Looks like Rear Admiral ABBA is now Vice Admiral ABBA, without much chance of being caught. So on with the show!
Federation News Service, Breaking News, 2303.Q4.M1
Following the tragic loss of the Dunwich IV colony near the Romulan Neutral Zone, the Federation Council has declared that a State of Emergency now exists. This declaration under the Articles of Federation entitles the Emergency Committee to mobilise resources from across the UFP to bring to bear upon the threat in the Neutral Zone.
Starfleet Admiral Vitalia Kahurangi issued a quote to waiting press officers outside the Federation Council, saying that, "a grave threat now exists between us and the Romulan Star Empire, one that threatens all life as we know it. Asking for a State of Emergency is a very grave and solemn duty, one I hope not to have to repeat."
Though frequently an opponent to other declared states of emergency, Councillor Stesk of Vulcan also endorsed today's measure, saying, "We must rationally discern between that which is capable of coexistence, and that which is inimical to all our tenets."
The head of the Tellarite delegation, Councillor Jorth, welcomed the news as well, saying that what happened to their innocent colonists should not be allowed to happen to any other sentient beings.
Newly appointed Vice Admiral Eriksson of Starfleet Operations made a statement to the press from Starfleet headquarters in San Francisco, saying, "The best and brightest minds of the entire Federation have been turned onto this issue, and we hope to resolve it as quickly as possible." When asked about the appointment of another human officer to the senior postings of Starfleet, Vice Admiral Eriksson refused to comment, saying that it was not her place to comment on the appointments process.
End Report
State of Emergency, 2303.Q4.M1 (Turn 1 of State of Emergency)
Current Level of Federation Mobilisation: Limited [Up to 12 teams allowed]
You are currently operating in a State of Emergency.
This entails an increased operational tempo (you shift to three month-long mini-turns per Quarter), and an increase to available assets.
These assets usually will require no additional resources from Starfleet, as you are directing the resources of a Federation that does not embrace money. Any additional requirements will be noted on the actions themselves.
This State of Emergency will endure until such time as the cause of the crisis is resolved. In this case, until the Ulith III Biophage no longer poses a threat to the Federation.
Mark of the Beast - Crisis Status Page
Research Mega Post
Crisis Projects
Internal Diplomacy
Internal Diplomacy
For communicating with Federation Member Worlds. Use this for managing aspects of your Mobilsation response.
- Mobilise an Asset [Options for activating teams made available] (1 turn)
- Commandeer Federation Colony Command Colony Ships for Evacuation Efforts (1 turn)
- Expand Federation Mobilisation Level [Federation Council Only] (1 turn)
NB: Expanding Federation Mobilisation Level is done to increase the number of allowed teams, reflecting a greater proportion of Federation resources coming under your control.
Research Projects
Here you will be able to research smaller tech projects that are more focused on short-term objectives. Occurs in addition to the Q3 research turn.
Ulith III Biophage General Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)
Biophage Vaccine Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)
Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
Romulan Cooperation Doctrine Research (1 turn)
Please see the Research Mega-post linked above in order to see individual techs.
External Diplomacy
External Diplomacy
Communicate with potential allies and hostiles outside of the Federation Member Worlds.
Fast Track Amarki into Member Status (4 turns) [Premature invite may lead to long-term issues]
Fast Track Betazed into Member Status (3 turns) [Premature invite may lead to long-term issues]
Diplomatic Push on Species (1 turn)
Request Asset from Affiliate [Request something, such as the Amarki Flagship, Betazoid empaths] (1 turn)
Civil Engineering Projects
Civil Engineering Projects
Here you will be able to take on engineering or large-scale labour projects.
[Note that Evacuations can have multiple teams assigned]
- Create Evacuation Hub on Machado IV, Andor Sector [Improve Evacuation Rolls] (2 turns)
- Fortify Indi Beta Outpost (+2 C, +2 S) (2 turns)
- Evacuate Arcori III (25k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
- Evacuate Liath V (55k) to Andor Sector (2 turns)
- Evacuate Cygnus Sigma I (30k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
- Evacuate Larssen II (15k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
- Evacuate Solitude (400k) to Andor Sector (8 turns)
- Evacuate RBZ Science Outposts (2 turns)
Industry Projects
Industry Projects
Here you will be able to commence heavy industry projects such as major construction, expansion of resources, and other similar tasks.
- Crash Build Outpost I (3 turns)
- Expand Indi Beta Outpost with Ship Repair Berth (4 turns)
- Crash Build Machado IV Outpost w/ Extended Sensors (+2 Science for Scanning) [Improve chances of intercepting infected inbounds] (4 turns)
- Go Around The Clock On a Shipyard Berth (Pick Which) [Shipbuild proceeds at double pace] (3 turns)
Combat Projects
Here will be options to order major offensives (if you have a known target) and issue missions to special strategic assets
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 6 [Scouts Area closest to Klingon Border] [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 5 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 3 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 2 [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
- Scout Neutral Zone Area 1 [Scouts Affected Area furthest Coreward] [REQ: Recon] (2 turn)
Fleet Tasks
RBZ Fleet
Here you can set overall orders to your fleet in the Romulan Border Zone, and Commodore T'Faer.
Fleet Priority: Patrolling
Fleet Priority: Refugee Escorting
Fleet Priority: Defend Outposts
Fleet Priority: Own Initiative
Crisis Teams
Starfleet Command
Internal Diplomacy Team/Research Team (Doctrine)
Federation Emergency Council
Internal Diplomacy Team
Andorian Ambassadorial Team
External Diplomacy Team
Starfleet Engineering Command
Industry/Civil Team
Andorian Civil Engineering Team
Civil Team
Starfleet Medical Command
Civil Team (Medical)
Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute [Able to Perform Biophage Research]
Research Team/Civil Team (Medical)
Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team
Research Team (Doctrine)
Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron
Combat Team (Recon)
Commodore T'Faer
Research Team (Doctrine)
Starfleet & Allied Fleet Groups
RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer
Available (RBZ)
4 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 2 Miranda
Quarantine Fleet
Under Romulan Command (FBZ)
1 Excelsior, 2 Heavy Warbird, 4 Bird of Prey, 2 D7 Cruiser
You may assign teams to task that match their specialty. A multi-turn task will continue until complete. Some tasks will involve dice rolls behind the scenes, some tasks will be automatic-successes.
At present you have a small portion of the full assets of the United Federation of Planets, mainly your quick response Starfleet assets, and nearby Andorian ready assets. You may recruit more teams via Internal Diplomacy, which is effectively requisitioning units. The Federation Emergency Council has arbitrary authority, and any mobilisation it makes will be automatically successful.
Some assets have sub-types, such as Medical Command, which has a Medical Sub-type to its Civil Engineering function. Some actions, such as Researching a Disease, requires a relevant sub-type, such as Medical. They may also alter the manner in which an action is carried out.