[X][ADVICE] Our biggest problem is a lack of information, and Starfleet is prepared to thoroughly investigate this incident in the field [with our explorer corps]. We recommend that the diplomacy corps convince the Caitians to hold off while we concentrate on gathering intelligence about the Dawiar, who they'll listen to, and the details of the inciting incident. Furthermore, we consider it likely that this is a Cardassian proxy war in danger of escalating, and Starfleet is making preparations for this eventuality and limiting Cardassian influence where possible.
[X][ADVICE] Advice

"Do you want advice Madam President?"

"I could give you a range of military options. Contingencies. I can have any of a dozen specialist staff Lieutenants in here with a rolled up flimsy of a deployment option.

"I could give you options ranging from the exrreme oftaking every ship avaliable to us from all sources and rolling over the Dwair so hard civilizations yet unborn will remember it; and we can parade in orbit and dare the Cardassians to come and have a go if they think they're hard enough

"We can support the Caitians with supplies and intelligence, or blockade the whole lot of them.

"I even have a Lieutenant with a plan to inspect all goods entering Dwair space for weapons and pass that along to the Caitians to enforce.

"Or we can continue regular operations

"None of that, I think, is right.

"None of this feels right. No one (with the possible exception of the Cardassians) seems to have expected or wanted war. No one is prepared. No one except Cardassia and the grave benefit

"Our real task is to figure out what went wrong, and to solve the problem without straining our resources or losing more lives. That will be the best memorial to our Eighty Three dead. We interview survivors, we review correspondence and signals, we tap our information resources and our best thinkers, and we figure this out now. We ask the Caitians to continue to hold back while we finish the task we started: mediation.

"If you want my advice Madam President, If you want my professional "Hunch": we take a well known high-profile Diplomat like Spock, a team from our new Betazoid members and put them on our most legendary and prestigious ship, our Flagship Enterprise and send them in with Captain Ka'Sharren to watch over them. Whatever you think of her, she's like the Starfleet legends of old, she gets results

"Mix and match those options to your taste and that of the council Madam President. But our main concern must be to do something, and do it now, before the flames of war engulf the quadrant

"That, Mister President, is my Advice. Negotiate with our best resources. And do it now"


I got tired of plans.
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[X][ADVICE]"Our priorities right now should be to determine the cause of Dawiar aggression, encourage the Caitians to give us time to find a diplomatic solution, and attempt to limit further Cardassian influence where possible."
[X][FLEET] Reinforce Amarkia and Andor
[X][ADVICE]"Our priorities right now should be to determine the cause of Dawiar aggression, encourage the Caitians to give us time to find a diplomatic solution, and attempt to limit further Cardassian influence where possible."
[X][FLEET] Reinforce Amarkia and Andor

Short and sweet. Good soundbyte too.

[X][ADVICE] Advice

"Do you want advice madam/mister President?"

"I could give you a range of military options. Contingencies. I can have any of a dozen specialist staff Lieutenants in here with a rolled up flimsy of a deployment option."

"I could give you options ranging from taking every ship avaliable to us from all sources and rolling over the Dwair so hard coming civilizations will remember it ; and we can parade in orbit and dare the Cardassians to come and have a go if they think they're hard enough"

"We can support the Caitian says with supplies and intelligence, or blockade the whole lot of them."

"I even have a Lieutenant with a plan to inspect all goods entering Dwair space for weapons and pass that along to the Caitian says to enforce."

"Or we can continue regular operations"

"None of that, I think, is right."

"None of this feels right. No one (with the possible exception of the Cardassians) seems to have expected or wanted war."

"Our real task is to figure out what went wrong, and to solve the problem without straining our resources or losing more lives. That will be the best memorial to our Eighty Three dead. We interview survivors, we review correspondence and signals, we tap our information resources and best thinkers, and we figure this out now. We ask the Caitian says to continue to hold back while we finish the task we started: mediation."

"If you want my advice Madam/Mister President, If you want my professional "Hunch" we take a well known high profile Diplomat like Spock, a team from our new Betazoid members and put them on Enterprise and send them in with Captain Ka'Sharren to watch over them. Whatever you think of her, she's like the Starfleet legends of old, she gets results"

"Mix and match those options to your taste and that of the council Madam/Mister President. But our main concern must be to do something, and do it now, before the flames of war engulf the quadrant"

"That, Mister/Madam President, is my Advice. Negotiate with our best resources. And do it now"


I got tired of plans. Also I forgot the president's gender identity.

BTW, to indicate paragraphs in speech, drop the ending quote from any paragraph that isn't the last.

For example:

"This is a paragraph!

"This is a new paragraph!"
Omake - The 125th Tragedy - random_npc
The 125th tragedy.
The room the war council met in was seeped in symbolism. they sat on high seats to loom above those who would speak before them to reflect their authority in war, the typical fax stone decorations were peeled back revealing solid metal to reflect the cold brutality of strife, and most importantly the entire floor was a great window showing the world beneath their feet so that they would ever be reminded what they fought to protect. There was other symbolism and imagery draped about the room, but the 3 symbols of authority, brutality, and purpose had appeared in some variation for as long as the Dawiar had had war councils. In ancient days the first clans would carve images of their children on the walls of their war rooms. To stand before the war council was to be reminded of their terrible purpose, and crushing responsibility. Toral was here to call them all idiots, politely.

"The council recognizes thane Toral of the Stone whisper clan, what do you bring before the council?"

"I come bearing the wisdom of the ancestors, and insight into our foe"

there was a pause, Toral knew he was pushing his luck. The council could refuse to hear him, and the only reason to bring up the wisdom of the ancestors was if you wanted to use it to tell them they were wrong. To claim to bring the ancestors wisdom was practically the same as calling them all fools. Still, they were desperate for understanding of their foe. When he caught the eyes of the council speaker dipping to the world beneath him he knew they would listen.

"The council will hear your words, but speak with caution."

"I have spoken with the prisoner, and compared his words to the actions of his people and their allies, and I fear we are reenacting the 125th tragedy."

Toral paused, to see if any the council knew that one. The 200 tragedy's Grungni had laid before the first high council to argue for a single codified set of laws where collectively well known, but few knew more than the most famous handful. With any luck, they wouldn't know this one, and he could present his argument unopposed. After a pregnant pause the council speaker once again spoke, this time through grinding teeth.

"the council is unfamiliar with that tragedy if you would... enlighten us?"

"Of course, it is one of the less well-known tragedies. Some 30 years before Grungni codified the laws of honor 2 clans sought to come to an accord. One was the Flint Carvers, a small clan of miners looking to sell the metal they mined from the mountain, and the other where the Stout Hammers, a clan of mighty warrior looking for a new source of Irion. Normally such a simple trade would be of little issue, but for one thing. among the flint carvers the right of combat was invoked by striking a hammer upon the ground, and among the Stout Hammers it was custom to emphasize a point by striking the earth with one's weapon. Of course, 2 clans can scarcely greet one other without needing to emphasize a point. So during the course of negations, the Stout Hammer diplomat struck a mighty blow against the stone with his Warhammer, and the somewhat nervous warriors of the Flint Carvers reacted as they though appropriate and slew the unprepared stout hammer delegation. "

here Toral paused, letting the implication sink in. He had timed his visit so that the second of clan Bright Shield would be in the seat, hopefully, his reputation for rashness was well deserved.

"Thane Toral, I fail to see how this is similar. The Laws where in the first contact package sent to the Federation, they would know about the right of challenge. Either explain yourself or cease your slander against my clan."

Toral did not smile, it would do no good to tip his hand too early. Instead, he looked to the speaker and waited for permission as was proper, a nod was all the permission he needed to present his evidence.

"I beg your pardon counselor, but it appears that is not the case. First there is how the Starfleet vessel began evading a good 40 seconds before returning fire implying they did not have their weapons powered, second there is the fact that the first volley of torpedoes did significant damage to the hull, more than any subsequent volley until the shields failed entirely, this is likely because they had kept their shields down or at least at a low setting perhaps as a show of peaceful intentions or to facilitate the use of their transporters. Thirdly there is the conduct of the other vessel. It violated protocol by intervening, and allowed itself to take near crippling damage to evacuate the crew of the Polaris. I do not think they would have done so had they been aware that had the Polaris offered honorable surrender the crew would have been returned unharmed. Finally, there is my conversation with the prisoner. While deception is always possible when dealing with aliens, he would have gained little by acting as ignorant of our customs as he has been. I truly believe he does not understand his position."

All eyes now turned on the Bright Shield counselor, his earlier boasts of his clan being the one to best the Federation in ritual combat turning to ash in his mouth.

"That they were too foolish to understand our ways excuses nothing! they were told of our Laws, any dishonor that comes from failing to understand the Laws falls on their head, not ours. We have brought no dishonor to our people. You deliver no insight or ancestral wisdom, only an insult."

"Indeed counselor, the laws as they are applied to modern life is something any Dawiar would be able to understand" Toral paused for a second to let the subtle emphasis sink in before continuing.

"however the 125th tragedy does not end in dishonor. For one warrior of the Stout Hammer clan survived the battle and limped back home to report the seemingly treacherous attack. Then it was the Stout Hammers turn to react as they thought was appropriate. They stormed the holds of the Flint Carvers and treated them as oath breakers should be treated. Not a one of them was spared and all of their works were pulled down. By the time the stout hammers learned of the custom that had caused the attack it was too late, the flint carvers were no more, their only remaining legacy was as one of the great tragedies of the age before the Laws."

Again there was a pause, this time a far more ominous one.

"It is indeed fortunate that the power imbalance between us and the Federation is not truly so great then. "

Toral had been wondering when the Far Strider clan would speak. It was they who had found the new "allies" who provided them with the means to strike back, and the clan who stood to lose the most should the Dawiar turn from war.

"Our sworn allies have pulled the curtain back on the Federations illusion of strength. The great vessel that shamed us years ago is the only one of its kind, and they have sworn that Starfleet can spare few ships. If we can match the Caitians, the Federation will do nothing."

"For so say the enemies of the Federation."

"Have care Thane. We are sworn to them, and they to us. Our honor is their honor in this matter. Do you think them, deceivers?"


"No of cores not, but I fear they may have been deceived. The Federation seems to often seek to hide its true strength. Who is to say they have not done the same to the Cardassians?"

"Do you have evidence of this? Or are you merely slandering our oath sworn allies?"

"I do actually. My clan maintains a few points of contacts with the Seyek, when pressed they reported seeing at least two different vessels of the same make as the one that shamed us."

The council falls silent as the implications sink in. At best the Federation's true strength is an unknown, and at worst the Cardassians have tricked them into attacking a sleeping giant for their own gain. Few who sit on the war council are known to be optimists. As is his duty, the council speaker breaks the silence.

"Thane Toral, has your conversation with the prisoner given you any more insight into the Federation?"

"yes. They seem almost comically disinclined to spill blood. I do not know if it is some strange sense of alien honor or a reaction to just how fragile a world truly is in the face of what their ships are capable of, he seems convinced that the Federation will try to seek peace at least one more time. Though given how they likely viewed the destruction of the Polaris It is likely their diplomat may well show us exactly how many ships like the Sarek the Federation really has. If the council finds I am not overstepping myself, I would recommend listing to what they have to say."

the idea that the whole thing was a missed custom of trial by combat kind of stuck in my head. so, this is a scene if that is what actually happened. I think I got the grammar mostly right this time. Also, fun fact. I rolled 2d100 for the number.
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[X][ADVICE]"Our priorities right now should be to determine the cause of Dawiar aggression, encourage the Caitians to give us time to find a diplomatic solution, and attempt to limit further Cardassian influence where possible."

[X][FLEET] Reinforce Amarkia and Andor
The 125th tragedy.
The room the war council met in was seeped in symbolism. they sat on high seats to loom above those who would speak before them to reflect there authority in war, the typical fax stone decorations where peeled back reveling solid metal to reflect the cold brutality of strife, and most importantly the entire floor was a great window showing the world beneath there feet so that they would ever be reminded what they fought to protect. There was other symbolism and imagery draped about the room, but the 3 symbols of authority, brutality, and purpose had appeared in some variation for as long as the Dawiar had had war councils, stretching back to ancient days when the first clans would carve images of their children on the walls of there war rooms. To stand before the war council was to be remind of their terrible purpose, and crushing responsibility. Toral was here to call them all idiots, politely.

"The council recognizes thane Toral of the Stone whisper clan, what do you bring before the council?"

"I come bearing the wisdom of the ancestors, and insight into our foe"

there was a pause, Toral knew he was pushing his luck. The council could refuse to hear him, and the only reason to bring up the wisdom of the ancestors was if you wanted to use it to tell them they were wrong. To claim to bring the ancestors wisdom was practically the same as calling them all fools. Still, they were desperate for understanding of there foe. When he caught the eyes of the council speaker dipping to the world beneath him he knew they would listen.

"The council will hear your words, but speak with caution."

"I have spoken with the prisoner, and compared his words to the actions of his people and there allies, and I fear we are reenacting the 125th tragedy."

Toral paused, to see if any the council knew that one. The 200 tragedy's Grungni had laid before the first high council to argue for a single codified set of laws where collectively well known, but few knew more than the most famous handful. With any luck they wouldn't know this one, and he could present his argument unopposed. After a pregnant pause the council speaker once again spoke, this time though grinding teeth.

"the council is unfamiliar with that tragedy, if you would... enlighten us?"

"Of course, it is one of the less well known tragedies. Some 30 years before Grungni codified the laws of honor 2 clans sought to come to an accord. One was the Flint Carvers, a small clan of miners looking to sell the metal they mined from the mountain, and the other where the Stout Hammers, a clan of mighty warrior looking for a new source of Irion. Normally such a simple trade would be of little issue, but for one thing. among the flint carvers the right of combat was invoked by striking a hammer upon the ground, and among the stout hammers it was custom to emphasize a point by striker the earth with one's weapon. Of course 2 clans can scarcely greet one other without needing to emphasize a point, so during the course of negations the Stout Hammer diplomat struck a mighty blow against the stone with his warhammer, and the somewhat nervous warriors of the Flint Carvers reacted as they though appropriate and slew the unprepared stout hammer delegation. "

here Toral paused, letting the implication sink in. He had timed his visit so that the second of clan Bright Shield would be in the seat, hopefully his reputation for rashness was well deserved.

"Thane Toral, I fail to see how this is similar. The Laws where in the first contact package sent to the federation, they would know about the right of challenge. Either explain yourself or cease your slander against my clan."

Toral did not smile, it would do no good to tip his hand too early. Instead he looked to the speaker and waited for permission as was proper, a nod was all the permission he needed to present his evidence.

"I beg your pardon councilor, but it appears that is not the case. First there is how the Starfleet vessel began evading a good 40 seconds before returning fire implying they did not have their weapons powered, second there is the fact that the first volley of torpedo's did significant damage to the hull, more than any subsequent volley until the shields failed entirely, this is likely because they had kept there shields down or at least at a low setting perhaps as a show of peaceful intentions or to facilitate the use of there transporters. Thirdly there is the conduct of the other vessel. It violated protocol by intervening, and allowed itself to take near crippling damage to evacuate the crew of the Polaris. I do not think they would have done so had they been aware that had the Polaris offered honorable surrender the crew would have been returned unharmed. Finally there is my conversation with the prisoner. While deception is always possible when dealing with aliens, he would have gained little by acting as ignorant of our customs as he has been. I truly believe he does not understand his position."

All eyes now turned on the Bright Shield councilor, his earlier boasts of his clan being the one to best the federation in ritual combat turning to ash in his moth.

"That they were too foolish to understand our ways excuses nothing! they were told of our Laws, any dishonor that comes from failing to understand the Laws falls on there head, not ours. We have brought no dishonor to our people. Your deliver no insight or ancestral wisdom, only an insult."

"Indeed councilor, the laws as they are applied to modern life is something any Dawiar would be able to understand" Toral paused for a second to let the subtle emphasis sink in before continuing.

"however the 125th tragedy does not end in dishonor. For one warrior of the Stout Hammer clan survived the battle, and limped back home to report the seemingly treacherous attack, and then it was the Stout Hammers turn to react as they thought was appropriate. They stormed the holds of the Flint Carvers, and treated them as oath breakers should be treated. Not a one of them was spared and all of there works where pulled down. By the time the stout hammers learned of the custom that had caused the attack it was too late, the flint carvers where no more, their only reaming legacy was as one of the great tragedies of the age before the Laws."

Again there was a pause, this time a far more ominous one.

"It is indeed fortunate that the power imbalance between us and the federation is not truly so great then. "

Toral had been wondering when the Far Strider clan would speak. It was they who had found the new "allies" who provided them with the mans to strike back, and the clan who stood to lose the most should the Dawiar turn from war.

"Our sworn allies have pulled the curtain back on the Federations illusion of strength. The great vessel that shamed us years ago is the only one of its kind, and they have sworn that Starfleet can spare few ships. If we can match the Caitians, the Federation will do nothing."

"For so say the enemies of the Federation"

"Have care Thane. We are sworn the them, and they to us. Our honor is their honor in this matter. Do you think them deceivers?"


"No of cores not, but I fear they may have been deceived. The federation seems to often seek to hid its true strength. Who is to say they have not done the same to the Cardassians?"

"Do you have evidence of this? Or are you merely slandering our oath sworn allies?"

"I do actually. My clan maintains a few points of contacts with the Seyek, when pressed they reported seeing at least two different vessels of the same make as the one that shamed us."

The council falls silent as the implications sink in. At best the Federation's true strength is an unknown, and at worst the Cardassians have tricked them into attacking a sleeping giant for their own gain. Few who sit on the war council are known to be optimists. As is his duty, the council speaker breaks the silence.

"Thane Toral, has your conversation with the prisoner given you any more insight into the federation?"

"yes. They seem almost comically disinclined to spill blood. I do not know if it is some strange sense of alien honor, or a reaction to just how fragile a world truly is in the face of what their ships are capable of, he seems convinced that the federation will tray to seek peace at least one more time. Though given how they likely viewed the destruction of the Polaris It is likely their diplomat may well show us exactly how many ships like the Sarek the Federation really has. If the council finds I am not overstepping myself, I would recommend listing to what they have to say."

the idea that the whole thing was a missed custom of trial by combat kind of stuck in my head. so, this is a scene if that is what actually happened. I think I got the grammar mostly right this time. Also, fun fact. I roll 2d100 for the number.​

I wonder if it's time to write up another Omake of Alexandria Kuznetsova going stock still in the middle of a D and D 2300 Legendary Edition, put the dots together, crash read the Dwair cultural package and then rush into a meeting with Kahurangi dressed as a wizard and waving around a sourcebook and a copy of the 200 tragedies yelling about "It's all a mistake!!!!!!11one!"
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There are several capitalization, run-on sentences, typos, and other errors. Again, I think you should give grammarly a try.

Honestly, I'd volunteer to proofread for him, but I honestly can be just as bad (Excepting figuring out the there/their/they're thing once and for all about two years ago after a couple decades of trying) I've got a couple of devoted friends who are better at grammar than I am and willing to jump on gdoc to take a look and preread/proofread my work and give Suggestions/pillory terrible ideas.
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In the future this is going to be known (tongue firmly placed in cheek) as the either "The Andorian era" or "The Federation Matriarch Era" isn't it?
I'm beginning to think that much like the fans, there are groups that track historical periods by Enterprise Captains.
It feels like there should be room for a consulship of Julius and Caesar joke here somewhere though, and it's not coming.

Besides, the Matriarch era doesn't happen until the Apiatans and the Betazoids are settled into Federation political structures.;)
I'm beginning to think that much like the fans, there are groups that track historical periods by Enterprise Captains.
It feels like there should be room for a consulship of Julius and Caesar joke here somewhere though, and it's not coming.

Besides, the Matriarch era doesn't happen until the Apiatans and the Betazoids are settled into Federation political structures.;)

Andorian Era it is!
Personally, I think we should start things off with a question: What is the level of responsibility does the Federation have in regards to the state of its affiliates? This, I believe, is the crux of the matter. Does the Federation only extend the aegis of Starfleet to full members, or does said protection extend to the affiliates?
Personally, I think we should start things off with a question: What is the level of responsibility does the Federation have in regards to the state of its affiliates? This, I believe, is the crux of the matter. Does the Federation only extend the aegis of Starfleet to full members, or does said protection extend to the affiliates?

I think part of the problem is that this is the global equivalent of, like, Morroco jumping France out of the blue one day. No one is entirely certain what the hell is going on.
I'm beginning to think that much like the fans, there are groups that track historical periods by Enterprise Captains.
It feels like there should be room for a consulship of Julius and Caesar joke here somewhere though, and it's not coming.

Besides, the Matriarch era doesn't happen until the Apiatans and the Betazoids are settled into Federation political structures.;)
Who was the canon captain of Enterprise-C? The one who died in Yesterday's Enterprise?

Incidentally, I read that some of the writer's wished that they had saved that script for Generations. Imagine if the movie was about Kirk travelling back in time to sacrifice himself to ensure a future of peace?
Jorlyth sh'Arrath, Andorian female.

Because Andorian women basically run the universe, starting with Nash.

Honestly, like 3/4 of my bridge officers in STO are Andorians, I feel like they're taking over sometimes.

And I swear the transporter chief is shipping my main captain and his Andorian science officer, because every time there's a teleport screen, one of my current party gets replaced with her.
Personally, I think we should start things off with a question: What is the level of responsibility does the Federation have in regards to the state of its affiliates? This, I believe, is the crux of the matter. Does the Federation only extend the aegis of Starfleet to full members, or does said protection extend to the affiliates?

Evidently there are no in writing obligations defined by treaty, or we'd already be at war. Going to war for someone you don't have a defense treaty with is something any nation better think goddamn long and hard about. Look at how difficult it was to drag the United States into the world wars, despite the fact that the US government of the time clearly has Sympathies to one side over the other, even to the point of sending such extensive material support they were practically fighting wars with their factories.

You might find that somewhat incredible given that the Caitians contribute to Starfleet, but I can sort of explain it. We are required to respond to Events in their sectors according to the game mechanics, so they are guaranteed responsiveness for distress calls and police actions and that sort of thing. They are getting something back. Going to war, however, is not guaranteed.
Evidently there are no in writing obligations defined by treaty, or we'd already be at war. Going to war for someone you don't have a defense treaty with is something any nation better think goddamn long and hard about. Look at how difficult it was to drag the United States into the world wars, despite the fact that the US government of the time clearly has Sympathies to one side over the other, even to the point of sending such extensive material support they were practically fighting wars with their factories.

You might find that somewhat incredible given that the Caitians contribute to Starfleet, but I can sort of explain it. We are required to respond to Events in their sectors according to the game mechanics, so they are guaranteed responsiveness for distress calls and police actions and that sort of thing. They are getting something back. Going to war, however, is not guaranteed.
There are shenanigans going on there between the Council and the Caitians. Strictly speaking, such a mechanism exists, but the war so far doesn't qualify for the guaranteed response clause because it was Polaris that was fired upon first, and the first declaration of war came from Ferasa. Polite fiction, of course, but the Council is leaning hard on the Caitians to explain that if they bring the Federation in, they'll likely find themselves in Row 1, Seat 1 as the Cardassians come in.

So the Caitians are asking behind the scenes for Federation aid, and you've mollified them with the shipyard berth for the Shrr'harr, but they are refraining from activating the trigger.

The more hawkish wing of the government on Ferasa, of course, don't want the Federation involved because it would spoil the potential for territorial gains and the ability to negotiate their own end to the war.

Edit: This is all happening under the purview of the Council and Fed Diplomatic Service, of course. Starfleet just deals with the ramifications.
The more hawkish wing of the government on Ferasa, of course, don't want the Federation involved because it would spoil the potential for territorial gains and the ability to negotiate their own end to the war.
They are either very stupid or very smart to push for one last territory increase before membership effectively finalizes their territory forever.