a thirsty squirrel
- Location
@OneirosTheWriter For the topics for the Renaissance Research Project , do our research teams get bonuses for their specialties? For example, the Yoyodyne team has a specialty in Warp Drives - do they get their bonus if they're working on the Propulsion Systems of the Rennaisance?
Research doesn't work that way. The Renaissance ship design project is a single research category (like one of the slides in the research megapost), and you can only assign a single research team to a category. This particular research category is classified as ship design cruiser, so we should assign a team that includes preferences for that for a 2x bonus (namely, Utopia Planitia Design Group). We also get a nice +2 ship design research bonus from our Starfleet Ship Design Bureau Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet.
edit: more clarification
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