be working with the Romulans but I wouldn't be that comfortable. Plus the presence of Starfleet Security watching the Admiral and his Staff's every move is bound to make things awkward and tense in the worst of situations.

If we let them command from our Bridge, I feel that having two people commanding from the same area is bound to be a clusterf*ck waiting to happen. Plus it would make the bridge extremely crowded. I feel that it would be best if the Romulan Admiral were to command from their own Warbird.
I'm in favor of creating a PD shuttle or light cruiser.
Wasn't there a modular ship design somewhere?
I'm in favor of creating a PD shuttle or light cruiser.
Wasn't there a modular ship design somewhere?

Starfleet cancelled it:
"So, scale back. Except the whole concept's tainted now. A directive's gone out - no more mission pods. Stick to the tried-and-true. Miranda-style rollbars. Meaning most of the modularity's gone - instead of a full-on pod being swapped out, you're only swapping out a small superstructure, so the dedicated science ship needs a lot more space in the actual saucer changed, so there's different power coupling arrangements needed, it's harder to make modules plug-and-play, there's less room for the shuttlebay - which means we had to step back on probe integration, there's no real point to blue-and-gold crews, we had to cut back on impulse dash speed..." Anne trails off, seeing her friend's eyes glazing over.
Colony Ship 2260-Now [370m 850k t]
C1 S3 H3 L4 P1 D1
Cost [85br, 60sr, 2 Years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-2]​
This thing has better sensors than all but 6 ships in the fleet...

If we decide to evacuate Solitude we should definitely get one, if not like I'm advocating we could go either way. It would be helpful, but in 2 turns we're going to be done with everything but Solitude and the science outposts anyway, and in 4 turns we'd have evacuated everything but Solitude and upgraded the shields at both Beta Indi and Solitude.
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Science is pretty critical if you're trying to settle a new colony. Me, I'm impressed by those Shields. Maybe we made a mistake not requisitioning these things for the evacuation sooner.
Yeah, but we were already expecting strong shields. I figured they would be used to colonize already explored planets.
I don't know what the Office of @anon_user Naval Development says, but I don't think strapping PD phasers onto cruisers is exactly the solution. Presumably with the way Trek phasers work the more important thing is having an excess of power to quickly cycle phasers.

"Hey, there's a club for people who have lost to the Enterprise and its captains but can't believe it," informs Nash as she stretches. "It's called the Beta Quadrant, and it meets at the bar."

ALSO: Gornbros? Dapper Gornbros by any chance? @Iron Wolf > : V
Shit dawg, I should get out ahead of that.
Okay, I've noticed some people are having difficult with the learning curve on the crisis turns. So what I was considering making was a voting template. Handy dandy block with the teams listed and a "Pick an action from <name> section for me!" block next to them.

As in...

Starfleet Engineering Command: Currently building an outpost at Machado IV
Starfleet Medical Command: Pick a Civil or Industry action for me! I can also do Civil (Medical) tasks!
Andorian Civil Engineers: Pick a Civil Engineering action for me!

And so on. I figure having an easy to copy, pre-defined layout with instructions might make things less daunting.

I've been considering pre-built plans as well, but I figured that might do more harm than good by restricting people who want to make plans.
Okay, I've noticed some people are having difficult with the learning curve on the crisis turns. So what I was considering making was a voting template. Handy dandy block with the teams listed and a "Pick an action from <name> section for me!" block next to them.

As in...

Starfleet Engineering Command: Currently building an outpost at Machado IV
Starfleet Medical Command: Pick a Civil or Industry action for me! I can also do Civil (Medical) tasks!
Andorian Civil Engineers: Pick a Civil Engineering action for me!

And so on. I figure having an easy to copy, pre-defined layout with instructions might make things less daunting.

I've been considering pre-built plans as well, but I figured that might do more harm than good by restricting people who want to make plans.
I don't see that helping, just listing the type and sub-type is less ambiguous than a sentence and the latter doesn't convey any more information either. For example the sentences here would raise the question what the difference between a "Civil action" and a "Civil Engineering action" is even though there is none (unless you are changing that now?)

Why would Starfleet Medical Command be able to do Industry actions now anyway?
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Okay, I've noticed some people are having difficult with the learning curve on the crisis turns. So what I was considering making was a voting template. Handy dandy block with the teams listed and a "Pick an action from <name> section for me!" block next to them.

As in...

Starfleet Engineering Command: Currently building an outpost at Machado IV
Starfleet Medical Command: Pick a Civil or Industry action for me! I can also do Civil (Medical) tasks!
Andorian Civil Engineers: Pick a Civil Engineering action for me!

And so on. I figure having an easy to copy, pre-defined layout with instructions might make things less daunting.

I've been considering pre-built plans as well, but I figured that might do more harm than good by restricting people who want to make plans.
the layout would probably help, but the way it is seems perfectly fine to me. I just have other time constraints that prevent me from participating that much.

pre-built plans seem incorrect with the theme of the quest.
For example the sentences here would raise the question what the difference between a "Civil action" and a "Civil Engineering action" is even though there is none (unless you are changing that now?)

Why would Starfleet Medical Command be able to do Industry actions now anyway?
That's just thrown together as an example layout, don't take them as specific details right now.

Basically, a frame that can be copied that has all the teams and what they are allowed to pick from.
That's just thrown together as an example layout, don't take them as specific details right now.

Basically, a frame that can be copied that has all the teams and what they are allowed to pick from.
It's pretty reflective of the actual problem, though. You often use different words to mean the same thing, or the same word to mean different things and just expect that to be clear from context. The problem with "Civil" vs "Civil Engineering" is very much present in the actual posts with the teams being labled with Civil, but the actions Civil Engineering. And you use type, sub-type specialization. If you don't know what these mean you'd think that either they are three different things or sub-type is the same thing as specialization, but in fact type is the same thing as specialization. Or maybe specialization is type when there is no sub-type required, otherwise type+sub-type. See, even I'm still a bit confused about that.
It's pretty reflective of the actual problem, though. You often use different words to mean the same thing, or the same word to mean different things and just expect that to be clear from context. The problem with "Civil" vs "Civil Engineering" is very much present in the actual posts with the teams being labled with Civil, but the actions Civil Engineering. And you use type, sub-type specialization. If you don't know what these mean you'd think that either they are three different things or sub-type is the same thing as specialization, but in fact type is the same thing as specialization. Or maybe specialization is type when there is no sub-type required, otherwise type+sub-type. See, even I'm still a bit confused about that.
Good point. I'll try to rewrite some descriptions to clarify this and fix up some of the inconsistent terminology.
Ulith III Biophage Crisis - 2303.Q4.M3
Federation News Service, Breaking News, 2303.Q4.M3

Disaster has struck in the Romulan Border Zone as the omnivorous deep space organism termed the Ulith III Biophage strikes Federation colonies. Attacks were made in no fewer than five locations, including Solitude, Liath V, Arcori III, Indi Beta, and Kiterunner. Over ten thousand are feared dead across these attacks, including two thousand who were lost when their evacuation ship was rammed in Arcori III orbit.

The political aftermath of Arcori III also continues, with some colonists in the RBZ openly questioning Starfleet's ability to ensure their safety. The removal of Captain O'Hara from the USS Excelsior has also rankled many human notaries. These factions received aid from an unexpected quarter today, with Councillor Stesk openly breaking ranks from his Vulcan colleagues to praise the actions of O'Hara, saying that the finest traditions of Starfleet are those that preserve life, and that the Captain's actions are logical in that light. Meanwhile, the Andorians have formed up behind the Vulcan majority in calling for Captain O'Hara to be sanctioned, whereas the Tellarites are split. The Federation Council President struck a cautious note, saying that it would never be becoming for Starfleet officers to be quick to take life, and that the full consequences of the Captain's actions would not be known until after the crisis concludes, so it should be placed on hold until then. Subsequent to that, Starfleet Personnel Command announced that Commander Yamada would remain in command of the USS Excelsior for the duration, while Captain O'Hara returns to Earth on gardening leave.

Despite the fierce debate on this topic, however, the Council remains united in the face of the Biophage, unanimously increasing their contribution to emergency relief efforts.

Crucial research into the Biophage continues, and Starfleet Medical states that they are confident breakthroughs are coming soon.

End Report


State of Emergency, 2303.Q4.M3 (Turn 3 of State of Emergency)
Current Level of Federation Mobilisation: Increased [Up to 16 teams allowed]

You are currently operating in a State of Emergency.

This entails an increased operational tempo (you shift to three month-long mini-turns per Quarter), and an increase to available assets.
These assets usually will require no additional resources from Starfleet, as you are directing the resources of a Federation that does not embrace money. Any additional requirements will be noted on the actions themselves.

This State of Emergency will endure until such time as the cause of the crisis is resolved. In this case, until the Ulith III Biophage no longer poses a threat to the Federation.

Mark of the Beast - Crisis Status Page
Research Mega Post


Crisis Projects

Internal Diplomacy

Internal Diplomacy
For communicating with Federation Member Worlds. Use this for managing aspects of your Mobilsation response.

Use teams that have the Internal Diplomacy Team type in order to accomplish these tasks.
  • Mobilise an Asset [Options for activating teams made available] (1 turn)
  • Commandeer Federation Colony Command Colony Ships for Evacuation Efforts (1 turn)
  • Expand Federation Mobilisation Level [Federation Council Only] (1 turn)
  • Smooth Over Evacuation Fears (2 turns) - Removes chance that colonies will baulk at evacuation
  • Requisition Civilian Shipyards in UFP (2 turns) - Gain access to 4 berths of 1m t size
  • Ask the Federation President to make a recruiting drive (1 turn to complete drive, results seen in 12 turns)
NB: Expanding Federation Mobilisation Level is done to increase the number of allowed teams, reflecting a greater proportion of Federation resources coming under your control.

Research Projects
Here you will be able to research smaller tech projects that are more focused on short-term objectives. Occurs in addition to the Q3 research turn.

Use teams that have the Research Team type in order to accomplish these tasks.
Please be aware that because of how dangerous the Ulith III Biophage is, it cannot be researched normally. Only the Infectious Diseases Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy may research them.
  • Ulith III Biophage General Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)
  • Biophage Vaccine Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)
  • Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
  • Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures [REQ: Doctrine] (1 turn)
  • Ship Modifications [REQ: Ship Design] (1 turn)
Please see the Research Mega-post linked above in order to see individual techs.
External Diplomacy

External Diplomacy
Communicate with potential allies and hostiles outside of the Federation Member Worlds.

Use teams that have the External Diplomacy Team type in order to accomplish these tasks.
  • Fast Track Amarki into Member Status (4 turns) [Premature invite may lead to long-term issues]
  • Fast Track Betazed into Member Status (3 turns) [Premature invite may lead to long-term issues]
  • Diplomatic Push on Species (1 turn)
  • Request Asset from Affiliate [Request something, such as the Amarki Flagship, Betazoid empaths] (1 turn) *Does not count against your mobilisation
  • Arrange coordination of Federation and Klingon sensor nets for duration of crisis (3 turns) - ETC 2304.Q1.M2 - Andorian Ambassadorial Team

Civil Engineering Projects

Civil Engineering Projects
Here you will be able to take on engineering or large-scale labour projects. This can range from setting up bases or camps to making improvements to facilities, to carrying out labour-intensive tasks like organising an evacuation.

Use teams that have the Civil Engineering Team type to accomplish these tasks.
Some tasks in the future may require a special sub-type of Civil Engineering team: Civil Engineering (Medical) team. These are basically a sort of field hospital group that has organically attached engineers that are normally used to build hospitals in emergency sites. Actions that require this type of team are marked with "[REQ: Medical]".

[Note that Evacuations can have multiple teams assigned]
  • Create Evacuation Hub on Machado IV, Andor Sector [Improve Evacuation Rolls] (2 turns) - ETC 2303.Q4.M2 - STARFLEET MEDICAL
  • Fortify Indi Beta Outpost (+2 C, +2 S) (2 turns) ETC 2303.Q4.M2- ANDORIAN CIVIL ENGINEERING
  • Fortify Solitude Outpost (+2 C, +2 S) (2 turns)
  • Evacuate Arcori III (25k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
  • Evacuate Liath V (55k) to Andor Sector (1 turns)
  • Set up Liath V Medical Emergency Camp [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)
  • Evacuate Cygnus Sigma I (30k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
  • Evacuate Larssen II (15k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
  • Evacuate Solitude (400k) to Andor Sector (8 turns)
  • Evacuate RBZ Science Outposts (2 turns)
  • Improve Indi Beta Power Generation to support new Shield Emitters (+2 L) (2 turns)
  • Create and deploy makeshift phaser kits on ten cargo ships (4 turns) [Become Combat 1 and can take a last-ditch shot in own defence]
Industry Projects

Industry Projects
Here you will be able to commence heavy industry projects such as major construction, expansion of resources, and other similar tasks. Set up new outposts, build heavy facilities, aid shipbuilding, or other things requiring large-scale industry.

Use teams that have the Industry Team type to complete these tasks.
Some tasks require a special sub-set of industry teams: "Industry (Heavy) Team". These are marked with "[REQ: Heavy]". These teams have direct access to heavy industrial processors to do particularly heavy work.
  • Crash Build Outpost I (Pick Where) (3 turns)
  • Crash Build Starbase I (Pick Where) (12 turns)
  • Expand Indi Beta Outpost with Ship Repair Berth (4 turns)
  • Crash Build Machado IV Outpost w/ Extended Sensors (+2 Science for Scanning) [Improve chances of intercepting infected inbounds] (4 turns) - ETC 2304.Q1.M1 - STARFLEET ENGINEERING
  • Go Around The Clock On a Shipyard Berth (Pick Which) [Shipbuild proceeds at double pace for duration] [REQ: Heavy] (3 turns)
  • Ad-Hoc Shipbuilding Order [REQ: Heavy] (1 turn) - Vote for new shipbuilding will appear in results post
  • Design and Build Armoured Freighter for use in RBZ [REQ: Heavy] (12 turns)
  • Improve the Machado IV Evacuation Center with Shield Emitters (L3) (3 turns)
  • Build second Runabout Patrol Squadron (6 turns)

Combat Projects
Here will be options to order major offensives (if you have a known target) and issue missions to special strategic assets

Use teams that have the Combat Team type in order to accomplish these tasks.
Some combat tasks require special skills and can only be performed by teams that have the Demolitions sub-type. Other require the Recon sub-type.
  • Deliver Tricobalt Devices to Explorer-Grade ships in RBZ (2 turns) (Allows infection to be cleared from a planet in rapid time, in case the fleet is losing ground to the Biophage)
  • Scuttle an Installation (Pick which installation to destroy) [REQ: Demolitions] (1 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 6 [Scouts Area closest to Klingon Border] [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 5 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 3 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 2 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
  • Scout Neutral Zone Area 1 [Scouts Affected Area furthest Coreward] [REQ: Recon] (2 turn) - LAST SCAN - 2303.Q4.M2

Fleet Tasks
RBZ Fleet

Here you can set overall orders to your fleet in the Romulan Border Zone, and Commodore T'Faer.

Fleet Priority: Patrolling
Fleet Priority: Refugee Escorting
Fleet Priority: Defend Outposts
Fleet Priority: Hunt the Miracht
Fleet Priority: Own Initiative - CURRENT
USS Enterprise and the Romulan Admiral

Captain ka'Sharren on the USS Enterprise reports that the Admiral of the Romulan Fleet would like to establish his flag on her ship, and is requesting guidance.

  • Accept
  • Deny

Crisis Teams
Starfleet Command Internal Diplomacy Team/Research (Doctrine) Team
Federation Emergency Council
Internal Diplomacy Team
Andorian Ambassadorial Team External Diplomacy Team
Starfleet Engineering Command Industry Team/Civil Engineering Team
Andorian Civil Engineering Team Civil Engineering Team
Starfleet Medical Command Civil Engineering (Medical) Team
Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute [Able to Perform Biophage Research] Research Team/Civil Engineering (Medical) Team
Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team Research (Doctrine) Team
Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron Combat (Recon) Team
Commodore T'Faer Research (Doctrine) Team
Tellarite Mining Expedition 1 Civil Engineering Team / Combat (Demolitions) Team
Vulcan Science Academy Detachment Research (Any) Team
Teams in BOLD are occupied with an ongoing task.

Starfleet & Allied Fleet Groups

RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer Available (RBZ) 4 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 2 Miranda, Betazed Empaths
Quarantine Fleet Under Romulan Command (FBZ) 1 Excelsior, 1 Heavy Warbird, 4 Bird of Prey, 2 D7 Cruiser

Use teams to accomplish tasks that match their type. In other words, if you want to accomplish a Civil Engineering action, assign a team with the Civil Engineering Team type. If you want to accomplish an External Diplomacy action, assign a team with the External Diplomacy Team type. Some actions are special, and require a particular sub-type. Teams that have a sub-type can still accomplish all normal actions of that type, but can also accomplish special actions. For example, if you want to do an Industry action like building armoured freighters, which requires the Heavy sub-type, you need to use a team that is marked Industry (Heavy) Team, such as the Earth Industrial Concerns team.

Research can be accomplished by any team, but will progress faster if they have the same specialty. The exception is Biophage research, will will cause any team that isn't the Infectious Diseases Lab or the Vulcan Science Academy to be eaten, so don't do it :(

A multi-turn task will continue until complete. Some tasks will involve dice rolls behind the scenes, some tasks will be automatic-successes.

At present you have a small portion of the full assets of the United Federation of Planets, mainly your quick response Starfleet assets, and nearby Andorian ready assets. You may recruit more teams via Internal Diplomacy, which is effectively requisitioning units. The Federation Emergency Council has arbitrary authority, and any mobilisation it makes will be automatically successful.


To vote, simply start looking for the actions that you want to take in this turn, then look to see what teams you have that match those actions. Then list down the teams and the actions that you are assigning them. If you don't want to give a team an action and just have them cool their heels for a while, that's fine.

For example...

[ex] Plan Name
Starfleet Engineering Command - Evacuate Arcori III
Runabout Recon Team - Scout Neutral Zone Area 1
Starfleet Command - Mobilise an Asset

And so on!
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No new options that I can see except for the phaser kits that would finish too late to matter, so voting as discussed.

[X] Plan Fortify Solitude
[X] [Starfleet Command] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
[X] [Federation Emergency Council] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
[X] [Andorian Civil Engineering Team] Fortify Solitude Outpost (+2 C, +2 S) (2 turns)
[X] [Starfleet Medical Command] Evacuate Liath V (55k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
[X] [Tellarite Mining Expedition] Scuttle Arcori III shipyards (1 turn)
[X] [Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute] Biophage Vaccine Research Rush - (1 turn)
[X] [Vulcan Science Academy Detachment] Ulith III Biophage General Research Rush (1 turn)
[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team] Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
[X] [Commodore T'Faer] Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures (1 turn)
[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron] Scout Neutral Zone Area 3 (2 turn)
[X] [RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer] Own Initiative

Assets: Probably an internal and an external diplomacy team unless there is some overwhelmingly good new option.

Fortify the largest colony with shipyards (evacuation is impractical and it's a strategically important base), scuttle the shipyards at the colony we just evacuated and evacuate the last remaining shipyard colony. All three locations have already been targets last turn.

Research changes as previously discussed.

Continue scouting rimwards, the Romulans are already covering Area 2.

T'Faer has been doing a fine job so far, no need to micromanage.

[X] [Admiral] accept
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