Because there's now a wide world of choices out there and you don't all have to pick the same techs in your plans *shakes fist*
Well, I want to know his reasoning to see if I missed something.
On a related note, once you're done with the research tree, can you please post an image/SVG (or better, a DOT file) of the tech tree in the research megapost, so we can get a holistic view of the tree?
Even just a single of these points would be enough to prove that we do need the Ambassador, together they mean we desperately need it, there isn't any single other thing we need so much as 10% as badly as the Ambassador, now that we have started the Renaissance project.
I agree that a stock Excelsior is inferior to the Lorgot, and improved events are always helpful. But I'm willing to gamble on two things:
a) The Lorgot is not as common as our Excelsiors and that majority of our FYM Excelsiors will have decent chance of beating a Lorgot
b) I'm expecting an Excelsior refit to come within a couple years that will beat the Lorgot (and improve event rolls), and that we can refit the existing Excelsiors way before any Ambassador finishes
That's why I don't think the Ambassador is as critical as you're making it. At least not "must start in 2310" critical. I'm willing to delay it at least a year.
This sounds like you expect the ratio in effect between a tech team year spent on a specific ship project and a general project to be low, maybe something like 2:1. I'd estimate it as well over 10:1, in some cases over 50:1.
This is something I need actual examples for. It's hard to extrapolate say 5 years in the future and see what the differences from accumulated ship design research makes for a particular goal class, especially if you're trying different research prioritizations. How many fudge tiers are trimmed off, or alternatively what stats could be incremented. I tried with the Excelsior and Constellation a while back, extrapolating to 2311 and I was already uncomfortable with the assumptions I was making (they're in the SDB thread).
Given how relatively rare new classes are going for general techs as replacement for design techs (rather than in addition) makes little sense.
I don't want to just focus on general ship design tech - I do want explorer ship design tech too. It's just that if I'm forced to choose between the two, I judge the relative utility (especially considering research times) of the tier 1 general ship design tech to be comparable to the tier 2 specific ship type design tech for that specific ship type, and overall greater utility in terms of all ship types (escort, cruiser, explorer).
Now in this particular case, the tier 1 explorer techs are 1 turn away from completion, so yeah, it's really tempting to go for that.
We're also really behind on weapon tech, so even if we will get minimal benefit with initial research, it's tempting to try to shore that up.
It's also tempting to try to align all our ship design techs to come in waves, so that tiers across various research categories complete together, but with the small randomness and the chaos of switching and new teams, we probably won't have that luxury often.
(Again, a research planning spreadsheet would be really nice...)
If those make the Ambassador non-viable we should just ask for the canonical Ambassador, like we did with the Renaissance.
Eh, I'm not sure that's going to fly. If the ship design spreadsheet simply isn't ready yet and we're clamoring for a workable Ambassador design, the Oneiros could just as easily pause the quest a bit until the spreadsheet is ready as giving us a prepackaged design ala the Renaissance. And if we do get such a prepackaged design, the 3.1mt may be non-negotiable.
I'm going to vote for Nix's plan for now over Briefvoice's plan, but mostly because of the low hanging fruit it's completing, rather than the "Ambassador is critically needed" justification.
I'm avoiding the Void Stalker's plan, because I'd rather punt the offensive doctrine choice right now, and the Cardassian counter-intel has 25% chance of completing this turn regardless of the team, and we can change our mind next year to prioritize full tier completion if needed.
[X] Plan Lone Ranger, Counter Intel and Ambassador Prep