Explanation of choices:
ToC Starship Frames-Starship construction is a key tech as it not only reduces frame weight (one of the three big weight hogs) it also has later techs that reduce the build length of ships
24th Century Escort-amongst the escort techs this seemed to have the most benefit with both a reduction to warp core weight and the SR cost of escorts
2310 Long Range Sensor-leads to bonuses to mission roles and also unlocks starbase sensors which increases defense of starbases and outposts as well as increasing likelihood of events, at the same time we have improved our event rolls
2310 Shipboard Computing-the key to this track of computers is that it leads to the automation techs which reduce crew requirements, this line also provides a boost to the power of the warp core, allowing us to get by with a smaller size thus saving on weight there
2310 Computing Installations-this leads to colony cores which give us +1 PP per colony (we have 11 now), that alone makes it worth it, it also provide some buffs to RP (which we don't really need) but also gives bonus points each time we do ship design research
ToC Mineral Tech-finishing off the base tech here, Mineral tech does what it says on the tin, increases our resources from events and colonies so always useful
2310s Deflector Shields-this branch of shields improved all aspect of shields (weight, power, reliability) and has shield regen as well, the other side improves defense but I felt that shields was a stronger investment
2310 Warp Cores-this is the branch that increases warp core power, decreases weight and SR cost (and warp core is a big part of the SR cost), though we are likely to bounce between the three paths as they are all solid investments
Klingon Research-Default choice as I did not want to put an offensive doctrine here since we had not decided on one.
2300s Xenopsych-Once this completes we unlock the different branches and Spock finishes all of the techs here this turn to unlock those branches. The boost to diplo rolls and .05 more crew from each affiliate are nice adds. Going down the branches that give us rolls with non affiliates and improves our diplo bonuses is key to the Federation gaining more members
24th Century Trauma Medicine-Starfleet Medical is back on Medical tech as we have another personal tech team and only one choice for personal. Trauma medicine is all about boosting crew survival, though this is one of the techs we are likely to go for completing all the choices at each tier level before advancing.
Renissance Techs-We wanted to start the project so lets start so we can get them out as soon as possible
Cardassian Research-Four good bonuses against the Cardassinas one for intel and three for combat all can be done in two years, extra dodge vs Cardassians means less chance of taking damage giving us better survivability to win or at least last long enough to flee
Way of the Giant-Of the three, the boost to explorer research (+1 more to each tech) and the PP reduction seemed the one I want first
2310's Message Security-the first of the intel techs in comms, this leads to the rest and anything to reduce the effectiveness of cardassian intel.
Way of the Elephant-This is the branch of the lone ranger with the combat bonuses and since we are likely to be outnumbered due to our emphasis on Explorer class ships lets get the bonuses. Also gives our Explorer Corp even more survival
ToC Personal Tech- The first tier that unlocks all the personal tech, it has some good bonuses scattered through the tree so lets start unlocking them
ToC Weapons-First weapons tech that unlocks the rest, improves the combat score by reducing power and weight required, increasing reliability, chance to bypass shields on a hit, all around good stuff that we want